On Tue, 20 Jul 2010, Jiří Kubias wrote:
Nevejde se do pandory takze ti to posilam primo.
Posilam k patchi komentare a zaroven zkousim, jestli ten patch projde pres rtime (proto nemazu zbytecne casti).
From d523867685a388dcbdff659a6df07f667649b130 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jiri Kubias <jiri.kubias@addat.cz> Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 14:03:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Added basic ARM & NXP CMSIS support
Added new mach lpc17cmsis, successfully added some libs from CMSIS
Myslim, ze by se sluselo v komentari ke commitu uvest jakou verzi CMSIS jsi naimportovat a odkud jsi ji stahl a jestli jsi ji nejak menil nebo jsou to original zdrojaky. Taky by asi bylo lepsi neposilat to vsechno v jednom obrovskem patchi, ale rozdelit to na vic patchu a poradne je okomentovat - napriklad co radka v tomto komentari, to jeden patch.
Added new board for mbed development kit
Tady by zase bylo dobry vedet o jakou desku se presne jedna.
Added app for test mbed_led blink
Ta aplikace se jmenuje mbed_blink a ne bled_led.
Added cmsis-test which send out 0xAA to UART3 and send some dummy message to CAN2 at 125kbit
TODO: * exclude board config file from mach
Jakej config file mas na myslis? Ja v patchi zadnej nevidim. A kdyby tam byl, tak proc ho rovnou neodstranis?
* add more libs from CMSIS * support direct loading app to microprocessor --- app/arm/cmsis-test/Makefile | 14 + app/arm/cmsis-test/Makefile.omk | 20 + app/arm/cmsis-test/main.c | 152 ++ app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile | 14 + app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk | 19 + app/arm/mbed_blink/main.c | 31 +
Zacinam prestavat mit rad adresar app. Vyhledove si myslim, ze by bylo rozumny davat testovaci aplikace do adresare k desce nebo k mach. Zatim to ale tady nech. Proberu to s Pavlem P. a pak to kdyztak presuneme sami.
arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/Makefile.omk | 1 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/LPC17xx.h | 1039 +++++++++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/Makefile.omk | 4 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/core_cm3.h | 978 ++++++++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/lpc17xx.h | 1 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/lpc_types.h | 197 ++
arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/Makefile.omk | 3 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/Makefile.omk | 8 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/lpc17xx_adc.c | 335 ++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/lpc17xx_adc.h | 299 +++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/Makefile.omk | 3 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/crt0_17xx.c | 241 +++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/initarray.c | 1 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/Makefile.omk | 8 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/lpc17xx_can.c | 1919 ++++++++++++++++++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/lpc17xx_can.h | 855 +++++++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/Makefile.omk | 8 + .../mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/lpc17xx_clkpwr.c | 345 ++++ .../mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/lpc17xx_clkpwr.h | 384 ++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/Makefile.omk | 5 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/core_cm3.c | 784 ++++++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/Makefile.omk | 11 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/lpc17xx_emac.c | 989 ++++++++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/lpc17xx_emac.h | 582 ++++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/Makefile.omk | 8 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/lpc17xx_gpio.c | 657 +++++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/lpc17xx_gpio.h | 166 ++
Co soubor to adresar a knihovna. Nebylo by lepsi dat to vsechno do jedne knihovny s nazvem napriklad cmsis? Linker uz se postara, aby nepouzite funkce nebyly zahrnuty v binarce. To je zatim vse. -Michal
arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/Makefile | 14 + .../mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/Makefile.omk | 3 + .../libs/ldscripts/lpc1768.ld-flash | 25 + .../libs/ldscripts/lpc17xx-flash.ld | 117 ++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/Makefile.omk | 8 + .../libs/libcfg/lpc17xx_libcfg_default.c | 64 + .../libs/libcfg/lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h | 163 ++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/Makefile.omk | 8 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/lpc17xx_nvic.c | 135 ++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/lpc17xx_nvic.h | 64 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/Makefile.omk | 8 + .../mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/lpc17xx_pinsel.c | 308 ++++ .../mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/lpc17xx_pinsel.h | 210 +++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/Makefile.omk | 8 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/lpc17xx_ssp.c | 831 +++++++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/lpc17xx_ssp.h | 457 +++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/Makefile.omk | 8 + .../mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/system_LPC17xx.c | 574 ++++++ .../mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/system_LPC17xx.h | 63 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/Makefile | 14 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/Makefile.omk | 12 + arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/lpc17xx_uart.c | 1538 ++++++++++++++++ arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/lpc17xx_uart.h | 633 +++++++ .../mach-lpc17cmsis/tools/lpcchksum/lpcchksum.sh | 6 + board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile | 14 + board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile.omk | 6 + board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/board.ld | 1 + board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/config.lpc17xx-mbed | 46 + board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/system_def.h | 1 + 77 files changed, 15630 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 app/arm/cmsis-test/Makefile create mode 100644 app/arm/cmsis-test/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 app/arm/cmsis-test/main.c create mode 100644 app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile create mode 100644 app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 app/arm/mbed_blink/main.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/LPC17xx.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/core_cm3.h create mode 120000 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/lpc17xx.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/lpc_types.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/lpc17xx_adc.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/lpc17xx_adc.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/crt0_17xx.c create mode 120000 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/initarray.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/lpc17xx_can.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/lpc17xx_can.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/lpc17xx_clkpwr.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/lpc17xx_clkpwr.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/core_cm3.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/lpc17xx_emac.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/lpc17xx_emac.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/lpc17xx_gpio.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/lpc17xx_gpio.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/lpc1768.ld-flash create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/lpc17xx-flash.ld create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/lpc17xx_libcfg_default.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/lpc17xx_nvic.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/lpc17xx_nvic.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/lpc17xx_pinsel.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/lpc17xx_pinsel.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/lpc17xx_ssp.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/lpc17xx_ssp.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/system_LPC17xx.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/system_LPC17xx.h create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/Makefile create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/lpc17xx_uart.c create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/lpc17xx_uart.h create mode 100755 arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/tools/lpcchksum/lpcchksum.sh create mode 100644 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile create mode 100644 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile.omk create mode 100644 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/board.ld create mode 100644 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/config.lpc17xx-mbed create mode 100644 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/system_def.h
diff --git a/app/arm/cmsis-test/Makefile b/app/arm/cmsis-test/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/app/arm/cmsis-test/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/app/arm/cmsis-test/Makefile.omk b/app/arm/cmsis-test/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7605237 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/arm/cmsis-test/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- +MY_MACH = lpc17cmsis +ifeq ($(MACH), $(MY_MACH)) + + +# eb_blink je nazev programu, pod timto navzem bude systemem prekladan +bin_PROGRAMS = mbed_test + + +# za nazev_programu_SOURCES se davaji vsechny C zdrojaky, ktere se budou kompilovat +mbed_test_SOURCES = main.c +#lpc17xx_clkpwr.c +mbed_test_LIBS = system gpio can-cm uart libcfg clkpwr pinsel + + +else +ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) +$(error Not my mach - $(MY_MACH). Not going to compile!) +endif +endif diff --git a/app/arm/cmsis-test/main.c b/app/arm/cmsis-test/main.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f8c436 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/arm/cmsis-test/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +#include <lpc17xx_gpio.h> +#include <lpc17xx_emac.h> +#include <lpc17xx_uart.h> +#include <lpc17xx_pinsel.h> +#include <lpc17xx_can.h> + +#include <system_LPC17xx.h> + +#include <core_cm3.h> +#include <LPC17xx.h> + + + + + +#define LED1 (1<<18) +#define LED2 (1<<20) +#define LED3 (1<<21) +#define LED4 (1<<23) + + +volatile unsigned int ms_time = 0; + +void delay(void) +{ + volatile unsigned int i = 500000; + while(--i); +} + + + + +void SysTick_Handler(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt)); +void SysTick_Handler(void) +{ + ++ms_time; +} + + + +#define CAN_PINSEL_RD2_P0_4 {0, 4, 2, \ + PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLUP, \ + PINSEL_PINMODE_NORMAL} + +#define CAN_PINSEL_TD2_P0_5 {0, 5, 2, \ + PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLUP, \ + PINSEL_PINMODE_NORMAL} + +#define CAN_PINSEL_RD2_P2_7 {2, 7, 1, \ + PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLUP, \ + PINSEL_PINMODE_NORMAL} + +#define CAN_PINSEL_TD2_P2_8 {2, 8, 1, \ + PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLUP, \ + PINSEL_PINMODE_NORMAL} + + +#define CAN_MAX_RD2_PIN (2) +#define CAN_MAX_TD2_PIN (2) + +const PINSEL_CFG_Type can_rd2_pin[CAN_MAX_RD2_PIN] = { + CAN_PINSEL_RD2_P0_4, CAN_PINSEL_RD2_P2_7 }; +const PINSEL_CFG_Type can_td2_pin[CAN_MAX_TD2_PIN] = { + CAN_PINSEL_TD2_P0_5, CAN_PINSEL_TD2_P2_8 }; + + + CAN_MSG_Type TXMsg; + +void init_can(void) +{ + CAN_PinCFG_Type CAN2PinStruct; + CAN2PinStruct.RD = CAN_RD2_P0_4; + CAN2PinStruct.TD = CAN_TD2_P0_5; + + PINSEL_ConfigPin((PINSEL_CFG_Type *) (&can_rd2_pin[CAN2PinStruct.RD])); + PINSEL_ConfigPin((PINSEL_CFG_Type *) (&can_td2_pin[CAN2PinStruct.TD])); + + CAN_Init(LPC_CAN2, 125000); + + TXMsg.id = 0x08; + TXMsg.len = 0x08; + TXMsg.type = DATA_FRAME; + TXMsg.format = STD_ID_FORMAT; + TXMsg.dataA[0] = TXMsg.dataA[1] = TXMsg.dataA[2]= TXMsg.dataA[3]= 0x78; + TXMsg.dataB[0] = TXMsg.dataB[1] = TXMsg.dataB[2]= TXMsg.dataB[3]= 0x21; + + + CAN_SendMsg(LPC_CAN2, &TXMsg); + +} + + + + + + + PINSEL_CFG_Type PinCfg; + UART_CFG_Type UARTConfigStruct; +void init_uart(void) +{ + PinCfg.Funcnum = 2; + PinCfg.OpenDrain = 0; + PinCfg.Pinmode = 0; + PinCfg.Pinnum = 0; + PinCfg.Portnum = 0; + PINSEL_ConfigPin(&PinCfg); + PinCfg.Pinnum = 1; + PINSEL_ConfigPin(&PinCfg); + + UART_ConfigStructInit(&UARTConfigStruct); + UART_Init(LPC_UART3, &UARTConfigStruct); + + UART_TxCmd(LPC_UART3, ENABLE); +} + + + +int main(void) +{ + + SystemInit(); + SystemCoreClockUpdate(); + SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock/1000 - 1); + + + init_uart(); + init_can(); + + int pom = ms_time + 100; + + GPIO_SetDir(1, LED1, 1); + GPIO_SetDir(1, LED2, 1); + GPIO_SetDir(1, LED3, 1); + GPIO_SetDir(1, LED4, 1); + + + while(1) + { + if(pom < ms_time) + { + + UART_SendData(LPC_UART3, 0xAA); + + if(GPIO_ReadValue(1) & LED1) + GPIO_ClearValue(1, LED1); + else + GPIO_SetValue(1, LED1); + pom = ms_time + 100; + } + }; + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile b/app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk b/app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfd461b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- +MY_BOARD = lpc17cmsis-mbed +ifeq ($(BOARD), $(MY_BOARD)) + + +# eb_blink je nazev programu, pod timto navzem bude systemem prekladan +bin_PROGRAMS = mbed_blink + + +# za nazev_programu_SOURCES se davaji vsechny C zdrojaky, ktere se budou kompilovat +mbed_blink_SOURCES = main.c + + + +else +ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) +$(error Not my board - $(MY_BOARD). Not going to compile!) +endif +endif diff --git a/app/arm/mbed_blink/main.c b/app/arm/mbed_blink/main.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a9278d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/arm/mbed_blink/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#include <LPC17xx.h> + +#define LED1 (1<<18) +#define LED2 (1<<20) +#define LED3 (1<<21) +#define LED4 (1<<23) + + +void delay(void) +{ + volatile unsigned int i = 50000; + while(--i); +} + +int main(void) +{ + + + LPC_PINCON->PINSEL3 &= ~(3 << 4); + LPC_GPIO1->FIODIR |=LED1; + + +while(1) + { + delay(); + LPC_GPIO1->FIOSET = (1<<18); + delay(); + LPC_GPIO1->FIOCLR = (1<<18); + }; + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ebd5c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +SUBDIRS = defines libs diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/LPC17xx.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/LPC17xx.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98bc137 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/LPC17xx.h @@ -0,0 +1,1039 @@ +/**************************************************************************//** + * @file LPC17xx.h + * @brief CMSIS Cortex-M3 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File for + * NXP LPC17xx Device Series + * @version V1.07 + * @date 19. October 2009 + * + * @note + * Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. + * + * @par + * ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-M + * processor based microcontrollers. This file can be freely distributed + * within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors. + * + * @par + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED + * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. + * ARM SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR + * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. + * + ******************************************************************************/ + + +#ifndef __LPC17xx_H__ +#define __LPC17xx_H__ + +/* + * ========================================================================== + * ---------- Interrupt Number Definition ----------------------------------- + * ========================================================================== + */ + +typedef enum IRQn +{ +/****** Cortex-M3 Processor Exceptions Numbers ***************************************************/ + NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt */ + MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, /*!< 4 Cortex-M3 Memory Management Interrupt */ + BusFault_IRQn = -11, /*!< 5 Cortex-M3 Bus Fault Interrupt */ + UsageFault_IRQn = -10, /*!< 6 Cortex-M3 Usage Fault Interrupt */ + SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< 11 Cortex-M3 SV Call Interrupt */ + DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, /*!< 12 Cortex-M3 Debug Monitor Interrupt */ + PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< 14 Cortex-M3 Pend SV Interrupt */ + SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< 15 Cortex-M3 System Tick Interrupt */ + +/****** LPC17xx Specific Interrupt Numbers *******************************************************/ + WDT_IRQn = 0, /*!< Watchdog Timer Interrupt */ + TIMER0_IRQn = 1, /*!< Timer0 Interrupt */ + TIMER1_IRQn = 2, /*!< Timer1 Interrupt */ + TIMER2_IRQn = 3, /*!< Timer2 Interrupt */ + TIMER3_IRQn = 4, /*!< Timer3 Interrupt */ + UART0_IRQn = 5, /*!< UART0 Interrupt */ + UART1_IRQn = 6, /*!< UART1 Interrupt */ + UART2_IRQn = 7, /*!< UART2 Interrupt */ + UART3_IRQn = 8, /*!< UART3 Interrupt */ + PWM1_IRQn = 9, /*!< PWM1 Interrupt */ + I2C0_IRQn = 10, /*!< I2C0 Interrupt */ + I2C1_IRQn = 11, /*!< I2C1 Interrupt */ + I2C2_IRQn = 12, /*!< I2C2 Interrupt */ + SPI_IRQn = 13, /*!< SPI Interrupt */ + SSP0_IRQn = 14, /*!< SSP0 Interrupt */ + SSP1_IRQn = 15, /*!< SSP1 Interrupt */ + PLL0_IRQn = 16, /*!< PLL0 Lock (Main PLL) Interrupt */ + RTC_IRQn = 17, /*!< Real Time Clock Interrupt */ + EINT0_IRQn = 18, /*!< External Interrupt 0 Interrupt */ + EINT1_IRQn = 19, /*!< External Interrupt 1 Interrupt */ + EINT2_IRQn = 20, /*!< External Interrupt 2 Interrupt */ + EINT3_IRQn = 21, /*!< External Interrupt 3 Interrupt */ + ADC_IRQn = 22, /*!< A/D Converter Interrupt */ + BOD_IRQn = 23, /*!< Brown-Out Detect Interrupt */ + USB_IRQn = 24, /*!< USB Interrupt */ + CAN_IRQn = 25, /*!< CAN Interrupt */ + DMA_IRQn = 26, /*!< General Purpose DMA Interrupt */ + I2S_IRQn = 27, /*!< I2S Interrupt */ + ENET_IRQn = 28, /*!< Ethernet Interrupt */ + RIT_IRQn = 29, /*!< Repetitive Interrupt Timer Interrupt */ + MCPWM_IRQn = 30, /*!< Motor Control PWM Interrupt */ + QEI_IRQn = 31, /*!< Quadrature Encoder Interface Interrupt */ + PLL1_IRQn = 32, /*!< PLL1 Lock (USB PLL) Interrupt */ + USBActivity_IRQn = 33, /*!< USB Activity Interrupt */ + CANActivity_IRQn = 34, /*!< CAN Activity Interrupt */ +} IRQn_Type; + + +/* + * ========================================================================== + * ----------- Processor and Core Peripheral Section ------------------------ + * ========================================================================== + */ + +/* Configuration of the Cortex-M3 Processor and Core Peripherals */ +#define __MPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< MPU present or not */ +#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 5 /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */ +#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */ + + +#include "core_cm3.h" /* Cortex-M3 processor and core peripherals */ +#include "system_LPC17xx.h" /* System Header */ + + +/******************************************************************************/ +/* Device Specific Peripheral registers structures */ +/******************************************************************************/ + +#if defined ( __CC_ARM ) +#pragma anon_unions +#endif + +/*------------- System Control (SC) ------------------------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t FLASHCFG; /* Flash Accelerator Module */ + uint32_t RESERVED0[31]; + __IO uint32_t PLL0CON; /* Clocking and Power Control */ + __IO uint32_t PLL0CFG; + __I uint32_t PLL0STAT; + __O uint32_t PLL0FEED; + uint32_t RESERVED1[4]; + __IO uint32_t PLL1CON; + __IO uint32_t PLL1CFG; + __I uint32_t PLL1STAT; + __O uint32_t PLL1FEED; + uint32_t RESERVED2[4]; + __IO uint32_t PCON; + __IO uint32_t PCONP; + uint32_t RESERVED3[15]; + __IO uint32_t CCLKCFG; + __IO uint32_t USBCLKCFG; + __IO uint32_t CLKSRCSEL; + uint32_t RESERVED4[12]; + __IO uint32_t EXTINT; /* External Interrupts */ + uint32_t RESERVED5; + __IO uint32_t EXTMODE; + __IO uint32_t EXTPOLAR; + uint32_t RESERVED6[12]; + __IO uint32_t RSID; /* Reset */ + uint32_t RESERVED7[7]; + __IO uint32_t SCS; /* Syscon Miscellaneous Registers */ + __IO uint32_t IRCTRIM; /* Clock Dividers */ + __IO uint32_t PCLKSEL0; + __IO uint32_t PCLKSEL1; + uint32_t RESERVED8[4]; + __IO uint32_t USBIntSt; /* USB Device/OTG Interrupt Register */ + __IO uint32_t DMAREQSEL; + __IO uint32_t CLKOUTCFG; /* Clock Output Configuration */ + } LPC_SC_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Pin Connect Block (PINCON) -----------------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t PINSEL0; + __IO uint32_t PINSEL1; + __IO uint32_t PINSEL2; + __IO uint32_t PINSEL3; + __IO uint32_t PINSEL4; + __IO uint32_t PINSEL5; + __IO uint32_t PINSEL6; + __IO uint32_t PINSEL7; + __IO uint32_t PINSEL8; + __IO uint32_t PINSEL9; + __IO uint32_t PINSEL10; + uint32_t RESERVED0[5]; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE0; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE1; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE2; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE3; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE4; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE5; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE6; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE7; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE8; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE9; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE_OD0; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE_OD1; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE_OD2; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE_OD3; + __IO uint32_t PINMODE_OD4; + __IO uint32_t I2CPADCFG; +} LPC_PINCON_TypeDef; + +/*------------- General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) --------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + union { + __IO uint32_t FIODIR; + struct { + __IO uint16_t FIODIRL; + __IO uint16_t FIODIRH; + }; + struct { + __IO uint8_t FIODIR0; + __IO uint8_t FIODIR1; + __IO uint8_t FIODIR2; + __IO uint8_t FIODIR3; + }; + }; + uint32_t RESERVED0[3]; + union { + __IO uint32_t FIOMASK; + struct { + __IO uint16_t FIOMASKL; + __IO uint16_t FIOMASKH; + }; + struct { + __IO uint8_t FIOMASK0; + __IO uint8_t FIOMASK1; + __IO uint8_t FIOMASK2; + __IO uint8_t FIOMASK3; + }; + }; + union { + __IO uint32_t FIOPIN; + struct { + __IO uint16_t FIOPINL; + __IO uint16_t FIOPINH; + }; + struct { + __IO uint8_t FIOPIN0; + __IO uint8_t FIOPIN1; + __IO uint8_t FIOPIN2; + __IO uint8_t FIOPIN3; + }; + }; + union { + __IO uint32_t FIOSET; + struct { + __IO uint16_t FIOSETL; + __IO uint16_t FIOSETH; + }; + struct { + __IO uint8_t FIOSET0; + __IO uint8_t FIOSET1; + __IO uint8_t FIOSET2; + __IO uint8_t FIOSET3; + }; + }; + union { + __O uint32_t FIOCLR; + struct { + __O uint16_t FIOCLRL; + __O uint16_t FIOCLRH; + }; + struct { + __O uint8_t FIOCLR0; + __O uint8_t FIOCLR1; + __O uint8_t FIOCLR2; + __O uint8_t FIOCLR3; + }; + }; +} LPC_GPIO_TypeDef; + +typedef struct +{ + __I uint32_t IntStatus; + __I uint32_t IO0IntStatR; + __I uint32_t IO0IntStatF; + __O uint32_t IO0IntClr; + __IO uint32_t IO0IntEnR; + __IO uint32_t IO0IntEnF; + uint32_t RESERVED0[3]; + __I uint32_t IO2IntStatR; + __I uint32_t IO2IntStatF; + __O uint32_t IO2IntClr; + __IO uint32_t IO2IntEnR; + __IO uint32_t IO2IntEnF; +} LPC_GPIOINT_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Timer (TIM) --------------------------------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t IR; + __IO uint32_t TCR; + __IO uint32_t TC; + __IO uint32_t PR; + __IO uint32_t PC; + __IO uint32_t MCR; + __IO uint32_t MR0; + __IO uint32_t MR1; + __IO uint32_t MR2; + __IO uint32_t MR3; + __IO uint32_t CCR; + __I uint32_t CR0; + __I uint32_t CR1; + uint32_t RESERVED0[2]; + __IO uint32_t EMR; + uint32_t RESERVED1[12]; + __IO uint32_t CTCR; +} LPC_TIM_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) ---------------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t IR; + __IO uint32_t TCR; + __IO uint32_t TC; + __IO uint32_t PR; + __IO uint32_t PC; + __IO uint32_t MCR; + __IO uint32_t MR0; + __IO uint32_t MR1; + __IO uint32_t MR2; + __IO uint32_t MR3; + __IO uint32_t CCR; + __I uint32_t CR0; + __I uint32_t CR1; + __I uint32_t CR2; + __I uint32_t CR3; + uint32_t RESERVED0; + __IO uint32_t MR4; + __IO uint32_t MR5; + __IO uint32_t MR6; + __IO uint32_t PCR; + __IO uint32_t LER; + uint32_t RESERVED1[7]; + __IO uint32_t CTCR; +} LPC_PWM_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) -----------*/ +typedef struct +{ + union { + __I uint8_t RBR; + __O uint8_t THR; + __IO uint8_t DLL; + uint32_t RESERVED0; + }; + union { + __IO uint8_t DLM; + __IO uint32_t IER; + }; + union { + __I uint32_t IIR; + __O uint8_t FCR; + }; + __IO uint8_t LCR; + uint8_t RESERVED1[7]; + __I uint8_t LSR; + uint8_t RESERVED2[7]; + __IO uint8_t SCR; + uint8_t RESERVED3[3]; + __IO uint32_t ACR; + __IO uint8_t ICR; + uint8_t RESERVED4[3]; + __IO uint8_t FDR; + uint8_t RESERVED5[7]; + __IO uint8_t TER; + uint8_t RESERVED6[39]; + __I uint8_t FIFOLVL; +} LPC_UART_TypeDef; + +typedef struct +{ + union { + __I uint8_t RBR; + __O uint8_t THR; + __IO uint8_t DLL; + uint32_t RESERVED0; + }; + union { + __IO uint8_t DLM; + __IO uint32_t IER; + }; + union { + __I uint32_t IIR; + __O uint8_t FCR; + }; + __IO uint8_t LCR; + uint8_t RESERVED1[7]; + __I uint8_t LSR; + uint8_t RESERVED2[7]; + __IO uint8_t SCR; + uint8_t RESERVED3[3]; + __IO uint32_t ACR; + __IO uint8_t ICR; + uint8_t RESERVED4[3]; + __IO uint8_t FDR; + uint8_t RESERVED5[7]; + __IO uint8_t TER; + uint8_t RESERVED6[39]; + __I uint8_t FIFOLVL; +} LPC_UART0_TypeDef; + +typedef struct +{ + union { + __I uint8_t RBR; + __O uint8_t THR; + __IO uint8_t DLL; + uint32_t RESERVED0; + }; + union { + __IO uint8_t DLM; + __IO uint32_t IER; + }; + union { + __I uint32_t IIR; + __O uint8_t FCR; + }; + __IO uint8_t LCR; + uint8_t RESERVED1[3]; + __IO uint8_t MCR; + uint8_t RESERVED2[3]; + __I uint8_t LSR; + uint8_t RESERVED3[3]; + __I uint8_t MSR; + uint8_t RESERVED4[3]; + __IO uint8_t SCR; + uint8_t RESERVED5[3]; + __IO uint32_t ACR; + uint32_t RESERVED6; + __IO uint32_t FDR; + uint32_t RESERVED7; + __IO uint8_t TER; + uint8_t RESERVED8[27]; + __IO uint8_t RS485CTRL; + uint8_t RESERVED9[3]; + __IO uint8_t ADRMATCH; + uint8_t RESERVED10[3]; + __IO uint8_t RS485DLY; + uint8_t RESERVED11[3]; + __I uint8_t FIFOLVL; +} LPC_UART1_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ----------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t SPCR; + __I uint32_t SPSR; + __IO uint32_t SPDR; + __IO uint32_t SPCCR; + uint32_t RESERVED0[3]; + __IO uint32_t SPINT; +} LPC_SPI_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Synchronous Serial Communication (SSP) -----------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t CR0; + __IO uint32_t CR1; + __IO uint32_t DR; + __I uint32_t SR; + __IO uint32_t CPSR; + __IO uint32_t IMSC; + __IO uint32_t RIS; + __IO uint32_t MIS; + __IO uint32_t ICR; + __IO uint32_t DMACR; +} LPC_SSP_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) -------------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t I2CONSET; + __I uint32_t I2STAT; + __IO uint32_t I2DAT; + __IO uint32_t I2ADR0; + __IO uint32_t I2SCLH; + __IO uint32_t I2SCLL; + __O uint32_t I2CONCLR; + __IO uint32_t MMCTRL; + __IO uint32_t I2ADR1; + __IO uint32_t I2ADR2; + __IO uint32_t I2ADR3; + __I uint32_t I2DATA_BUFFER; + __IO uint32_t I2MASK0; + __IO uint32_t I2MASK1; + __IO uint32_t I2MASK2; + __IO uint32_t I2MASK3; +} LPC_I2C_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Inter IC Sound (I2S) -----------------------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t I2SDAO; + __IO uint32_t I2SDAI; + __O uint32_t I2STXFIFO; + __I uint32_t I2SRXFIFO; + __I uint32_t I2SSTATE; + __IO uint32_t I2SDMA1; + __IO uint32_t I2SDMA2; + __IO uint32_t I2SIRQ; + __IO uint32_t I2STXRATE; + __IO uint32_t I2SRXRATE; + __IO uint32_t I2STXBITRATE; + __IO uint32_t I2SRXBITRATE; + __IO uint32_t I2STXMODE; + __IO uint32_t I2SRXMODE; +} LPC_I2S_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Repetitive Interrupt Timer (RIT) -----------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t RICOMPVAL; + __IO uint32_t RIMASK; + __IO uint8_t RICTRL; + uint8_t RESERVED0[3]; + __IO uint32_t RICOUNTER; +} LPC_RIT_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Real-Time Clock (RTC) ----------------------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint8_t ILR; + uint8_t RESERVED0[7]; + __IO uint8_t CCR; + uint8_t RESERVED1[3]; + __IO uint8_t CIIR; + uint8_t RESERVED2[3]; + __IO uint8_t AMR; + uint8_t RESERVED3[3]; + __I uint32_t CTIME0; + __I uint32_t CTIME1; + __I uint32_t CTIME2; + __IO uint8_t SEC; + uint8_t RESERVED4[3]; + __IO uint8_t MIN; + uint8_t RESERVED5[3]; + __IO uint8_t HOUR; + uint8_t RESERVED6[3]; + __IO uint8_t DOM; + uint8_t RESERVED7[3]; + __IO uint8_t DOW; + uint8_t RESERVED8[3]; + __IO uint16_t DOY; + uint16_t RESERVED9; + __IO uint8_t MONTH; + uint8_t RESERVED10[3]; + __IO uint16_t YEAR; + uint16_t RESERVED11; + __IO uint32_t CALIBRATION; + __IO uint32_t GPREG0; + __IO uint32_t GPREG1; + __IO uint32_t GPREG2; + __IO uint32_t GPREG3; + __IO uint32_t GPREG4; + __IO uint8_t RTC_AUXEN; + uint8_t RESERVED12[3]; + __IO uint8_t RTC_AUX; + uint8_t RESERVED13[3]; + __IO uint8_t ALSEC; + uint8_t RESERVED14[3]; + __IO uint8_t ALMIN; + uint8_t RESERVED15[3]; + __IO uint8_t ALHOUR; + uint8_t RESERVED16[3]; + __IO uint8_t ALDOM; + uint8_t RESERVED17[3]; + __IO uint8_t ALDOW; + uint8_t RESERVED18[3]; + __IO uint16_t ALDOY; + uint16_t RESERVED19; + __IO uint8_t ALMON; + uint8_t RESERVED20[3]; + __IO uint16_t ALYEAR; + uint16_t RESERVED21; +} LPC_RTC_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Watchdog Timer (WDT) -----------------------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint8_t WDMOD; + uint8_t RESERVED0[3]; + __IO uint32_t WDTC; + __O uint8_t WDFEED; + uint8_t RESERVED1[3]; + __I uint32_t WDTV; + __IO uint32_t WDCLKSEL; +} LPC_WDT_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ----------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t ADCR; + __IO uint32_t ADGDR; + uint32_t RESERVED0; + __IO uint32_t ADINTEN; + __I uint32_t ADDR0; + __I uint32_t ADDR1; + __I uint32_t ADDR2; + __I uint32_t ADDR3; + __I uint32_t ADDR4; + __I uint32_t ADDR5; + __I uint32_t ADDR6; + __I uint32_t ADDR7; + __I uint32_t ADSTAT; + __IO uint32_t ADTRM; +} LPC_ADC_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) ----------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t DACR; + __IO uint32_t DACCTRL; + __IO uint16_t DACCNTVAL; +} LPC_DAC_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Motor Control Pulse-Width Modulation (MCPWM) -----------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __I uint32_t MCCON; + __O uint32_t MCCON_SET; + __O uint32_t MCCON_CLR; + __I uint32_t MCCAPCON; + __O uint32_t MCCAPCON_SET; + __O uint32_t MCCAPCON_CLR; + __IO uint32_t MCTIM0; + __IO uint32_t MCTIM1; + __IO uint32_t MCTIM2; + __IO uint32_t MCPER0; + __IO uint32_t MCPER1; + __IO uint32_t MCPER2; + __IO uint32_t MCPW0; + __IO uint32_t MCPW1; + __IO uint32_t MCPW2; + __IO uint32_t MCDEADTIME; + __IO uint32_t MCCCP; + __IO uint32_t MCCR0; + __IO uint32_t MCCR1; + __IO uint32_t MCCR2; + __I uint32_t MCINTEN; + __O uint32_t MCINTEN_SET; + __O uint32_t MCINTEN_CLR; + __I uint32_t MCCNTCON; + __O uint32_t MCCNTCON_SET; + __O uint32_t MCCNTCON_CLR; + __I uint32_t MCINTFLAG; + __O uint32_t MCINTFLAG_SET; + __O uint32_t MCINTFLAG_CLR; + __O uint32_t MCCAP_CLR; +} LPC_MCPWM_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) ---------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __O uint32_t QEICON; + __I uint32_t QEISTAT; + __IO uint32_t QEICONF; + __I uint32_t QEIPOS; + __IO uint32_t QEIMAXPOS; + __IO uint32_t CMPOS0; + __IO uint32_t CMPOS1; + __IO uint32_t CMPOS2; + __I uint32_t INXCNT; + __IO uint32_t INXCMP; + __IO uint32_t QEILOAD; + __I uint32_t QEITIME; + __I uint32_t QEIVEL; + __I uint32_t QEICAP; + __IO uint32_t VELCOMP; + __IO uint32_t FILTER; + uint32_t RESERVED0[998]; + __O uint32_t QEIIEC; + __O uint32_t QEIIES; + __I uint32_t QEIINTSTAT; + __I uint32_t QEIIE; + __O uint32_t QEICLR; + __O uint32_t QEISET; +} LPC_QEI_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Controller Area Network (CAN) --------------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t mask[512]; /* ID Masks */ +} LPC_CANAF_RAM_TypeDef; + +typedef struct /* Acceptance Filter Registers */ +{ + __IO uint32_t AFMR; + __IO uint32_t SFF_sa; + __IO uint32_t SFF_GRP_sa; + __IO uint32_t EFF_sa; + __IO uint32_t EFF_GRP_sa; + __IO uint32_t ENDofTable; + __I uint32_t LUTerrAd; + __I uint32_t LUTerr; + __IO uint32_t FCANIE; + __IO uint32_t FCANIC0; + __IO uint32_t FCANIC1; +} LPC_CANAF_TypeDef; + +typedef struct /* Central Registers */ +{ + __I uint32_t CANTxSR; + __I uint32_t CANRxSR; + __I uint32_t CANMSR; +} LPC_CANCR_TypeDef; + +typedef struct /* Controller Registers */ +{ + __IO uint32_t MOD; + __O uint32_t CMR; + __IO uint32_t GSR; + __I uint32_t ICR; + __IO uint32_t IER; + __IO uint32_t BTR; + __IO uint32_t EWL; + __I uint32_t SR; + __IO uint32_t RFS; + __IO uint32_t RID; + __IO uint32_t RDA; + __IO uint32_t RDB; + __IO uint32_t TFI1; + __IO uint32_t TID1; + __IO uint32_t TDA1; + __IO uint32_t TDB1; + __IO uint32_t TFI2; + __IO uint32_t TID2; + __IO uint32_t TDA2; + __IO uint32_t TDB2; + __IO uint32_t TFI3; + __IO uint32_t TID3; + __IO uint32_t TDA3; + __IO uint32_t TDB3; +} LPC_CAN_TypeDef; + +/*------------- General Purpose Direct Memory Access (GPDMA) -----------------*/ +typedef struct /* Common Registers */ +{ + __I uint32_t DMACIntStat; + __I uint32_t DMACIntTCStat; + __O uint32_t DMACIntTCClear; + __I uint32_t DMACIntErrStat; + __O uint32_t DMACIntErrClr; + __I uint32_t DMACRawIntTCStat; + __I uint32_t DMACRawIntErrStat; + __I uint32_t DMACEnbldChns; + __IO uint32_t DMACSoftBReq; + __IO uint32_t DMACSoftSReq; + __IO uint32_t DMACSoftLBReq; + __IO uint32_t DMACSoftLSReq; + __IO uint32_t DMACConfig; + __IO uint32_t DMACSync; +} LPC_GPDMA_TypeDef; + +typedef struct /* Channel Registers */ +{ + __IO uint32_t DMACCSrcAddr; + __IO uint32_t DMACCDestAddr; + __IO uint32_t DMACCLLI; + __IO uint32_t DMACCControl; + __IO uint32_t DMACCConfig; +} LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Universal Serial Bus (USB) -----------------------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __I uint32_t HcRevision; /* USB Host Registers */ + __IO uint32_t HcControl; + __IO uint32_t HcCommandStatus; + __IO uint32_t HcInterruptStatus; + __IO uint32_t HcInterruptEnable; + __IO uint32_t HcInterruptDisable; + __IO uint32_t HcHCCA; + __I uint32_t HcPeriodCurrentED; + __IO uint32_t HcControlHeadED; + __IO uint32_t HcControlCurrentED; + __IO uint32_t HcBulkHeadED; + __IO uint32_t HcBulkCurrentED; + __I uint32_t HcDoneHead; + __IO uint32_t HcFmInterval; + __I uint32_t HcFmRemaining; + __I uint32_t HcFmNumber; + __IO uint32_t HcPeriodicStart; + __IO uint32_t HcLSTreshold; + __IO uint32_t HcRhDescriptorA; + __IO uint32_t HcRhDescriptorB; + __IO uint32_t HcRhStatus; + __IO uint32_t HcRhPortStatus1; + __IO uint32_t HcRhPortStatus2; + uint32_t RESERVED0[40]; + __I uint32_t Module_ID; + + __I uint32_t OTGIntSt; /* USB On-The-Go Registers */ + __IO uint32_t OTGIntEn; + __O uint32_t OTGIntSet; + __O uint32_t OTGIntClr; + __IO uint32_t OTGStCtrl; + __IO uint32_t OTGTmr; + uint32_t RESERVED1[58]; + + __I uint32_t USBDevIntSt; /* USB Device Interrupt Registers */ + __IO uint32_t USBDevIntEn; + __O uint32_t USBDevIntClr; + __O uint32_t USBDevIntSet; + + __O uint32_t USBCmdCode; /* USB Device SIE Command Registers */ + __I uint32_t USBCmdData; + + __I uint32_t USBRxData; /* USB Device Transfer Registers */ + __O uint32_t USBTxData; + __I uint32_t USBRxPLen; + __O uint32_t USBTxPLen; + __IO uint32_t USBCtrl; + __O uint32_t USBDevIntPri; + + __I uint32_t USBEpIntSt; /* USB Device Endpoint Interrupt Regs */ + __IO uint32_t USBEpIntEn; + __O uint32_t USBEpIntClr; + __O uint32_t USBEpIntSet; + __O uint32_t USBEpIntPri; + + __IO uint32_t USBReEp; /* USB Device Endpoint Realization Reg*/ + __O uint32_t USBEpInd; + __IO uint32_t USBMaxPSize; + + __I uint32_t USBDMARSt; /* USB Device DMA Registers */ + __O uint32_t USBDMARClr; + __O uint32_t USBDMARSet; + uint32_t RESERVED2[9]; + __IO uint32_t USBUDCAH; + __I uint32_t USBEpDMASt; + __O uint32_t USBEpDMAEn; + __O uint32_t USBEpDMADis; + __I uint32_t USBDMAIntSt; + __IO uint32_t USBDMAIntEn; + uint32_t RESERVED3[2]; + __I uint32_t USBEoTIntSt; + __O uint32_t USBEoTIntClr; + __O uint32_t USBEoTIntSet; + __I uint32_t USBNDDRIntSt; + __O uint32_t USBNDDRIntClr; + __O uint32_t USBNDDRIntSet; + __I uint32_t USBSysErrIntSt; + __O uint32_t USBSysErrIntClr; + __O uint32_t USBSysErrIntSet; + uint32_t RESERVED4[15]; + + __I uint32_t I2C_RX; /* USB OTG I2C Registers */ + __O uint32_t I2C_WO; + __I uint32_t I2C_STS; + __IO uint32_t I2C_CTL; + __IO uint32_t I2C_CLKHI; + __O uint32_t I2C_CLKLO; + uint32_t RESERVED5[823]; + + union { + __IO uint32_t USBClkCtrl; /* USB Clock Control Registers */ + __IO uint32_t OTGClkCtrl; + }; + union { + __I uint32_t USBClkSt; + __I uint32_t OTGClkSt; + }; +} LPC_USB_TypeDef; + +/*------------- Ethernet Media Access Controller (EMAC) ----------------------*/ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t MAC1; /* MAC Registers */ + __IO uint32_t MAC2; + __IO uint32_t IPGT; + __IO uint32_t IPGR; + __IO uint32_t CLRT; + __IO uint32_t MAXF; + __IO uint32_t SUPP; + __IO uint32_t TEST; + __IO uint32_t MCFG; + __IO uint32_t MCMD; + __IO uint32_t MADR; + __O uint32_t MWTD; + __I uint32_t MRDD; + __I uint32_t MIND; + uint32_t RESERVED0[2]; + __IO uint32_t SA0; + __IO uint32_t SA1; + __IO uint32_t SA2; + uint32_t RESERVED1[45]; + __IO uint32_t Command; /* Control Registers */ + __I uint32_t Status; + __IO uint32_t RxDescriptor; + __IO uint32_t RxStatus; + __IO uint32_t RxDescriptorNumber; + __I uint32_t RxProduceIndex; + __IO uint32_t RxConsumeIndex; + __IO uint32_t TxDescriptor; + __IO uint32_t TxStatus; + __IO uint32_t TxDescriptorNumber; + __IO uint32_t TxProduceIndex; + __I uint32_t TxConsumeIndex; + uint32_t RESERVED2[10]; + __I uint32_t TSV0; + __I uint32_t TSV1; + __I uint32_t RSV; + uint32_t RESERVED3[3]; + __IO uint32_t FlowControlCounter; + __I uint32_t FlowControlStatus; + uint32_t RESERVED4[34]; + __IO uint32_t RxFilterCtrl; /* Rx Filter Registers */ + __IO uint32_t RxFilterWoLStatus; + __IO uint32_t RxFilterWoLClear; + uint32_t RESERVED5; + __IO uint32_t HashFilterL; + __IO uint32_t HashFilterH; + uint32_t RESERVED6[882]; + __I uint32_t IntStatus; /* Module Control Registers */ + __IO uint32_t IntEnable; + __O uint32_t IntClear; + __O uint32_t IntSet; + uint32_t RESERVED7; + __IO uint32_t PowerDown; + uint32_t RESERVED8; + __IO uint32_t Module_ID; +} LPC_EMAC_TypeDef; + +#if defined ( __CC_ARM ) +#pragma no_anon_unions +#endif + + +/******************************************************************************/ +/* Peripheral memory map */ +/******************************************************************************/ +/* Base addresses */ +#define LPC_FLASH_BASE (0x00000000UL) +#define LPC_RAM_BASE (0x10000000UL) +#ifdef __LPC17XX_REV00 +#define LPC_AHBRAM0_BASE (0x20000000UL) +#define LPC_AHBRAM1_BASE (0x20004000UL) +#else +#define LPC_AHBRAM0_BASE (0x2007C000UL) +#define LPC_AHBRAM1_BASE (0x20080000UL) +#endif +#define LPC_GPIO_BASE (0x2009C000UL) +#define LPC_APB0_BASE (0x40000000UL) +#define LPC_APB1_BASE (0x40080000UL) +#define LPC_AHB_BASE (0x50000000UL) +#define LPC_CM3_BASE (0xE0000000UL) + +/* APB0 peripherals */ +#define LPC_WDT_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x00000) +#define LPC_TIM0_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x04000) +#define LPC_TIM1_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x08000) +#define LPC_UART0_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x0C000) +#define LPC_UART1_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x10000) +#define LPC_PWM1_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x18000) +#define LPC_I2C0_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x1C000) +#define LPC_SPI_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x20000) +#define LPC_RTC_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x24000) +#define LPC_GPIOINT_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x28080) +#define LPC_PINCON_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x2C000) +#define LPC_SSP1_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x30000) +#define LPC_ADC_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x34000) +#define LPC_CANAF_RAM_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x38000) +#define LPC_CANAF_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x3C000) +#define LPC_CANCR_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x40000) +#define LPC_CAN1_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x44000) +#define LPC_CAN2_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x48000) +#define LPC_I2C1_BASE (LPC_APB0_BASE + 0x5C000) + +/* APB1 peripherals */ +#define LPC_SSP0_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x08000) +#define LPC_DAC_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x0C000) +#define LPC_TIM2_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x10000) +#define LPC_TIM3_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x14000) +#define LPC_UART2_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x18000) +#define LPC_UART3_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x1C000) +#define LPC_I2C2_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x20000) +#define LPC_I2S_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x28000) +#define LPC_RIT_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x30000) +#define LPC_MCPWM_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x38000) +#define LPC_QEI_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x3C000) +#define LPC_SC_BASE (LPC_APB1_BASE + 0x7C000) + +/* AHB peripherals */ +#define LPC_EMAC_BASE (LPC_AHB_BASE + 0x00000) +#define LPC_GPDMA_BASE (LPC_AHB_BASE + 0x04000) +#define LPC_GPDMACH0_BASE (LPC_AHB_BASE + 0x04100) +#define LPC_GPDMACH1_BASE (LPC_AHB_BASE + 0x04120) +#define LPC_GPDMACH2_BASE (LPC_AHB_BASE + 0x04140) +#define LPC_GPDMACH3_BASE (LPC_AHB_BASE + 0x04160) +#define LPC_GPDMACH4_BASE (LPC_AHB_BASE + 0x04180) +#define LPC_GPDMACH5_BASE (LPC_AHB_BASE + 0x041A0) +#define LPC_GPDMACH6_BASE (LPC_AHB_BASE + 0x041C0) +#define LPC_GPDMACH7_BASE (LPC_AHB_BASE + 0x041E0) +#define LPC_USB_BASE (LPC_AHB_BASE + 0x0C000) + +/* GPIOs */ +#define LPC_GPIO0_BASE (LPC_GPIO_BASE + 0x00000) +#define LPC_GPIO1_BASE (LPC_GPIO_BASE + 0x00020) +#define LPC_GPIO2_BASE (LPC_GPIO_BASE + 0x00040) +#define LPC_GPIO3_BASE (LPC_GPIO_BASE + 0x00060) +#define LPC_GPIO4_BASE (LPC_GPIO_BASE + 0x00080) + + +/******************************************************************************/ +/* Peripheral declaration */ +/******************************************************************************/ +#define LPC_SC ((LPC_SC_TypeDef *) LPC_SC_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPIO0 ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *) LPC_GPIO0_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPIO1 ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *) LPC_GPIO1_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPIO2 ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *) LPC_GPIO2_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPIO3 ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *) LPC_GPIO3_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPIO4 ((LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *) LPC_GPIO4_BASE ) +#define LPC_WDT ((LPC_WDT_TypeDef *) LPC_WDT_BASE ) +#define LPC_TIM0 ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef *) LPC_TIM0_BASE ) +#define LPC_TIM1 ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef *) LPC_TIM1_BASE ) +#define LPC_TIM2 ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef *) LPC_TIM2_BASE ) +#define LPC_TIM3 ((LPC_TIM_TypeDef *) LPC_TIM3_BASE ) +#define LPC_RIT ((LPC_RIT_TypeDef *) LPC_RIT_BASE ) +#define LPC_UART0 ((LPC_UART_TypeDef *) LPC_UART0_BASE ) +#define LPC_UART1 ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *) LPC_UART1_BASE ) +#define LPC_UART2 ((LPC_UART_TypeDef *) LPC_UART2_BASE ) +#define LPC_UART3 ((LPC_UART_TypeDef *) LPC_UART3_BASE ) +#define LPC_PWM1 ((LPC_PWM_TypeDef *) LPC_PWM1_BASE ) +#define LPC_I2C0 ((LPC_I2C_TypeDef *) LPC_I2C0_BASE ) +#define LPC_I2C1 ((LPC_I2C_TypeDef *) LPC_I2C1_BASE ) +#define LPC_I2C2 ((LPC_I2C_TypeDef *) LPC_I2C2_BASE ) +#define LPC_I2S ((LPC_I2S_TypeDef *) LPC_I2S_BASE ) +#define LPC_SPI ((LPC_SPI_TypeDef *) LPC_SPI_BASE ) +#define LPC_RTC ((LPC_RTC_TypeDef *) LPC_RTC_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPIOINT ((LPC_GPIOINT_TypeDef *) LPC_GPIOINT_BASE ) +#define LPC_PINCON ((LPC_PINCON_TypeDef *) LPC_PINCON_BASE ) +#define LPC_SSP0 ((LPC_SSP_TypeDef *) LPC_SSP0_BASE ) +#define LPC_SSP1 ((LPC_SSP_TypeDef *) LPC_SSP1_BASE ) +#define LPC_ADC ((LPC_ADC_TypeDef *) LPC_ADC_BASE ) +#define LPC_DAC ((LPC_DAC_TypeDef *) LPC_DAC_BASE ) +#define LPC_CANAF_RAM ((LPC_CANAF_RAM_TypeDef *) LPC_CANAF_RAM_BASE) +#define LPC_CANAF ((LPC_CANAF_TypeDef *) LPC_CANAF_BASE ) +#define LPC_CANCR ((LPC_CANCR_TypeDef *) LPC_CANCR_BASE ) +#define LPC_CAN1 ((LPC_CAN_TypeDef *) LPC_CAN1_BASE ) +#define LPC_CAN2 ((LPC_CAN_TypeDef *) LPC_CAN2_BASE ) +#define LPC_MCPWM ((LPC_MCPWM_TypeDef *) LPC_MCPWM_BASE ) +#define LPC_QEI ((LPC_QEI_TypeDef *) LPC_QEI_BASE ) +#define LPC_EMAC ((LPC_EMAC_TypeDef *) LPC_EMAC_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPDMA ((LPC_GPDMA_TypeDef *) LPC_GPDMA_BASE ) +#define DMAREQSEL (*(__IO uint32_t *) ( 0x4000C1C4)) +#define MEMMAP (*(__IO uint32_t *) ( 0x400FC040)) +#define LPC_GPDMACH0 ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *) LPC_GPDMACH0_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPDMACH1 ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *) LPC_GPDMACH1_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPDMACH2 ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *) LPC_GPDMACH2_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPDMACH3 ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *) LPC_GPDMACH3_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPDMACH4 ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *) LPC_GPDMACH4_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPDMACH5 ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *) LPC_GPDMACH5_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPDMACH6 ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *) LPC_GPDMACH6_BASE ) +#define LPC_GPDMACH7 ((LPC_GPDMACH_TypeDef *) LPC_GPDMACH7_BASE ) +#define LPC_USB ((LPC_USB_TypeDef *) LPC_USB_BASE ) + +#endif // __LPC17xx_H__ diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56ef973 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +include_HEADERS = core_cm3.h LPC17xx.h lpc_types.h lpc17xx.h + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/core_cm3.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/core_cm3.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b294e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/core_cm3.h @@ -0,0 +1,978 @@ +/****************************************************************************//** + * @file : core_cm3.h + * @brief : CMSIS Cortex-M3 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File + * @version : V1.20 simplified for GCC only + * @date : 31. March 2010 + *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * + * Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. + * + * ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-Mx + * processor based microcontrollers. This file can be freely distributed + * within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors. + * + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED + * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. + * ARM SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR + * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. + * + ******************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef __CM3_CORE_H__ +#define __CM3_CORE_H__ + +#ifdef __cplusplus + extern "C" { +#endif + +#define __CM3_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN (0x01) /*!< [31:16] CMSIS HAL main version */ +#define __CM3_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB (0x20) /*!< [15:0] CMSIS HAL sub version */ +#define __CM3_CMSIS_VERSION ((__CM3_CMSIS_VERSION_MAIN << 16) | __CM3_CMSIS_VERSION_SUB) /*!< CMSIS HAL version number */ + +#define __CORTEX_M (0x03) /*!< Cortex core */ + +/** + * Lint configuration \n + * ----------------------- \n + * + * The following Lint messages will be suppressed and not shown: \n + * \n + * --- Error 10: --- \n + * register uint32_t __regBasePri __asm("basepri"); \n + * Error 10: Expecting ';' \n + * \n + * --- Error 530: --- \n + * return(__regBasePri); \n + * Warning 530: Symbol '__regBasePri' (line 264) not initialized \n + * \n + * --- Error 550: --- \n + * __regBasePri = (basePri & 0x1ff); \n + * } \n + * Warning 550: Symbol '__regBasePri' (line 271) not accessed \n + * \n + * --- Error 754: --- \n + * uint32_t RESERVED0[24]; \n + * Info 754: local structure member '<some, not used in the HAL>' (line 109, file ./cm3_core.h) not referenced \n + * \n + * --- Error 750: --- \n + * #define __CM3_CORE_H__ \n + * Info 750: local macro '__CM3_CORE_H__' (line 43, file./cm3_core.h) not referenced \n + * \n + * --- Error 528: --- \n + * static __INLINE void NVIC_DisableIRQ(uint32_t IRQn) \n + * Warning 528: Symbol 'NVIC_DisableIRQ(unsigned int)' (line 419, file ./cm3_core.h) not referenced \n + * \n + * --- Error 751: --- \n + * } InterruptType_Type; \n + * Info 751: local typedef 'InterruptType_Type' (line 170, file ./cm3_core.h) not referenced \n + * \n + * \n + * Note: To re-enable a Message, insert a space before 'lint' * \n + * + */ + +/*lint -save */ +/*lint -e10 */ +/*lint -e530 */ +/*lint -e550 */ +/*lint -e754 */ +/*lint -e750 */ +/*lint -e528 */ +/*lint -e751 */ + + +#include <stdint.h> /* Include standard types */ + +#ifndef __NVIC_PRIO_BITS + #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 4 /*!< standard definition for NVIC Priority Bits */ +#endif + + + + +/** + * IO definitions + * + * define access restrictions to peripheral registers + */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +#define __I volatile /*!< defines 'read only' permissions */ +#else +#define __I volatile const /*!< defines 'read only' permissions */ +#endif +#define __O volatile /*!< defines 'write only' permissions */ +#define __IO volatile /*!< defines 'read / write' permissions */ + + + +/******************************************************************************* + * Register Abstraction + ******************************************************************************/ + + +/* System Reset */ +#define NVIC_VECTRESET 0 /*!< Vector Reset Bit */ +#define NVIC_SYSRESETREQ 2 /*!< System Reset Request */ +#define NVIC_AIRCR_VECTKEY (0x5FA << 16) /*!< AIRCR Key for write access */ +#define NVIC_AIRCR_ENDIANESS 15 /*!< Endianess */ + +/* Core Debug */ +#define CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA (1 << 24) /*!< DEMCR TRCENA enable */ +#define ITM_TCR_ITMENA 1 /*!< ITM enable */ + + + + +/* memory mapping struct for Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) */ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t ISER[8]; /*!< Interrupt Set Enable Register */ + uint32_t RESERVED0[24]; + __IO uint32_t ICER[8]; /*!< Interrupt Clear Enable Register */ + uint32_t RSERVED1[24]; + __IO uint32_t ISPR[8]; /*!< Interrupt Set Pending Register */ + uint32_t RESERVED2[24]; + __IO uint32_t ICPR[8]; /*!< Interrupt Clear Pending Register */ + uint32_t RESERVED3[24]; + __IO uint32_t IABR[8]; /*!< Interrupt Active bit Register */ + uint32_t RESERVED4[56]; + __IO uint8_t IP[240]; /*!< Interrupt Priority Register, 8Bit wide */ + uint32_t RESERVED5[644]; + __O uint32_t STIR; /*!< Software Trigger Interrupt Register */ +} NVIC_Type; + + +/* memory mapping struct for System Control Block */ +typedef struct +{ + __I uint32_t CPUID; /*!< CPU ID Base Register */ + __IO uint32_t ICSR; /*!< Interrupt Control State Register */ + __IO uint32_t VTOR; /*!< Vector Table Offset Register */ + __IO uint32_t AIRCR; /*!< Application Interrupt / Reset Control Register */ + __IO uint32_t SCR; /*!< System Control Register */ + __IO uint32_t CCR; /*!< Configuration Control Register */ + __IO uint8_t SHP[12]; /*!< System Handlers Priority Registers (4-7, 8-11, 12-15) */ + __IO uint32_t SHCSR; /*!< System Handler Control and State Register */ + __IO uint32_t CFSR; /*!< Configurable Fault Status Register */ + __IO uint32_t HFSR; /*!< Hard Fault Status Register */ + __IO uint32_t DFSR; /*!< Debug Fault Status Register */ + __IO uint32_t MMFAR; /*!< Mem Manage Address Register */ + __IO uint32_t BFAR; /*!< Bus Fault Address Register */ + __IO uint32_t AFSR; /*!< Auxiliary Fault Status Register */ + __I uint32_t PFR[2]; /*!< Processor Feature Register */ + __I uint32_t DFR; /*!< Debug Feature Register */ + __I uint32_t ADR; /*!< Auxiliary Feature Register */ + __I uint32_t MMFR[4]; /*!< Memory Model Feature Register */ + __I uint32_t ISAR[5]; /*!< ISA Feature Register */ +} SCB_Type; + + +/* memory mapping struct for SysTick */ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t CTRL; /*!< SysTick Control and Status Register */ + __IO uint32_t LOAD; /*!< SysTick Reload Value Register */ + __IO uint32_t VAL; /*!< SysTick Current Value Register */ + __I uint32_t CALIB; /*!< SysTick Calibration Register */ +} SysTick_Type; + + +/* memory mapping structur for ITM */ +typedef struct +{ + __O union + { + __O uint8_t u8; /*!< ITM Stimulus Port 8-bit */ + __O uint16_t u16; /*!< ITM Stimulus Port 16-bit */ + __O uint32_t u32; /*!< ITM Stimulus Port 32-bit */ + } PORT [32]; /*!< ITM Stimulus Port Registers */ + uint32_t RESERVED0[864]; + __IO uint32_t TER; /*!< ITM Trace Enable Register */ + uint32_t RESERVED1[15]; + __IO uint32_t TPR; /*!< ITM Trace Privilege Register */ + uint32_t RESERVED2[15]; + __IO uint32_t TCR; /*!< ITM Trace Control Register */ + uint32_t RESERVED3[29]; + __IO uint32_t IWR; /*!< ITM Integration Write Register */ + __IO uint32_t IRR; /*!< ITM Integration Read Register */ + __IO uint32_t IMCR; /*!< ITM Integration Mode Control Register */ + uint32_t RESERVED4[43]; + __IO uint32_t LAR; /*!< ITM Lock Access Register */ + __IO uint32_t LSR; /*!< ITM Lock Status Register */ + uint32_t RESERVED5[6]; + __I uint32_t PID4; /*!< ITM Product ID Registers */ + __I uint32_t PID5; + __I uint32_t PID6; + __I uint32_t PID7; + __I uint32_t PID0; + __I uint32_t PID1; + __I uint32_t PID2; + __I uint32_t PID3; + __I uint32_t CID0; + __I uint32_t CID1; + __I uint32_t CID2; + __I uint32_t CID3; +} ITM_Type; + + +/* memory mapped struct for Interrupt Type */ +typedef struct +{ + uint32_t RESERVED0; + __I uint32_t ICTR; /*!< Interrupt Control Type Register */ +#if ((defined __CM3_REV) && (__CM3_REV >= 0x200)) + __IO uint32_t ACTLR; /*!< Auxiliary Control Register */ +#else + uint32_t RESERVED1; +#endif +} InterruptType_Type; + + +/* Memory Protection Unit */ +#if defined (__MPU_PRESENT) && (__MPU_PRESENT == 1) +typedef struct +{ + __I uint32_t TYPE; /*!< MPU Type Register */ + __IO uint32_t CTRL; /*!< MPU Control Register */ + __IO uint32_t RNR; /*!< MPU Region RNRber Register */ + __IO uint32_t RBAR; /*!< MPU Region Base Address Register */ + __IO uint32_t RASR; /*!< MPU Region Attribute and Size Register */ + __IO uint32_t RBAR_A1; /*!< MPU Alias 1 Region Base Address Register */ + __IO uint32_t RASR_A1; /*!< MPU Alias 1 Region Attribute and Size Register */ + __IO uint32_t RBAR_A2; /*!< MPU Alias 2 Region Base Address Register */ + __IO uint32_t RASR_A2; /*!< MPU Alias 2 Region Attribute and Size Register */ + __IO uint32_t RBAR_A3; /*!< MPU Alias 3 Region Base Address Register */ + __IO uint32_t RASR_A3; /*!< MPU Alias 3 Region Attribute and Size Register */ +} MPU_Type; +#endif + + +/* Core Debug Register */ +typedef struct +{ + __IO uint32_t DHCSR; /*!< Debug Halting Control and Status Register */ + __O uint32_t DCRSR; /*!< Debug Core Register Selector Register */ + __IO uint32_t DCRDR; /*!< Debug Core Register Data Register */ + __IO uint32_t DEMCR; /*!< Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register */ +} CoreDebug_Type; + + +/* Memory mapping of Cortex-M3 Hardware */ +#define SCS_BASE (0xE000E000) /*!< System Control Space Base Address */ +#define ITM_BASE (0xE0000000) /*!< ITM Base Address */ +#define CoreDebug_BASE (0xE000EDF0) /*!< Core Debug Base Address */ +#define SysTick_BASE (SCS_BASE + 0x0010) /*!< SysTick Base Address */ +#define NVIC_BASE (SCS_BASE + 0x0100) /*!< NVIC Base Address */ +#define SCB_BASE (SCS_BASE + 0x0D00) /*!< System Control Block Base Address */ + +#define InterruptType ((InterruptType_Type *) SCS_BASE) /*!< Interrupt Type Register */ +#define SCB ((SCB_Type *) SCB_BASE) /*!< SCB configuration struct */ +#define SysTick ((SysTick_Type *) SysTick_BASE) /*!< SysTick configuration struct */ +#define NVIC ((NVIC_Type *) NVIC_BASE) /*!< NVIC configuration struct */ +#define ITM ((ITM_Type *) ITM_BASE) /*!< ITM configuration struct */ +#define CoreDebug ((CoreDebug_Type *) CoreDebug_BASE) /*!< Core Debug configuration struct */ + +#if defined (__MPU_PRESENT) && (__MPU_PRESENT == 1) + #define MPU_BASE (SCS_BASE + 0x0D90) /*!< Memory Protection Unit */ + #define MPU ((MPU_Type*) MPU_BASE) /*!< Memory Protection Unit */ +#endif + + + +/******************************************************************************* + * Hardware Abstraction Layer + ******************************************************************************/ + + + #define __ASM __asm /*!< asm keyword for GNU Compiler */ + #define __INLINE inline /*!< inline keyword for GNU Compiler */ + +/* ################### Compiler specific Intrinsics ########################### */ + +/* GNU gcc specific functions */ + +static __INLINE void __enable_irq() { __ASM volatile ("cpsie i"); } +static __INLINE void __disable_irq() { __ASM volatile ("cpsid i"); } + +static __INLINE void __enable_fault_irq() { __ASM volatile ("cpsie f"); } +static __INLINE void __disable_fault_irq() { __ASM volatile ("cpsid f"); } + +static __INLINE void __NOP() { __ASM volatile ("nop"); } +static __INLINE void __WFI() { __ASM volatile ("wfi"); } +static __INLINE void __WFE() { __ASM volatile ("wfe"); } +static __INLINE void __SEV() { __ASM volatile ("sev"); } +static __INLINE void __ISB() { __ASM volatile ("isb"); } +static __INLINE void __DSB() { __ASM volatile ("dsb"); } +static __INLINE void __DMB() { __ASM volatile ("dmb"); } +static __INLINE void __CLREX() { __ASM volatile ("clrex"); } + + +/** + * @brief Return the Process Stack Pointer + * + * @param none + * @return uint32_t ProcessStackPointer + * + * Return the actual process stack pointer + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __get_PSP(void) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, psp" : "=r" (result) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * @brief Set the Process Stack Pointer + * + * @param uint32_t Process Stack Pointer + * @return none + * + * Assign the value ProcessStackPointer to the MSP + * (process stack pointer) Cortex processor register + */ +static __INLINE void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack) +{ + __ASM volatile ("MSR psp, %0" : : "r" (topOfProcStack) ); +} + +/** + * @brief Return the Main Stack Pointer + * + * @param none + * @return uint32_t Main Stack Pointer + * + * Return the current value of the MSP (main stack pointer) + * Cortex processor register + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __get_MSP(void) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, msp" : "=r" (result) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * @brief Set the Main Stack Pointer + * + * @param uint32_t Main Stack Pointer + * @return none + * + * Assign the value mainStackPointer to the MSP + * (main stack pointer) Cortex processor register + */ +static __INLINE void __set_MSP(uint32_t topOfMainStack) +{ + __ASM volatile ("MSR msp, %0" : : "r" (topOfMainStack) ); +} + +/** + * @brief Return the Base Priority value + * + * @param none + * @return uint32_t BasePriority + * + * Return the content of the base priority register + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __get_BASEPRI(void) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, basepri_max" : "=r" (result) ); + return(result); +} + + +/** + * @brief Set the Base Priority value + * + * @param uint32_t BasePriority + * @return none + * + * Set the base priority register + */ +static __INLINE void __set_BASEPRI(uint32_t value) +{ + __ASM volatile ("MSR basepri, %0" : : "r" (value) ); +} + +/** + * @brief Return the Priority Mask value + * + * @param none + * @return uint32_t PriMask + * + * Return the state of the priority mask bit from the priority mask + * register + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __get_PRIMASK(void) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, primask" : "=r" (result) ); + return(result); +} + + +/** + * @brief Set the Priority Mask value + * + * @param uint32_t PriMask + * @return none + * + * Set the priority mask bit in the priority mask register + */ +static __INLINE void __set_PRIMASK(uint32_t priMask) +{ + __ASM volatile ("MSR primask, %0" : : "r" (priMask) ); +} + + +/** + * @brief Return the Fault Mask value + * + * @param none + * @return uint32_t FaultMask + * + * Return the content of the fault mask register + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __get_FAULTMASK(void) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, faultmask" : "=r" (result) ); + return(result); +} + + +/** + * @brief Set the Fault Mask value + * + * @param uint32_t faultMask value + * @return none + * + * Set the fault mask register + */ +static __INLINE void __set_FAULTMASK(uint32_t faultMask) +{ + __ASM volatile ("MSR faultmask, %0" : : "r" (faultMask) ); +} + +/** + * @brief Return the Control Register value +* +* @param none +* @return uint32_t Control value + * + * Return the content of the control register + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __get_CONTROL(void) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, control" : "=r" (result) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * @brief Set the Control Register value + * + * @param uint32_t Control value + * @return none + * + * Set the control register + */ +static __INLINE void __set_CONTROL(uint32_t control) +{ + __ASM volatile ("MSR control, %0" : : "r" (control) ); +} + +/** + * @brief Reverse byte order in integer value + * + * @param uint32_t value to reverse + * @return uint32_t reversed value + * + * Reverse byte order in integer value + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __REV(uint32_t value) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("rev %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * @brief Reverse byte order in unsigned short value + * + * @param uint16_t value to reverse + * @return uint32_t reversed value + * + * Reverse byte order in unsigned short value + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __REV16(uint16_t value) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("rev16 %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * Reverse byte order in signed short value with sign extension to integer + * + * @param int16_t value to reverse + * @return int32_t reversed value + * + * @brief Reverse byte order in signed short value with sign extension to integer + */ +static __INLINE int32_t __REVSH(int16_t value) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("revsh %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * @brief Reverse bit order of value + * + * @param uint32_t value to reverse + * @return uint32_t reversed value + * + * Reverse bit order of value + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __RBIT(uint32_t value) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("rbit %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * @brief LDR Exclusive + * + * @param uint8_t* address + * @return uint8_t value of (*address) + * + * Exclusive LDR command + */ +static __INLINE uint8_t __LDREXB(uint8_t *addr) +{ + uint8_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("ldrexb %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * @brief LDR Exclusive + * + * @param uint16_t* address + * @return uint16_t value of (*address) + * + * Exclusive LDR command + */ +static __INLINE uint16_t __LDREXH(uint16_t *addr) +{ + uint16_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("ldrexh %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * @brief LDR Exclusive + * + * @param uint32_t* address + * @return uint32_t value of (*address) + * + * Exclusive LDR command + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __LDREXW(uint32_t *addr) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("ldrex %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * @brief STR Exclusive + * + * @param uint8_t *address + * @param uint8_t value to store + * @return uint32_t successful / failed + * + * Exclusive STR command + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __STREXB(uint8_t value, uint8_t *addr) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("strexb %0, %2, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr), "r" (value) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * @brief STR Exclusive + * + * @param uint16_t *address + * @param uint16_t value to store + * @return uint32_t successful / failed + * + * Exclusive STR command + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __STREXH(uint16_t value, uint16_t *addr) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("strexh %0, %2, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr), "r" (value) ); + return(result); +} + +/** + * @brief STR Exclusive + * + * @param uint32_t *address + * @param uint32_t value to store + * @return uint32_t successful / failed + * + * Exclusive STR command + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t __STREXW(uint32_t value, uint32_t *addr) +{ + uint32_t result=0; + + __ASM volatile ("strex %0, %2, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr), "r" (value) ); + return(result); +} + + +/* ########################## NVIC functions #################################### */ + + +/** + * @brief Set the Priority Grouping in NVIC Interrupt Controller + * + * @param uint32_t priority_grouping is priority grouping field + * @return none + * + * Set the priority grouping field using the required unlock sequence. + * The parameter priority_grouping is assigned to the field + * SCB->AIRCR [10:8] PRIGROUP field. Only values from 0..7 are used. + * In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available + * priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) the smallest possible priority group is set. + */ +static __INLINE void NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping(uint32_t PriorityGroup) +{ + uint32_t reg_value; + uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & 0x07); /* only values 0..7 are used */ + + reg_value = SCB->AIRCR; /* read old register configuration */ + reg_value &= ~((0xFFFFU << 16) | (0x0F << 8)); /* clear bits to change */ + reg_value = ((reg_value | NVIC_AIRCR_VECTKEY | (PriorityGroupTmp << 8))); /* Insert write key and priorty group */ + SCB->AIRCR = reg_value; +} + +/** + * @brief Get the Priority Grouping from NVIC Interrupt Controller + * + * @param none + * @return uint32_t priority grouping field + * + * Get the priority grouping from NVIC Interrupt Controller. + * priority grouping is SCB->AIRCR [10:8] PRIGROUP field. + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPriorityGrouping(void) +{ + return ((SCB->AIRCR >> 8) & 0x07); /* read priority grouping field */ +} + +/** + * @brief Enable Interrupt in NVIC Interrupt Controller + * + * @param IRQn_Type IRQn specifies the interrupt number + * @return none + * + * Enable a device specific interupt in the NVIC interrupt controller. + * The interrupt number cannot be a negative value. + */ +static __INLINE void NVIC_EnableIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn) +{ + NVIC->ISER[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)); /* enable interrupt */ +} + +/** + * @brief Disable the interrupt line for external interrupt specified + * + * @param IRQn_Type IRQn is the positive number of the external interrupt + * @return none + * + * Disable a device specific interupt in the NVIC interrupt controller. + * The interrupt number cannot be a negative value. + */ +static __INLINE void NVIC_DisableIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn) +{ + NVIC->ICER[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)); /* disable interrupt */ +} + +/** + * @brief Read the interrupt pending bit for a device specific interrupt source + * + * @param IRQn_Type IRQn is the number of the device specifc interrupt + * @return uint32_t 1 if pending interrupt else 0 + * + * Read the pending register in NVIC and return 1 if its status is pending, + * otherwise it returns 0 + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn) +{ + return((uint32_t) ((NVIC->ISPR[(uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5] & (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)))?1:0)); /* Return 1 if pending else 0 */ +} + +/** + * @brief Set the pending bit for an external interrupt + * + * @param IRQn_Type IRQn is the Number of the interrupt + * @return none + * + * Set the pending bit for the specified interrupt. + * The interrupt number cannot be a negative value. + */ +static __INLINE void NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn) +{ + NVIC->ISPR[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)); /* set interrupt pending */ +} + +/** + * @brief Clear the pending bit for an external interrupt + * + * @param IRQn_Type IRQn is the Number of the interrupt + * @return none + * + * Clear the pending bit for the specified interrupt. + * The interrupt number cannot be a negative value. + */ +static __INLINE void NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn) +{ + NVIC->ICPR[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)); /* Clear pending interrupt */ +} + +/** + * @brief Read the active bit for an external interrupt + * + * @param IRQn_Type IRQn is the Number of the interrupt + * @return uint32_t 1 if active else 0 + * + * Read the active register in NVIC and returns 1 if its status is active, + * otherwise it returns 0. + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetActive(IRQn_Type IRQn) +{ + return((uint32_t)((NVIC->IABR[(uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5] & (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)))?1:0)); /* Return 1 if active else 0 */ +} + +/** + * @brief Set the priority for an interrupt + * + * @param IRQn_Type IRQn is the Number of the interrupt + * @param priority is the priority for the interrupt + * @return none + * + * Set the priority for the specified interrupt. The interrupt + * number can be positive to specify an external (device specific) + * interrupt, or negative to specify an internal (core) interrupt. \n + * + * Note: The priority cannot be set for every core interrupt. + */ +static __INLINE void NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint32_t priority) +{ + if(IRQn < 0) { + SCB->SHP[((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0xF)-4] = ((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xff); } /* set Priority for Cortex-M3 System Interrupts */ + else { + NVIC->IP[(uint32_t)(IRQn)] = ((priority << (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS)) & 0xff); } /* set Priority for device specific Interrupts */ +} + +/** + * @brief Read the priority for an interrupt + * + * @param IRQn_Type IRQn is the Number of the interrupt + * @return uint32_t priority is the priority for the interrupt + * + * Read the priority for the specified interrupt. The interrupt + * number can be positive to specify an external (device specific) + * interrupt, or negative to specify an internal (core) interrupt. + * + * The returned priority value is automatically aligned to the implemented + * priority bits of the microcontroller. + * + * Note: The priority cannot be set for every core interrupt. + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn) +{ + + if(IRQn < 0) { + return((uint32_t)(SCB->SHP[((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0xF)-4] >> (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS))); } /* get priority for Cortex-M3 system interrupts */ + else { + return((uint32_t)(NVIC->IP[(uint32_t)(IRQn)] >> (8 - __NVIC_PRIO_BITS))); } /* get priority for device specific interrupts */ +} + + +/** + * @brief Encode the priority for an interrupt + * + * @param uint32_t PriorityGroup is the used priority group + * @param uint32_t PreemptPriority is the preemptive priority value (starting from 0) + * @param uint32_t SubPriority is the sub priority value (starting from 0) + * @return uint32_t the priority for the interrupt + * + * Encode the priority for an interrupt with the given priority group, + * preemptive priority value and sub priority value. + * In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available + * priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) the samllest possible priority group is set. + * + * The returned priority value can be used for NVIC_SetPriority(...) function + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t NVIC_EncodePriority (uint32_t PriorityGroup, uint32_t PreemptPriority, uint32_t SubPriority) +{ + uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & 0x07); /* only values 0..7 are used */ + uint32_t PreemptPriorityBits; + uint32_t SubPriorityBits; + + PreemptPriorityBits = ((7 - PriorityGroupTmp) > __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) ? __NVIC_PRIO_BITS : 7 - PriorityGroupTmp; + SubPriorityBits = ((PriorityGroupTmp + __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) < 7) ? 0 : PriorityGroupTmp - 7 + __NVIC_PRIO_BITS; + + return ( + ((PreemptPriority & ((1 << (PreemptPriorityBits)) - 1)) << SubPriorityBits) | + ((SubPriority & ((1 << (SubPriorityBits )) - 1))) + ); +} + + +/** + * @brief Decode the priority of an interrupt + * + * @param uint32_t Priority the priority for the interrupt + * @param uint32_t PrioGroup is the used priority group + * @param uint32_t* pPreemptPrio is the preemptive priority value (starting from 0) + * @param uint32_t* pSubPrio is the sub priority value (starting from 0) + * @return none + * + * Decode an interrupt priority value with the given priority group to + * preemptive priority value and sub priority value. + * In case of a conflict between priority grouping and available + * priority bits (__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) the samllest possible priority group is set. + * + * The priority value can be retrieved with NVIC_GetPriority(...) function + */ +static __INLINE void NVIC_DecodePriority (uint32_t Priority, uint32_t PriorityGroup, uint32_t* pPreemptPriority, uint32_t* pSubPriority) +{ + uint32_t PriorityGroupTmp = (PriorityGroup & 0x07); /* only values 0..7 are used */ + uint32_t PreemptPriorityBits; + uint32_t SubPriorityBits; + + PreemptPriorityBits = ((7 - PriorityGroupTmp) > __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) ? __NVIC_PRIO_BITS : 7 - PriorityGroupTmp; + SubPriorityBits = ((PriorityGroupTmp + __NVIC_PRIO_BITS) < 7) ? 0 : PriorityGroupTmp - 7 + __NVIC_PRIO_BITS; + + *pPreemptPriority = (Priority >> SubPriorityBits) & ((1 << (PreemptPriorityBits)) - 1); + *pSubPriority = (Priority ) & ((1 << (SubPriorityBits )) - 1); +} + + + +/* ################################## SysTick function ############################################ */ + +#if (!defined (__Vendor_SysTickConfig)) || (__Vendor_SysTickConfig == 0) + +/* SysTick constants */ +#define SYSTICK_ENABLE 0 /* Config-Bit to start or stop the SysTick Timer */ +#define SYSTICK_TICKINT 1 /* Config-Bit to enable or disable the SysTick interrupt */ +#define SYSTICK_CLKSOURCE 2 /* Clocksource has the offset 2 in SysTick Control and Status Register */ +#define SYSTICK_MAXCOUNT ((1<<24) -1) /* SysTick MaxCount */ + +/** + * @brief Initialize and start the SysTick counter and its interrupt. + * + * @param uint32_t ticks is the number of ticks between two interrupts + * @return none + * + * Initialise the system tick timer and its interrupt and start the + * system tick timer / counter in free running mode to generate + * periodical interrupts. + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t SysTick_Config(uint32_t ticks) +{ + if (ticks > SYSTICK_MAXCOUNT) return (1); /* Reload value impossible */ + + SysTick->LOAD = (ticks & SYSTICK_MAXCOUNT) - 1; /* set reload register */ + NVIC_SetPriority (SysTick_IRQn, (1<<__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) - 1); /* set Priority for Cortex-M0 System Interrupts */ + SysTick->VAL = (0x00); /* Load the SysTick Counter Value */ + SysTick->CTRL = (1 << SYSTICK_CLKSOURCE) | (1<<SYSTICK_ENABLE) | (1<<SYSTICK_TICKINT); /* Enable SysTick IRQ and SysTick Timer */ + return (0); /* Function successful */ +} + +#endif + + + + + +/* ################################## Reset function ############################################ */ + +/** + * @brief Initiate a system reset request. + * + * @param none + * @return none + * + * Initialize a system reset request to reset the MCU + */ +static __INLINE void NVIC_SystemReset(void) +{ + SCB->AIRCR = (NVIC_AIRCR_VECTKEY | (SCB->AIRCR & (0x700)) | (1<<NVIC_SYSRESETREQ)); /* Keep priority group unchanged */ + __DSB(); /* Ensure completion of memory access */ + while(1); /* wait until reset */ +} + + +/* ################################## Debug Output function ############################################ */ + + +/** + * @brief Outputs a character via the ITM channel 0 + * + * @param uint32_t character to output + * @return uint32_t input character + * + * The function outputs a character via the ITM channel 0. + * The function returns when no debugger is connected that has booked the output. + * It is blocking when a debugger is connected, but the previous character send is not transmitted. + */ +static __INLINE uint32_t ITM_SendChar (uint32_t ch) +{ + if (ch == '\n') ITM_SendChar('\r'); + + if ((CoreDebug->DEMCR & CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA) && + (ITM->TCR & ITM_TCR_ITMENA) && + (ITM->TER & (1UL << 0)) ) + { + while (ITM->PORT[0].u32 == 0); + ITM->PORT[0].u8 = (uint8_t) ch; + } + return (ch); +} + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __CM3_CORE_H__ */ + +/*lint -restore */ diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/lpc17xx.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/lpc17xx.h new file mode 120000 index 0000000..6c93089 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/lpc17xx.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +LPC17xx.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/lpc_types.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/lpc_types.