Hi, I have an issue with running Wind River on postel. I connect to postel with "ssh -X zelenmyk@postel.felk.cvut.cz" and run WindRiver as "/opt/WindRiver/startWorkbench.sh". WindRiver starts loading, but freezes approx in a half (while there is "Loading Workbench") and after some waiting "Wind River Workbench (on postel)” is not responding." error occurs. It worked few days ago, but was really laggy. My Linux distro is ArchLinux , could it cause any errors? Regards, Mykhaylo Zelenskyy

On Wed, Nov 01 2017, Mykhaylo Zelenskyy wrote:
I have an issue with running Wind River on postel. I connect to postel with "ssh -X zelenmyk@postel.felk.cvut.cz" and run WindRiver as "/opt/WindRiver/startWorkbench.sh". WindRiver starts loading, but freezes approx in a half (while there is "Loading Workbench") and after some waiting "Wind River Workbench (on postel)” is not responding." error occurs. It worked few days ago, but was really laggy.
My Linux distro is ArchLinux , could it cause any errors?
Distro does not matter. There are two things to consider: 1) Network latency/bandwidth. Running X applications over network requires high bandwidth and low latency. 2) Load of the system. WR Workbench (IDE) consumes a lot of memory. Currently, 7 users run it on postel server and it's probably too much. I recommend to use postel for remote work only as last resort. You can use computes in KN:E-2 and KN:E-s109 labs. Alternatively, you can learn, how to use the compiler and related tools from command line. It's described in the documentation. Best regards, -Michal Sojka
participants (2)
Michal Sojka
Mykhaylo Zelenskyy