Good evening,

I am at the KN:E2. The left front computer has some problems with the display.

I am now on right front computer and cant connect to target.
It says that there is some error on 0x100000 address. Some midam inconsistency or something like that. Tried it on:

I also found out that you must probably need to use network mask of 202 at KN:E2.

Where might be problem?

Thank You.

Marek Laszlo

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Michal Sojka <> wrote:
Dear students,

as we announced, we have made available 4 boards and motors in room
KN:E-2 for you to work at any time. The room is located at Karlovo
namesti and is accessible whenever the university is open, which
includes even weekends.

The keys from the locker are available at building E reception desk. If
the whole room is locked, you can ask the reception guy to open it.
Currently, there are only 4 Ethernet cables available in the room - look
for yellow cables at the back sides of the room.

The boards will be available in the room today, until 8 PM. Tomorrow,
Mr. Hubacek will bring them to H131. Starting from Sunday, the 4 boards
will be again in E2. We will temporarily move them to H131 on Wednesdays
for exercises.

If you encounter any problems with the boards, motors etc., please let
us know immediately so that we can fix the problems quickly.

Best regards,
-Michal Sojka

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