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89659f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/defines/lpc_types.h @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc_types.h. + * @brief :. + * Contains the NXP ABL typedefs for C standard types.. + * It is intended to be used in ISO C conforming development. + * environments and checks for this insofar as it is possible. + * to do so.. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 27 Jul. 2008. + * @author : wellsk. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Type group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup LPC_Types. + * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef LPC_TYPES_H. +#define LPC_TYPES_H. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include <stdint.h>. +. +. +/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup LPC_Types_Public_Types. + * @{. + */. +. +/**. + * @brief Boolean Type definition. + */. +typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE} Bool;. +. +/**. + * @brief Flag Status and Interrupt Flag Status type definition. + */. +typedef enum {RESET = 0, SET = !RESET} FlagStatus, IntStatus, SetState;. +#define PARAM_SETSTATE(State) ((State==RESET) || (State==SET)). +. +/**. + * @brief Functional State Definition. + */. +typedef enum {DISABLE = 0, ENABLE = !DISABLE} FunctionalState;. +#define PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(State) ((State==DISABLE) || (State==ENABLE)). +. +/**. + * @ Status type definition. + */. +typedef enum {ERROR = 0, SUCCESS = !ERROR} Status;. +. +. +/**. + * Read/Write transfer type mode (Block or non-block). + */. +typedef enum. +{. + NONE_BLOCKING = 0, /**< None Blocking type */. + BLOCKING, /**< Blocking type */. +} TRANSFER_BLOCK_Type;. +. +. +/** Pointer to Function returning Void (any number of parameters) */. +typedef void (*PFV)();. +. +/** Pointer to Function returning int32_t (any number of parameters) */. +typedef int32_t(*PFI)();. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup LPC_Types_Public_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +/* _BIT(n) sets the bit at position "n". + * _BIT(n) is intended to be used in "OR" and "AND" expressions:. + * e.g., "(_BIT(3) | _BIT(7))".. + */. +#undef _BIT. +/* Set bit macro */. +#define _BIT(n) (1<<n). +. +/* _SBF(f,v) sets the bit field starting at position "f" to value "v".. + * _SBF(f,v) is intended to be used in "OR" and "AND" expressions:. + * e.g., "((_SBF(5,7) | _SBF(12,0xF)) & 0xFFFF)". + */. +#undef _SBF. +/* Set bit field macro */. +#define _SBF(f,v) (v<<f). +. +/* _BITMASK constructs a symbol with 'field_width' least significant. + * bits set.. + * e.g., _BITMASK(5) constructs '0x1F', _BITMASK(16) == 0xFFFF. + * The symbol is intended to be used to limit the bit field width. + * thusly:. + * <a_register> = (any_expression) & _BITMASK(x), where 0 < x <= 32.. + * If "any_expression" results in a value that is larger than can be. + * contained in 'x' bits, the bits above 'x - 1' are masked off. When. + * used with the _SBF example above, the example would be written:. + * a_reg = ((_SBF(5,7) | _SBF(12,0xF)) & _BITMASK(16)). + * This ensures that the value written to a_reg is no wider than. + * 16 bits, and makes the code easier to read and understand.. + */. +#undef _BITMASK. +/* Bitmask creation macro */. +#define _BITMASK(field_width) ( _BIT(field_width) - 1). +. +/* NULL pointer */. +#ifndef NULL. +#define NULL ((void*) 0). +#endif. +. +/* Number of elements in an array */. +#define NELEMENTS(array) (sizeof (array) / sizeof (array[0])). +. +/* Static data/function define */. +#define STATIC static. +/* External data/function define */. +#define EXTERN extern. +. +#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)). +#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)). +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Old Type Definition compatibility ------------------------------------------ */. +/** @addtogroup LPC_Types_Public_Types. + * @{. + */. +. +/** SMA type for character type */. +typedef char CHAR;. +. +/** SMA type for 8 bit unsigned value */. +typedef uint8_t UNS_8;. +. +/** SMA type for 8 bit signed value */. +typedef int8_t INT_8;. +. +/** SMA type for 16 bit unsigned value */. +typedef uint16_t UNS_16;. +. +/** SMA type for 16 bit signed value */. +typedef int16_t INT_16;. +. +/** SMA type for 32 bit unsigned value */. +typedef uint32_t UNS_32;. +. +/** SMA type for 32 bit signed value */. +typedef int32_t INT_32;. +. +/** SMA type for 64 bit signed value */. +typedef int64_t INT_64;. +. +/** SMA type for 64 bit unsigned value */. +typedef uint64_t UNS_64;. +. +/** 32 bit boolean type */. +typedef Bool BOOL_32;. +. +/** 16 bit boolean type */. +typedef Bool BOOL_16;. +. +/** 8 bit boolean type */. +typedef Bool BOOL_8;. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +#endif /* LPC_TYPES_H */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5baf5ed --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +SUBDIRS = $(ALL_OMK_SUBDIRS) diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7744b01 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LIBRARIES = adc + +adc_SOURCES = lpc17xx_adc.c +include_HEADERS = lpc17xx_adc.h + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/lpc17xx_adc.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/lpc17xx_adc.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b17f0d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/lpc17xx_adc.c @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ +/**. + * @file : lpc17xx_adc.c. + * @brief : Contains all functions support for ADC firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 3. April. 2009. + * @author : NgaDinh. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **********************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup ADC. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx_adc.h". +#include "lpc17xx_clkpwr.h". +. +/* If this source file built with example, the LPC17xx FW library configuration. + * file in each example directory ("lpc17xx_libcfg.h") must be included,. + * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead. + */. +#ifdef __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h". +#else. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h". +#endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */. +. +. +#ifdef _ADC. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup ADC_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Initial for ADC. + * - Set bit PCADC. + * - Set clock for ADC. + * - Set Clock Frequency. + *. + * @param[in] ADCx pointer to LPC_ADC_TypeDef. + * @param[in] ConvFreq Clock frequency. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void ADC_Init(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ConvFreq). +. +{. + uint32_t temp, tmp;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADC_FREQUENCY(ConvFreq));. +. + // Turn on power and clock. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAD, ENABLE);. + // Set clock divider for ADC to 4 from CCLK as default. + // CLKPWR_SetPCLKDiv(CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ADC,CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_4);. +. + ADCx->ADCR = 0;. +. + //Enable PDN bit. + tmp = ADC_CR_PDN;. + // Set clock frequency. + temp = CLKPWR_GetPCLK(CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ADC) ;. + temp = (temp /ConvFreq) - 1;. + tmp |= ADC_CR_CLKDIV(temp);. +. + ADCx->ADCR = tmp;. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief Close ADC. +* @param[in] ADCx pointer to ADC. +* @return None. +**********************************************************************/. +void ADC_DeInit(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. +. + // Clear PDN bit. + ADCx->ADCR &= ~ADC_CR_PDN;. + // Turn on power and clock. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAD, DISABLE);. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief Get Result conversion from A/D data register. +* @param[in] channel number which want to read back the result. +* @return Result of conversion. +*********************************************************************/. +uint32_t ADC_GetData(uint32_t channel). +{. + uint32_t adc_value;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADC_CHANNEL_SELECTION(channel));. +. + adc_value = *(uint32_t *)((&LPC_ADC->ADDR0) + channel);. + return ADC_GDR_RESULT(adc_value);. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief Set start mode for ADC. +* @param[in] ADCx pointer to LPC_ADC_TypeDef. +* @param[in] start_mode Start mode choose one of modes in. +* 'ADC_START_OPT' enumeration type definition. +* @return None. +*********************************************************************/. +void ADC_StartCmd(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t start_mode). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADC_START_OPT(start_mode));. +. + ADCx->ADCR &= ~ADC_CR_START_MASK;. + ADCx->ADCR |=ADC_CR_START_MODE_SEL((uint32_t)start_mode);. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief ADC Burst mode setting. +*. +* @param[in] ADCx pointer to ADC. +* @param[in] NewState. +* - 1: Set Burst mode. +* - 0: reset Burst mode. +* @return None. +**********************************************************************/. +void ADC_BurstCmd(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. +. + ADCx->ADCR &= ~ADC_CR_BURST;. + if (NewState){. + ADCx->ADCR |= ADC_CR_BURST;. + }. +. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief Set AD conversion in power mode. +*. +* @param[in] ADCx pointer to ADC. +* @param[in] NewState. +* - 1: AD converter is optional. +* - 0: AD Converter is in power down mode. +* @return None. +**********************************************************************/. +void ADC_PowerdownCmd(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. +. + ADCx->ADCR &= ~ADC_CR_PDN;. + if (NewState){. + ADCx->ADCR |= ADC_CR_PDN;. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief Set Edge start configuration. +*. +* @param[in] ADCx pointer to ADC. +* @param[in] EdgeOption is ADC_START_ON_RISING and ADC_START_ON_FALLING. +* 0:ADC_START_ON_RISING. +* 1:ADC_START_ON_FALLING. +*. +* @return None. +**********************************************************************/. +void ADC_EdgeStartConfig(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t EdgeOption). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADC_START_ON_EDGE_OPT(EdgeOption));. +. + ADCx->ADCR &= ~ADC_CR_EDGE;. + if (EdgeOption){. + ADCx->ADCR |= ADC_CR_EDGE;. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief ADC interrupt configuration. +* @param[in] ADCx pointer to ADC. +* @param[in] IntType. +* @param[in] NewState:. +* - SET : enable ADC interrupt. +* - RESET: disable ADC interrupt. +*. +* @return None. +**********************************************************************/. +void ADC_IntConfig (LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, ADC_TYPE_INT_OPT IntType, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADC_TYPE_INT_OPT(IntType));. +. + ADCx->ADINTEN &= ~ADC_INTEN_CH(IntType);. + if (NewState){. + ADCx->ADINTEN |= ADC_INTEN_CH(IntType);. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief Enable/Disable ADC channel number. +* @param[in] ADCx pointer to ADC. +* @param[in] Channel channel number. +* @param[in] NewState Enable or Disable. +*. +* @return None. +**********************************************************************/. +void ADC_ChannelCmd (LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t Channel, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADC_CHANNEL_SELECTION(Channel));. +. + if (NewState == ENABLE) {. + ADCx->ADCR |= ADC_CR_CH_SEL(Channel);. + } else {. + ADCx->ADCR &= ~ADC_CR_CH_SEL(Channel);. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief Get ADC result. +* @param[in] ADCx pointer to ADC. +* @param[in] channel channel number. +* @return Data conversion. +**********************************************************************/. +uint16_t ADC_ChannelGetData(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t channel). +{. + uint32_t adc_value;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADC_CHANNEL_SELECTION(channel));. +. + adc_value = *(uint32_t *) ((&ADCx->ADDR0) + channel);. + return ADC_DR_RESULT(adc_value);. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief Get ADC Chanel status from ADC data register. +* @param[in] ADCx pointer to ADC. +* @param[in] channel channel number. +* @param[in] StatusType. +* 0:Burst status. +* 1:Done status. +* @return SET / RESET. +**********************************************************************/. +FlagStatus ADC_ChannelGetStatus(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t channel, uint32_t StatusType). +{. + uint32_t temp;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADC_CHANNEL_SELECTION(channel));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADC_DATA_STATUS(StatusType));. +. + temp = *(uint32_t *) ((&ADCx->ADDR0) + channel);. + if (StatusType) {. + temp &= ADC_DR_DONE_FLAG;. + }else{. + temp &= ADC_DR_OVERRUN_FLAG;. + }. + if (temp) {. + return SET;. + } else {. + return RESET;. + }. +. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief Get ADC Data from AD Global register. +* @param[in] ADCx pointer to ADC. +* @param[in] channel channel number. +* @return Result of conversion. +**********************************************************************/. +uint16_t ADC_GlobalGetData(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t channel). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADC_CHANNEL_SELECTION(channel));. +. + //ADCx->ADGDR &= ~ADC_GDR_CH_MASK;. + //ADCx->ADGDR |= ADC_GDR_CH(channel);. + return (uint16_t)(ADC_GDR_RESULT(ADCx->ADGDR));. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. +* @brief Get ADC Chanel status from AD global data register. +* @param[in] ADCx pointer to ADC. +* @param[in] StatusType. +* 0:Burst status. +* 1:Done status. +* @return SET / RESET. +**********************************************************************/. +FlagStatus ADC_GlobalGetStatus(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t StatusType). +{. + uint32_t temp;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADCx(ADCx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ADC_DATA_STATUS(StatusType));. +. + temp = ADCx->ADGDR;. + if (StatusType){. + temp &= ADC_DR_DONE_FLAG;. + }else{. + temp &= ADC_DR_OVERRUN_FLAG;. + }. + if (temp){. + return SET;. + }else{. + return RESET;. + }. +}. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +#endif /* _ADC */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. +. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/lpc17xx_adc.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/lpc17xx_adc.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f8e8bc --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/adc/lpc17xx_adc.h @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc17xx_adc.h. + * @brief : Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes. + * support for ADC firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 3. April. 2009. + * @author : NgaDinh. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup ADC. + * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef LPC17XX_ADC_H_. +#define LPC17XX_ADC_H_. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "LPC17xx.h". +#include "lpc_types.h". +. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +extern "C". +{. +#endif. +. +. +/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup ADC_Private_Macros ADC_Private_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/** @defgroup group3 ADC_REGISTER_BIT_DEFINITIONS. + * @{. + */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for ADC control register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Selects which of the AD0.0:7 pins is (are) to be sampled and converted */. +#define ADC_CR_CH_SEL(n) ((1UL << n)). +/** The APB clock (PCLK) is divided by (this value plus one). +* to produce the clock for the A/D */. +#define ADC_CR_CLKDIV(n) ((n<<8)). +/** Repeated conversions A/D enable bit */. +#define ADC_CR_BURST ((1UL<<16)). +/** ADC convert in power down mode */. +#define ADC_CR_PDN ((1UL<<21)). +/** Start mask bits */. +#define ADC_CR_START_MASK ((7UL<<24)). +/** Select Start Mode */. +#define ADC_CR_START_MODE_SEL(SEL) ((SEL<<24)). +/** Start conversion now */. +#define ADC_CR_START_NOW ((1UL<<24)). +/** Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on P2.10/EINT0 */. +#define ADC_CR_START_EINT0 ((2UL<<24)). +/** Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on P1.27/CAP0.1 */. +#define ADC_CR_START_CAP01 ((3UL<<24)). +/** Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on MAT0.1 */. +#define ADC_CR_START_MAT01 ((4UL<<24)). +/** Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on MAT0.3 */. +#define ADC_CR_START_MAT03 ((5UL<<24)). +/** Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on MAT1.0 */. +#define ADC_CR_START_MAT10 ((6UL<<24)). +/** Start conversion when the edge selected by bit 27 occurs on MAT1.1 */. +#define ADC_CR_START_MAT11 ((7UL<<24)). +/** Start conversion on a falling edge on the selected CAP/MAT signal */. +#define ADC_CR_EDGE ((1UL<<27)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for ADC Global Data register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** When DONE is 1, this field contains result value of ADC conversion */. +#define ADC_GDR_RESULT(n) (((n>>4)&0xFFF)). +/** These bits contain the channel from which the LS bits were converted */. +#define ADC_GDR_CH(n) (((n>>24)&0x7)). +/** This bit is 1 in burst mode if the results of one or. + * more conversions was (were) lost */. +#define ADC_GDR_OVERRUN_FLAG ((1UL<<30)). +/** This bit is set to 1 when an A/D conversion completes */. +#define ADC_GDR_DONE_FLAG ((1UL<<31)). +. +/** This bits is used to mask for Channel */. +#define ADC_GDR_CH_MASK ((7UL<<24)). +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for ADC Interrupt register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** These bits allow control over which A/D channels generate. + * interrupts for conversion completion */. +#define ADC_INTEN_CH(n) ((1UL<<n)). +/** When 1, enables the global DONE flag in ADDR to generate an interrupt */. +#define ADC_INTEN_GLOBAL ((1UL<<8)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for ADC Data register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** When DONE is 1, this field contains result value of ADC conversion */. +#define ADC_DR_RESULT(n) (((n>>4)&0xFFF)). +/** These bits mirror the OVERRRUN status flags that appear in the. + * result register for each A/D channel */. +#define ADC_DR_OVERRUN_FLAG ((1UL<<30)). +/** This bit is set to 1 when an A/D conversion completes. It is cleared. + * when this register is read */. +#define ADC_DR_DONE_FLAG ((1UL<<31)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for ADC Status register. +**********************************************************************/. +/** These bits mirror the DONE status flags that appear in the result. + * register for each A/D channel */. +#define ADC_STAT_CH_DONE_FLAG(n) ((n&0xFF)). +/** These bits mirror the OVERRRUN status flags that appear in the. + * result register for each A/D channel */. +#define ADC_STAT_CH_OVERRUN_FLAG(n) (((n>>8)&0xFF)). +/** This bit is the A/D interrupt flag */. +#define ADC_STAT_INT_FLAG ((1UL<<16)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for ADC Trim register. +**********************************************************************/. +/** Offset trim bits for ADC operation */. +#define ADC_ADCOFFS(n) (((n&0xF)<<4)). +/** Written to boot code*/. +#define ADC_TRIM(n) (((n&0xF)<<8)). +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup ADC_Public_Types. + * @{. + */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief ADC enumeration. + **********************************************************************/. +/** @brief Channel Selection */. +typedef enum. +{. + ADC_CHANNEL_0 = 0, /*!< Channel 0 */. + ADC_CHANNEL_1, /*!< Channel 1 */. + ADC_CHANNEL_2, /*!< Channel 2 */. + ADC_CHANNEL_3, /*!< Channel 3 */. + ADC_CHANNEL_4, /*!< Channel 4 */. + ADC_CHANNEL_5, /*!< Channel 5 */. + ADC_CHANNEL_6, /*!< Channel 6 */. + ADC_CHANNEL_7 /*!< Channel 7 */. +}ADC_CHANNEL_SELECTION;. +. +. +. +/** @brief Type of start option */. +. +/** @brief Type of start option */. +. +typedef enum. +{. + ADC_START_CONTINUOUS =0, /*!< Continuous mode */. + ADC_START_NOW, /*!< Start conversion now */. + ADC_START_ON_EINT0, /*!< Start conversion when the edge selected. + * by bit 27 occurs on P2.10/EINT0 */. + ADC_START_ON_CAP01, /*!< Start conversion when the edge selected. + * by bit 27 occurs on P1.27/CAP0.1 */. + ADC_START_ON_MAT01, /*!< Start conversion when the edge selected. + * by bit 27 occurs on MAT0.1 */. + ADC_START_ON_MAT03, /*!< Start conversion when the edge selected. + * by bit 27 occurs on MAT0.3 */. + ADC_START_ON_MAT10, /*!< Start conversion when the edge selected. + * by bit 27 occurs on MAT1.0 */. + ADC_START_ON_MAT11 /*!< Start conversion when the edge selected. + * by bit 27 occurs on MAT1.1 */. +} ADC_START_OPT;. +. +. +/** @brief Type of edge when start conversion on the selected CAP/MAT signal */. +. +typedef enum. +{. + ADC_START_ON_RISING = 0, /*!< Start conversion on a rising edge. + *on the selected CAP/MAT signal */. + ADC_START_ON_FALLING /*!< Start conversion on a falling edge. + *on the selected CAP/MAT signal */. +} ADC_START_ON_EDGE_OPT;. +. +/** @brief* ADC type interrupt enum */. +typedef enum. +{. + ADC_ADINTEN0 = 0, /*!< Interrupt channel 0 */. + ADC_ADINTEN1, /*!< Interrupt channel 1 */. + ADC_ADINTEN2, /*!< Interrupt channel 2 */. + ADC_ADINTEN3, /*!< Interrupt channel 3 */. + ADC_ADINTEN4, /*!< Interrupt channel 4 */. + ADC_ADINTEN5, /*!< Interrupt channel 5 */. + ADC_ADINTEN6, /*!< Interrupt channel 6 */. + ADC_ADINTEN7, /*!< Interrupt channel 7 */. + ADC_ADGINTEN /*!< Individual channel/global flag done generate an interrupt */. +}ADC_TYPE_INT_OPT;. +. +/** Macro to determine if it is valid interrupt type */. +#define PARAM_ADC_TYPE_INT_OPT(OPT) ((OPT == ADC_ADINTEN0)||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN1)\. +||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN2)||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN3)\. +||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN4)||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN5)\. +||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN6)||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN7)\. +||(OPT == ADC_ADGINTEN)). +. +. +/** @brief ADC Data status */. +typedef enum. +{. + ADC_DATA_BURST = 0, /*Burst bit*/. + ADC_DATA_DONE /*Done bit*/. +}ADC_DATA_STATUS;. +. +. +#define PARAM_ADC_START_ON_EDGE_OPT(OPT) ((OPT == ADC_START_ON_RISING)||(OPT == ADC_START_ON_FALLING)). +. +#define PARAM_ADC_DATA_STATUS(OPT) ((OPT== ADC_DATA_BURST)||(OPT== ADC_DATA_DONE)). +. +#define PARAM_ADC_FREQUENCY(FRE) (FRE <= 13000000 ). +. +#define PARAM_ADC_CHANNEL_SELECTION(SEL) ((SEL == ADC_CHANNEL_0)||(ADC_CHANNEL_1)\. +||(SEL == ADC_CHANNEL_2)|(ADC_CHANNEL_3)\. +||(SEL == ADC_CHANNEL_4)||(ADC_CHANNEL_5)\. +||(SEL == ADC_CHANNEL_6)||(ADC_CHANNEL_7)). +. +#define PARAM_ADC_START_OPT(OPT) ((OPT == ADC_START_CONTINUOUS)||(OPT == ADC_START_NOW)\. +||(OPT == ADC_START_ON_EINT0)||(OPT == ADC_START_ON_CAP01)\. +||(OPT == ADC_START_ON_MAT01)||(OPT == ADC_START_ON_MAT03)\. +||(OPT == ADC_START_ON_MAT10)||(OPT == ADC_START_ON_MAT11)). +. +#define PARAM_ADC_TYPE_INT_OPT(OPT) ((OPT == ADC_ADINTEN0)||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN1)\. +||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN2)||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN3)\. +||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN4)||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN5)\. +||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN6)||(OPT == ADC_ADINTEN7)\. +||(OPT == ADC_ADGINTEN)). +. +#define PARAM_ADCx(n) (((uint32_t *)n)==((uint32_t *)LPC_ADC)). +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup ADC_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +void ADC_Init(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t ConvFreq);. +void ADC_DeInit(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx);. +void ADC_BurstCmd(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, FunctionalState NewState);. +void ADC_PowerdownCmd(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, FunctionalState NewState);. +void ADC_StartCmd(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t start_mode);. +void ADC_EdgeStartConfig(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t EdgeOption);. +void ADC_IntConfig (LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, ADC_TYPE_INT_OPT IntType, FunctionalState NewState);. +void ADC_ChannelCmd (LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t Channel, FunctionalState NewState);. +uint16_t ADC_ChannelGetData(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t channel);. +FlagStatus ADC_ChannelGetStatus(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t channel, uint32_t StatusType);. +uint16_t ADC_GlobalGetData(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint8_t channel);. +FlagStatus ADC_GlobalGetStatus(LPC_ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t StatusType);. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +}. +#endif. +. +. +#endif /* LPC17XX_ADC_H_ */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5db3c68 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_obj_SOURCES = crt0_17xx.c initarray.c diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/crt0_17xx.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/crt0_17xx.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b859d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/crt0_17xx.c @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +/** + * crt0.c + * LPC17xx (ARM Cortex M3) family startup code + * + * adapted from startup_LPC17xx.c + * by Marek Peca <mp@duch.cz> 2010/06 + * modified by Jiri Kubias <jiri.kubias@addat.cz> + * + * ( file : startup_LPC17xx.c ) + * ( brief : CMSIS Cortex-M3 Core Device Startup File ) + * ( version : V1.01 ) + * ( date : 4. Feb. 2009 ) + * ( Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ) + * + * ( ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-Mx ) + * ( processor based microcontrollers. This file can be freely distributed ) + * ( within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors. ) + */ + +#include <sys/types.h> +#include <LPC17xx.h> + +#define WEAK __attribute__((weak)) + +/* System exception vector handler */ +void WEAK Reset_Handler(); /* Reset Handler */ +void WEAK NMI_Handler(); /* NMI Handler */ +void WEAK HardFault_Handler(); /* Hard Fault Handler */ +void WEAK MemManage_Handler(); /* MPU Fault Handler */ +void WEAK BusFault_Handler(); /* Bus Fault Handler */ +void WEAK UsageFault_Handler(); /* Usage Fault Handler */ +void WEAK SVC_Handler(); /* SVCall Handler */ +void WEAK DebugMon_Handler(); /* Debug Monitor Handler */ +void WEAK PendSV_Handler(); /* PendSV Handler */ +void WEAK SysTick_Handler(); /* SysTick Handler */ + +/* External interrupt vector handler */ +void WEAK WAKEUP_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK I2C_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK TIMER16_0_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK TIMER16_1_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK TIMER32_0_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK TIMER32_1_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK SSP_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK UART_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK USB_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK USB_FIQHandler(); +void WEAK ADC_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK WDT_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK BOD_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK FMC_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK PIOINT3_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK PIOINT2_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK PIOINT1_IRQHandler(); +void WEAK PIOINT0_IRQHandler(); + +/** memory map pointers (defined in ldscript) **/ +extern uint32_t _data, _edata, _datainit; +extern uint32_t __bss_start, __bss_end__; +extern uint32_t _stack; + +/** function prototypes **/ +extern void WEAK _memory_init(); +extern void WEAK __libc_init_array(); +////void _start() __attribute__((__interrupt__)); +void _start(); +extern int main(); + +/* + * The minimal vector table for a Cortex M3. Note that the proper constructs + * must be placed on this to ensure that it ends up at physical address + * 0x00000000. + */ +__attribute__((section(".ivec"))) + void (* const _vectors[])() = +{ + /* Cortex M3 common */ + (void (*)())&_stack, /* The initial stack pointer */ + _start, /* Reset Handler */ + NMI_Handler, /* NMI Handler */ + HardFault_Handler, /* Hard Fault Handler */ + MemManage_Handler, /* MPU Fault Handler */ + BusFault_Handler, /* Bus Fault Handler */ + UsageFault_Handler, /* Usage Fault Handler */ + 0, /* Reserved */ + 0, /* Reserved */ + 0, /* Reserved */ + 0, /* Reserved */ + SVC_Handler, /* SVCall Handler */ + DebugMon_Handler, /* Debug Monitor Handler */ + 0, /* Reserved */ + PendSV_Handler, /* PendSV Handler */ + SysTick_Handler, /* SysTick Handler */ + + /* LPC13xx specific interrupts */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 16 0 Wake-up on pin PIO0_0 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 17 1 Wake-up on pin PIO0_1 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 18 2 Wake-up on pin PIO0_2 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 19 3 Wake-up on pin PIO0_3 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 20 4 Wake-up on pin PIO0_4 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 21 5 Wake-up on pin PIO0_5 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 22 6 Wake-up on pin PIO0_6 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 23 7 Wake-up on pin PIO0_7 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 24 8 Wake-up on pin PIO0_8 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 25 9 Wake-up on pin PIO0_9 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 26 10 Wake-up on pin PIO0_10 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 27 11 Wake-up on pin PIO0_11 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 28 12 Wake-up on pin PIO1_0 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 29 13 Wake-up on pin PIO1_1 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 30 14 Wake-up on pin PIO1_2 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 31 15 Wake-up on pin PIO1_3 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 32 16 Wake-up on pin PIO1_4 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 33 17 Wake-up on pin PIO1_5 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 34 18 Wake-up on pin PIO1_6 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 35 19 Wake-up on pin PIO1_7 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 36 20 Wake-up on pin PIO1_8 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 37 21 Wake-up on pin PIO1_9 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 38 22 Wake-up on pin PIO1_10 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 39 23 Wake-up on pin PIO1_11 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 40 24 Wake-up on pin PIO2_0 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 41 25 Wake-up on pin PIO2_1 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 42 26 Wake-up on pin PIO2_2 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 43 27 Wake-up on pin PIO2_3 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 44 28 Wake-up on pin PIO2_4 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 45 29 Wake-up on pin PIO2_5 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 46 30 Wake-up on pin PIO2_6 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 47 31 Wake-up on pin PIO2_7 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 48 32 Wake-up on pin PIO2_8 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 49 33 Wake-up on pin PIO2_9 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 50 34 Wake-up on pin PIO2_10 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 51 35 Wake-up on pin PIO2_11 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 52 36 Wake-up on pin PIO3_0 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 53 37 Wake-up on pin PIO3_1 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 54 38 Wake-up on pin PIO3_2 */ + WAKEUP_IRQHandler, /* 55 39 Wake-up on pin PIO3_3 */ + I2C_IRQHandler, /* 56 40 I2C0 SI (state change) */ + TIMER16_0_IRQHandler, /* 57 41 CT16B0 16 bit timer 0 */ + TIMER16_1_IRQHandler, /* 58 42 CT16B1 16 bit timer 1 */ + TIMER32_0_IRQHandler, /* 59 43 CT32B0 32 bit timer 0 */ + TIMER32_1_IRQHandler, /* 60 44 CT32B1 32 bit timer 1 */ + SSP_IRQHandler, /* 61 45 SSP */ + UART_IRQHandler, /* 62 46 UART */ + USB_IRQHandler, /* 63 47 USB IRQ low priority */ + USB_FIQHandler, /* 64 48 USB FIQ high priority */ + ADC_IRQHandler, /* 65 49 ADC end of conversion */ + WDT_IRQHandler, /* 66 50 Watchdog interrupt (WDINT) */ + BOD_IRQHandler, /* 67 51 BOD Brown-out detect */ + FMC_IRQHandler, /* 68 52 Reserved also marked as IP2111 Flash Memory */ + PIOINT3_IRQHandler, /* 69 53 PIO_3 GPIO interrupt status of port 3 */ + PIOINT2_IRQHandler, /* 70 54 PIO_2 GPIO interrupt status of port 2 */ + PIOINT1_IRQHandler, /* 71 55 PIO_1 GPIO interrupt status of port 1 */ + PIOINT0_IRQHandler, /* 72 56 PIO_0 GPIO interrupt status of port 0 */ +}; + +/* + * startup code (Reset Handler) + */ +void _start() { + uint32_t *src, *dst; + + /* + * External memory initialization (only if _memory_init linked) + * (can not be called from init_array, must precede data initialization) + */ + if (_memory_init) + _memory_init(); + + /* Copy initialized data to its execution address in RAM */ + if (&_datainit != &_data) { /* _datainit == _data indicates RAM, ie. no need of copying */ + for (src = &_datainit, dst = &_data; dst < &_edata; src++, dst++) + *dst = *src; + } + + /* clear .bss */ + for (dst = &__bss_start; dst < &__bss_end__; dst++) + *dst = 0; + + /* + * remap IRQ vector or not, depending on their RAM/ROM location + */ + /* +* set IRQ vectors location +*/ +//SYSMEMREMAP = 2; /* do NOT use NXP LPC fashioned vectors remapping.. */ +SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t)&_vectors; /* ..follow Cortex M3's way instead */ + + /* Call init functions in .init_array section (only if __libc_init_array exists) */ + if (__libc_init_array) + __libc_init_array(); + + /* set irq table */ + //SCB->VTOR=0x10000000; + + /* Call the application's entry point. */ + main(); + + /* Requiescat In Pacem */ + for (;;); +} + +/* + * This is the code that gets called when the processor receives an unexpected + * interrupt. This simply enters an infinite loop, preserving the system state + * for examination by a debugger. + */ +void Default_Handler() { + for (;;); +} + +/* + * Provide weak aliases for each Exception handler to the Default_Handler. + * As they are weak aliases, any function with the same name will override + * this definition. + */ +#pragma weak MemManage_Handler = Default_Handler /* MPU Fault Handler */ +#pragma weak BusFault_Handler = Default_Handler /* Bus Fault Handler */ +#pragma weak UsageFault_Handler = Default_Handler /* Usage Fault Handler */ +#pragma weak SVC_Handler = Default_Handler /* SVCall Handler */ +#pragma weak DebugMon_Handler = Default_Handler /* Debug Monitor Handler */ +#pragma weak PendSV_Handler = Default_Handler /* PendSV Handler */ +#pragma weak SysTick_Handler = Default_Handler /* SysTick Handler */ + +/* External interrupt vector handler */ +#pragma weak WAKEUP_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak I2C_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak TIMER16_0_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak TIMER16_1_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak TIMER32_0_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak TIMER32_1_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak SSP_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak UART_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak USB_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak USB_FIQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak ADC_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak WDT_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak BOD_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak FMC_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak PIOINT3_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak PIOINT2_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak PIOINT1_IRQHandler = Default_Handler +#pragma weak PIOINT0_IRQHandler = Default_Handler diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/initarray.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/initarray.c new file mode 120000 index 0000000..fd113a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/boot/initarray.c @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../../mach-lpc23xx/libs/boot/initarray.c \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07f0c6c --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LIBRARIES = can-cm + +can-cm_SOURCES = lpc17xx_can.c +include_HEADERS = lpc17xx_can.h + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/lpc17xx_can.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/lpc17xx_can.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2373aaa --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/lpc17xx_can.c @@ -0,0 +1,1919 @@ +/**. + * @file : lpc17xx_can.c. + * @brief : Contains all functions support for CAN firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 1.June.2009. + * @author : NguyenCao. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **********************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup CAN. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx_can.h". +#include "lpc17xx_clkpwr.h". +. +/* If this source file built with example, the LPC17xx FW library configuration. + * file in each example directory ("lpc17xx_libcfg.h") must be included,. + * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead. + */. +#ifdef __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h". +#else. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h". +#endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */. +. +. +#ifdef _CAN. +. +/* Private Variables ---------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup CAN_Private_Variables. + * @{. + */. +. +FunctionalState FULLCAN_ENABLE;. +. +//use for debugging. +LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CAN1x = LPC_CAN1;. +LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CAN2x = LPC_CAN2;. +LPC_CANAF_RAM_TypeDef *CANAFRAMx = LPC_CANAF_RAM;. +LPC_CANAF_TypeDef *CANAFx = LPC_CANAF;. +. +/* Values of bit time register for different baudrates. + NT = Nominal bit time = TSEG1 + TSEG2 + 3. + SP = Sample point = ((TSEG2 +1) / (TSEG1 + TSEG2 + 3)) * 100%. + SAM, SJW, TSEG1, TSEG2, NT, SP */. +const uint32_t CAN_BIT_TIME[] ={0, /* not used */. +0, /* not used */. +0, /* not used */. +0, /* not used */. +0x0001C000, /* 0+1, 3+1, 1+1, 0+1, 4, 75% */. +0, /* not used */. +0x0012C000, /* 0+1, 3+1, 2+1, 1+1, 6, 67% */. +0, /* not used */. +0x0023C000, /* 0+1, 3+1, 3+1, 2+1, 8, 63% */. +0, /* not used */. +0x0025C000, /* 0+1, 3+1, 5+1, 2+1, 10, 70% */. +0, /* not used */. +0x0036C000, /* 0+1, 3+1, 6+1, 3+1, 12, 67% */. +0, /* not used */. +0, /* not used */. +0x0048C000, /* 0+1, 3+1, 8+1, 4+1, 15, 67% */. +0x0049C000, /* 0+1, 3+1, 9+1, 4+1, 16, 69% */. +};. +. +/* Counts number of filters (CAN message objects) used */. +uint16_t CANAF_FullCAN_cnt = 0;. +uint16_t CANAF_std_cnt = 0;. +uint16_t CANAF_gstd_cnt = 0;. +uint16_t CANAF_ext_cnt = 0;. +uint16_t CANAF_gext_cnt = 0;. +. +static fnCANCbs_Type* _apfnCANCbs[12]={. + NULL, //CAN Recieve Call-back funtion pointer. + NULL, //CAN Transmit1 Call-back funtion pointer. + NULL, //CAN Error Warning Call-back function pointer. + NULL, //CAN Data Overrun Call-back function pointer. + NULL, //CAN Wake-up Call-back funtion pointer. + NULL, //CAN Error Passive Call-back function pointer. + NULL, //CAN Arbitration Lost Call-back function pointer. + NULL, //CAN Bus Error Call-back function pointer. + NULL, //CAN ID Ready Call-back function pointer. + NULL, //CAN Transmit2 Call-back function pointer. + NULL, //CAN Transmit3 Call-back function pointer. + NULL //FullCAN Receive Call-back function pointer. +};. