Added new mach lpc17cmsis, successfully added some libs from CMSIS Added new board for mbed development kit Added app for test mbed_led blink Added app cmsis-test which send out 0xAA to UART3 and send some dummy message to CAN2 at 125kbit TODO: * exclude board config file from mach * add more libs from CMSIS * support direct loading app to microprocessor Patch je moc veliky pro pandoru, posilam ho primo Michalovi. Patch file is too big for pandora, Im sendig it directly to Michal Sojka JIrka -- =================================================== Bc. Jiri Kubias Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Electrical Engineering dept. of Control Engineering Karlovo namesti 13/E, 121 35 Prague Czech Republic web page: http://dce.felk.cvut.cz e-mail: jiri.kubias@gmail.com mobile: 777 974167 =================================================== ---