On Monday 11 of January 2010 19:50:55 jiri.kubias@gmail.com (sysless@pandora.cz) wrote:
Ahoj, tak zminovany addat_base nefunguje (konfigurak board/arm/lpc2364_addat/config.addat).
Ahoj, vubec nejsem schopnej zreprodukovat tvuj problem. Napis presne co a jak nastavis. Ja jsem zkousel: ln -s board/arm/lpc2364_addat/config.addat config.target make default-config make -k cd arch make -k cd ../app/arm/addat_base make V adat_base bylo par warningu, ale prelozilo se to.
Vypada to ze se tam dostal nejakej nerelativni symlink (/home/playground/projects/linux/build-i386/arm-elf/gcc/arm-elf/newlib/libc /misc/ - tohle opravdu neni moje, vlastnik at se prizna 8-)). Zkousel jsem
A nekecas trochu? :-) git log --follow --stat addat_base-flash commit de435f293c5e79ab348fbb3d5cbcbda7ba8e3449 Author: Michal Sojka <sojkam1@fel.cvut.cz> Date: Mon Jan 11 13:05:46 2010 +0100 Boards and apps moved to arm subdirectory This is preparation for merging with sysless-h8300. app/{ => arm}/addat_base/addat_base-flash | 0 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) commit c50b89c7bb2ee2c9beaf35c1346dcdb026b502a5 Author: Jiri Kubias <jiri.kubias@gmail.com> Date: Wed Oct 14 14:04:22 2009 +0200 addat_base - Jirkuv projekt app/addat_base/addat_base-flash | 1 + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) V puvodnim repozitari je to taky http://rtime.felk.cvut.cz/gitweb/sysless-lpc21xx.git/commit/80e131af5bcef3e1... Michal ---