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup CAN_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Setting CAN baud rate (bps). + * @param[in] CANx point to LPC_CAN_TypeDef object, should be:. + * - CAN1. + * - CAN2. + * @param[in] baudrate is the baud rate value will be set. + * @return None. + ***********************************************************************/. +void CAN_SetBaudRate (LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t baudrate). +{. + uint32_t nominal_time;. + uint32_t result = 0;. + uint32_t CANPclk = 0;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANx(CANx));. +. + if (CANx == LPC_CAN1). + {. + CANPclk = CLKPWR_GetPCLK (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN1);. + }. + else. + {. + CANPclk = CLKPWR_GetPCLK (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN2);. + }. + /* Determine which nominal time to use for PCLK and baudrate */. + if (baudrate <= 500000). + {. + nominal_time = 12;. + }. + else if (((CANPclk / 1000000) % 15) == 0). + {. + nominal_time = 15;. + }. + else if (((CANPclk / 1000000) % 16) == 0). + {. + nominal_time = 16;. + }. + else. + {. + nominal_time = 10;. + }. +. + /* Prepare value appropriate for bit time register */. + result = (CANPclk / nominal_time) / baudrate - 1;. + result &= 0x000003FF;. + result |= CAN_BIT_TIME[nominal_time];. +. + /* Enter reset mode */. + CANx->MOD = 0x01;. + /* Set bit timing */. + CANx->BTR = result;. +. + /* Return to normal operating */. + CANx->MOD = 0;. +}. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Initialize CAN peripheral with given baudrate. + * @param[in] CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:. + * - CAN1: CAN 1. + * - CAN2: CAN 2. + * @param[in] baudrate: the value of CAN baudrate will be set (bps). + * @return void. + *********************************************************************/. +void CAN_Init(LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t baudrate). +{. + uint32_t temp;. + uint16_t i;. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANx(CANx));. +. + if(CANx == LPC_CAN1). + {. + /* Turn on power and clock for CAN1 */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR(CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN1, ENABLE);. + /* Set clock divide for CAN1 */. + CLKPWR_SetPCLKDiv (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN1, CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_4);. + }. + else. + {. + /* Turn on power and clock for CAN1 */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR(CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN2, ENABLE);. + /* Set clock divide for CAN2 */. + CLKPWR_SetPCLKDiv (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN2, CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_4);. + }. +. + CANx->MOD = 1; // Enter Reset Mode. + CANx->IER = 0; // Disable All CAN Interrupts. + CANx->GSR = 0;. + /* Request command to release Rx, Tx buffer and clear data overrun */. + //CANx->CMR = CAN_CMR_AT | CAN_CMR_RRB | CAN_CMR_CDO;. + CANx->CMR = (1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3);. + /* Read to clear interrupt pending in interrupt capture register */. + temp = CANx->ICR;. + CANx->MOD = 0;// Return Normal operating. +. + //Reset CANAF value. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x01;. +. + //clear ALUT RAM. + for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[i] = 0x00;. + }. +. + LPC_CANAF->SFF_sa = 0x00;. + LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa = 0x00;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa = 0x00;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa = 0x00;. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable = 0x00;. +. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00;. + /* Set baudrate */. + CAN_SetBaudRate (CANx, baudrate);. +}. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief CAN deInit. + * @param[in] CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:. + * - CAN1: CAN 1. + * - CAN2: CAN 2. + * @return void. + *********************************************************************/. +void CAN_DeInit(LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANx(CANx));. +. + if(CANx == LPC_CAN1). + {. + /* Turn on power and clock for CAN1 */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR(CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN1, DISABLE);. + }. + else. + {. + /* Turn on power and clock for CAN1 */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR(CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN2, DISABLE);. + }. +}. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Setup Acceptance Filter Look-Up Table. + * @param[in] CANAFx pointer to LPC_CANAF_TypeDef, should be: CANAF. + * @param[in] AFSection the pointer to AF_SectionDef struct. + * It contain information about 5 sections will be install in AFLUT. + * @return CAN Error could be:. + * - CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR: No more rx or tx objects available. + * - CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR: table error-violation of ascending numerical order. + * - CAN_OK: ID is added into table successfully. + *********************************************************************/. +CAN_ERROR CAN_SetupAFLUT(LPC_CANAF_TypeDef* CANAFx, AF_SectionDef* AFSection). +{. + uint8_t ctrl1,ctrl2;. + uint8_t dis1, dis2;. + uint16_t SID, SID_temp,i, count = 0;. + uint32_t EID, EID_temp, entry, buf;. + uint16_t lowerSID, upperSID;. + uint32_t lowerEID, upperEID;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANAFx(CANAFx));. + CANAFx->AFMR = 0x01;. +. +/***** setup FullCAN Table *****/. + if(AFSection->FullCAN_Sec == NULL). + {. + FULLCAN_ENABLE = DISABLE;. + }. + else. + {. + FULLCAN_ENABLE = ENABLE;. + for(i=0;i<(AFSection->FC_NumEntry);i++). + {. + if(count + 1 > 64). + {. + return CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR;. + }. + ctrl1 = AFSection->FullCAN_Sec->controller;. + SID = AFSection->FullCAN_Sec->id_11;. + dis1 = AFSection->FullCAN_Sec->disable;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CTRL(ctrl1));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_11(SID));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_MSG_DISABLE(dis1));. + entry = 0x00; //reset entry value. + if((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt & 0x00000001)==0). + {. + if(count!=0x00). + {. + buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count-1];. + SID_temp = (buf & 0x000003FF);. + if(SID_temp > SID). + {. + return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;. + }. + }. + entry = (ctrl1<<29)|(dis1<<28)|(SID<<16)|(1<<27);. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] &= 0x0000FFFF;. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] |= entry;. + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt++;. + }. + else. + {. + buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count];. + SID_temp = (buf & 0x03FF0000)>>16;. + if(SID_temp > SID). + {. + return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;. + }. + entry = (ctrl1<<13)|(dis1<<12)|(SID<<0)|(1<<11);. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] &= 0xFFFF0000;. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count]|= entry;. + count++;. + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt++;. + }. + AFSection->FullCAN_Sec = (FullCAN_Entry *)((uint32_t)(AFSection->FullCAN_Sec)+ sizeof(FullCAN_Entry));. + }. + }. +. +/***** Setup Explicit Standard Frame Format Section *****/. + if(AFSection->SFF_Sec != NULL). + {. + for(i=0;i<(AFSection->SFF_NumEntry);i++). + {. + if(count + 1 > 512). + {. + return CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR;. + }. + ctrl1 = AFSection->SFF_Sec->controller;. + SID = AFSection->SFF_Sec->id_11;. + dis1 = AFSection->SFF_Sec->disable;. +. + //check parameter. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CTRL(ctrl1));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_11(SID));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_MSG_DISABLE(dis1));. +. + entry = 0x00; //reset entry value. + if((CANAF_std_cnt & 0x00000001)==0). + {. + if(CANAF_std_cnt !=0 ). + {. + buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count-1];. + SID_temp = (buf & 0x00000FFF);. + if(SID_temp > SID). + {. + return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;. + }. + }. + entry = (ctrl1<<29)|(dis1<<28)|(SID<<16);. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] &= 0x0000FFFF;. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] |= entry;. + CANAF_std_cnt++;. + }. + else. + {. + buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count];. + SID_temp = (buf & 0x0FFF0000)>>16;. + if(SID_temp > SID). + {. + return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;. + }. + entry = (ctrl1<<13)|(dis1<<12)|(SID<<0);. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] &= 0xFFFF0000;. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] |= entry;. + count++;. + CANAF_std_cnt++;. + }. + AFSection->SFF_Sec = (SFF_Entry *)((uint32_t)(AFSection->SFF_Sec)+ sizeof(SFF_Entry));. + }. + }. +. +/***** Setup Group of Standard Frame Format Identifier Section *****/. + if(AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec != NULL). + {. + for(i=0;i<(AFSection->SFF_GPR_NumEntry);i++). + {. + if(count + 1 > 512). + {. + return CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR;. + }. + ctrl1 = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->controller1;. + ctrl2 = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->controller2;. + dis1 = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->disable1;. + dis2 = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->disable2;. + lowerSID = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->lowerID;. + upperSID = AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec->upperID;. +. + /* check parameter */. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CTRL(ctrl1));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CTRL(ctrl2));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_MSG_DISABLE(dis1));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_MSG_DISABLE(dis2));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_11(lowerSID));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_11(upperSID));. +. + entry = 0x00;. + if(CANAF_gstd_cnt!=0). + {. + buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count-1];. + SID_temp = buf & 0x00000FFF;. + if(SID_temp > lowerSID). + {. + return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;. + }. + }. + entry = (ctrl1 << 29)|(dis1 << 28)|(lowerSID << 16)| \. + (ctrl2 << 13)|(dis2 << 12)|(upperSID << 0);. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] = entry;. + CANAF_gstd_cnt++;. + count++;. + AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec = (SFF_GPR_Entry *)((uint32_t)(AFSection->SFF_GPR_Sec)+ sizeof(SFF_GPR_Entry));. + }. + }. +. +/***** Setup Explicit Extend Frame Format Identifier Section *****/. + if(AFSection->EFF_Sec != NULL). + {. + for(i=0;i<(AFSection->EFF_NumEntry);i++). + {. + if(count + 1 > 512). + {. + return CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR;. + }. + EID = AFSection->EFF_Sec->ID_29;. + ctrl1 = AFSection->EFF_Sec->controller;. +. + // check parameter. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_29(EID));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CTRL(ctrl1));. +. + entry = 0x00; //reset entry value. + if(CANAF_ext_cnt != 0). + {. + buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count-1];. + EID_temp = buf & 0x0FFFFFFF;. + if(EID_temp > EID). + {. + return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;. + }. + }. + entry = (ctrl1 << 29)|(EID << 0);. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count] = entry;. + CANAF_ext_cnt ++;. + count++;. + AFSection->EFF_Sec = (EFF_Entry *)((uint32_t)(AFSection->EFF_Sec)+ sizeof(EFF_Entry));. + }. + }. +. +/***** Setup Group of Extended Frame Format Identifier Section *****/. + if(AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec != NULL). + {. + for(i=0;i<(AFSection->EFF_GPR_NumEntry);i++). + {. + if(count + 2 > 512). + {. + return CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR;. + }. + ctrl1 = AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec->controller1;. + ctrl2 = AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec->controller2;. + lowerEID = AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec->lowerEID;. + upperEID = AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec->upperEID;. +. + //check parameter. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CTRL(ctrl1));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CTRL(ctrl2));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_29(lowerEID));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_29(upperEID));. +. + entry = 0x00;. + if(CANAF_gext_cnt != 0). + {. + buf = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count-1];. + EID_temp = buf & 0x0FFFFFFF;. + if(EID_temp > lowerEID). + {. + return CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR;. + }. + }. + entry = (ctrl1 << 29)|(lowerEID << 0);. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count++] = entry;. + entry = (ctrl2 << 29)|(upperEID << 0);. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[count++] = entry;. + CANAF_gext_cnt++;. + AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec = (EFF_GPR_Entry *)((uint32_t)(AFSection->EFF_GPR_Sec)+ sizeof(EFF_GPR_Entry));. + }. + }. + //update address values. + LPC_CANAF->SFF_sa = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1)<<2;. + LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa = LPC_CANAF->SFF_sa + (((CANAF_std_cnt+1)>>1)<< 2);. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa = LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa + (CANAF_gstd_cnt << 2);. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa = LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa + (CANAF_ext_cnt << 2);. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable = LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa + (CANAF_gext_cnt << 3);. +. + if(FULLCAN_ENABLE == DISABLE). + {. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00; // Normal mode. + }. + else. + {. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;. + }. + return CAN_OK;. +}. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Add Explicit ID into AF Look-Up Table dynamically.. + * @param[in] CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:. + * - CAN1: CAN 1. + * - CAN2: CAN 2. + * @param[in] id: The ID of entry will be added. + * @param[in] format: is the type of ID Frame Format, should be:. + * - STD_ID_FORMAT: 11-bit ID value. + * - EXT_ID_FORMAT: 29-bit ID value. + * @return CAN Error, could be:. + * - CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR: No more rx or tx objects available. + * - CAN_ID_EXIT_ERROR: ID exited in table. + * - CAN_OK: ID is added into table successfully. + *********************************************************************/. +CAN_ERROR CAN_LoadExplicitEntry(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t id, CAN_ID_FORMAT_Type format). +{. + uint32_t tmp0 = 0;. + uint32_t buf0=0, buf1=0;. + int16_t cnt1=0, cnt2=0, bound1=0, total=0;. +. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANx(CANx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_FORMAT(format));. +. + if (CANx == LPC_CAN1). + {. + tmp0 = 0;. + }. + else if (CANx == LPC_CAN2). + {. + tmp0 = 1;. + }. +. + /* Acceptance Filter Memory full - return */. + total =((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+ CANAF_FullCAN_cnt*3 +((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+ \. + CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);. + if (total >= 512){ //don't have enough space. + return CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR;. + }. +. + /* Setup Acceptance Filter Configuration. + Acceptance Filter Mode Register = Off */. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00000001;. +. +/*********** Add Explicit Standard Identifier Frame Format entry *********/. + if(format == STD_ID_FORMAT). + {. + id &= 0x07FF;. + id |= (tmp0 << 13); /* Add controller number */. + /* Move all remaining sections one place up. + if new entry will increase FullCAN list */. + if ((CANAF_std_cnt & 0x0001) == 0). + {. + cnt1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+((CANAF_std_cnt+1)>>1);. + bound1 = total - cnt1;. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + while(bound1--). + {. + cnt1++;. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf0;. + buf0 = buf1;. + }. + }. + if (CANAF_std_cnt == 0). + {. + cnt2 = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1;. + /* For entering first ID */. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] = 0x0000FFFF | (id << 16);. + }. + else if (CANAF_std_cnt == 1). + {. + cnt2 = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1;. + /* For entering second ID */. + if ((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] >> 16) > id). + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] >> 16) | (id << 16);. + }. + else. + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt2] & 0xFFFF0000) | id;. + }. + }. + else. + {. + /* Find where to insert new ID */. + cnt1 = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1;. + cnt2 = CANAF_std_cnt;. + bound1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+((CANAF_std_cnt+1)>>1);. + while (cnt1 < bound1). + {. + /* Loop through standard existing IDs */. + if ((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] >> 16) > id). + {. + cnt2 = cnt1 * 2;. + break;. + }. +. + if ((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] & 0x0000FFFF) > id). + {. + cnt2 = cnt1 * 2 + 1;. + break;. + }. +. + cnt1++;. + }. + /* cnt1 = U32 where to insert new ID */. + /* cnt2 = U16 where to insert new ID */. +. + if (cnt1 == bound1). + {. + /* Adding ID as last entry */. + /* Even number of IDs exists */. + if ((CANAF_std_cnt & 0x0001) == 0). + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = 0x0000FFFF | (id << 16);. + }. + /* Odd number of IDs exists */. + else. + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] & 0xFFFF0000) | id;. + }. + }. + else. + {. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]; /* Remember current entry */. + if ((cnt2 & 0x0001) == 0). + {. + /* Insert new mask to even address*/. + buf1 = (id << 16) | (buf0 >> 16);. + }. + else. + {. + /* Insert new mask to odd address */. + buf1 = (buf0 & 0xFFFF0000) | id;. + }. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf1;/* Insert mask */. + bound1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+((CANAF_std_cnt+1)>>1)-1;. + /* Move all remaining standard mask entries one place up */. + while (cnt1 < bound1). + {. + cnt1++;. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = (buf1 >> 16) | (buf0 << 16);. + buf0 = buf1;. + }. +. + if ((CANAF_std_cnt & 0x0001) == 0). + {. + /* Even number of IDs exists */. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1] = (buf0 <<16) |(0x0000FFFF);. + }. + }. + }. + CANAF_std_cnt++;. + //update address values. + LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa +=0x04 ;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa +=0x04 ;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa +=0x04;. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable +=0x04;. + }. +. +/*********** Add Explicit Extended Identifier Frame Format entry *********/. + else. + {. + /* Add controller number */. + id |= (tmp0) << 29;. +. + cnt1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+(((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1) + CANAF_gstd_cnt);. + cnt2 = 0;. + while (cnt2 < CANAF_ext_cnt). + {. + /* Loop through extended existing masks*/. + if (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] > id). + {. + break;. + }. + cnt1++;/* cnt1 = U32 where to insert new mask */. + cnt2++;. + }. +. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]; /* Remember current entry */. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = id; /* Insert mask */. +. + CANAF_ext_cnt++;. +. + bound1 = total;. + /* Move all remaining extended mask entries one place up*/. + while (cnt2 < bound1). + {. + cnt1++;. + cnt2++;. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf0;. + buf0 = buf1;. + }. + /* update address values */. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa += 4;. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable += 4;. + }. + if(CANAF_FullCAN_cnt == 0) //not use FullCAN mode. + {. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00;//not use FullCAN mode. + }. + else. + {. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;. + }. +. + return CAN_OK;. +}. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Load FullCAN entry into AFLUT. + * @param[in] CANx: CAN peripheral selected, should be:. + * - CAN1: CAN 1. + * - CAN2: CAN 2. + * @param[in] id: identifier of entry that will be added. + * @return CAN_ERROR, could be:. + * - CAN_OK: loading is successful. + * - CAN_ID_EXIT_ERROR: ID exited in FullCAN Section. + * - CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR: no more space available. + *********************************************************************/. +CAN_ERROR CAN_LoadFullCANEntry (LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint16_t id). +{. + uint32_t ctrl0 = 0;. + uint32_t buf0=0, buf1=0, buf2=0;. + uint32_t tmp0=0, tmp1=0, tmp2=0;. + int16_t cnt1=0, cnt2=0, bound1=0, total=0;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANx(CANx));. +. + if (CANx == LPC_CAN1). + {. + ctrl0 = 0;. + }. + else if (CANx == LPC_CAN2). + {. + ctrl0 = 1;. + }. +. + /* Acceptance Filter Memory full - return */. + total =((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+ CANAF_FullCAN_cnt*3 +((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+ \. + CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);. + //don't have enough space for this fullCAN Entry and its Object(3*32 bytes). + if ((total >=508)||(CANAF_FullCAN_cnt>=64)){. + return CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR;. + }. + /* Setup Acceptance Filter Configuration. + Acceptance Filter Mode Register = Off */. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00000001;. +. + /* Add mask for standard identifiers */. + id &= 0x07FF;. + id |= (ctrl0 << 13) | (1 << 11); /* Add controller number */. +// total = ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+ CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);. + /* Move all remaining sections one place up. + if new entry will increase FullCAN list */. + if (((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt & 0x0001) == 0)&&(total!=0)). + {. + //then remove remaining section. + cnt1 = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt >> 1);. + bound1 = total;. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. +. + while (bound1--). + {. + cnt1++;. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf0;. + buf0 = buf1;. + }. + }. + if (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt == 0). + {. + /* For entering first ID */. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] = 0x0000FFFF | (id << 16);. + }. + else if (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt == 1). + {. + /* For entering second ID */. + if ((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] >> 16) > id). + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] >> 16) | (id << 16);. + }. + else. + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[0] & 0xFFFF0000) | id;. + }. + }. + else. + {. + /* Find where to insert new ID */. + cnt1 = 0;. + cnt2 = CANAF_FullCAN_cnt;. + bound1 = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt - 1) >> 1;. + while (cnt1 <= bound1). + {. + /* Loop through standard existing IDs */. + if ((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] >> 16) > id). + {. + cnt2 = cnt1 * 2;. + break;. + }. +. + if ((LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] & 0x0000FFFF) > id). + {. + cnt2 = cnt1 * 2 + 1;. + break;. + }. +. + cnt1++;. + }. + /* cnt1 = U32 where to insert new ID */. + /* cnt2 = U16 where to insert new ID */. +. + if (cnt1 > bound1). + {. + /* Adding ID as last entry */. + /* Even number of IDs exists */. + if ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt & 0x0001) == 0). + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = 0x0000FFFF | (id << 16);. + }. + /* Odd number of IDs exists */. + else. + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] & 0xFFFF0000) | id;. + }. + }. + else. + {. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]; /* Remember current entry */. + if ((cnt2 & 0x0001) == 0). + {. + /* Insert new mask to even address*/. + buf1 = (id << 16) | (buf0 >> 16);. + }. + else. + {. + /* Insert new mask to odd address */. + buf1 = (buf0 & 0xFFFF0000) | id;. + }. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf1;/* Insert mask */. + bound1 = CANAF_FullCAN_cnt >> 1;. + /* Move all remaining standard mask entries one place up */. + while (cnt1 < bound1). + {. + cnt1++;. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = (buf1 >> 16) | (buf0 << 16);. + buf0 = buf1;. + }. +. + if ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt & 0x0001) == 0). + {. + /* Even number of IDs exists */. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = (LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] & 0xFFFF0000). + | (0x0000FFFF);. + }. + }. + }. + //restruct FulCAN Object Section. + bound1 = CANAF_FullCAN_cnt - cnt2;. + cnt1 = total - (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt)*3 + cnt2*3 + 1;. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1];. + buf2 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+2];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]=LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1]= LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+2]=0x00;. + cnt1+=3;. + while(bound1--). + {. + tmp0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + tmp1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1];. + tmp2 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+2];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1]= buf0;. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1]= buf1;. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+2]= buf2;. + buf0 = tmp0;. + buf1 = tmp1;. + buf2 = tmp2;. + cnt1+=3;. + }. + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt++;. + //update address values. + LPC_CANAF->SFF_sa +=0x04;. + LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa +=0x04 ;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa +=0x04 ;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa +=0x04;. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable +=0x04;. +. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;. + return CAN_OK;. +}. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Load Group entry into AFLUT. + * @param[in] CANx: CAN peripheral selected, should be:. + * - CAN1: CAN 1. + * - CAN2: CAN 2. + * @param[in] lowerID, upperID: lower and upper identifier of entry. + * @param[in] format: type of ID format, should be:. + * - STD_ID_FORMAT: Standard ID format (11-bit value). + * - EXT_ID_FORMAT: Extended ID format (29-bit value). + * @return CAN_ERROR, could be:. + * - CAN_OK: loading is successful. + * - CAN_CONFLICT_ID_ERROR: Conflict ID occurs. + * - CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR: no more space available. + *********************************************************************/. +CAN_ERROR CAN_LoadGroupEntry(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t lowerID, \. + uint32_t upperID, CAN_ID_FORMAT_Type format). +{. + uint16_t tmp = 0;. + uint32_t buf0, buf1, entry1, entry2, LID,UID;. + int16_t cnt1, bound1, total;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANx(CANx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_FORMAT(format));. +. + if(lowerID > upperID) return CAN_CONFLICT_ID_ERROR;. + if(CANx == LPC_CAN1). + {. + tmp = 0;. + }. + else. + {. + tmp = 1;. + }. +. + total =((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+ CANAF_FullCAN_cnt*3 +((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+ \. + CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);. +. + /* Setup Acceptance Filter Configuration. + Acceptance Filter Mode Register = Off */. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00000001;. +. +/*********Add Group of Standard Identifier Frame Format************/. + if(format == STD_ID_FORMAT). + {. + if ((total >= 512)){//don't have enough space. + return CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR;. + }. + lowerID &=0x7FF; //mask ID. + upperID &=0x7FF;. + entry1 = (tmp << 29)|(lowerID << 16)|(tmp << 13)|(upperID << 0);. + cnt1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1);. +. + //if this is the first Group standard ID entry. + if(CANAF_gstd_cnt == 0). + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;. + }. + else. + {. + //find the position to add new Group entry. + bound1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1) + CANAF_gstd_cnt;. + while(cnt1 < bound1). + {. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + LID = (buf0 >> 16)&0x7FF;. + UID = buf0 & 0x7FF;. + if (upperID <= LID). + {. + //add new entry before this entry. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;. + break;. + }. + else if (lowerID >= UID). + {. + //load next entry to compare. + cnt1 ++;. + }. + else. + return CAN_CONFLICT_ID_ERROR;. + }. + if(cnt1 >= bound1). + {. + //add new entry at the last position in this list. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;. + }. +. + //remove all remaining entry of this section one place up. + bound1 = total - cnt1;. + while(bound1--). + {. + cnt1++;. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf0;. + buf0 = buf1;. + }. + }. + CANAF_gstd_cnt++;. + //update address values. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa +=0x04 ;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa +=0x04;. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable +=0x04;. + }. +. +. +/*********Add Group of Extended Identifier Frame Format************/. + else. + {. + if ((total >= 511)){//don't have enough space. + return CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR;. + }. + lowerID &= 0x1FFFFFFF; //mask ID. + upperID &= 0x1FFFFFFF;. + entry1 = (tmp << 29)|(lowerID << 0);. + entry2 = (tmp << 29)|(upperID << 0);. +. + cnt1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1) + CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt;. + //if this is the first Group standard ID entry. + if(CANAF_gext_cnt == 0). + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1] = entry2;. + }. + else. + {. + //find the position to add new Group entry. + bound1 = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1) + CANAF_gstd_cnt \. + + CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);. + while(cnt1 < bound1). + {. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1];. + LID = buf0 & 0x1FFFFFFF; //mask ID. + UID = buf1 & 0x1FFFFFFF;. + if (upperID <= LID). + {. + //add new entry before this entry. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[++cnt1] = entry2;. + break;. + }. + else if (lowerID >= UID). + {. + //load next entry to compare. + cnt1 +=2;. + }. + else. + return CAN_CONFLICT_ID_ERROR;. + }. + if(cnt1 >= bound1). + {. + //add new entry at the last position in this list. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = entry1;. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[++cnt1] = entry2;. + }. + //remove all remaining entry of this section two place up. + bound1 = total - cnt1 + 1;. + cnt1++;. + while(bound1>0). + {. + entry1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1];. + entry2 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1] = buf0;. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt1+1] = buf1;. + buf0 = entry1;. + buf1 = entry2;. + cnt1 +=2;. + bound1 -=2;. + }. + }. + CANAF_gext_cnt++;. + //update address values. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable +=0x08;. + }. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;. + return CAN_OK;. +}. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Remove AFLUT entry (FullCAN entry and Explicit Standard entry). + * @param[in] EntryType: the type of entry that want to remove, should be:. + * - FULLCAN_ENTRY. + * - EXPLICIT_STANDARD_ENTRY. + * - GROUP_STANDARD_ENTRY. + * - EXPLICIT_EXTEND_ENTRY. + * - GROUP_EXTEND_ENTRY. + * @param[in] position: the position of this entry in its section. + * Note: the first position is 0. + * @return CAN_ERROR, could be:. + * - CAN_OK: removing is successful. + * - CAN_ENTRY_NOT_EXIT_ERROR: entry want to remove is not exit. + *********************************************************************/. +CAN_ERROR CAN_RemoveEntry(AFLUT_ENTRY_Type EntryType, uint16_t position). +{. + uint16_t cnt, bound, total;. + uint32_t buf0, buf1;. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_AFLUT_ENTRY_TYPE(EntryType));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_POSITION(position));. +. + /* Setup Acceptance Filter Configuration. + Acceptance Filter Mode Register = Off */. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00000001;. + total = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1) + \. + CANAF_gstd_cnt + CANAF_ext_cnt + (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1);. +. +. +/************** Remove FullCAN Entry *************/. + if(EntryType == FULLCAN_ENTRY). + {. + if((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt==0)||(position >= CANAF_FullCAN_cnt)). + {. + return CAN_ENTRY_NOT_EXIT_ERROR;. + }. + else. + {. + cnt = position >> 1;. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];. + bound = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt - position -1)>>1;. + if((position & 0x0001) == 0) //event position. + {. + while(bound--). + {. + //remove all remaining FullCAN entry one place down. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf1 >> 16) | (buf0 << 16);. + buf0 = buf1;. + cnt++;. + }. + }. + else //odd position. + {. + while(bound--). + {. + //remove all remaining FullCAN entry one place down. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf0 & 0xFFFF0000)|(buf1 >> 16);. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1] << 16;. + buf0 = buf1<<16;. + cnt++;. + }. + }. + if((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt & 0x0001) == 0). + {. + if((position & 0x0001)==0). + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf0 << 16) | (0x0000FFFF);. + else. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = buf0 | 0x0000FFFF;. + }. + else. + {. + //remove all remaining section one place down. + cnt = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1;. + bound = total + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt * 3;. + while(bound>cnt). + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];. + cnt++;. + }. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1]=0x00;. + //update address values. + LPC_CANAF->SFF_sa -=0x04;. + LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa -=0x04 ;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa -=0x04 ;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa -=0x04;. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable -=0x04;. + }. + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt--;. +. + //delete its FullCAN Object in the FullCAN Object section. + //remove all remaining FullCAN Object three place down. + cnt = total + position * 3;. + bound = (CANAF_FullCAN_cnt - position + 1) * 3;. +. + while(bound). + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt]=LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+3];;. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1]=LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+4];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+2]=LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+5];. + bound -=3;. + cnt +=3;. + }. + }. + }. +. +/************** Remove Explicit Standard ID Entry *************/. + else if(EntryType == EXPLICIT_STANDARD_ENTRY). + {. + if((CANAF_std_cnt==0)||(position >= CANAF_std_cnt)). + {. + return CAN_ENTRY_NOT_EXIT_ERROR;. + }. + else. + {. + cnt = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt+1)>>1)+ (position >> 1);. + buf0 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];. + bound = (CANAF_std_cnt - position - 1)>>1;. + if((position & 0x0001) == 0) //event position. + {. + while(bound--). + {. + //remove all remaining FullCAN entry one place down. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf1 >> 16) | (buf0 << 16);. + buf0 = buf1;. + cnt++;. + }. + }. + else //odd position. + {. + while(bound--). + {. + //remove all remaining FullCAN entry one place down. + buf1 = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf0 & 0xFFFF0000)|(buf1 >> 16);. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1] << 16;. + buf0 = buf1<<16;. + cnt++;. + }. + }. + if((CANAF_std_cnt & 0x0001) == 0). + {. + if((position & 0x0001)==0). + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = (buf0 << 16) | (0x0000FFFF);. + else. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = buf0 | 0x0000FFFF;. + }. + else. + {. + //remove all remaining section one place down. + cnt = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1);. + bound = total + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt * 3;. + while(bound>cnt). + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];. + cnt++;. + }. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1]=0x00;. + //update address value. + LPC_CANAF->SFF_GRP_sa -=0x04 ;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa -=0x04 ;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa -=0x04;. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable -=0x04;. + }. + CANAF_std_cnt--;. + }. + }. +. +/************** Remove Group of Standard ID Entry *************/. + else if(EntryType == GROUP_STANDARD_ENTRY). + {. + if((CANAF_gstd_cnt==0)||(position >= CANAF_gstd_cnt)). + {. + return CAN_ENTRY_NOT_EXIT_ERROR;. + }. + else. + {. + cnt = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+ position + 1;. + bound = total + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt * 3;. + while (cnt<bound). + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];. + cnt++;. + }. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1]=0x00;. + }. + CANAF_gstd_cnt--;. + //update address value. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_sa -=0x04;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa -=0x04;. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable -=0x04;. + }. +. +/************** Remove Explicit Extended ID Entry *************/. + else if(EntryType == EXPLICIT_EXTEND_ENTRY). + {. + if((CANAF_ext_cnt==0)||(position >= CANAF_ext_cnt)). + {. + return CAN_ENTRY_NOT_EXIT_ERROR;. + }. + else. + {. + cnt = ((CANAF_FullCAN_cnt + 1)>>1) + ((CANAF_std_cnt + 1) >> 1)+ CANAF_gstd_cnt + position + 1;. + bound = total + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt * 3;. + while (cnt<bound). + {. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt];. + cnt++;. + }. