Dear scheduling researcher, We are delighted to announce the talk given by Dirk Briskorn (Uni of Wuppertal). The title is "Single-machine scheduling with an external resource". The seminar will take place on Zoom on Wednesday, October 18 at 13:00 UTC. Join Zoom Meeting https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/96860317751?pwd=OHZBVlpHMlp4clNSTU4wNmRVL2VkZz09 Meeting ID: 968 6031 7751 Passcode: 635870 You can follow the seminar online or offline on our Youtube channel as well: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUoCNnaAfw5NAntItILFn4A The abstract follows. We study a single-machine scheduling problem with an external resource, which is rented for a non-interrupted period. Jobs that need this external resource are executed only when the external resource is available. There is a cost associated with the scheduling of jobs and a cost associated with the duration of the renting period of the external resource. We look at four classes of problems with an external resource: a class of problems where the renting period is budgeted and the scheduling cost needs to be minimized, a class of problems where the scheduling cost is budgeted and the renting period needs to be minimized, a class of two-objective problems where both, the renting period and the scheduling cost, are to be minimized, and a class of problems where a linear combination of the scheduling cost and the renting period is minimized. We provide a thorough complexity analysis (NP-hardness proofs and (pseudo-)polynomial algorithms) for different members of these four classes. The next talk in our series will be: Yumei Huo (CUNY) | November 1 | Sublinear Space and Sublinear Time Algorithms for the Scheduling Problems. For more details, please visit https://schedulingseminar.com/ With kind regards Zdenek, Mike and Guohua -- Zdenek Hanzalek Industrial Informatics Department, Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague, Jugoslavskych partyzanu 1580/3, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic https://rtime.ciirc.cvut.cz/~hanzalek/