There was experienced (the second time) problem with students home directories export and mount caused by previous urgent change in the infrastructure to resolve disk space/quotas problems. The problem manifests as empty/new home directory when logged in. Original data are not endangered but are hidden till administrators action. The problem has been resolved as quickly as administrator has been available on mobile contact but we cannot guarantee that it does not repeat till server move and reconfiguration is finished. If you experience the problem contact the administrator Aleš Kapica. He is reachable in a DCE IT group room (KN:E-22) or by contact kapica@fel.cvut.cz . Send e-mail copy to lecturers as well. Even data from an incorrect home location or backups from standard homes can be reached in the case of work in the incorrect home directory or other data damage by user. Ing. Sojka and I are reachable during this weekend by e-mail but not during this Monday and Tuesday. We are sorry for this inconvenience, Pavel Píša e-mail: pisa@cmp.felk.cvut.cz www: http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~pisa university: http://dce.fel.cvut.cz/