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt-1]=0x00;. + }. + CANAF_ext_cnt--;. + LPC_CANAF->EFF_GRP_sa -=0x04;. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable -=0x04;. + }. +. +/************** Remove Group of Extended ID Entry *************/. + else. + {. + if((CANAF_gext_cnt==0)||(position >= CANAF_gext_cnt)). + {. + return CAN_ENTRY_NOT_EXIT_ERROR;. + }. + else. + {. + cnt = total - (CANAF_gext_cnt<<1) + (position<<1);. + bound = total + CANAF_FullCAN_cnt * 3;. + while (cnt<bound). + {. + //remove all remaining entry two place up. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+2];. + LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+1] = LPC_CANAF_RAM->mask[cnt+3];. + cnt+=2;. + }. + }. + CANAF_gext_cnt--;. + LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable -=0x08;. + }. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;. + return CAN_OK;. +}. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Send message data. + * @param[in] CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:. + * - CAN1: CAN 1. + * - CAN2: CAN 2. + * @param[in] CAN_Msg point to the CAN_MSG_Type Structure, it contains message. + * information such as: ID, DLC, RTR, ID Format. + * @return Status:. + * - SUCCESS: send message successfully. + * - ERROR: send message unsuccessfully. + *********************************************************************/. +Status CAN_SendMsg (LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, CAN_MSG_Type *CAN_Msg). +{. + uint32_t data;. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANx(CANx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_FORMAT(CAN_Msg->format));. + if(CAN_Msg->format==STD_ID_FORMAT). + {. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_11(CAN_Msg->id));. + }. + else. + {. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_ID_29(CAN_Msg->id));. + }. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_DLC(CAN_Msg->len));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FRAME_TYPE(CAN_Msg->type));. +. + //Check status of Transmit Buffer 1. + if ((CANx->SR & 0x00000004)>>2). + {. + /* Transmit Channel 1 is available */. + /* Write frame informations and frame data into its CANxTFI1,. + * CANxTID1, CANxTDA1, CANxTDB1 register */. + CANx->TFI1 &= ~0x000F000;. + CANx->TFI1 |= (CAN_Msg->len)<<16;. + if(CAN_Msg->type == REMOTE_FRAME). + {. + CANx->TFI1 |= (1<<30); //set bit RTR. + }. + else. + {. + CANx->TFI1 &= ~(1<<30);. + }. + if(CAN_Msg->format == EXT_ID_FORMAT). + {. + CANx->TFI1 |= (1<<31); //set bit FF. + }. + else. + {. + CANx->TFI1 &= ~(1<<31);. + }. +. + /* Write CAN ID*/. + CANx->TID1 = CAN_Msg->id;. +. + /*Write first 4 data bytes*/. + data = (CAN_Msg->dataA[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataA[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[3])<<24);. +// CANx->TDA1 = *((uint32_t *) &(CAN_Msg->dataA));. + CANx->TDA1 = data;. +. + /*Write second 4 data bytes*/. + data = (CAN_Msg->dataB[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataB[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[3])<<24);. +// CANx->TDB1 = *((uint32_t *) &(CAN_Msg->dataB));. + CANx->TDB1 = data;. +. + /*Write transmission request*/. + CANx->CMR = 0x21;. + return SUCCESS;. + }. + //check status of Transmit Buffer 2. + else if((CANx->SR & 0x00000004)>>10). + {. + /* Transmit Channel 2 is available */. + /* Write frame informations and frame data into its CANxTFI2,. + * CANxTID2, CANxTDA2, CANxTDB2 register */. + CANx->TFI2 &= ~0x000F000;. + CANx->TFI2 |= (CAN_Msg->len)<<16;. + if(CAN_Msg->type == REMOTE_FRAME). + {. + CANx->TFI2 |= (1<<30); //set bit RTR. + }. + else. + {. + CANx->TFI2 &= ~(1<<30);. + }. + if(CAN_Msg->format == EXT_ID_FORMAT). + {. + CANx->TFI2 |= (1<<31); //set bit FF. + }. + else. + {. + CANx->TFI2 &= ~(1<<31);. + }. +. + /* Write CAN ID*/. + CANx->TID2 = CAN_Msg->id;. +. + /*Write first 4 data bytes*/. + data = (CAN_Msg->dataA[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataA[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[3])<<24);. +// CANx->TDA2 = *((uint32_t *) &(CAN_Msg->dataA));. + CANx->TDA2 = data;. +. + /*Write second 4 data bytes*/. + data = (CAN_Msg->dataB[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataB[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[3])<<24);. +// CANx->TDB2 = *((uint32_t *) &(CAN_Msg->dataB));. + CANx->TDB2 = data;. +. + /*Write transmission request*/. + CANx->CMR = 0x41;. + return SUCCESS;. + }. + //check status of Transmit Buffer 3. + else if ((CANx->SR & 0x00000004)>>18). + {. + /* Transmit Channel 3 is available */. + /* Write frame informations and frame data into its CANxTFI3,. + * CANxTID3, CANxTDA3, CANxTDB3 register */. + CANx->TFI3 &= ~0x000F000;. + CANx->TFI3 |= (CAN_Msg->len)<<16;. + if(CAN_Msg->type == REMOTE_FRAME). + {. + CANx->TFI3 |= (1<<30); //set bit RTR. + }. + else. + {. + CANx->TFI3 &= ~(1<<30);. + }. + if(CAN_Msg->format == EXT_ID_FORMAT). + {. + CANx->TFI3 |= (1<<31); //set bit FF. + }. + else. + {. + CANx->TFI3 &= ~(1<<31);. + }. +. + /* Write CAN ID*/. + CANx->TID3 = CAN_Msg->id;. +. + /*Write first 4 data bytes*/. + data = (CAN_Msg->dataA[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataA[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataA[3])<<24);. +// CANx->TDA3 = *((uint32_t *) &(CAN_Msg->dataA));. + CANx->TDA3 = data;. +. + /*Write second 4 data bytes*/. + data = (CAN_Msg->dataB[0])|(((CAN_Msg->dataB[1]))<<8)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[2])<<16)|((CAN_Msg->dataB[3])<<24);. +// CANx->TDB3 = *((uint32_t *) &(CAN_Msg->dataB));. + CANx->TDB3 = data;. +. + /*Write transmission request*/. + CANx->CMR = 0x81;. + return SUCCESS;. + }. + else. + {. + return ERROR;. + }. +}. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Receive message data. + * @param[in] CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:. + * - CAN1: CAN 1. + * - CAN2: CAN 2. + * @param[in] CAN_Msg point to the CAN_MSG_Type Struct, it will contain received. + * message information such as: ID, DLC, RTR, ID Format. + * @return Status:. + * - SUCCESS: receive message successfully. + * - ERROR: receive message unsuccessfully. + *********************************************************************/. +Status CAN_ReceiveMsg (LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, CAN_MSG_Type *CAN_Msg). +{. + uint32_t data;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANx(CANx));. +. + //check status of Receive Buffer. + if((CANx->SR &0x00000001)). + {. + /* Receive message is available */. + /* Read frame informations */. + CAN_Msg->format = (uint8_t)(((CANx->RFS) & 0x80000000)>>31);. + CAN_Msg->type = (uint8_t)(((CANx->RFS) & 0x40000000)>>30);. + CAN_Msg->len = (uint8_t)(((CANx->RFS) & 0x000F0000)>>16);. +. +. + /* Read CAN message identifier */. + CAN_Msg->id = CANx->RID;. +. + /* Read the data if received message was DATA FRAME */. + if (CAN_Msg->type == DATA_FRAME). + {. + /* Read first 4 data bytes */. +// *((uint32_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA) = CANx->RDA;. + data = CANx->RDA;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[0])= data & 0x000000FF;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[1])= (data & 0x0000FF00)>>8;;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[2])= (data & 0x00FF0000)>>16;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[3])= (data & 0xFF000000)>>24;. +. + /* Read second 4 data bytes */. +// *((uint32_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB) = CANx->RDB;. + data = CANx->RDB;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[0])= data & 0x000000FF;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[1])= (data & 0x0000FF00)>>8;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[2])= (data & 0x00FF0000)>>16;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[3])= (data & 0xFF000000)>>24;. +. + /*release receive buffer*/. + CANx->CMR = 0x04;. + }. + else. + {. + /* Received Frame is a Remote Frame, not have data, we just receive. + * message information only */. + return SUCCESS;. + }. + }. + else. + {. + // no receive message available. + return ERROR;. + }. + return SUCCESS;. +}. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Receive FullCAN Object. + * @param[in] CANAFx: CAN Acceptance Filter register, should be LPC_CANAF. + * @param[in] CAN_Msg point to the CAN_MSG_Type Struct, it will contain received. + * message information such as: ID, DLC, RTR, ID Format. + * @return CAN_ERROR, could be:. + * - CAN_FULL_OBJ_NOT_RCV: FullCAN Object is not be received. + * - CAN_OK: Received FullCAN Object successful. + *. + *********************************************************************/. +CAN_ERROR FCAN_ReadObj (LPC_CANAF_TypeDef* CANAFx, CAN_MSG_Type *CAN_Msg). +{. + uint32_t *pSrc, data;. + uint32_t interrut_word, msg_idx, test_bit, head_idx, tail_idx;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANAFx(CANAFx));. +. + interrut_word = 0;. +. + if (LPC_CANAF->FCANIC0 != 0). + {. + interrut_word = LPC_CANAF->FCANIC0;. + head_idx = 0;. + tail_idx = 31;. + }. + else if (LPC_CANAF->FCANIC1 != 0). + {. + interrut_word = LPC_CANAF->FCANIC1;. + head_idx = 32;. + tail_idx = 63;. + }. +. + if (interrut_word != 0). + {. + /* Detect for interrupt pending */. + msg_idx = 0;. + for (msg_idx = head_idx; msg_idx <= tail_idx; msg_idx++). + {. + test_bit = interrut_word & 0x1;. + interrut_word = interrut_word >> 1;. +. + if (test_bit). + {. + pSrc = (uint32_t *) (LPC_CANAF->ENDofTable + LPC_CANAF_RAM_BASE + msg_idx * 12);. +. + /* Has been finished updating the content */. + if ((*pSrc & 0x03000000L) == 0x03000000L). + {. + /*clear semaphore*/. + *pSrc &= 0xFCFFFFFF;. +. + /*Set to DatA*/. + pSrc++;. + /* Copy to dest buf */. +// *((uint32_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA) = *pSrc;. + data = *pSrc;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[0])= data & 0x000000FF;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[1])= (data & 0x0000FF00)>>8;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[2])= (data & 0x00FF0000)>>16;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataA[3])= (data & 0xFF000000)>>24;. +. + /*Set to DatB*/. + pSrc++;. + /* Copy to dest buf */. +// *((uint32_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB) = *pSrc;. + data = *pSrc;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[0])= data & 0x000000FF;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[1])= (data & 0x0000FF00)>>8;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[2])= (data & 0x00FF0000)>>16;. + *((uint8_t *) &CAN_Msg->dataB[3])= (data & 0xFF000000)>>24;. + /*Back to Dat1*/. + pSrc -= 2;. +. + CAN_Msg->id = *pSrc & 0x7FF;. + CAN_Msg->len = (uint8_t) (*pSrc >> 16) & 0x0F;. + CAN_Msg->format = 0; //FullCAN Object ID always is 11-bit value. + CAN_Msg->type = (uint8_t)(*pSrc >> 30) &0x01;. + /*Re-read semaphore*/. + if ((*pSrc & 0x03000000L) == 0). + {. + return CAN_OK;. + }. + }. + }. + }. + }. + return CAN_FULL_OBJ_NOT_RCV;. +}. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get CAN Control Status. + * @param[in] CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:. + * - CAN1: CAN 1. + * - CAN2: CAN 2. + * @param[in] arg: type of CAN status to get from CAN status register. + * Should be:. + * - CANCTRL_GLOBAL_STS: CAN Global Status. + * - CANCTRL_INT_CAP: CAN Interrupt and Capture. + * - CANCTRL_ERR_WRN: CAN Error Warning Limit. + * - CANCTRL_STS: CAN Control Status. + * @return Current Control Status that you want to get value. + *********************************************************************/. +uint32_t CAN_GetCTRLStatus (LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CAN_CTRL_STS_Type arg). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANx(CANx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CTRL_STS_TYPE(arg));. +. + switch (arg). + {. + case CANCTRL_GLOBAL_STS:. + return CANx->GSR;. +. + case CANCTRL_INT_CAP:. + return CANx->ICR;. +. + case CANCTRL_ERR_WRN:. + return CANx->EWL;. +. + default: // CANCTRL_STS. + return CANx->SR;. + }. +}. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get CAN Central Status. + * @param[in] CANCRx point to LPC_CANCR_TypeDef. + * @param[in] arg: type of CAN status to get from CAN Central status register. + * Should be:. + * - CANCR_TX_STS: Central CAN Tx Status. + * - CANCR_RX_STS: Central CAN Rx Status. + * - CANCR_MS: Central CAN Miscellaneous Status. + * @return Current Central Status that you want to get value. + *********************************************************************/. +uint32_t CAN_GetCRStatus (LPC_CANCR_TypeDef* CANCRx, CAN_CR_STS_Type arg). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANCRx(CANCRx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CR_STS_TYPE(arg));. +. + switch (arg). + {. + case CANCR_TX_STS:. + return CANCRx->CANTxSR;. +. + case CANCR_RX_STS:. + return CANCRx->CANRxSR;. +. + default: // CANCR_MS. + return CANCRx->CANMSR;. + }. +}. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable/Disable CAN Interrupt. + * @param[in] CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:. + * - CAN1: CAN 1. + * - CAN2: CAN 2. + * @param[in] arg: type of CAN interrupt that you want to enable/disable. + * Should be:. + * - CANINT_RIE: CAN Receiver Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_TIE1: CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_EIE: CAN Error Warning Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_DOIE: CAN Data Overrun Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_WUIE: CAN Wake-Up Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_EPIE: CAN Error Passive Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_ALIE: CAN Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_BEIE: CAN Bus Error Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_IDIE: CAN ID Ready Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_TIE2: CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable for Buffer2. + * - CANINT_TIE3: CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable for Buffer3. + * - CANINT_FCE: FullCAN Interrupt Enable. + * @param[in] NewState: New state of this function, should be:. + * - ENABLE. + * - DISABLE. + * @return none. + *********************************************************************/. +void CAN_IRQCmd (LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CAN_INT_EN_Type arg, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANx(CANx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_INT_EN_TYPE(arg));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + if(NewState == ENABLE). + {. + if(arg==CANINT_FCE). + {. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x01;. + LPC_CANAF->FCANIE = 0x01;. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x04;. + }. + else. + CANx->IER |= (1 << arg);. + }. + else. + {. + if(arg==CANINT_FCE){. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x01;. + LPC_CANAF->FCANIE = 0x01;. + LPC_CANAF->AFMR = 0x00;. + }. + else. + CANx->IER &= ~(1 << arg);. + }. +}. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Install interrupt call-back function. + * @param[in] arg: CAN interrupt type, should be:. + * - CANINT_RIE: CAN Receiver Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_TIE1: CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_EIE: CAN Error Warning Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_DOIE: CAN Data Overrun Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_WUIE: CAN Wake-Up Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_EPIE: CAN Error Passive Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_ALIE: CAN Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_BEIE: CAN Bus Error Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_IDIE: CAN ID Ready Interrupt Enable. + * - CANINT_TIE2: CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable for Buffer2. + * - CANINT_TIE3: CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable for Buffer3. + * - CANINT_FCE: FullCAN Interrupt Enable. + * @param[in] pnCANCbs: pointer point to call-back function. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void CAN_SetupCBS(CAN_INT_EN_Type arg,fnCANCbs_Type* pnCANCbs). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_INT_EN_TYPE(arg));. + _apfnCANCbs[arg] = pnCANCbs;. +}. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Setting Acceptance Filter mode. + * @param[in] CANAFx point to LPC_CANAF_TypeDef object, should be: CANAF. + * @param[in] AFMode: type of AF mode that you want to set, should be:. + * - CAN_Normal: Normal mode. + * - CAN_AccOff: Acceptance Filter Off Mode. + * - CAN_AccBP: Acceptance Fileter Bypass Mode. + * - CAN_eFCAN: FullCAN Mode Enhancement. + * @return none. + *********************************************************************/. +void CAN_SetAFMode (LPC_CANAF_TypeDef* CANAFx, CAN_AFMODE_Type AFMode). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANAFx(CANAFx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_AFMODE_TYPE(AFMode));. +. + switch(AFMode). + {. + case CAN_Normal:. + CANAFx->AFMR = 0x00;. + break;. + case CAN_AccOff:. + CANAFx->AFMR = 0x01;. + break;. + case CAN_AccBP:. + CANAFx->AFMR = 0x02;. + break;. + case CAN_eFCAN:. + CANAFx->AFMR = 0x04;. + break;. + }. +}. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable/Disable CAN Mode. + * @param[in] CANx pointer to LPC_CAN_TypeDef, should be:. + * - CAN1: CAN 1. + * - CAN2: CAN 2. + * @param[in] mode: type of CAN mode that you want to enable/disable, should be:. + * - CAN_OPERATING_MODE: Normal Operating Mode. + * - CAN_RESET_MODE: Reset Mode. + * - CAN_LISTENONLY_MODE: Listen Only Mode. + * - CAN_SELFTEST_MODE: Self Test Mode. + * - CAN_TXPRIORITY_MODE: Transmit Priority Mode. + * - CAN_SLEEP_MODE: Sleep Mode. + * - CAN_RXPOLARITY_MODE: Receive Polarity Mode. + * - CAN_TEST_MODE: Test Mode. + * @param[in] NewState: New State of this function, should be:. + * - ENABLE. + * - DISABLE. + * @return none. + *********************************************************************/. +void CAN_ModeConfig(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CAN_MODE_Type mode, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_CANx(CANx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_MODE_TYPE(mode));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + switch(mode). + {. + case CAN_OPERATING_MODE:. + CANx->MOD = 0x00;. + break;. + case CAN_RESET_MODE:. + if(NewState == ENABLE). + CANx->MOD |=CAN_MOD_RM;. + else. + CANx->MOD &= ~CAN_MOD_RM;. + break;. + case CAN_LISTENONLY_MODE:. + CANx->MOD |=CAN_MOD_RM;. + if(NewState == ENABLE). + CANx->MOD |=CAN_MOD_LOM;. + else. + CANx->MOD &=~CAN_MOD_LOM;. + break;. + case CAN_SELFTEST_MODE:. + CANx->MOD |=CAN_MOD_RM;. + if(NewState == ENABLE). + CANx->MOD |=CAN_MOD_STM;. + else. + CANx->MOD &=~CAN_MOD_STM;. + break;. + case CAN_TXPRIORITY_MODE:. + if(NewState == ENABLE). + CANx->MOD |=CAN_MOD_TPM;. + else. + CANx->MOD &=~CAN_MOD_TPM;. + break;. + case CAN_SLEEP_MODE:. + if(NewState == ENABLE). + CANx->MOD |=CAN_MOD_SM;. + else. + CANx->MOD &=~CAN_MOD_SM;. + break;. + case CAN_RXPOLARITY_MODE:. + if(NewState == ENABLE). + CANx->MOD |=CAN_MOD_RPM;. + else. + CANx->MOD &=~CAN_MOD_RPM;. + break;. + case CAN_TEST_MODE:. + if(NewState == ENABLE). + CANx->MOD |=CAN_MOD_TM;. + else. + CANx->MOD &=~CAN_MOD_TM;. + break;. + }. +}. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Standard CAN interrupt handler, this function will check. + * all interrupt status of CAN channels, then execute the call. + * back function if they're already installed. + * @param[in] CANx point to CAN peripheral selected, should be: CAN1 or CAN2. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void CAN_IntHandler(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx). +{. + uint8_t t;. + //scan interrupt pending. + if(LPC_CANAF->FCANIE). + {. + _apfnCANCbs[11]();. + }. + //scan interrupt channels. + for(t=0;t<11;t++). + {. + if(((CANx->ICR)>>t)&0x01). + {. + _apfnCANCbs[t]();. + }. + }. +}. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +#endif /* _CAN */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/lpc17xx_can.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/lpc17xx_can.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9d5b4e --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/can-cm/lpc17xx_can.h @@ -0,0 +1,855 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc17xx_can.h. + * @brief : Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes. + * support for CAN firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 1.June.2009. + * @author : NguyenCao. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup CAN. + * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef LPC17XX_CAN_H_. +#define LPC17XX_CAN_H_. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "LPC17xx.h". +#include "lpc_types.h". +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +extern "C". +{. +#endif. +. +. +/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup CAN_Private_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +#define ID_11 1. +#define MAX_HW_FULLCAN_OBJ 64. +#define MAX_SW_FULLCAN_OBJ 32. +. +. +/** @defgroup CAN_REGISTER_BIT_DEFINITION. + * @{. + */. +. +/** CAN Reset mode */. +#define CAN_MOD_RM ((uint32_t)(1)). +/** CAN Listen Only Mode */. +#define CAN_MOD_LOM ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** CAN Self Test mode */. +#define CAN_MOD_STM ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** CAN Transmit Priority mode */. +#define CAN_MOD_TPM ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** CAN Sleep mode */. +#define CAN_MOD_SM ((uint32_t)(1<<4)). +/** CAN Receive Polarity mode */. +#define CAN_MOD_RPM ((uint32_t)(1<<5)). +/** CAN Test mode */. +#define CAN_MOD_TM ((uint32_t)(1<<7)). +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Command Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Transmission Request */. +#define CAN_CMR_TR ((uint32_t)(1)). +/** CAN Abort Transmission */. +#define CAN_CMR_AT ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** CAN Release Receive Buffer */. +#define CAN_CMR_RRB ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** CAN Clear Data Overrun */. +#define CAN_CMR_CDO ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** CAN Self Reception Request */. +#define CAN_CMR_SRR ((uint32_t)(1<<4)). +/** CAN Select Tx Buffer 1 */. +#define CAN_CMR_STB1 ((uint32_t)(1<<5)). +/** CAN Select Tx Buffer 2 */. +#define CAN_CMR_STB2 ((uint32_t)(1<<6)). +/** CAN Select Tx Buffer 3 */. +#define CAN_CMR_STB3 ((uint32_t)(1<<7)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Global Status Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Receive Buffer Status */. +#define CAN_GSR_RBS ((uint32_t)(1)). +/** CAN Data Overrun Status */. +#define CAN_GSR_DOS ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** CAN Transmit Buffer Status */. +#define CAN_GSR_TBS ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** CAN Transmit Complete Status */. +#define CAN_GSR_TCS ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** CAN Receive Status */. +#define CAN_GSR_RS ((uint32_t)(1<<4)). +/** CAN Transmit Status */. +#define CAN_GSR_TS ((uint32_t)(1<<5)). +/** CAN Error Status */. +#define CAN_GSR_ES ((uint32_t)(1<<6)). +/** CAN Bus Status */. +#define CAN_GSR_BS ((uint32_t)(1<<7)). +/** CAN Current value of the Rx Error Counter */. +#define CAN_GSR_RXERR(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<16)). +/** CAN Current value of the Tx Error Counter */. +#define CAN_GSR_TXERR(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0xFF)<<24)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Interrupt and Capture Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Receive Interrupt */. +#define CAN_ICR_RI ((uint32_t)(1)). +/** CAN Transmit Interrupt 1 */. +#define CAN_ICR_TI1 ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** CAN Error Warning Interrupt */. +#define CAN_ICR_EI ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** CAN Data Overrun Interrupt */. +#define CAN_ICR_DOI ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** CAN Wake-Up Interrupt */. +#define CAN_ICR_WUI ((uint32_t)(1<<4)). +/** CAN Error Passive Interrupt */. +#define CAN_ICR_EPI ((uint32_t)(1<<5)). +/** CAN Arbitration Lost Interrupt */. +#define CAN_ICR_ALI ((uint32_t)(1<<6)). +/** CAN Bus Error Interrupt */. +#define CAN_ICR_BEI ((uint32_t)(1<<7)). +/** CAN ID Ready Interrupt */. +#define CAN_ICR_IDI ((uint32_t)(1<<8)). +/** CAN Transmit Interrupt 2 */. +#define CAN_ICR_TI2 ((uint32_t)(1<<9)). +/** CAN Transmit Interrupt 3 */. +#define CAN_ICR_TI3 ((uint32_t)(1<<10)). +/** CAN Error Code Capture */. +#define CAN_ICR_ERRBIT(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0x1F)<<16)). +/** CAN Error Direction */. +#define CAN_ICR_ERRDIR ((uint32_t)(1<<21)). +/** CAN Error Capture */. +#define CAN_ICR_ERRC(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0x3)<<22)). +/** CAN Arbitration Lost Capture */. +#define CAN_ICR_ALCBIT(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<24)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Interrupt Enable Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Receive Interrupt Enable */. +#define CAN_IER_RIE ((uint32_t)(1)). +/** CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable for buffer 1 */. +#define CAN_IER_TIE1 ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** CAN Error Warning Interrupt Enable */. +#define CAN_IER_EIE ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** CAN Data Overrun Interrupt Enable */. +#define CAN_IER_DOIE ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** CAN Wake-Up Interrupt Enable */. +#define CAN_IER_WUIE ((uint32_t)(1<<4)). +/** CAN Error Passive Interrupt Enable */. +#define CAN_IER_EPIE ((uint32_t)(1<<5)). +/** CAN Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable */. +#define CAN_IER_ALIE ((uint32_t)(1<<6)). +/** CAN Bus Error Interrupt Enable */. +#define CAN_IER_BEIE ((uint32_t)(1<<7)). +/** CAN ID Ready Interrupt Enable */. +#define CAN_IER_IDIE ((uint32_t)(1<<8)). +/** CAN Transmit Enable Interrupt for Buffer 2 */. +#define CAN_IER_TIE2 ((uint32_t)(1<<9)). +/** CAN Transmit Enable Interrupt for Buffer 3 */. +#define CAN_IER_TIE3 ((uint32_t)(1<<10)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Bus Timing Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Baudrate Prescaler */. +#define CAN_BTR_BRP(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x3FF)). +/** CAN Synchronization Jump Width */. +#define CAN_BTR_SJM(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0x3)<<14)). +/** CAN Time Segment 1 */. +#define CAN_BTR_TESG1(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0xF)<<16)). +/** CAN Time Segment 2 */. +#define CAN_BTR_TESG2(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0xF)<<20)). +/** CAN Sampling */. +#define CAN_BTR_SAM(n) ((uint32_t)(1<<23)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Error Warning Limit Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Error Warning Limit */. +#define CAN_EWL_EWL(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0xFF)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Status Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Receive Buffer Status */. +#define CAN_SR_RBS ((uint32_t)(1)). +/** CAN Data Overrun Status */. +#define CAN_SR_DOS ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** CAN Transmit Buffer Status 1 */. +#define CAN_SR_TBS1 ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** CAN Transmission Complete Status of Buffer 1 */. +#define CAN_SR_TCS1 ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** CAN Receive Status */. +#define CAN_SR_RS ((uint32_t)(1<<4)). +/** CAN Transmit Status 1 */. +#define CAN_SR_TS1 ((uint32_t)(1<<5)). +/** CAN Error Status */. +#define CAN_SR_ES ((uint32_t)(1<<6)). +/** CAN Bus Status */. +#define CAN_SR_BS ((uint32_t)(1<<7)). +/** CAN Transmit Buffer Status 2 */. +#define CAN_SR_TBS2 ((uint32_t)(1<<10)). +/** CAN Transmission Complete Status of Buffer 2 */. +#define CAN_SR_TCS2 ((uint32_t)(1<<11)). +/** CAN Transmit Status 2 */. +#define CAN_SR_TS2 ((uint32_t)(1<<13)). +/** CAN Transmit Buffer Status 2 */. +#define CAN_SR_TBS3 ((uint32_t)(1<<18)). +/** CAN Transmission Complete Status of Buffer 2 */. +#define CAN_SR_TCS3 ((uint32_t)(1<<19)). +/** CAN Transmit Status 2 */. +#define CAN_SR_TS3 ((uint32_t)(1<<21)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Receive Frame Status Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN ID Index */. +#define CAN_RFS_ID_INDEX(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x3FF)). +/** CAN Bypass */. +#define CAN_RFS_BP ((uint32_t)(1<<10)). +/** CAN Data Length Code */. +#define CAN_RFS_DLC(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xF)<<16). +/** CAN Remote Transmission Request */. +#define CAN_RFS_RTR ((uint32_t)(1<<30)). +/** CAN control 11 bit or 29 bit Identifier */. +#define CAN_RFS_FF ((uint32_t)(1<<31)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Receive Identifier Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN 11 bit Identifier */. +#define CAN_RID_ID_11(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x7FF)). +/** CAN 29 bit Identifier */. +#define CAN_RID_ID_29(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x1FFFFFFF)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Receive Data A Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Receive Data 1 */. +#define CAN_RDA_DATA1(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0xFF)). +/** CAN Receive Data 2 */. +#define CAN_RDA_DATA2(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<8)). +/** CAN Receive Data 3 */. +#define CAN_RDA_DATA3(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<16)). +/** CAN Receive Data 4 */. +#define CAN_RDA_DATA4(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<24)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Receive Data B Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Receive Data 5 */. +#define CAN_RDB_DATA5(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0xFF)). +/** CAN Receive Data 6 */. +#define CAN_RDB_DATA6(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<8)). +/** CAN Receive Data 7 */. +#define CAN_RDB_DATA7(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<16)). +/** CAN Receive Data 8 */. +#define CAN_RDB_DATA8(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<24)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Transmit Frame Information Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Priority */. +#define CAN_TFI_PRIO(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0xFF)). +/** CAN Data Length Code */. +#define CAN_TFI_DLC(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xF)<<16)). +/** CAN Remote Frame Transmission */. +#define CAN_TFI_RTR ((uint32_t)(1<<30)). +/** CAN control 11-bit or 29-bit Identifier */. +#define CAN_TFI_FF ((uint32_t)(1<<31)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Transmit Identifier Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN 11-bit Identifier */. +#define CAN_TID_ID11(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x7FF)). +/** CAN 11-bit Identifier */. +#define CAN_TID_ID29(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x1FFFFFFF)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Transmit Data A Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Transmit Data 1 */. +#define CAN_TDA_DATA1(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0xFF)). +/** CAN Transmit Data 2 */. +#define CAN_TDA_DATA2(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<8)). +/** CAN Transmit Data 3 */. +#define CAN_TDA_DATA3(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<16)). +/** CAN Transmit Data 4 */. +#define CAN_TDA_DATA4(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<24)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Transmit Data B Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Transmit Data 5 */. +#define CAN_TDA_DATA5(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0xFF)). +/** CAN Transmit Data 6 */. +#define CAN_TDA_DATA6(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<8)). +/** CAN Transmit Data 7 */. +#define CAN_TDA_DATA7(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<16)). +/** CAN Transmit Data 8 */. +#define CAN_TDA_DATA8(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<24)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Sleep Clear Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN1 Sleep mode */. +#define CAN1SLEEPCLR ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** CAN2 Sleep Mode */. +#define CAN2SLEEPCLR ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CAN Wake up Flags Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN1 Sleep mode */. +#define CAN_WAKEFLAGES_CAN1WAKE ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** CAN2 Sleep Mode */. +#define CAN_WAKEFLAGES_CAN2WAKE ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for Central transmit Status Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Transmit 1 */. +#define CAN_TSR_TS1 ((uint32_t)(1)). +/** CAN Transmit 2 */. +#define CAN_TSR_TS2 ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** CAN Transmit Buffer Status 1 */. +#define CAN_TSR_TBS1 ((uint32_t)(1<<8)). +/** CAN Transmit Buffer Status 2 */. +#define CAN_TSR_TBS2 ((uint32_t)(1<<9)). +/** CAN Transmission Complete Status 1 */. +#define CAN_TSR_TCS1 ((uint32_t)(1<<16)). +/** CAN Transmission Complete Status 2 */. +#define CAN_TSR_TCS2 ((uint32_t)(1<<17)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for Central Receive Status Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Receive Status 1 */. +#define CAN_RSR_RS1 ((uint32_t)(1)). +/** CAN Receive Status 1 */. +#define CAN_RSR_RS2 ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** CAN Receive Buffer Status 1*/. +#define CAN_RSR_RB1 ((uint32_t)(1<<8)). +/** CAN Receive Buffer Status 2*/. +#define CAN_RSR_RB2 ((uint32_t)(1<<9)). +/** CAN Data Overrun Status 1 */. +#define CAN_RSR_DOS1 ((uint32_t)(1<<16)). +/** CAN Data Overrun Status 1 */. +#define CAN_RSR_DOS2 ((uint32_t)(1<<17)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for Central Miscellaneous Status Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Same CAN Error Status in CAN1GSR */. +#define CAN_MSR_E1 ((uint32_t)(1)). +/** Same CAN Error Status in CAN2GSR */. +#define CAN_MSR_E2 ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** Same CAN Bus Status in CAN1GSR */. +#define CAN_MSR_BS1 ((uint32_t)(1<<8)). +/** Same CAN Bus Status in CAN2GSR */. +#define CAN_MSR_BS2 ((uint32_t)(1<<9)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for Acceptance Filter Mode Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Acceptance Filter Off mode */. +#define CAN_AFMR_AccOff ((uint32_t)(1)). +/** CAN Acceptance File Bypass mode */. +#define CAN_AFMR_AccBP ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** FullCAN Mode Enhancements */. +#define CAN_AFMR_eFCAN ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for Standard Frame Individual Start Address Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** The start address of the table of individual Standard Identifier */. +#define CAN_STT_sa(n) ((uint32_t)((n&1FF)<<2)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for Standard Frame Group Start Address Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** The start address of the table of grouped Standard Identifier */. +#define CAN_SFF_GRP_sa(n) ((uint32_t)((n&3FF)<<2)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for Extended Frame Start Address Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** The start address of the table of individual Extended Identifier */. +#define CAN_EFF_sa(n) ((uint32_t)((n&1FF)<<2)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for Extended Frame Group Start Address Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** The start address of the table of grouped Extended Identifier */. +#define CAN_Eff_GRP_sa(n) ((uint32_t)((n&3FF)<<2)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for End Of AF Table Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** The End of Table of AF LookUp Table */. +#define CAN_EndofTable(n) ((uint32_t)((n&3FF)<<2)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for LUT Error Address Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Look-Up Table Error Address */. +#define CAN_LUTerrAd(n) ((uint32_t)((n&1FF)<<2)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for LUT Error Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** CAN Look-Up Table Error */. +#define CAN_LUTerr ((uint32_t)(1)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for Global FullCANInterrupt Enable Register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Global FullCANInterrupt Enable */. +#define CAN_FCANIE ((uint32_t)(1)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for FullCAN Interrupt and Capture Register 0. + **********************************************************************/. +/** FullCAN Interrupt and Capture (0-31)*/. +#define CAN_FCANIC0_IntPnd(n) ((uint32_t)(1<<n)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for FullCAN Interrupt and Capture Register 1. + **********************************************************************/. +/** FullCAN Interrupt and Capture (0-31)*/. +#define CAN_FCANIC1_IntPnd(n) ((uint32_t)(1<<(n-32))). +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup CAN_Public_Types. + * @{. + */. +. +/** CAN configuration structure */. +/***********************************************************************. + * CAN device configuration commands (IOCTL commands and arguments). + **********************************************************************/. +/**. + * @brief CAN ID format definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + STD_ID_FORMAT = 0, /**< Use standard ID format (11 bit ID) */. + EXT_ID_FORMAT = 1 /**< Use extended ID format (29 bit ID) */. +} CAN_ID_FORMAT_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief AFLUT Entry type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + FULLCAN_ENTRY = 0,. + EXPLICIT_STANDARD_ENTRY,. + GROUP_STANDARD_ENTRY,. + EXPLICIT_EXTEND_ENTRY,. + GROUP_EXTEND_ENTRY,. +} AFLUT_ENTRY_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief Symbolic names for type of CAN message. + */. +typedef enum {. + DATA_FRAME = 0, /**< Data frame */. + REMOTE_FRAME = 1 /**< Remote frame */. +} CAN_FRAME_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief CAN Control status definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + CANCTRL_GLOBAL_STS = 0, /**< CAN Global Status */. + CANCTRL_INT_CAP, /**< CAN Interrupt and Capture */. + CANCTRL_ERR_WRN, /**< CAN Error Warning Limit */. + CANCTRL_STS /**< CAN Control Status */. +} CAN_CTRL_STS_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief Central CAN status type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + CANCR_TX_STS = 0, /**< Central CAN Tx Status */. + CANCR_RX_STS, /**< Central CAN Rx Status */. + CANCR_MS /**< Central CAN Miscellaneous Status */. +} CAN_CR_STS_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief CAN interrupt enable type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + CANINT_RIE = 0, /**< CAN Receiver Interrupt Enable */. + CANINT_TIE1, /**< CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable */. + CANINT_EIE, /**< CAN Error Warning Interrupt Enable */. + CANINT_DOIE, /**< CAN Data Overrun Interrupt Enable */. + CANINT_WUIE, /**< CAN Wake-Up Interrupt Enable */. + CANINT_EPIE, /**< CAN Error Passive Interrupt Enable */. + CANINT_ALIE, /**< CAN Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable */. + CANINT_BEIE, /**< CAN Bus Error Inter rupt Enable */. + CANINT_IDIE, /**< CAN ID Ready Interrupt Enable */. + CANINT_TIE2, /**< CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable for Buffer2 */. + CANINT_TIE3, /**< CAN Transmit Interrupt Enable for Buffer3 */. + CANINT_FCE /**< FullCAN Interrupt Enable */. +} CAN_INT_EN_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief Acceptance Filter Mode type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + CAN_Normal = 0, /**< Normal Mode */. + CAN_AccOff, /**< Acceptance Filter Off Mode */. + CAN_AccBP, /**< Acceptance Fileter Bypass Mode */. + CAN_eFCAN /**< FullCAN Mode Enhancement */. +} CAN_AFMODE_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief CAN Mode Type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + CAN_OPERATING_MODE = 0, /**< Operating Mode */. + CAN_RESET_MODE, /**< Reset Mode */. + CAN_LISTENONLY_MODE, /**< Listen Only Mode */. + CAN_SELFTEST_MODE, /**< Seft Test Mode */. + CAN_TXPRIORITY_MODE, /**< Transmit Priority Mode */. + CAN_SLEEP_MODE, /**< Sleep Mode */. + CAN_RXPOLARITY_MODE, /**< Receive Polarity Mode */. + CAN_TEST_MODE /**< Test Mode */. +} CAN_MODE_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief Error values that functions can return. + */. +typedef enum {. + CAN_OK = 1, /**< No error */. + CAN_OBJECTS_FULL_ERROR, /**< No more rx or tx objects available */. + CAN_FULL_OBJ_NOT_RCV, /**< Full CAN object not received */. + CAN_NO_RECEIVE_DATA, /**< No have receive data available */. + CAN_AF_ENTRY_ERROR, /**< Entry load in AFLUT is unvalid */. + CAN_CONFLICT_ID_ERROR, /**< Conflict ID occur */. + CAN_ENTRY_NOT_EXIT_ERROR /**< Entry remove outo AFLUT is not exit */. +} CAN_ERROR;. +. +/**. + * @brief Pin Configuration structure. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint8_t RD; /**< Serial Inputs, from CAN transceivers, should be:. + ** For CAN1:. + - CAN_RD1_P0_0: RD pin is on P0.0. + - CAN_RD1_P0_21 : RD pin is on P0.21. + ** For CAN2:. + - CAN_RD2_P0_4: RD pin is on P0.4. + - CAN_RD2_P2_7: RD pin is on P2.7. + */. + uint8_t TD; /**< Serial Outputs, To CAN transceivers, should be:. + ** For CAN1:. + - CAN_TD1_P0_1: TD pin is on P0.1. + - CAN_TD1_P0_22: TD pin is on P0.22. + ** For CAN2:. + - CAN_TD2_P0_5: TD pin is on P0.5. + - CAN_TD2_P2_8: TD pin is on P2.8. + */. +} CAN_PinCFG_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief CAN message object structure. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint32_t id; /**< 29 bit identifier, it depend on "format" value. + - if format = STD_ID_FORMAT, id should be 11 bit identifier. + - if format = EXT_ID_FORMAT, id should be 29 bit identifier. + */. + uint8_t dataA[4]; /**< Data field A */. + uint8_t dataB[4]; /**< Data field B */. + uint8_t len; /**< Length of data field in bytes, should be:. + - 0000b-0111b: 0-7 bytes. + - 1xxxb: 8 bytes. + */. + uint8_t format; /**< Identifier Format, should be:. + - STD_ID_FORMAT: Standard ID - 11 bit format. + - EXT_ID_FORMAT: Extended ID - 29 bit format. + */. + uint8_t type; /**< Remote Frame transmission, should be:. + - DATA_FRAME: the number of data bytes called out by the DLC. + field are send from the CANxTDA and CANxTDB registers. + - REMOTE_FRAME: Remote Frame is sent. + */. +} CAN_MSG_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief FullCAN Entry structure. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint8_t controller; /**< CAN Controller, should be:. + - CAN1_CTRL: CAN1 Controller. + - CAN2_CTRL: CAN2 Controller. + */. + uint8_t disable; /**< Disable bit, should be:. + - MSG_ENABLE: disable bit = 0. + - MSG_DISABLE: disable bit = 1. + */. + uint16_t id_11; /**< Standard ID, should be 11-bit value */. +} FullCAN_Entry;. +. +/**. + * @brief Standard ID Frame Format Entry structure. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint8_t controller; /**< CAN Controller, should be:. + - CAN1_CTRL: CAN1 Controller. + - CAN2_CTRL: CAN2 Controller. + */. + uint8_t disable; /**< Disable bit, should be:. + - MSG_ENABLE: disable bit = 0. + - MSG_DISABLE: disable bit = 1. + */. + uint16_t id_11; /**< Standard ID, should be 11-bit value */. +} SFF_Entry;. +. +/**. + * @brief Group of Standard ID Frame Format Entry structure. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint8_t controller1; /**< First CAN Controller, should be:. + - CAN1_CTRL: CAN1 Controller. + - CAN2_CTRL: CAN2 Controller. + */. + uint8_t disable1; /**< First Disable bit, should be:. + - MSG_ENABLE: disable bit = 0). + - MSG_DISABLE: disable bit = 1. + */. + uint16_t lowerID; /**< ID lower bound, should be 11-bit value */. + uint8_t controller2; /**< Second CAN Controller, should be:. + - CAN1_CTRL: CAN1 Controller. + - CAN2_CTRL: CAN2 Controller. + */. + uint8_t disable2; /**< Second Disable bit, should be:. + - MSG_ENABLE: disable bit = 0. + - MSG_DISABLE: disable bit = 1. + */. + uint16_t upperID; /**< ID upper bound, should be 11-bit value and. + equal or greater than lowerID. + */. +} SFF_GPR_Entry;. +. +/**. + * @brief Extended ID Frame Format Entry structure. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint8_t controller; /**< CAN Controller, should be:. + - CAN1_CTRL: CAN1 Controller. + - CAN2_CTRL: CAN2 Controller. + */. + uint32_t ID_29; /**< Extend ID, shoud be 29-bit value */. +} EFF_Entry;. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Group of Extended ID Frame Format Entry structure. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint8_t controller1; /**< First CAN Controller, should be:. + - CAN1_CTRL: CAN1 Controller. + - CAN2_CTRL: CAN2 Controller. + */. + uint8_t controller2; /**< Second Disable bit, should be:. + - MSG_ENABLE: disable bit = 0(default). + - MSG_DISABLE: disable bit = 1. + */. + uint32_t lowerEID; /**< Extended ID lower bound, should be 29-bit value */. + uint32_t upperEID; /**< Extended ID upper bound, should be 29-bit value */. +} EFF_GPR_Entry;. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Acceptance Filter Section Table structure. + */. +typedef struct {. + FullCAN_Entry* FullCAN_Sec; /**< The pointer point to FullCAN_Entry */. + uint8_t FC_NumEntry; /**< FullCAN Entry Number */. + SFF_Entry* SFF_Sec; /**< The pointer point to SFF_Entry */. + uint8_t SFF_NumEntry; /**< Standard ID Entry Number */. + SFF_GPR_Entry* SFF_GPR_Sec; /**< The pointer point to SFF_GPR_Entry */. + uint8_t SFF_GPR_NumEntry; /**< Group Standard ID Entry Number */. + EFF_Entry* EFF_Sec; /**< The pointer point to EFF_Entry */. + uint8_t EFF_NumEntry; /**< Extended ID Entry Number */. + EFF_GPR_Entry* EFF_GPR_Sec; /**< The pointer point to EFF_GPR_Entry */. + uint8_t EFF_GPR_NumEntry; /**< Group Extended ID Entry Number */. +} AF_SectionDef;. +. +/**. + * @brief CAN call-back function type definitions. + */. +typedef void ( fnCANCbs_Type)();. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup CAN_Public_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +/** Macro to determine if it is valid CAN peripheral */. +#define PARAM_CANx(x) ((((uint32_t*)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_CAN1)) \. +||(((uint32_t*)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_CAN2))). +. +#define PARAM_CANAFx(x) (((uint32_t*)x)== ((uint32_t*)LPC_CANAF)). +#define PARAM_CANAFRAMx(x) (((uint32_t*)x)== (uint32_t*)LPC_CANAF_RAM). +#define PARAM_CANCRx(x) (((uint32_t*)x)==((uint32_t*)LPC_CANCR)). +. +/** Macro to check Data to send valid */. +#define PARAM_I2S_DATA(data) ((data>=0)&&(data <= 0xFFFFFFFF)). +#define PRAM_I2S_FREQ(freq) ((freq>=16000)&&(freq <= 96000)). +. +/** Macro to check Pin Selection value */. +#define PARAM_RD1_PIN(n) ((n==CAN_RD1_P0_0)||(n==CAN_RD1_P0_21)). +#define PARAM_TD1_PIN(n) ((n==CAN_TD1_P0_1)||(n==CAN_TD1_P0_22)). +#define PARAM_RD2_PIN(n) ((n==CAN_RD2_P0_4)||(n==CAN_RD2_P2_7)). +#define PARAM_TD2_PIN(n) ((n==CAN_TD2_P0_5)||(n==CAN_TD2_P2_8)). +. +/** Macro to check Frame Identifier */. +#define PARAM_ID_11(n) ((n>>11)==0) /*-- 11 bit --*/. +#define PARAM_ID_29(n) ((n>>29)==0) /*-- 29 bit --*/. +. +#define PARAM_DLC(n) ((n>>4)==0) /*-- 4 bit --*/. +#define PARAM_ID_FORMAT(n) ((n==STD_ID_FORMAT)||(n==EXT_ID_FORMAT)). +#define PARAM_GRP_ID(x, y) ((x<=y)). +#define PARAM_FRAME_TYPE(n) ((n==DATA_FRAME)||(n==REMOTE_FRAME)). +. +/** Macro to check Control/Central Status type parameter */. +#define PARAM_CTRL_STS_TYPE(n) ((n==CANCTRL_GLOBAL_STS)||(n==CANCTRL_INT_CAP) \. +||(n==CANCTRL_ERR_WRN)||(n==CANCTRL_STS)). +#define PARAM_CR_STS_TYPE(n) ((n==CANCR_TX_STS)||(n==CANCR_RX_STS) \. +||(n==CANCR_MS)). +/** Macro to check AF Mode type parameter */. +#define PARAM_AFMODE_TYPE(n) ((n==CAN_Normal)||(n==CAN_AccOff) \. +||(n==CAN_AccBP)||(n==CAN_eFCAN)). +/** Macro to check Operation Mode */. +#define PARAM_MODE_TYPE(n) ((n==CAN_OPERATING_MODE)||(n==CAN_RESET_MODE) \. +||(n==CAN_LISTENONLY_MODE)||(n==CAN_SELFTEST_MODE) \. +||(n==CAN_TXPRIORITY_MODE)||(n==CAN_SLEEP_MODE) \. +||(n==CAN_RXPOLARITY_MODE)||(n==CAN_TEST_MODE)). +. +/** Macro define for struct AF_Section parameter */. +#define CAN1_CTRL ((uint8_t)(0)). +#define CAN2_CTRL ((uint8_t)(1)). +#define PARAM_CTRL(n) ((n==CAN1_CTRL)|(n==CAN2_CTRL)). +. +#define MSG_ENABLE ((uint8_t)(0)). +#define MSG_DISABLE ((uint8_t)(1)). +#define PARAM_MSG_DISABLE(n) ((n==MSG_ENABLE)|(n==MSG_DISABLE)). +. +/**Macro to check Interrupt Type parameter */. +#define PARAM_INT_EN_TYPE(n) ((n==CANINT_RIE)||(n==CANINT_TIE1) \. +||(n==CANINT_EIE)||(n==CANINT_DOIE) \. +||(n==CANINT_WUIE)||(n==CANINT_EPIE) \. +||(n==CANINT_ALIE)||(n==CANINT_BEIE) \. +||(n==CANINT_IDIE)||(n==CANINT_TIE2) \. +||(n==CANINT_TIE3)||(n==CANINT_FCE)). +. +/** Macro to check AFLUT Entry type */. +#define PARAM_AFLUT_ENTRY_TYPE(n) ((n==FULLCAN_ENTRY)||(n==EXPLICIT_STANDARD_ENTRY)\. +||(n==GROUP_STANDARD_ENTRY)||(n==EXPLICIT_EXTEND_ENTRY) \. +||(n==GROUP_EXTEND_ENTRY)). +#define PARAM_POSITION(n) ((n>=0)&&(n<512)). +. +/** CAN function pin selection defines */. +#define CAN_RD1_P0_0 ((uint8_t)(0)). +#define CAN_RD1_P0_21 ((uint8_t)(1)). +#define CAN_TD1_P0_1 ((uint8_t)(0)). +#define CAN_TD1_P0_22 ((uint8_t)(1)). +. +#define CAN_RD2_P0_4 ((uint8_t)(0)). +#define CAN_RD2_P2_7 ((uint8_t)(1)). +#define CAN_TD2_P0_5 ((uint8_t)(0)). +#define CAN_TD2_P2_8 ((uint8_t)(1)). +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup CAN_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +void CAN_Init(LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t baudrate);. +void CAN_DeInit(LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx);. +. +Status CAN_SendMsg(LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, CAN_MSG_Type *CAN_Msg);. +Status CAN_ReceiveMsg(LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, CAN_MSG_Type *CAN_Msg);. +CAN_ERROR FCAN_ReadObj(LPC_CANAF_TypeDef* CANAFx, CAN_MSG_Type *CAN_Msg);. +. +uint32_t CAN_GetCTRLStatus(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CAN_CTRL_STS_Type arg);. +uint32_t CAN_GetCRStatus(LPC_CANCR_TypeDef* CANCRx, CAN_CR_STS_Type arg);. +void CAN_ModeConfig(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CAN_MODE_Type mode,. + FunctionalState NewState);. +void CAN_SetBaudRate(LPC_CAN_TypeDef *CANx, uint32_t baudrate);. +. +void CAN_SetAFMode(LPC_CANAF_TypeDef* CANAFx, CAN_AFMODE_Type AFmode);. +CAN_ERROR CAN_SetupAFLUT(LPC_CANAF_TypeDef* CANAFx, AF_SectionDef* AFSection);. +CAN_ERROR CAN_LoadFullCANEntry(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint16_t ID);. +CAN_ERROR CAN_LoadExplicitEntry(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t ID,. + CAN_ID_FORMAT_Type format);. +CAN_ERROR CAN_LoadGroupEntry(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t lowerID,. + uint32_t upperID, CAN_ID_FORMAT_Type format);. +CAN_ERROR CAN_RemoveEntry(AFLUT_ENTRY_Type EntryType, uint16_t position);. +. +void CAN_SetupCBS(CAN_INT_EN_Type arg, fnCANCbs_Type* pnCANCbs);. +void CAN_IRQCmd(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CAN_INT_EN_Type arg,. + FunctionalState NewState);. +void CAN_IntHandler(LPC_CAN_TypeDef* CANx);. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +}. +#endif. +. +#endif /* LPC17XX_CAN_H_ */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae6be7d --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LIBRARIES = clkpwr + +clkpwr_SOURCES = lpc17xx_clkpwr.c +include_HEADERS = lpc17xx_clkpwr.h + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/lpc17xx_clkpwr.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/lpc17xx_clkpwr.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64d7b09 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/lpc17xx_clkpwr.c @@ -0,0 +1,345 @@ +/**. + * @file : lpc17xx_clkpwr.c. + * @brief : Contains all functions support for Clock and Power Control. + * firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 18. Mar. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **********************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup CLKPWR. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx_clkpwr.h". +#include "system_LPC17xx.h" +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup CLKPWR_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set value of each Peripheral Clock Selection. + * @param[in] ClkType Peripheral Clock Selection of each type,. + * should be one of the following:. + * - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_WDT : WDT. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER0 : Timer 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER1 : Timer 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART0 : UART 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART1 : UART 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PWM1 : PWM 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C0 : I2C 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SPI : SPI. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP1 : SSP 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_DAC : DAC. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ADC : ADC. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN1 : CAN 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN2 : CAN 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ACF : ACF. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_QEI : QEI. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PCB : PCB. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C1 : I2C 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP0 : SSP 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER2 : Timer 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER3 : Timer 3. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART2 : UART 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART3 : UART 3. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C2 : I2C 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2S : I2S. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_RIT : RIT. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SYSCON : SYSCON. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_MC : MC. +. + * @param[in] DivVal Value of divider, should be:. + * - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_4 : PCLK_peripheral = CCLK/4. + * - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_1 : PCLK_peripheral = CCLK/1. + * - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_2 : PCLK_peripheral = CCLK/2. + *. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void CLKPWR_SetPCLKDiv (uint32_t ClkType, uint32_t DivVal). +{. + uint32_t bitpos;. +. + bitpos = (ClkType < 32) ? (ClkType) : (ClkType - 32);. +. + /* PCLKSEL0 selected */. + if (ClkType < 32). + {. + /* Clear two bit at bit position */. + LPC_SC->PCLKSEL0 &= (~(CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_BITMASK(bitpos)));. +. + /* Set two selected bit */. + LPC_SC->PCLKSEL0 |= (CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SET(bitpos, DivVal));. + }. + /* PCLKSEL1 selected */. + else. + {. + /* Clear two bit at bit position */. + LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 &= ~(CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_BITMASK(bitpos));. +. + /* Set two selected bit */. + LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 |= (CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SET(bitpos, DivVal));. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get current value of each Peripheral Clock Selection. + * @param[in] ClkType Peripheral Clock Selection of each type,. + * should be one of the following:. + * - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_WDT : WDT. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER0 : Timer 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER1 : Timer 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART0 : UART 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART1 : UART 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PWM1 : PWM 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C0 : I2C 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SPI : SPI. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP1 : SSP 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_DAC : DAC. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ADC : ADC. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN1 : CAN 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN2 : CAN 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ACF : ACF. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_QEI : QEI. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PCB : PCB. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C1 : I2C 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP0 : SSP 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER2 : Timer 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER3 : Timer 3. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART2 : UART 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART3 : UART 3. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C2 : I2C 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2S : I2S. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_RIT : RIT. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SYSCON : SYSCON. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_MC : MC. +. + * @return Value of Selected Peripheral Clock Selection. + **********************************************************************/. +uint32_t CLKPWR_GetPCLKSEL (uint32_t ClkType). +{. + uint32_t bitpos, retval;. +. + if (ClkType < 32). + {. + bitpos = ClkType;. + retval = LPC_SC->PCLKSEL0;. + }. + else. + {. + bitpos = ClkType - 32;. + retval = LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1;. + }. +. + retval = CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_GET(bitpos, retval);. + return retval;. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get current value of each Peripheral Clock. + * @param[in] ClkType Peripheral Clock Selection of each type,. + * should be one of the following:. + * - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_WDT : WDT. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER0 : Timer 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER1 : Timer 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART0 : UART 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART1 : UART 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PWM1 : PWM 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C0 : I2C 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SPI : SPI. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP1 : SSP 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_DAC : DAC. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ADC : ADC. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN1 : CAN 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN2 : CAN 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ACF : ACF. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_QEI : QEI. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PCB : PCB. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C1 : I2C 1. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP0 : SSP 0. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER2 : Timer 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER3 : Timer 3. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART2 : UART 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART3 : UART 3. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C2 : I2C 2. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2S : I2S. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_RIT : RIT. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SYSCON : SYSCON. + - CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_MC : MC. +. + * @return Value of Selected Peripheral Clock. + **********************************************************************/. +uint32_t CLKPWR_GetPCLK (uint32_t ClkType). +{. + uint32_t retval, div;. +. + retval = SystemCoreClock;. + div = CLKPWR_GetPCLKSEL(ClkType);. +. + switch (div). + {. + case 0:. + div = 4;. + break;. +. + case 1:. + div = 1;. + break;. +. + case 2:. + div = 2;. + break;. +. + case 3:. + div = 8;. + break;. + }. + retval /= div;. +. + return retval;. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Configure power supply for each peripheral according to NewState. + * @param[in] PPType Type of peripheral used to enable power,. + * should be one of the following:. + * - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM0 : Timer 0. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM1 : Timer 1. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART0 : UART 0. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART1 : UART 1. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCPWM1 : PWM 1. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C0 : I2C 0. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSPI : SPI. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCRTC : RTC. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP1 : SSP 1. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAD : ADC. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN1 : CAN 1. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN2 : CAN 2. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCGPIO : GPIO. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCRIT : RIT. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCMC : MC. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCQEI : QEI. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C1 : I2C 1. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP0 : SSP 0. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM2 : Timer 2. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM3 : Timer 3. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART2 : UART 2. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART3 : UART 3. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C2 : I2C 2. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2S : I2S. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCGPDMA : GPDMA. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCENET : Ethernet. + - CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUSB : USB. + *. + * @param[in] NewState New state of Peripheral Power, should be:. + * - ENABLE : Enable power for this peripheral. + * - DISABLE : Disable power for this peripheral. + *. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (uint32_t PPType, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + LPC_SC->PCONP |= PPType & CLKPWR_PCONP_BITMASK;. + }. + else if (NewState == DISABLE). + {. + LPC_SC->PCONP &= (~PPType) & CLKPWR_PCONP_BITMASK;. + }. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Enter Sleep mode with co-operated instruction by the Cortex-M3.. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + */. +void CLKPWR_Sleep(void). +{. + LPC_SC->PCON = 0x00;. + /* Sleep Mode*/. + __WFI();. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Enter Deep Sleep mode with co-operated instruction by the Cortex-M3.. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + */. +void CLKPWR_DeepSleep(void). +{. + /* Deep-Sleep Mode, set SLEEPDEEP bit */. + SCB->SCR = 0x4;. + LPC_SC->PCON = 0x00;. + /* Sleep Mode*/. + __WFI();. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Enter Power Down mode with co-operated instruction by the Cortex-M3.. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + */. +void CLKPWR_PowerDown(void). +{. + /* Deep-Sleep Mode, set SLEEPDEEP bit */. + SCB->SCR = 0x4;. + LPC_SC->PCON = 0x01;. + /* Sleep Mode*/. + __WFI();. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Enter Deep Power Down mode with co-operated instruction by the Cortex-M3.. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + */. +void CLKPWR_DeepPowerDown(void). +{. + /* Deep-Sleep Mode, set SLEEPDEEP bit */. + SCB->SCR = 0x4;. + LPC_SC->PCON = 0x03;. + /* Sleep Mode*/. + __WFI();. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Configure Brown-Out function in. + */. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/lpc17xx_clkpwr.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/lpc17xx_clkpwr.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb47275 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/clkpwr/lpc17xx_clkpwr.h @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc17xx_clkpwr.h. + * @brief : Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes. + * support for Clock and Power Control firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 18. Mar. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup CLKPWR. + * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef LPC17XX_CLKPWR_H_. +#define LPC17XX_CLKPWR_H_. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx.h". +#include "lpc_types.h". +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +extern "C". +{. +#endif. +. +. +/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup CLKPWR_Private_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +/** @defgroup CLKPPWR_REGISTER_BIT_DEFINITIONS. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Clock source selection multiplexer definition */. +/** Internal RC oscillator */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_CLKSRC_IRC ((uint32_t)(0x00)). +/** Main oscillator */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_CLKSRC_MAINOSC ((uint32_t)(0x01)). +/** RTC oscillator */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_CLKSRC_RTC ((uint32_t)(0x02)). +/** Clock source selection bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKSRCSEL_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x03)). +. +. +/* Clock Output Configuration register definition */. +/** Selects the CPU clock as the CLKOUT source */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_CPU ((uint32_t)(0x00)). +/** Selects the main oscillator as the CLKOUT source */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_MAINOSC ((uint32_t)(0x01)). +/** Selects the Internal RC oscillator as the CLKOUT source */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_RC ((uint32_t)(0x02)). +/** Selects the USB clock as the CLKOUT source */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_USB ((uint32_t)(0x03)). +/** Selects the RTC oscillator as the CLKOUT source */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTSEL_RTC ((uint32_t)(0x04)). +/** Integer value to divide the output clock by, minus one */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUTDIV(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0x0F)<<4)). +/** CLKOUT enable control */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUT_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<8)). +/** CLKOUT activity indication */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_CLKOUT_ACT ((uint32_t)(1<<9)). +/** Clock source selection bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_CLKOUTCFG_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x3FF)). +. +. +/* PLL 0 control definition */. +/** PLL 0 control enable */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0CON_ENABLE ((uint32_t)(0x01)). +/** PLL 0 control connect */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0CON_CONNECT ((uint32_t)(0x02)). +/** PLL 0 control bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0CON_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x03)). +. +. +/* PLL 0 Configuration register definition */. +/** PLL 0 Configuration MSEL field */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0CFG_MSEL(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x7FFF)). +/** PLL 0 Configuration NSEL field */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0CFG_NSEL(n) ((uint32_t)((n<<16)&0xFF0000)). +/** PLL 0 Configuration bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0CFG_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0xFF7FFF)). +. +. +/* PLL 0 status definition */. +/** PLL 0 MSEL value */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_MSEL(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x7FFF)). +/** PLL NSEL get value */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_NSEL(n) ((uint32_t)((n>>16)&0xFF)). +/** PLL status enable bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_PLLE ((uint32_t)(1<<24)). +/** PLL status Connect bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_PLLC ((uint32_t)(1<<25)). +/** PLL status lock */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0STAT_PLOCK ((uint32_t)(1<<26)). +. +. +/* PLL0 Feed register definition */. +/** PLL0 Feed bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL0FEED_BITMASK ((uint32_t)0xFF). +. +. +/* USB PLL control definition */. +/** USB PLL control enable */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1CON_ENABLE ((uint32_t)(0x01)). +/** USB PLL control connect */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1CON_CONNECT ((uint32_t)(0x02)). +/** USB PLL control bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1CON_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x03)). +. +. +/* USB PLL configuration definition */. +/** USB PLL MSEL set value */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1CFG_MSEL(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x1F)). +/** USB PLL PSEL set value */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1CFG_PSEL(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0x03)<<5)). +/** USB PLL configuration bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1CFG_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x7F)). +. +. +/* USB PLL status definition */. +/** USB PLL MSEL get value */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_MSEL(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x1F)). +/** USB PLL PSEL get value */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PSEL(n) ((uint32_t)((n>>5)&0x03)). +/** USB PLL status enable bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PLLE ((uint32_t)(1<<8)). +/** USB PLL status Connect bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PLLC ((uint32_t)(1<<9)). +/** USB PLL status lock */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1STAT_PLOCK ((uint32_t)(1<<10)). +. +. +/* PLL1 Feed register definition */. +/** PLL1 Feed bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_PLL1FEED_BITMASK ((uint32_t)0xFF). +. +. +/* CPU Clock Configuration register definition */. +/** CPU Clock configuration bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_CCLKCFG_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0xFF)). +. +/* USB Clock Configuration register definition */. +/** USB Clock Configuration bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_USBCLKCFG_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x0F)). +. +/* IRC Trim register definition */. +/** IRC Trim bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_IRCTRIM_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x0F)). +. +. +/* Peripheral clock divider bit position definition */. +/** Peripheral Clock Selection 0 mask bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL0_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0xFFF3F3FF)). +/** Peripheral Clock Selection 1 mask bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL1_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0xFCF3F0F3)). +. +. +/** Macro to set peripheral clock of each type. + * p: position of two bits that hold divider of peripheral clock. + * n: value of divider of peripheral clock to be set */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SET(p,n) _SBF(p,n). +/** Macro to mask peripheral clock of each type */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_BITMASK(p) _SBF(p,0x03). +/** Macro to get peripheral clock of each type */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_GET(p, n) ((uint32_t)((n>>p)&0x03)). +. +. +/* Power Mode Control register definition */. +/** Power mode control bit 0 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCON_PM0 ((uint32_t)(1<<0)). +/** Power mode control bit 1 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCON_PM1 ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** Brown-Out Reduced Power Mode */. +#define CLKPWR_PCON_BODPDM ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** Brown-Out Global Disable */. +#define CLKPWR_PCON_BOGD ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** Brown Out Reset Disable */. +#define CLKPWR_PCON_BORD ((uint32_t)(1<<4)). +/** Sleep Mode entry flag */. +#define CLKPWR_PCON_SMFLAG ((uint32_t)(1<<8)). +/** Deep Sleep entry flag */. +#define CLKPWR_PCON_DSFLAG ((uint32_t)(1<<9)). +/** Power-down entry flag */. +#define CLKPWR_PCON_PDFLAG ((uint32_t)(1<<10)). +/** Deep Power-down entry flag */. +#define CLKPWR_PCON_DPDFLAG ((uint32_t)(1<<11)). +. +. +/** Power Control for Peripherals bit mask */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_BITMASK 0xEFEFF7DE. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup CLKPWR_Public_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +/**********************************************************************. + * Peripheral Clock Selection Definitions. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for WDT */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_WDT ((uint32_t)(0)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for TIMER0 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER0 ((uint32_t)(2)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for TIMER1 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER1 ((uint32_t)(4)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART0 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART0 ((uint32_t)(6)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART1 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART1 ((uint32_t)(8)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for PWM1 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PWM1 ((uint32_t)(12)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for I2C0 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C0 ((uint32_t)(14)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SPI */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SPI ((uint32_t)(16)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SSP1 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP1 ((uint32_t)(20)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for DAC */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_DAC ((uint32_t)(22)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for ADC */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ADC ((uint32_t)(24)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for CAN1 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN1 ((uint32_t)(26)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for CAN2 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CAN2 ((uint32_t)(28)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for ACF */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_ACF ((uint32_t)(30)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for QEI */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_QEI ((uint32_t)(32)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for PCB */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_PCB ((uint32_t)(36)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for I2C1 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C1 ((uint32_t)(38)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SSP0 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP0 ((uint32_t)(42)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for TIMER2 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER2 ((uint32_t)(44)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for TIMER3 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_TIMER3 ((uint32_t)(46)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART2 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART2 ((uint32_t)(48)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for UART3 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART3 ((uint32_t)(50)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for I2C2 */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C2 ((uint32_t)(52)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for I2S */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2S ((uint32_t)(54)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for RIT */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_RIT ((uint32_t)(58)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for SYSCON */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SYSCON ((uint32_t)(60)). +/** Peripheral clock divider bit position for MC */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_MC ((uint32_t)(62)). +. +/** Macro for Peripheral Clock Selection register bit values. + * Note: When CCLK_DIV_8, Peripherals clock is selected to. + * PCLK_xyz = CCLK/8 except for CAN1, CAN2, and CAN filtering. + * when 11selects PCLK_xyz = CCLK/6 */. +/* Peripheral clock divider is set to 4 from CCLK */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_4 ((uint32_t)(0)). +/** Peripheral clock divider is the same with CCLK */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_1 ((uint32_t)(1)). +/** Peripheral clock divider is set to 2 from CCLK */. +#define CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_CCLK_DIV_2 ((uint32_t)(2)). +. +. +/********************************************************************. +* Power Control for Peripherals Definitions. +**********************************************************************/. +/** Timer/Counter 0 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM0 ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/* Timer/Counter 1 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM1 ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** UART0 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART0 ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** UART1 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART1 ((uint32_t)(1<<4)). +/** PWM1 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCPWM1 ((uint32_t)(1<<6)). +/** The I2C0 interface power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C0 ((uint32_t)(1<<7)). +/** The SPI interface power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSPI ((uint32_t)(1<<8)). +/** The RTC power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCRTC ((uint32_t)(1<<9)). +/** The SSP1 interface power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP1 ((uint32_t)(1<<10)). +/** A/D converter 0 (ADC0) power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAD ((uint32_t)(1<<12)). +/** CAN Controller 1 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN1 ((uint32_t)(1<<13)). +/** CAN Controller 2 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCAN2 ((uint32_t)(1<<14)). +/** GPIO power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCGPIO ((uint32_t)(1<<15)). +/** Repetitive Interrupt Timer power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCRIT ((uint32_t)(1<<16)). +/** Motor Control PWM */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCMC ((uint32_t)(1<<17)). +/** Quadrature Encoder Interface power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCQEI ((uint32_t)(1<<18)). +/** The I2C1 interface power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C1 ((uint32_t)(1<<19)). +/** The SSP0 interface power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP0 ((uint32_t)(1<<21)). +/** Timer 2 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM2 ((uint32_t)(1<<22)). +/** Timer 3 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCTIM3 ((uint32_t)(1<<23)). +/** UART 2 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART2 ((uint32_t)(1<<24)). +/** UART 3 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART3 ((uint32_t)(1<<25)). +/** I2C interface 2 power/clock control bit */. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2C2 ((uint32_t)(1<<26)). +/** I2S interface power/clock control bit*/. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCI2S ((uint32_t)(1<<27)). +/** GP DMA function power/clock control bit*/. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCGPDMA ((uint32_t)(1<<29)). +/** Ethernet block power/clock control bit*/. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCENET ((uint32_t)(1<<30)). +/** USB interface power/clock control bit*/. +#define CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUSB ((uint32_t)(1<<31)). +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup CLKPWR_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +void CLKPWR_SetPCLKDiv (uint32_t ClkType, uint32_t DivVal);. +uint32_t CLKPWR_GetPCLKSEL (uint32_t ClkType);. +uint32_t CLKPWR_GetPCLK (uint32_t ClkType);. +void CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (uint32_t PPType, FunctionalState NewState);. +void CLKPWR_Sleep(void);. +void CLKPWR_DeepSleep(void);. +void CLKPWR_PowerDown(void);. +void CLKPWR_DeepPowerDown(void);. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +}. +#endif. +. +#endif /* LPC17XX_CLKPWR_H_ */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98c22ef --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_obj_SOURCES = core_cm3.c + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/core_cm3.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/core_cm3.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56fddc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/core/core_cm3.c @@ -0,0 +1,784 @@ +/**************************************************************************//**. + * @file core_cm3.c. + * @brief CMSIS Cortex-M3 Core Peripheral Access Layer Source File. + * @version V1.30. + * @date 30. October 2009. + *. + * @note. + * Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.. + *. + * @par. + * ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-M . + * processor based microcontrollers. This file can be freely distributed . + * within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors. . + *. + * @par. + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED. + * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF. + * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE.. + * ARM SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR. + * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.. + *. + ******************************************************************************/. +. +#include <stdint.h>. +. +/* define compiler specific symbols */. +#if defined ( __CC_ARM ). + #define __ASM __asm /*!< asm keyword for ARM Compiler */. + #define __INLINE __inline /*!< inline keyword for ARM Compiler */. +. +#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ ). + #define __ASM __asm /*!< asm keyword for IAR Compiler */. + #define __INLINE inline /*!< inline keyword for IAR Compiler. Only avaiable in High optimization mode! */. +. +#elif defined ( __GNUC__ ). + #define __ASM __asm /*!< asm keyword for GNU Compiler */. + #define __INLINE inline /*!< inline keyword for GNU Compiler */. +. +#elif defined ( __TASKING__ ). + #define __ASM __asm /*!< asm keyword for TASKING Compiler */. + #define __INLINE inline /*!< inline keyword for TASKING Compiler */. +. +#endif. +. +. +/* ################### Compiler specific Intrinsics ########################### */. +. +#if defined ( __CC_ARM ) /*------------------RealView Compiler -----------------*/. +/* ARM armcc specific functions */. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Process Stack Pointer. + *. + * @return ProcessStackPointer. + *. + * Return the actual process stack pointer. + */. +__ASM uint32_t __get_PSP(void). +{. + mrs r0, psp. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Process Stack Pointer. + *. + * @param topOfProcStack Process Stack Pointer. + *. + * Assign the value ProcessStackPointer to the MSP . + * (process stack pointer) Cortex processor register. + */. +__ASM void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack). +{. + msr psp, r0. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * @return Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * Return the current value of the MSP (main stack pointer). + * Cortex processor register. + */. +__ASM uint32_t __get_MSP(void). +{. + mrs r0, msp. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * @param topOfMainStack Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * Assign the value mainStackPointer to the MSP . + * (main stack pointer) Cortex processor register. + */. +__ASM void __set_MSP(uint32_t mainStackPointer). +{. + msr msp, r0. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Reverse byte order in unsigned short value. + *. + * @param value value to reverse. + * @return reversed value. + *. + * Reverse byte order in unsigned short value. + */. +__ASM uint32_t __REV16(uint16_t value). +{. + rev16 r0, r0. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Reverse byte order in signed short value with sign extension to integer. + *. + * @param value value to reverse. + * @return reversed value. + *. + * Reverse byte order in signed short value with sign extension to integer. + */. +__ASM int32_t __REVSH(int16_t value). +{. + revsh r0, r0. + bx lr. +}. +. +. +#if (__ARMCC_VERSION < 400000). +. +/**. + * @brief Remove the exclusive lock created by ldrex. + *. + * Removes the exclusive lock which is created by ldrex.. + */. +__ASM void __CLREX(void). +{. + clrex. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Base Priority value. + *. + * @return BasePriority. + *. + * Return the content of the base priority register. + */. +__ASM uint32_t __get_BASEPRI(void). +{. + mrs r0, basepri. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Base Priority value. + *. + * @param basePri BasePriority. + *. + * Set the base priority register. + */. +__ASM void __set_BASEPRI(uint32_t basePri). +{. + msr basepri, r0. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Priority Mask value. + *. + * @return PriMask. + *. + * Return state of the priority mask bit from the priority mask register. + */. +__ASM uint32_t __get_PRIMASK(void). +{. + mrs r0, primask. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Priority Mask value. + *. + * @param priMask PriMask. + *. + * Set the priority mask bit in the priority mask register. + */. +__ASM void __set_PRIMASK(uint32_t priMask). +{. + msr primask, r0. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Fault Mask value. + *. + * @return FaultMask. + *. + * Return the content of the fault mask register. + */. +__ASM uint32_t __get_FAULTMASK(void). +{. + mrs r0, faultmask. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Fault Mask value. + *. + * @param faultMask faultMask value. + *. + * Set the fault mask register. + */. +__ASM void __set_FAULTMASK(uint32_t faultMask). +{. + msr faultmask, r0. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Control Register value. + * . + * @return Control value. + *. + * Return the content of the control register. + */. +__ASM uint32_t __get_CONTROL(void). +{. + mrs r0, control. + bx lr. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Control Register value. + *. + * @param control Control value. + *. + * Set the control register. + */. +__ASM void __set_CONTROL(uint32_t control). +{. + msr control, r0. + bx lr. +}. +. +#endif /* __ARMCC_VERSION */ . +. +. +. +#elif (defined (__ICCARM__)) /*------------------ ICC Compiler -------------------*/. +/* IAR iccarm specific functions */. +#pragma diag_suppress=Pe940. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Process Stack Pointer. + *. + * @return ProcessStackPointer. + *. + * Return the actual process stack pointer. + */. +uint32_t __get_PSP(void). +{. + __ASM("mrs r0, psp");. + __ASM("bx lr");. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Process Stack Pointer. + *. + * @param topOfProcStack Process Stack Pointer. + *. + * Assign the value ProcessStackPointer to the MSP . + * (process stack pointer) Cortex processor register. + */. +void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack). +{. + __ASM("msr psp, r0");. + __ASM("bx lr");. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * @return Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * Return the current value of the MSP (main stack pointer). + * Cortex processor register. + */. +uint32_t __get_MSP(void). +{. + __ASM("mrs r0, msp");. + __ASM("bx lr");. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * @param topOfMainStack Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * Assign the value mainStackPointer to the MSP . + * (main stack pointer) Cortex processor register. + */. +void __set_MSP(uint32_t topOfMainStack). +{. + __ASM("msr msp, r0");. + __ASM("bx lr");. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Reverse byte order in unsigned short value. + *. + * @param value value to reverse. + * @return reversed value. + *. + * Reverse byte order in unsigned short value. + */. +uint32_t __REV16(uint16_t value). +{. + __ASM("rev16 r0, r0");. + __ASM("bx lr");. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Reverse bit order of value. + *. + * @param value value to reverse. + * @return reversed value. + *. + * Reverse bit order of value. + */. +uint32_t __RBIT(uint32_t value). +{. + __ASM("rbit r0, r0");. + __ASM("bx lr");. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief LDR Exclusive (8 bit). + *. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return value of (*address). + *. + * Exclusive LDR command for 8 bit values). + */. +uint8_t __LDREXB(uint8_t *addr). +{. + __ASM("ldrexb r0, [r0]");. + __ASM("bx lr"); . +}. +. +/**. + * @brief LDR Exclusive (16 bit). + *. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return value of (*address). + *. + * Exclusive LDR command for 16 bit values. + */. +uint16_t __LDREXH(uint16_t *addr). +{. + __ASM("ldrexh r0, [r0]");. + __ASM("bx lr");. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief LDR Exclusive (32 bit). + *. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return value of (*address). + *. + * Exclusive LDR command for 32 bit values. + */. +uint32_t __LDREXW(uint32_t *addr). +{. + __ASM("ldrex r0, [r0]");. + __ASM("bx lr");. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief STR Exclusive (8 bit). + *. + * @param value value to store. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return successful / failed. + *. + * Exclusive STR command for 8 bit values. + */. +uint32_t __STREXB(uint8_t value, uint8_t *addr). +{. + __ASM("strexb r0, r0, [r1]");. + __ASM("bx lr");. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief STR Exclusive (16 bit). + *. + * @param value value to store. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return successful / failed. + *. + * Exclusive STR command for 16 bit values. + */. +uint32_t __STREXH(uint16_t value, uint16_t *addr). +{. + __ASM("strexh r0, r0, [r1]");. + __ASM("bx lr");. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief STR Exclusive (32 bit). + *. + * @param value value to store. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return successful / failed. + *. + * Exclusive STR command for 32 bit values. + */. +uint32_t __STREXW(uint32_t value, uint32_t *addr). +{. + __ASM("strex r0, r0, [r1]");. + __ASM("bx lr");. +}. +. +#pragma diag_default=Pe940. +. +. +#elif (defined (__GNUC__)) /*------------------ GNU Compiler ---------------------*/. +/* GNU gcc specific functions */. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Process Stack Pointer. + *. + * @return ProcessStackPointer. + *. + * Return the actual process stack pointer. + */. +uint32_t __get_PSP(void) __attribute__( ( naked ) );. +uint32_t __get_PSP(void). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. +. + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, psp\n\t" . + "MOV r0, %0 \n\t". + "BX lr \n\t" : "=r" (result) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Process Stack Pointer. + *. + * @param topOfProcStack Process Stack Pointer. + *. + * Assign the value ProcessStackPointer to the MSP . + * (process stack pointer) Cortex processor register. + */. +void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack) __attribute__( ( naked ) );. +void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack). +{. + __ASM volatile ("MSR psp, %0\n\t". + "BX lr \n\t" : : "r" (topOfProcStack) );. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * @return Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * Return the current value of the MSP (main stack pointer). + * Cortex processor register. + */. +uint32_t __get_MSP(void) __attribute__( ( naked ) );. +uint32_t __get_MSP(void). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. +. + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, msp\n\t" . + "MOV r0, %0 \n\t". + "BX lr \n\t" : "=r" (result) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * @param topOfMainStack Main Stack Pointer. + *. + * Assign the value mainStackPointer to the MSP . + * (main stack pointer) Cortex processor register. + */. +void __set_MSP(uint32_t topOfMainStack) __attribute__( ( naked ) );. +void __set_MSP(uint32_t topOfMainStack). +{. + __ASM volatile ("MSR msp, %0\n\t". + "BX lr \n\t" : : "r" (topOfMainStack) );. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Base Priority value. + *. + * @return BasePriority. + *. + * Return the content of the base priority register. + */. +uint32_t __get_BASEPRI(void). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, basepri_max" : "=r" (result) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Base Priority value. + *. + * @param basePri BasePriority. + *. + * Set the base priority register. + */. +void __set_BASEPRI(uint32_t value). +{. + __ASM volatile ("MSR basepri, %0" : : "r" (value) );. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Priority Mask value. + *. + * @return PriMask. + *. + * Return state of the priority mask bit from the priority mask register. + */. +uint32_t __get_PRIMASK(void). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. +. + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, primask" : "=r" (result) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Priority Mask value. + *. + * @param priMask PriMask. + *. + * Set the priority mask bit in the priority mask register. + */. +void __set_PRIMASK(uint32_t priMask). +{. + __ASM volatile ("MSR primask, %0" : : "r" (priMask) );. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Fault Mask value. + *. + * @return FaultMask. + *. + * Return the content of the fault mask register. + */. +uint32_t __get_FAULTMASK(void). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, faultmask" : "=r" (result) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Fault Mask value. + *. + * @param faultMask faultMask value. + *. + * Set the fault mask register. + */. +void __set_FAULTMASK(uint32_t faultMask). +{. + __ASM volatile ("MSR faultmask, %0" : : "r" (faultMask) );. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Return the Control Register value. +* . +* @return Control value. + *. + * Return the content of the control register. + */. +uint32_t __get_CONTROL(void). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. +. + __ASM volatile ("MRS %0, control" : "=r" (result) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Set the Control Register value. + *. + * @param control Control value. + *. + * Set the control register. + */. +void __set_CONTROL(uint32_t control). +{. + __ASM volatile ("MSR control, %0" : : "r" (control) );. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Reverse byte order in integer value. + *. + * @param value value to reverse. + * @return reversed value. + *. + * Reverse byte order in integer value. + */. +uint32_t __REV(uint32_t value). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("rev %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Reverse byte order in unsigned short value. + *. + * @param value value to reverse. + * @return reversed value. + *. + * Reverse byte order in unsigned short value. + */. +uint32_t __REV16(uint16_t value). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("rev16 %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Reverse byte order in signed short value with sign extension to integer. + *. + * @param value value to reverse. + * @return reversed value. + *. + * Reverse byte order in signed short value with sign extension to integer. + */. +int32_t __REVSH(int16_t value). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("revsh %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Reverse bit order of value. + *. + * @param value value to reverse. + * @return reversed value. + *. + * Reverse bit order of value. + */. +uint32_t __RBIT(uint32_t value). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("rbit %0, %1" : "=r" (result) : "r" (value) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief LDR Exclusive (8 bit). + *. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return value of (*address). + *. + * Exclusive LDR command for 8 bit value. + */. +uint8_t __LDREXB(uint8_t *addr). +{. + uint8_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("ldrexb %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief LDR Exclusive (16 bit). + *. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return value of (*address). + *. + * Exclusive LDR command for 16 bit values. + */. +uint16_t __LDREXH(uint16_t *addr). +{. + uint16_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("ldrexh %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief LDR Exclusive (32 bit). + *. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return value of (*address). + *. + * Exclusive LDR command for 32 bit values. + */. +uint32_t __LDREXW(uint32_t *addr). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("ldrex %0, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief STR Exclusive (8 bit). + *. + * @param value value to store. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return successful / failed. + *. + * Exclusive STR command for 8 bit values. + */. +uint32_t __STREXB(uint8_t value, uint8_t *addr). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("strexb %0, %2, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr), "r" (value) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief STR Exclusive (16 bit). + *. + * @param value value to store. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return successful / failed. + *. + * Exclusive STR command for 16 bit values. + */. +uint32_t __STREXH(uint16_t value, uint16_t *addr). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("strexh %0, %2, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr), "r" (value) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief STR Exclusive (32 bit). + *. + * @param value value to store. + * @param *addr address pointer. + * @return successful / failed. + *. + * Exclusive STR command for 32 bit values. + */. +uint32_t __STREXW(uint32_t value, uint32_t *addr). +{. + uint32_t result=0;. + . + __ASM volatile ("strex %0, %2, [%1]" : "=r" (result) : "r" (addr), "r" (value) );. + return(result);. +}. +. +. +#elif (defined (__TASKING__)) /*------------------ TASKING Compiler ---------------------*/. +/* TASKING carm specific functions */. +. +/*. + * The CMSIS functions have been implemented as intrinsics in the compiler.. + * Please use "carm -?i" to get an up to date list of all instrinsics,. + * Including the CMSIS ones.. + */. +. +#endif. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0ba00f --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LIBRARIES = emac + +emac_SOURCES = lpc17xx_emac.c + +emac_LIBS = clkpwr + +include_HEADERS = lpc17xx_emac.h + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/lpc17xx_emac.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/lpc17xx_emac.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34a18d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/lpc17xx_emac.c @@ -0,0 +1,989 @@ +/**. + * @file : lpc17xx_emac.c. + * @brief : Contains all functions support for Ethernet MAC firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 02. Jun. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **********************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup EMAC. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx_emac.h". +#include "lpc17xx_clkpwr.h". +. +/* If this source file built with example, the LPC17xx FW library configuration. + * file in each example directory ("lpc17xx_libcfg.h") must be included,. + * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead. + */. +#ifdef __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h". +#else. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h". +#endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */. +. +. +#ifdef _EMAC. +. +/* Private Variables ---------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup EMAC_Private_Variables. + * @{. + */. +. +/* MII Mgmt Configuration register - Clock divider setting */. +const uint8_t EMAC_clkdiv[] = { 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 20, 28 };. +. +/* EMAC local DMA Descriptors */. +. +/** Rx Descriptor data array */. +static RX_Desc Rx_Desc[EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG];. +. +/** Rx Status data array - Must be 8-Byte aligned */. +#if defined ( __CC_ARM ). +static __align(8) RX_Stat Rx_Stat[EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG];. +#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ ). +#pragma data_alignment=8. +static RX_Stat Rx_Stat[EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG];. +#elif defined ( __GNUC__ ). +static __attribute__ ((aligned (8))) RX_Stat Rx_Stat[EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG];. +#endif. +. +/** Tx Descriptor data array */. +static TX_Desc Tx_Desc[EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG];. +/** Tx Status data array */. +static TX_Stat Tx_Stat[EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG];. +. +/* EMAC local DMA buffers */. +/** Rx buffer data */. +static uint32_t rx_buf[EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG][EMAC_ETH_MAX_FLEN>>2];. +/** Tx buffer data */. +static uint32_t tx_buf[EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG][EMAC_ETH_MAX_FLEN>>2];. +. +/* EMAC call-back function pointer data */. +static EMAC_IntCBSType *_pfnIntCbDat[10];. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup EMAC_Private_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +static void rx_descr_init (void);. +static void tx_descr_init (void);. +static int32_t write_PHY (uint32_t PhyReg, uint16_t Value);. +static int32_t read_PHY (uint32_t PhyReg);. +. +. +/*--------------------------- rx_descr_init ---------------------------------*/. +. +/**. + * @brief Initializes RX Descriptor. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + */. +static void rx_descr_init (void). +{. + /* Initialize Receive Descriptor and Status array. */. + uint32_t i;. +. + for (i = 0; i < EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG; i++) {. + Rx_Desc[i].Packet = (uint32_t)&rx_buf[i];. + Rx_Desc[i].Ctrl = EMAC_RCTRL_INT | (EMAC_ETH_MAX_FLEN - 1);. + Rx_Stat[i].Info = 0;. + Rx_Stat[i].HashCRC = 0;. + }. +. + /* Set EMAC Receive Descriptor Registers. */. + LPC_EMAC->RxDescriptor = (uint32_t)&Rx_Desc[0];. + LPC_EMAC->RxStatus = (uint32_t)&Rx_Stat[0];. + LPC_EMAC->RxDescriptorNumber = EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG - 1;. +. + /* Rx Descriptors Point to 0 */. + LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex = 0;. +}. +. +. +/*--------------------------- tx_descr_init ---- ----------------------------*/. +/**. + * @brief Initializes TX Descriptor. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + */. +static void tx_descr_init (void) {. + /* Initialize Transmit Descriptor and Status array. */. + uint32_t i;. +. + for (i = 0; i < EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG; i++) {. + Tx_Desc[i].Packet = (uint32_t)&tx_buf[i];. + Tx_Desc[i].Ctrl = 0;. + Tx_Stat[i].Info = 0;. + }. +. + /* Set EMAC Transmit Descriptor Registers. */. + LPC_EMAC->TxDescriptor = (uint32_t)&Tx_Desc[0];. + LPC_EMAC->TxStatus = (uint32_t)&Tx_Stat[0];. + LPC_EMAC->TxDescriptorNumber = EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG - 1;. +. + /* Tx Descriptors Point to 0 */. + LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex = 0;. +}. +. +. +/*--------------------------- write_PHY -------------------------------------*/. +/**. + * @brief Write value to PHY device. + * @param[in] PhyReg PHY Register address. + * @param[in] Value Value to write. + * @return (0) if sucess, otherwise return (-1). + */. +static int32_t write_PHY (uint32_t PhyReg, uint16_t Value). +{. + /* Write a data 'Value' to PHY register 'PhyReg'. */. + uint32_t tout;. +. + LPC_EMAC->MADR = EMAC_DP83848C_DEF_ADR | PhyReg;. + LPC_EMAC->MWTD = Value;. +. + /* Wait until operation completed */. + tout = 0;. + for (tout = 0; tout < EMAC_MII_WR_TOUT; tout++) {. + if ((LPC_EMAC->MIND & EMAC_MIND_BUSY) == 0) {. + return (0);. + }. + }. + // Time out!. + return (-1);. +}. +. +. +/*--------------------------- read_PHY --------------------------------------*/. +/**. + * @brief Read value from PHY device. + * @param[in] PhyReg PHY Register address. + * @return Return value if success, otherwise return (-1). + */. +static int32_t read_PHY (uint32_t PhyReg). +{. + /* Read a PHY register 'PhyReg'. */. + uint32_t tout;. +. + LPC_EMAC->MADR = EMAC_DP83848C_DEF_ADR | PhyReg;. + LPC_EMAC->MCMD = EMAC_MCMD_READ;. +. + /* Wait until operation completed */. + tout = 0;. + for (tout = 0; tout < EMAC_MII_RD_TOUT; tout++) {. + if ((LPC_EMAC->MIND & EMAC_MIND_BUSY) == 0) {. + LPC_EMAC->MCMD = 0;. + return (LPC_EMAC->MRDD);. + }. + }. + // Time out!. + return (-1);. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set Station MAC address for EMAC module. + * @param[in] abStationAddr Pointer to Station address that contains 6-bytes. + * of MAC address (should be in order from MAC Address 1 to MAC Address 6). + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void setEmacAddr(uint8_t abStationAddr[]). +{. + /* Set the Ethernet MAC Address registers */. + LPC_EMAC->SA0 = ((uint32_t)abStationAddr[5] << 8) | (uint32_t)abStationAddr[4];. + LPC_EMAC->SA1 = ((uint32_t)abStationAddr[3] << 8) | (uint32_t)abStationAddr[2];. + LPC_EMAC->SA2 = ((uint32_t)abStationAddr[1] << 8) | (uint32_t)abStationAddr[0];. +}. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup EMAC_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Initializes the EMAC peripheral according to the specified. +* parameters in the EMAC_ConfigStruct.. + * @param[in] EMAC_ConfigStruct Pointer to a EMAC_CFG_Type structure. +* that contains the configuration information for the. +* specified EMAC peripheral.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note: This function will initialize EMAC module according to procedure below:. + * - Remove the soft reset condition from the MAC. + * - Configure the PHY via the MIIM interface of the MAC. + * - Select RMII mode. + * - Configure the transmit and receive DMA engines, including the descriptor arrays. + * - Configure the host registers (MAC1,MAC2 etc.) in the MAC. + * - Enable the receive and transmit data paths. + * In default state after initializing, only Rx Done and Tx Done interrupt are enabled,. + * all remain interrupts are disabled. + * (Ref. from LPC17xx UM). + **********************************************************************/. +Status EMAC_Init(EMAC_CFG_Type *EMAC_ConfigStruct). +{. + /* Initialize the EMAC Ethernet controller. */. + int32_t regv,tout, tmp;. +. + /* Set up clock and power for Ethernet module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCENET, ENABLE);. +. + /* Reset all EMAC internal modules */. + LPC_EMAC->MAC1 = EMAC_MAC1_RES_TX | EMAC_MAC1_RES_MCS_TX | EMAC_MAC1_RES_RX |. + EMAC_MAC1_RES_MCS_RX | EMAC_MAC1_SIM_RES | EMAC_MAC1_SOFT_RES;. +. + LPC_EMAC->Command = EMAC_CR_REG_RES | EMAC_CR_TX_RES | EMAC_CR_RX_RES | EMAC_CR_PASS_RUNT_FRM;. +. + /* A short delay after reset. */. + for (tout = 100; tout; tout--);. +. + /* Initialize MAC control registers. */. + LPC_EMAC->MAC1 = EMAC_MAC1_PASS_ALL;. + LPC_EMAC->MAC2 = EMAC_MAC2_CRC_EN | EMAC_MAC2_PAD_EN;. + LPC_EMAC->MAXF = EMAC_ETH_MAX_FLEN;. + /*. + * Find the clock that close to desired target clock. + */. + tmp = SystemCoreClock / EMAC_MCFG_MII_MAXCLK;. + for (tout = 0; tout < sizeof (EMAC_clkdiv); tout++){. + if (EMAC_clkdiv[tout] >= tmp) break;. + }. + tout++;. + // Write to MAC configuration register and reset. + LPC_EMAC->MCFG = EMAC_MCFG_CLK_SEL(tout) | EMAC_MCFG_RES_MII;. + // release reset. + LPC_EMAC->MCFG &= ~(EMAC_MCFG_RES_MII);. + LPC_EMAC->CLRT = EMAC_CLRT_DEF;. + LPC_EMAC->IPGR = EMAC_IPGR_P2_DEF;. +. + /* Enable Reduced MII interface. */. + LPC_EMAC->Command = EMAC_CR_RMII | EMAC_CR_PASS_RUNT_FRM;. +. + /* Reset Reduced MII Logic. */. + LPC_EMAC->SUPP = EMAC_SUPP_RES_RMII;. +. + for (tout = 100; tout; tout--);. + LPC_EMAC->SUPP = 0;. +. + /* Put the DP83848C in reset mode */. + write_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMCR, EMAC_PHY_BMCR_RESET);. +. + /* Wait for hardware reset to end. */. + for (tout = EMAC_PHY_RESP_TOUT; tout; tout--) {. + regv = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMCR);. + if (!(regv & (EMAC_PHY_BMCR_RESET | EMAC_PHY_BMCR_POWERDOWN))) {. + /* Reset complete, device not Power Down. */. + break;. + }. + if (tout == 0){. + // Time out, return ERROR. + return (ERROR);. + }. + }. +. + // Set PHY mode. + if (EMAC_SetPHYMode(EMAC_ConfigStruct->Mode) < 0){. + return (ERROR);. + }. +. + // Set EMAC address. + setEmacAddr(EMAC_ConfigStruct->pbEMAC_Addr);. +. + /* Initialize Tx and Rx DMA Descriptors */. + rx_descr_init ();. + tx_descr_init ();. +. + // Set Receive Filter register: enable broadcast and multicast. + LPC_EMAC->RxFilterCtrl = EMAC_RFC_MCAST_EN | EMAC_RFC_BCAST_EN | EMAC_RFC_PERFECT_EN;. +. + /* Enable Rx Done and Tx Done interrupt for EMAC */. + LPC_EMAC->IntEnable = EMAC_INT_RX_DONE | EMAC_INT_TX_DONE;. +. + /* Reset all interrupts */. + LPC_EMAC->IntClear = 0xFFFF;. +. + /* Enable receive and transmit mode of MAC Ethernet core */. + LPC_EMAC->Command |= (EMAC_CR_RX_EN | EMAC_CR_TX_EN);. + LPC_EMAC->MAC1 |= EMAC_MAC1_REC_EN;. +. + return SUCCESS;. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief De-initializes the EMAC peripheral registers to their. +* default reset values.. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void EMAC_DeInit(void). +{. + // Disable all interrupt. + LPC_EMAC->IntEnable = 0x00;. + // Clear all pending interrupt. + LPC_EMAC->IntClear = (0xFF) | (EMAC_INT_SOFT_INT | EMAC_INT_WAKEUP);. +. + /* TurnOff clock and power for Ethernet module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCENET, DISABLE);. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Check specified PHY status in EMAC peripheral. + * @param[in] ulPHYState Specified PHY Status Type, should be:. + * - EMAC_PHY_STAT_LINK: Link Status. + * - EMAC_PHY_STAT_SPEED: Speed Status. + * - EMAC_PHY_STAT_DUP: Duplex Status. + * @return Status of specified PHY status (0 or 1).. + * (-1) if error.. + *. + * Note:. + * For EMAC_PHY_STAT_LINK, return value:. + * - 0: Link Down. + * - 1: Link Up. + * For EMAC_PHY_STAT_SPEED, return value:. + * - 0: 10Mbps. + * - 1: 100Mbps. + * For EMAC_PHY_STAT_DUP, return value:. + * - 0: Half-Duplex. + * - 1: Full-Duplex. + **********************************************************************/. +int32_t EMAC_CheckPHYStatus(uint32_t ulPHYState). +{. + int32_t regv, tmp;. +. + regv = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_STS);. + switch(ulPHYState){. + case EMAC_PHY_STAT_LINK:. + tmp = (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_LINK) ? 1 : 0;. + break;. + case EMAC_PHY_STAT_SPEED:. + tmp = (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_SPEED) ? 0 : 1;. + break;. + case EMAC_PHY_STAT_DUP:. + tmp = (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_DUP) ? 1 : 0;. + break;. + default:. + tmp = -1;. + break;. + }. + return (tmp);. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set specified PHY mode in EMAC peripheral. + * @param[in] ulPHYMode Specified PHY mode, should be:. + * - EMAC_MODE_AUTO. + * - EMAC_MODE_10M_FULL. + * - EMAC_MODE_10M_HALF. + * - EMAC_MODE_100M_FULL. + * - EMAC_MODE_100M_HALF. + * @return Return (0) if no error, otherwise return (-1). + **********************************************************************/. +int32_t EMAC_SetPHYMode(uint32_t ulPHYMode). +{. + int32_t id1, id2, tout, regv;. +. + /* Check if this is a DP83848C PHY. */. + id1 = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_IDR1);. + id2 = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_IDR2);. +. + if (((id1 << 16) | (id2 & 0xFFF0)) == EMAC_DP83848C_ID) {. + /* Configure the PHY device */. + switch(ulPHYMode){. + case EMAC_MODE_AUTO:. + /* Use auto-negotiation about the link speed. */. + write_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMCR, EMAC_PHY_AUTO_NEG);. + /* Wait to complete Auto_Negotiation */. + for (tout = EMAC_PHY_RESP_TOUT; tout; tout--) {. + regv = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMSR);. + if (regv & EMAC_PHY_BMSR_AUTO_DONE) {. + /* Auto-negotiation Complete. */. + break;. + }. + if (tout == 0){. + // Time out, return error. + return (-1);. + }. + }. + break;. + case EMAC_MODE_10M_FULL:. + /* Connect at 10MBit full-duplex */. + write_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMCR, EMAC_PHY_FULLD_10M);. + break;. + case EMAC_MODE_10M_HALF:. + /* Connect at 10MBit half-duplex */. + write_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMCR, EMAC_PHY_HALFD_10M);. + break;. + case EMAC_MODE_100M_FULL:. + /* Connect at 100MBit full-duplex */. + write_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMCR, EMAC_PHY_FULLD_100M);. + break;. + case EMAC_MODE_100M_HALF:. + /* Connect at 100MBit half-duplex */. + write_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_BMCR, EMAC_PHY_HALFD_100M);. + break;. + default:. + // un-supported. + return (-1);. + }. + }. + // It's not correct module ID. + else {. + return (-1);. + }. +. + // Update EMAC configuration with current PHY status. + if (EMAC_UpdatePHYStatus() < 0){. + return (-1);. + }. +. + // Complete. + return (0);. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Auto-Configures value for the EMAC configuration register to. + * match with current PHY mode. + * @param[in] None. + * @return Return (0) if no error, otherwise return (-1). + *. + * Note: The EMAC configuration will be auto-configured:. + * - Speed mode.. + * - Half/Full duplex mode. + **********************************************************************/. +int32_t EMAC_UpdatePHYStatus(void). +{. + int32_t regv, tout;. +. + /* Check the link status. */. + for (tout = EMAC_PHY_RESP_TOUT; tout; tout--) {. + regv = read_PHY (EMAC_PHY_REG_STS);. + if (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_LINK) {. + /* Link is on. */. + break;. + }. + if (tout == 0){. + // time out. + return (-1);. + }. + }. +. + /* Configure Full/Half Duplex mode. */. + if (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_DUP) {. + /* Full duplex is enabled. */. + LPC_EMAC->MAC2 |= EMAC_MAC2_FULL_DUP;. + LPC_EMAC->Command |= EMAC_CR_FULL_DUP;. + LPC_EMAC->IPGT = EMAC_IPGT_FULL_DUP;. + } else {. + /* Half duplex mode. */. + LPC_EMAC->IPGT = EMAC_IPGT_HALF_DUP;. + }. +. + /* Configure 100MBit/10MBit mode. */. + if (regv & EMAC_PHY_SR_SPEED) {. + /* 10MBit mode. */. + LPC_EMAC->SUPP = 0;. + } else {. + /* 100MBit mode. */. + LPC_EMAC->SUPP = EMAC_SUPP_SPEED;. + }. +. + // Complete. + return (0);. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable/Disable hash filter functionality for specified destination. + * MAC address in EMAC module. + * @param[in] dstMAC_addr Pointer to the first MAC destination address, should. + * be 6-bytes length, in order LSB to the MSB. + * @param[in] NewState New State of this command, should be:. + * - ENABLE.. + * - DISABLE.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note:. + * The standard Ethernet cyclic redundancy check (CRC) function is calculated from. + * the 6 byte destination address in the Ethernet frame (this CRC is calculated. + * anyway as part of calculating the CRC of the whole frame), then bits [28:23] out of. + * the 32 bits CRC result are taken to form the hash. The 6 bit hash is used to access. + * the hash table: it is used as an index in the 64 bit HashFilter register that has been. + * programmed with accept values. If the selected accept value is 1, the frame is. + * accepted.. + **********************************************************************/. +void EMAC_SetHashFilter(uint8_t dstMAC_addr[], FunctionalState NewState). +{. + uint32_t *pReg;. + uint32_t tmp;. + int32_t crc;. +. + // Calculate the CRC from the destination MAC address. + crc = EMAC_CRCCalc(dstMAC_addr, 6);. + // Extract the value from CRC to get index value for hash filter table. + crc = (crc >> 23) & 0x3F;. +. + pReg = (crc > 31) ? ((uint32_t *)&LPC_EMAC->HashFilterH) \. + : ((uint32_t *)&LPC_EMAC->HashFilterL);. + tmp = (crc > 31) ? (crc - 32) : crc;. + if (NewState == ENABLE) {. + (*pReg) |= (1UL << tmp);. + } else {. + (*pReg) &= ~(1UL << tmp);. + }. + // Enable Rx Filter. + LPC_EMAC->Command &= ~EMAC_CR_PASS_RX_FILT;. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Calculates CRC code for number of bytes in the frame. + * @param[in] frame_no_fcs Pointer to the first byte of the frame. + * @param[in] frame_len length of the frame without the FCS. + * @return the CRC as a 32 bit integer. + **********************************************************************/. +int32_t EMAC_CRCCalc(uint8_t frame_no_fcs[], int32_t frame_len). +{. + int i; // iterator. + int j; // another iterator. + char byte; // current byte. + int crc; // CRC result. + int q0, q1, q2, q3; // temporary variables. + crc = 0xFFFFFFFF;. + for (i = 0; i < frame_len; i++) {. + byte = *frame_no_fcs++;. + for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {. + if (((crc >> 28) ^ (byte >> 3)) & 0x00000001) {. + q3 = 0x04C11DB7;. + } else {. + q3 = 0x00000000;. + }. + if (((crc >> 29) ^ (byte >> 2)) & 0x00000001) {. + q2 = 0x09823B6E;. + } else {. + q2 = 0x00000000;. + }. + if (((crc >> 30) ^ (byte >> 1)) & 0x00000001) {. + q1 = 0x130476DC;. + } else {. + q1 = 0x00000000;. + }. + if (((crc >> 31) ^ (byte >> 0)) & 0x00000001) {. + q0 = 0x2608EDB8;. + } else {. + q0 = 0x00000000;. + }. + crc = (crc << 4) ^ q3 ^ q2 ^ q1 ^ q0;. + byte >>= 4;. + }. + }. + return crc;. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable/Disable Filter mode for each specified type EMAC peripheral. + * @param[in] ulFilterMode Filter mode, should be:. + * - EMAC_RFC_UCAST_EN: all frames of unicast types. + * will be accepted. + * - EMAC_RFC_BCAST_EN: broadcast frame will be. + * accepted. + * - EMAC_RFC_MCAST_EN: all frames of multicast. + * types will be accepted. + * - EMAC_RFC_UCAST_HASH_EN: The imperfect hash. + * filter will be applied to unicast addresses. + * - EMAC_RFC_MCAST_HASH_EN: The imperfect hash. + * filter will be applied to multicast addresses. + * - EMAC_RFC_PERFECT_EN: the destination address. + * will be compared with the 6 byte station address. + * programmed in the station address by the filter. + * - EMAC_RFC_MAGP_WOL_EN: the result of the magic. + * packet filter will generate a WoL interrupt when. + * there is a match. + * - EMAC_RFC_PFILT_WOL_EN: the result of the perfect address. + * matching filter and the imperfect hash filter will. + * generate a WoL interrupt when there is a match. + * @param[in] NewState New State of this command, should be:. + * - ENABLE. + * - DISABLE. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void EMAC_SetFilterMode(uint32_t ulFilterMode, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + if (NewState == ENABLE){. + LPC_EMAC->RxFilterCtrl |= ulFilterMode;. + } else {. + LPC_EMAC->RxFilterCtrl &= ~ulFilterMode;. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get status of Wake On LAN Filter for each specified. + * type in EMAC peripheral, clear this status if it is set. + * @param[in] ulWoLMode WoL Filter mode, should be:. + * - EMAC_WOL_UCAST: unicast frames caused WoL. + * - EMAC_WOL_UCAST: broadcast frame caused WoL. + * - EMAC_WOL_MCAST: multicast frame caused WoL. + * - EMAC_WOL_UCAST_HASH: unicast frame that passes the. + * imperfect hash filter caused WoL. + * - EMAC_WOL_MCAST_HASH: multicast frame that passes the. + * imperfect hash filter caused WoL. + * - EMAC_WOL_PERFECT:perfect address matching filter. + * caused WoL. + * - EMAC_WOL_RX_FILTER: the receive filter caused WoL. + * - EMAC_WOL_MAG_PACKET: the magic packet filter caused WoL. + * @return SET/RESET. + **********************************************************************/. +FlagStatus EMAC_GetWoLStatus(uint32_t ulWoLMode). +{. + if (LPC_EMAC->RxFilterWoLStatus & ulWoLMode) {. + LPC_EMAC->RxFilterWoLClear = ulWoLMode;. + return SET;. + } else {. + return RESET;. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Write data to Tx packet data buffer at current index due to. + * TxProduceIndex. + * @param[in] pDataStruct Pointer to a EMAC_PACKETBUF_Type structure. + * data that contain specified information about. + * Packet data buffer.. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void EMAC_WritePacketBuffer(EMAC_PACKETBUF_Type *pDataStruct). +{. + uint32_t idx,len;. + uint32_t *sp,*dp;. +. + idx = LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex;. + sp = (uint32_t *)pDataStruct->pbDataBuf;. + dp = (uint32_t *)Tx_Desc[idx].Packet;. + /* Copy frame data to EMAC packet buffers. */. + for (len = (pDataStruct->ulDataLen + 3) >> 2; len; len--) {. + *dp++ = *sp++;. + }. + Tx_Desc[idx].Ctrl = (pDataStruct->ulDataLen - 1) | (EMAC_TCTRL_INT | EMAC_TCTRL_LAST);. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Read data from Rx packet data buffer at current index due. + * to RxConsumeIndex. + * @param[in] pDataStruct Pointer to a EMAC_PACKETBUF_Type structure. + * data that contain specified information about. + * Packet data buffer.. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void EMAC_ReadPacketBuffer(EMAC_PACKETBUF_Type *pDataStruct). +{. + uint32_t idx, len;. + uint32_t *dp, *sp;. +. + idx = LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex;. + dp = (uint32_t *)pDataStruct->pbDataBuf;. + sp = (uint32_t *)Rx_Desc[idx].Packet;. +. + if (pDataStruct->pbDataBuf != NULL) {. + for (len = (pDataStruct->ulDataLen + 3) >> 2; len; len--) {. + *dp++ = *sp++;. + }. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Standard EMAC IRQ Handler. This sub-routine will check. + * these following interrupt and call the call-back function. + * if they're already installed:. + * - Overrun Error interrupt in RX Queue. + * - Receive Error interrupt: AlignmentError, RangeError,. + * LengthError, SymbolError, CRCError or NoDescriptor or Overrun. + * - RX Finished Process Descriptors interrupt (ProduceIndex == ConsumeIndex). + * - Receive Done interrupt. + * - Transmit Under-run interrupt. + * - Transmit errors interrupt : LateCollision, ExcessiveCollision. + * and ExcessiveDefer, NoDescriptor or Under-run. + * - TX Finished Process Descriptors interrupt (ProduceIndex == ConsumeIndex). + * - Transmit Done interrupt. + * - Interrupt triggered by software. + * - Interrupt triggered by a Wakeup event detected by the receive filter. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void EMAC_StandardIRQHandler(void). +{. + /* EMAC Ethernet Controller Interrupt function. */. + uint32_t n, int_stat;. +. + // Get EMAC interrupt status. + while ((int_stat = (LPC_EMAC->IntStatus & LPC_EMAC->IntEnable)) != 0) {. + // Clear interrupt status. + LPC_EMAC->IntClear = int_stat;. + // Execute call-back function. + for (n = 0; n <= 7; n++) {. + if ((int_stat & (1 << n)) && (_pfnIntCbDat[n] != NULL)) {. + _pfnIntCbDat[n]();. + }. + }. + // Soft interrupt. + if ((int_stat & EMAC_INT_SOFT_INT) && (_pfnIntCbDat[8] != NULL)) {. + _pfnIntCbDat[8]();. + }. + // WakeUp interrupt. + if ((int_stat & EMAC_INT_WAKEUP) && (_pfnIntCbDat[9] != NULL)) {. + // Clear WoL interrupt. + LPC_EMAC->RxFilterWoLClear = EMAC_WOL_BITMASK;. + _pfnIntCbDat[9]();. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Setup/register Call-back function for each interrupt type. + * in EMAC module.. + * @param[in] ulIntType Interrupt type, should be one of the following:. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_OVERRUN: Receive Overrun. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_ERR: Receive Error. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_FIN: Receive Descriptor Finish. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_DONE: Receive Done. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_UNDERRUN: Transmit Under-run. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_ERR: Transmit Error. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_FIN: Transmit descriptor finish. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_DONE: Transmit Done. + * - EMAC_INT_SOFT_INT: Software interrupt. + * - EMAC_INT_WAKEUP: Wakeup interrupt. + * @param[in] pfnIntCb Pointer to Call-back function used for this. + * interrupt type. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void EMAC_SetupIntCBS(uint32_t ulIntType, EMAC_IntCBSType *pfnIntCb). +{. + /* EMAC Ethernet Controller Interrupt function. */. + uint32_t n;. +. + if (ulIntType <= EMAC_INT_TX_DONE){. + for (n = 0; n <= 7; n++) {. + // Found it, install cbs now. + if (ulIntType & (1 << n)) {. + _pfnIntCbDat[n] = pfnIntCb;. + // Don't install cbs any more. + break;. + }. + }. + } else if (ulIntType & EMAC_INT_SOFT_INT) {. + _pfnIntCbDat[8] = pfnIntCb;. + } else if (ulIntType & EMAC_INT_WAKEUP) {. + _pfnIntCbDat[9] = pfnIntCb;. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable/Disable interrupt for each type in EMAC. + * @param[in] ulIntType Interrupt Type, should be:. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_OVERRUN: Receive Overrun. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_ERR: Receive Error. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_FIN: Receive Descriptor Finish. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_DONE: Receive Done. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_UNDERRUN: Transmit Under-run. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_ERR: Transmit Error. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_FIN: Transmit descriptor finish. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_DONE: Transmit Done. + * - EMAC_INT_SOFT_INT: Software interrupt. + * - EMAC_INT_WAKEUP: Wakeup interrupt. + * @param[in] NewState New State of this function, should be:. + * - ENABLE.. + * - DISABLE.. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void EMAC_IntCmd(uint32_t ulIntType, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + if (NewState == ENABLE) {. + LPC_EMAC->IntEnable |= ulIntType;. + } else {. + LPC_EMAC->IntEnable &= ~(ulIntType);. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Check whether if specified interrupt flag is set or not. + * for each interrupt type in EMAC and clear interrupt pending. + * if it is set.. + * @param[in] ulIntType Interrupt Type, should be:. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_OVERRUN: Receive Overrun. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_ERR: Receive Error. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_FIN: Receive Descriptor Finish. + * - EMAC_INT_RX_DONE: Receive Done. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_UNDERRUN: Transmit Under-run. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_ERR: Transmit Error. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_FIN: Transmit descriptor finish. + * - EMAC_INT_TX_DONE: Transmit Done. + * - EMAC_INT_SOFT_INT: Software interrupt. + * - EMAC_INT_WAKEUP: Wakeup interrupt. + * @return New state of specified interrupt (SET or RESET). + **********************************************************************/. +IntStatus EMAC_IntGetStatus(uint32_t ulIntType). +{. + if (LPC_EMAC->IntStatus & ulIntType) {. + LPC_EMAC->IntClear = ulIntType;. + return SET;. + } else {. + return RESET;. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Check whether if the current RxConsumeIndex is not equal to the. + * current RxProduceIndex.. + * @param[in] None. + * @return TRUE if they're not equal, otherwise return FALSE. + *. + * Note: In case the RxConsumeIndex is not equal to the RxProduceIndex,. + * it means there're available data has been received. They should be read. + * out and released the Receive Data Buffer by updating the RxConsumeIndex value.. + **********************************************************************/. +Bool EMAC_CheckReceiveIndex(void). +{. + if (LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex != LPC_EMAC->RxProduceIndex) {. + return TRUE;. + } else {. + return FALSE;. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Check whether if the current TxProduceIndex is not equal to the. + * current RxProduceIndex - 1.. + * @param[in] None. + * @return TRUE if they're not equal, otherwise return FALSE. + *. + * Note: In case the RxConsumeIndex is equal to the RxProduceIndex - 1,. + * it means the transmit buffer is available and data can be written to transmit. + * buffer to be sent.. + **********************************************************************/. +Bool EMAC_CheckTransmitIndex(void). +{. + uint32_t tmp = LPC_EMAC->TxConsumeIndex -1;. + if (LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex == tmp) {. + return FALSE;. + } else {. + return TRUE;. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get current status value of receive data (due to RxConsumeIndex). + * @param[in] ulRxStatType Received Status type, should be one of following:. + * - EMAC_RINFO_CTRL_FRAME: Control Frame. + * - EMAC_RINFO_VLAN: VLAN Frame. + * - EMAC_RINFO_FAIL_FILT: RX Filter Failed. + * - EMAC_RINFO_MCAST: Multicast Frame. + * - EMAC_RINFO_BCAST: Broadcast Frame. + * - EMAC_RINFO_CRC_ERR: CRC Error in Frame. + * - EMAC_RINFO_SYM_ERR: Symbol Error from PHY. + * - EMAC_RINFO_LEN_ERR: Length Error. + * - EMAC_RINFO_RANGE_ERR: Range error(exceeded max size). + * - EMAC_RINFO_ALIGN_ERR: Alignment error. + * - EMAC_RINFO_OVERRUN: Receive overrun. + * - EMAC_RINFO_NO_DESCR: No new Descriptor available. + * - EMAC_RINFO_LAST_FLAG: last Fragment in Frame. + * - EMAC_RINFO_ERR: Error Occurred (OR of all error). + * @return Current value of receive data (due to RxConsumeIndex). + **********************************************************************/. +FlagStatus EMAC_CheckReceiveDataStatus(uint32_t ulRxStatType). +{. + uint32_t idx;. + idx = LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex;. + return (((Rx_Stat[idx].Info) & ulRxStatType) ? SET : RESET);. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get size of current Received data in received buffer (due to. + * RxConsumeIndex). + * @param[in] None. + * @return Size of received data. + **********************************************************************/. +uint32_t EMAC_GetReceiveDataSize(void). +{. + uint32_t idx;. + idx =LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex;. + return ((Rx_Stat[idx].Info) & EMAC_RINFO_SIZE);. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Increase the RxConsumeIndex (after reading the Receive buffer. + * to release the Receive buffer) and wrap-around the index if. + * it reaches the maximum Receive Number. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void EMAC_UpdateRxConsumeIndex(void). +{. + // Get current Rx consume index. + uint32_t idx = LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex;. +. + /* Release frame from EMAC buffer */. + if (++idx == EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG) idx = 0;. + LPC_EMAC->RxConsumeIndex = idx;. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Increase the TxProduceIndex (after writting to the Transmit buffer. + * to enable the Transmit buffer) and wrap-around the index if. + * it reaches the maximum Transmit Number. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void EMAC_UpdateTxProduceIndex(void). +{. + // Get current Tx produce index. + uint32_t idx = LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex;. +. + /* Start frame transmission */. + if (++idx == EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG) idx = 0;. + LPC_EMAC->TxProduceIndex = idx;. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +#endif /* _EMAC */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/lpc17xx_emac.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/lpc17xx_emac.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c31fa56 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/emac/lpc17xx_emac.h @@ -0,0 +1,582 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc17xx_emac.h. + * @brief : Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes. + * support for Ethernet MAC firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 02. Jun. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup EMAC. + * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef LPC17XX_EMAC_H_. +#define LPC17XX_EMAC_H_. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "LPC17xx.h". +#include "lpc_types.h". +. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +extern "C". +{. +#endif. +. +. +/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup EMAC_Private_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/** @defgroup EMAC_REGISTER_BIT_DEFINITIONS. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/* EMAC Memory Buffer configuration for 16K Ethernet RAM */. +#define EMAC_NUM_RX_FRAG 4 /**< Num.of RX Fragments 4*1536= 6.0kB */. +#define EMAC_NUM_TX_FRAG 3 /**< Num.of TX Fragments 3*1536= 4.6kB */. +#define EMAC_ETH_MAX_FLEN 1536 /**< Max. Ethernet Frame Size */. +#define EMAC_TX_FRAME_TOUT 0x00100000 /**< Frame Transmit timeout count */. +. +/* Ethernet MAC register definitions --------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/* MAC Configuration Register 1 */. +#define EMAC_MAC1_REC_EN 0x00000001 /**< Receive Enable */. +#define EMAC_MAC1_PASS_ALL 0x00000002 /**< Pass All Receive Frames */. +#define EMAC_MAC1_RX_FLOWC 0x00000004 /**< RX Flow Control */. +#define EMAC_MAC1_TX_FLOWC 0x00000008 /**< TX Flow Control */. +#define EMAC_MAC1_LOOPB 0x00000010 /**< Loop Back Mode */. +#define EMAC_MAC1_RES_TX 0x00000100 /**< Reset TX Logic */. +#define EMAC_MAC1_RES_MCS_TX 0x00000200 /**< Reset MAC TX Control Sublayer */. +#define EMAC_MAC1_RES_RX 0x00000400 /**< Reset RX Logic */. +#define EMAC_MAC1_RES_MCS_RX 0x00000800 /**< Reset MAC RX Control Sublayer */. +#define EMAC_MAC1_SIM_RES 0x00004000 /**< Simulation Reset */. +#define EMAC_MAC1_SOFT_RES 0x00008000 /**< Soft Reset MAC */. +. +/* MAC Configuration Register 2 */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_FULL_DUP 0x00000001 /**< Full-Duplex Mode */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_FRM_LEN_CHK 0x00000002 /**< Frame Length Checking */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_HUGE_FRM_EN 0x00000004 /**< Huge Frame Enable */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_DLY_CRC 0x00000008 /**< Delayed CRC Mode */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_CRC_EN 0x00000010 /**< Append CRC to every Frame */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_PAD_EN 0x00000020 /**< Pad all Short Frames */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_VLAN_PAD_EN 0x00000040 /**< VLAN Pad Enable */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_ADET_PAD_EN 0x00000080 /**< Auto Detect Pad Enable */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_PPREAM_ENF 0x00000100 /**< Pure Preamble Enforcement */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_LPREAM_ENF 0x00000200 /**< Long Preamble Enforcement */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_NO_BACKOFF 0x00001000 /**< No Backoff Algorithm */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_BACK_PRESSURE 0x00002000 /**< Backoff Presurre / No Backoff */. +#define EMAC_MAC2_EXCESS_DEF 0x00004000 /**< Excess Defer */. +. +/* Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap Register */. +/** Programmable field representing the nibble time offset of the minimum possible period. + * between the end of any transmitted packet to the beginning of the next */. +#define EMAC_IPGT_BBIPG(n) (n&0x7F). +/** Recommended value for Full Duplex of Programmable field representing the nibble time. + * offset of the minimum possible period between the end of any transmitted packet to the. + * beginning of the next */. +#define EMAC_IPGT_FULL_DUP (EMAC_IPGT_BBIPG(0x15)). +/** Recommended value for Half Duplex of Programmable field representing the nibble time. + * offset of the minimum possible period between the end of any transmitted packet to the. + * beginning of the next */. +#define EMAC_IPGT_HALF_DUP (EMAC_IPGT_BBIPG(0x12)). +. +/* Non Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap Register */. +/** Programmable field representing the Non-Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap */. +#define EMAC_IPGR_NBBIPG_P2(n) (n&0x7F). +/** Recommended value for Programmable field representing the Non-Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap Part 1 */. +#define EMAC_IPGR_P2_DEF (EMAC_IPGR_NBBIPG_P2(0x12)). +/** Programmable field representing the optional carrierSense window referenced in. + * IEEE 802.3/ 'Carrier Deference' */. +#define EMAC_IPGR_NBBIPG_P1(n) ((n&0x7F)<<8). +/** Recommended value for Programmable field representing the Non-Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap Part 2 */. +#define EMAC_IPGR_P1_DEF EMAC_IPGR_NBBIPG_P1(0x0C). +. +/* Collision Window/Retry Register */. +/** Programmable field specifying the number of retransmission attempts following a collision before. + * aborting the packet due to excessive collisions */. +#define EMAC_CLRT_MAX_RETX(n) (n&0x0F). +/** Programmable field representing the slot time or collision window during which collisions occur. + * in properly configured networks */. +#define EMAC_CLRT_COLL(n) ((n&0x3F)<<8). +/** Default value for Collision Window / Retry register */. +#define EMAC_CLRT_DEF ((EMAC_CLRT_MAX_RETX(0x0F))|(EMAC_CLRT_COLL(0x37))). +. +/* Maximum Frame Register */. +/** Represents a maximum receive frame of 1536 octets */. +#define EMAC_MAXF_MAXFRMLEN(n) (n&0xFFFF). +. +/* PHY Support Register */. +#define EMAC_SUPP_SPEED 0x00000100 /**< Reduced MII Logic Current Speed */. +#define EMAC_SUPP_RES_RMII 0x00000800 /**< Reset Reduced MII Logic */. +. +/* Test Register */. +#define EMAC_TEST_SHCUT_PQUANTA 0x00000001 /**< Shortcut Pause Quanta */. +#define EMAC_TEST_TST_PAUSE 0x00000002 /**< Test Pause */. +#define EMAC_TEST_TST_BACKP 0x00000004 /**< Test Back Pressure */. +. +/* MII Management Configuration Register */. +#define EMAC_MCFG_SCAN_INC 0x00000001 /**< Scan Increment PHY Address */. +#define EMAC_MCFG_SUPP_PREAM 0x00000002 /**< Suppress Preamble */. +#define EMAC_MCFG_CLK_SEL(n) ((n&0x0F)<<2) /**< Clock Select Field */. +#define EMAC_MCFG_RES_MII 0x00008000 /**< Reset MII Management Hardware */. +#define EMAC_MCFG_MII_MAXCLK 2500000UL /**< MII Clock max */. +. +/* MII Management Command Register */. +#define EMAC_MCMD_READ 0x00000001 /**< MII Read */. +#define EMAC_MCMD_SCAN 0x00000002 /**< MII Scan continuously */. +. +#define EMAC_MII_WR_TOUT 0x00050000 /**< MII Write timeout count */. +#define EMAC_MII_RD_TOUT 0x00050000 /**< MII Read timeout count */. +. +/* MII Management Address Register */. +#define EMAC_MADR_REG_ADR(n) (n&0x1F) /**< MII Register Address field */. +#define EMAC_MADR_PHY_ADR(n) ((n&0x1F)<<8) /**< PHY Address Field */. +. +/* MII Management Write Data Register */. +#define EMAC_MWTD_DATA(n) (n&0xFFFF) /**< Data field for MMI Management Write Data register */. +. +/* MII Management Read Data Register */. +#define EMAC_MRDD_DATA(n) (n&0xFFFF) /**< Data field for MMI Management Read Data register */. +. +/* MII Management Indicators Register */. +#define EMAC_MIND_BUSY 0x00000001 /**< MII is Busy */. +#define EMAC_MIND_SCAN 0x00000002 /**< MII Scanning in Progress */. +#define EMAC_MIND_NOT_VAL 0x00000004 /**< MII Read Data not valid */. +#define EMAC_MIND_MII_LINK_FAIL 0x00000008 /**< MII Link Failed */. +. +/* Station Address 0 Register */. +/* Station Address 1 Register */. +/* Station Address 2 Register */. +. +. +/* Control register definitions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/* Command Register */. +#define EMAC_CR_RX_EN 0x00000001 /**< Enable Receive */. +#define EMAC_CR_TX_EN 0x00000002 /**< Enable Transmit */. +#define EMAC_CR_REG_RES 0x00000008 /**< Reset Host Registers */. +#define EMAC_CR_TX_RES 0x00000010 /**< Reset Transmit Datapath */. +#define EMAC_CR_RX_RES 0x00000020 /**< Reset Receive Datapath */. +#define EMAC_CR_PASS_RUNT_FRM 0x00000040 /**< Pass Runt Frames */. +#define EMAC_CR_PASS_RX_FILT 0x00000080 /**< Pass RX Filter */. +#define EMAC_CR_TX_FLOW_CTRL 0x00000100 /**< TX Flow Control */. +#define EMAC_CR_RMII 0x00000200 /**< Reduced MII Interface */. +#define EMAC_CR_FULL_DUP 0x00000400 /**< Full Duplex */. +. +/* Status Register */. +#define EMAC_SR_RX_EN 0x00000001 /**< Enable Receive */. +#define EMAC_SR_TX_EN 0x00000002 /**< Enable Transmit */. +. +/* Receive Descriptor Base Address Register */. +//. +. +/* Receive Status Base Address Register */. +//. +. +/* Receive Number of Descriptors Register */. +//. +. +/* Receive Produce Index Register */. +//. +. +/* Receive Consume Index Register */. +//. +. +/* Transmit Descriptor Base Address Register */. +//. +. +/* Transmit Status Base Address Register */. +//. +. +/* Transmit Number of Descriptors Register */. +//. +. +/* Transmit Produce Index Register */. +//. +. +/* Transmit Consume Index Register */. +//. +. +/* Transmit Status Vector 0 Register */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_CRC_ERR 0x00000001 /**< CRC error */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_LEN_CHKERR 0x00000002 /**< Length Check Error */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_LEN_OUTRNG 0x00000004 /**< Length Out of Range */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_DONE 0x00000008 /**< Tramsmission Completed */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_MCAST 0x00000010 /**< Multicast Destination */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_BCAST 0x00000020 /**< Broadcast Destination */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_PKT_DEFER 0x00000040 /**< Packet Deferred */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_EXC_DEFER 0x00000080 /**< Excessive Packet Deferral */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_EXC_COLL 0x00000100 /**< Excessive Collision */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_LATE_COLL 0x00000200 /**< Late Collision Occured */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_GIANT 0x00000400 /**< Giant Frame */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_UNDERRUN 0x00000800 /**< Buffer Underrun */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_BYTES 0x0FFFF000 /**< Total Bytes Transferred */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_CTRL_FRAME 0x10000000 /**< Control Frame */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_PAUSE 0x20000000 /**< Pause Frame */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_BACK_PRESS 0x40000000 /**< Backpressure Method Applied */. +#define EMAC_TSV0_VLAN 0x80000000 /**< VLAN Frame */. +. +/* Transmit Status Vector 1 Register */. +#define EMAC_TSV1_BYTE_CNT 0x0000FFFF /**< Transmit Byte Count */. +#define EMAC_TSV1_COLL_CNT 0x000F0000 /**< Transmit Collision Count */. +. +/* Receive Status Vector Register */. +#define EMAC_RSV_BYTE_CNT 0x0000FFFF /**< Receive Byte Count */. +#define EMAC_RSV_PKT_IGNORED 0x00010000 /**< Packet Previously Ignored */. +#define EMAC_RSV_RXDV_SEEN 0x00020000 /**< RXDV Event Previously Seen */. +#define EMAC_RSV_CARR_SEEN 0x00040000 /**< Carrier Event Previously Seen */. +#define EMAC_RSV_REC_CODEV 0x00080000 /**< Receive Code Violation */. +#define EMAC_RSV_CRC_ERR 0x00100000 /**< CRC Error */. +#define EMAC_RSV_LEN_CHKERR 0x00200000 /**< Length Check Error */. +#define EMAC_RSV_LEN_OUTRNG 0x00400000 /**< Length Out of Range */. +#define EMAC_RSV_REC_OK 0x00800000 /**< Frame Received OK */. +#define EMAC_RSV_MCAST 0x01000000 /**< Multicast Frame */. +#define EMAC_RSV_BCAST 0x02000000 /**< Broadcast Frame */. +#define EMAC_RSV_DRIB_NIBB 0x04000000 /**< Dribble Nibble */. +#define EMAC_RSV_CTRL_FRAME 0x08000000 /**< Control Frame */. +#define EMAC_RSV_PAUSE 0x10000000 /**< Pause Frame */. +#define EMAC_RSV_UNSUPP_OPC 0x20000000 /**< Unsupported Opcode */. +#define EMAC_RSV_VLAN 0x40000000 /**< VLAN Frame */. +. +/* Flow Control Counter Register */. +#define EMAC_FCC_MIRR_CNT(n) (n&0xFFFF) /**< Mirror Counter */. +#define EMAC_FCC_PAUSE_TIM(n) ((n&0xFFFF)<<16) /**< Pause Timer */. +. +/* Flow Control Status Register */. +#define EMAC_FCS_MIRR_CNT(n) (n&0xFFFF) /**< Mirror Counter Current */. +. +. +/* Receive filter register definitions -------------------------------------------------------- */. +/* Receive Filter Control Register */. +#define EMAC_RFC_UCAST_EN 0x00000001 /**< Accept Unicast Frames Enable */. +#define EMAC_RFC_BCAST_EN 0x00000002 /**< Accept Broadcast Frames Enable */. +#define EMAC_RFC_MCAST_EN 0x00000004 /**< Accept Multicast Frames Enable */. +#define EMAC_RFC_UCAST_HASH_EN 0x00000008 /**< Accept Unicast Hash Filter Frames */. +#define EMAC_RFC_MCAST_HASH_EN 0x00000010 /**< Accept Multicast Hash Filter Fram.*/. +#define EMAC_RFC_PERFECT_EN 0x00000020 /**< Accept Perfect Match Enable */. +#define EMAC_RFC_MAGP_WOL_EN 0x00001000 /**< Magic Packet Filter WoL Enable */. +#define EMAC_RFC_PFILT_WOL_EN 0x00002000 /**< Perfect Filter WoL Enable */. +. +/* Receive Filter WoL Status/Clear Registers */. +#define EMAC_WOL_UCAST 0x00000001 /**< Unicast Frame caused WoL */. +#define EMAC_WOL_BCAST 0x00000002 /**< Broadcast Frame caused WoL */. +#define EMAC_WOL_MCAST 0x00000004 /**< Multicast Frame caused WoL */. +#define EMAC_WOL_UCAST_HASH 0x00000008 /**< Unicast Hash Filter Frame WoL */. +#define EMAC_WOL_MCAST_HASH 0x00000010 /**< Multicast Hash Filter Frame WoL */. +#define EMAC_WOL_PERFECT 0x00000020 /**< Perfect Filter WoL */. +#define EMAC_WOL_RX_FILTER 0x00000080 /**< RX Filter caused WoL */. +#define EMAC_WOL_MAG_PACKET 0x00000100 /**< Magic Packet Filter caused WoL */. +#define EMAC_WOL_BITMASK 0x01BF /**< Receive Filter WoL Status/Clear bitmasl value */. +. +/* Hash Filter Table LSBs Register */. +//. +. +/* Hash Filter Table MSBs Register */. +//. +. +. +/* Module control register definitions ---------------------------------------------------- */. +/* Interrupt Status/Enable/Clear/Set Registers */. +#define EMAC_INT_RX_OVERRUN 0x00000001 /**< Overrun Error in RX Queue */. +#define EMAC_INT_RX_ERR 0x00000002 /**< Receive Error */. +#define EMAC_INT_RX_FIN 0x00000004 /**< RX Finished Process Descriptors */. +#define EMAC_INT_RX_DONE 0x00000008 /**< Receive Done */. +#define EMAC_INT_TX_UNDERRUN 0x00000010 /**< Transmit Underrun */. +#define EMAC_INT_TX_ERR 0x00000020 /**< Transmit Error */. +#define EMAC_INT_TX_FIN 0x00000040 /**< TX Finished Process Descriptors */. +#define EMAC_INT_TX_DONE 0x00000080 /**< Transmit Done */. +#define EMAC_INT_SOFT_INT 0x00001000 /**< Software Triggered Interrupt */. +#define EMAC_INT_WAKEUP 0x00002000 /**< Wakeup Event Interrupt */. +. +/* Power Down Register */. +#define EMAC_PD_POWER_DOWN 0x80000000 /**< Power Down MAC */. +. +/* RX Descriptor Control Word */. +#define EMAC_RCTRL_SIZE(n) (n&0x7FF) /**< Buffer size field */. +#define EMAC_RCTRL_INT 0x80000000 /**< Generate RxDone Interrupt */. +. +/* RX Status Hash CRC Word */. +#define EMAC_RHASH_SA 0x000001FF /**< Hash CRC for Source Address */. +#define EMAC_RHASH_DA 0x001FF000 /**< Hash CRC for Destination Address */. +. +/* RX Status Information Word */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_SIZE 0x000007FF /**< Data size in bytes */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_CTRL_FRAME 0x00040000 /**< Control Frame */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_VLAN 0x00080000 /**< VLAN Frame */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_FAIL_FILT 0x00100000 /**< RX Filter Failed */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_MCAST 0x00200000 /**< Multicast Frame */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_BCAST 0x00400000 /**< Broadcast Frame */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_CRC_ERR 0x00800000 /**< CRC Error in Frame */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_SYM_ERR 0x01000000 /**< Symbol Error from PHY */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_LEN_ERR 0x02000000 /**< Length Error */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_RANGE_ERR 0x04000000 /**< Range Error (exceeded max. size) */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_ALIGN_ERR 0x08000000 /**< Alignment Error */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_OVERRUN 0x10000000 /**< Receive overrun */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_NO_DESCR 0x20000000 /**< No new Descriptor available */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_LAST_FLAG 0x40000000 /**< Last Fragment in Frame */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_ERR 0x80000000 /**< Error Occured (OR of all errors) */. +. +/** RX Status Information word mask */. +#define EMAC_RINFO_ERR_MASK (EMAC_RINFO_FAIL_FILT | EMAC_RINFO_CRC_ERR | EMAC_RINFO_SYM_ERR | \. +EMAC_RINFO_LEN_ERR | EMAC_RINFO_ALIGN_ERR | EMAC_RINFO_OVERRUN). +. +/* TX Descriptor Control Word */. +#define EMAC_TCTRL_SIZE 0x000007FF /**< Size of data buffer in bytes */. +#define EMAC_TCTRL_OVERRIDE 0x04000000 /**< Override Default MAC Registers */. +#define EMAC_TCTRL_HUGE 0x08000000 /**< Enable Huge Frame */. +#define EMAC_TCTRL_PAD 0x10000000 /**< Pad short Frames to 64 bytes */. +#define EMAC_TCTRL_CRC 0x20000000 /**< Append a hardware CRC to Frame */. +#define EMAC_TCTRL_LAST 0x40000000 /**< Last Descriptor for TX Frame */. +#define EMAC_TCTRL_INT 0x80000000 /**< Generate TxDone Interrupt */. +. +/* TX Status Information Word */. +#define EMAC_TINFO_COL_CNT 0x01E00000 /**< Collision Count */. +#define EMAC_TINFO_DEFER 0x02000000 /**< Packet Deferred (not an error) */. +#define EMAC_TINFO_EXCESS_DEF 0x04000000 /**< Excessive Deferral */. +#define EMAC_TINFO_EXCESS_COL 0x08000000 /**< Excessive Collision */. +#define EMAC_TINFO_LATE_COL 0x10000000 /**< Late Collision Occured */. +#define EMAC_TINFO_UNDERRUN 0x20000000 /**< Transmit Underrun */. +#define EMAC_TINFO_NO_DESCR 0x40000000 /**< No new Descriptor available */. +#define EMAC_TINFO_ERR 0x80000000 /**< Error Occured (OR of all errors) */. +. +. +/* DP83848C PHY definition ------------------------------------------------------------ */. +. +/** PHY device reset time out definition */. +#define EMAC_PHY_RESP_TOUT 0x100000UL. +. +/* ENET Device Revision ID */. +#define EMAC_OLD_EMAC_MODULE_ID 0x39022000 /**< Rev. ID for first rev '-' */. +. +/* DP83848C PHY Registers */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_BMCR 0x00 /**< Basic Mode Control Register */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_BMSR 0x01 /**< Basic Mode Status Register */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_IDR1 0x02 /**< PHY Identifier 1 */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_IDR2 0x03 /**< PHY Identifier 2 */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_ANAR 0x04 /**< Auto-Negotiation Advertisement */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_ANLPAR 0x05 /**< Auto-Neg. Link Partner Abitily */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_ANER 0x06 /**< Auto-Neg. Expansion Register */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_ANNPTR 0x07 /**< Auto-Neg. Next Page TX */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_LPNPA 0x08. +. +. +/* PHY Extended Registers */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_STS 0x10 /**< Status Register */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_MICR 0x11 /**< MII Interrupt Control Register */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_MISR 0x12 /**< MII Interrupt Status Register */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_FCSCR 0x14 /**< False Carrier Sense Counter */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_RECR 0x15 /**< Receive Error Counter */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_PCSR 0x16 /**< PCS Sublayer Config. and Status */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_RBR 0x17 /**< RMII and Bypass Register */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_LEDCR 0x18 /**< LED Direct Control Register */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_PHYCR 0x19 /**< PHY Control Register */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_10BTSCR 0x1A /**< 10Base-T Status/Control Register */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_CDCTRL1 0x1B /**< CD Test Control and BIST Extens. */. +#define EMAC_PHY_REG_EDCR 0x1D /**< Energy Detect Control Register */. +. +. +/* PHY Basic Mode Control Register (BMCR) bitmap definitions */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMCR_RESET (1<<15) /**< Reset bit */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMCR_LOOPBACK (1<<14) /**< Loop back */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMCR_SPEED_SEL (1<<13) /**< Speed selection */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMCR_AN (1<<12) /**< Auto Negotiation */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMCR_POWERDOWN (1<<11) /**< Power down mode */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMCR_ISOLATE (1<<10) /**< Isolate */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMCR_RE_AN (1<<9) /**< Restart auto negotiation */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMCR_DUPLEX (1<<8) /**< Duplex mode */. +. +/* PHY Basic Mode Status Status Register (BMSR) bitmap definitions */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMSR_100BE_T4 (1<<15) /**< 100 base T4 */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMSR_100TX_FULL (1<<14) /**< 100 base full duplex */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMSR_100TX_HALF (1<<13) /**< 100 base half duplex */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMSR_10BE_FULL (1<<12) /**< 10 base T full duplex */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMSR_10BE_HALF (1<<11) /**< 10 base T half duplex */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMSR_NOPREAM (1<<6) /**< MF Preamable Supress */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMSR_AUTO_DONE (1<<5) /**< Auto negotiation complete */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMSR_REMOTE_FAULT (1<<4) /**< Remote fault */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMSR_NO_AUTO (1<<3) /**< Auto Negotiation ability */. +#define EMAC_PHY_BMSR_LINK_ESTABLISHED (1<<2) /**< Link status */. +. +/* PHY Status Register bitmap definitions */. +#define EMAC_PHY_SR_REMOTE_FAULT (1<<6) /**< Remote Fault */. +#define EMAC_PHY_SR_JABBER (1<<5) /**< Jabber detect */. +#define EMAC_PHY_SR_AUTO_DONE (1<<4) /**< Auto Negotiation complete */. +#define EMAC_PHY_SR_LOOPBACK (1<<3) /**< Loop back status */. +#define EMAC_PHY_SR_DUP (1<<2) /**< Duplex status */. +#define EMAC_PHY_SR_SPEED (1<<1) /**< Speed status */. +#define EMAC_PHY_SR_LINK (1<<0) /**< Link Status */. +. +. +#define EMAC_PHY_FULLD_100M 0x2100 /**< Full Duplex 100Mbit */. +#define EMAC_PHY_HALFD_100M 0x2000 /**< Half Duplex 100Mbit */. +#define EMAC_PHY_FULLD_10M 0x0100 /**< Full Duplex 10Mbit */. +#define EMAC_PHY_HALFD_10M 0x0000 /**< Half Duplex 10MBit */. +#define EMAC_PHY_AUTO_NEG 0x3000 /**< Select Auto Negotiation */. +. +#define EMAC_DP83848C_DEF_ADR 0x0100 /**< Default PHY device address */. +#define EMAC_DP83848C_ID 0x20005C90 /**< PHY Identifier */. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup EMAC_Public_Types. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Descriptor and status formats ---------------------------------------------- */. +. +/**. + * @brief RX Descriptor structure type definition. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint32_t Packet; /**< Receive Packet Descriptor */. + uint32_t Ctrl; /**< Receive Control Descriptor */. +} RX_Desc;. +. +/**. + * @brief RX Status structure type definition. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint32_t Info; /**< Receive Information Status */. + uint32_t HashCRC; /**< Receive Hash CRC Status */. +} RX_Stat;. +. +/**. + * @brief TX Descriptor structure type definition. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint32_t Packet; /**< Transmit Packet Descriptor */. + uint32_t Ctrl; /**< Transmit Control Descriptor */. +} TX_Desc;. +. +/**. + * @brief TX Status structure type definition. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint32_t Info; /**< Transmit Information Status */. +} TX_Stat;. +. +. +/**. + * @brief TX Data Buffer structure definition. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint32_t ulDataLen; /**< Data length */. + uint32_t *pbDataBuf; /**< A word-align data pointer to data buffer */. +} EMAC_PACKETBUF_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief EMAC configuration structure definition. + */. +typedef struct {. + uint32_t Mode; /**< Supported EMAC PHY device speed, should be one of the following:. + - EMAC_MODE_AUTO. + - EMAC_MODE_10M_FULL. + - EMAC_MODE_10M_HALF. + - EMAC_MODE_100M_FULL. + - EMAC_MODE_100M_HALF. + */. + uint8_t *pbEMAC_Addr; /**< Pointer to EMAC Station address that contains 6-bytes. + of MAC address, it must be sorted in order (bEMAC_Addr[0]..[5]). + */. +} EMAC_CFG_Type;. +. +/** EMAC Call back function type definition */. +typedef void (EMAC_IntCBSType)(void);. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup EMAC_Public_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/* EMAC PHY status type definitions */. +#define EMAC_PHY_STAT_LINK (0) /**< Link Status */. +#define EMAC_PHY_STAT_SPEED (1) /**< Speed Status */. +#define EMAC_PHY_STAT_DUP (2) /**< Duplex Status */. +. +/* EMAC PHY device Speed definitions */. +#define EMAC_MODE_AUTO (0) /**< Auto-negotiation mode */. +#define EMAC_MODE_10M_FULL (1) /**< 10Mbps FullDuplex mode */. +#define EMAC_MODE_10M_HALF (2) /**< 10Mbps HalfDuplex mode */. +#define EMAC_MODE_100M_FULL (3) /**< 100Mbps FullDuplex mode */. +#define EMAC_MODE_100M_HALF (4) /**< 100Mbps HalfDuplex mode */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup EMAC_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +Status EMAC_Init(EMAC_CFG_Type *EMAC_ConfigStruct);. +void EMAC_DeInit(void);. +int32_t EMAC_CheckPHYStatus(uint32_t ulPHYState);. +int32_t EMAC_SetPHYMode(uint32_t ulPHYMode);. +int32_t EMAC_UpdatePHYStatus(void);. +void EMAC_SetHashFilter(uint8_t dstMAC_addr[], FunctionalState NewState);. +int32_t EMAC_CRCCalc(uint8_t frame_no_fcs[], int32_t frame_len);. +void EMAC_SetFilterMode(uint32_t ulFilterMode, FunctionalState NewState);. +FlagStatus EMAC_GetWoLStatus(uint32_t ulWoLMode);. +void EMAC_WritePacketBuffer(EMAC_PACKETBUF_Type *pDataStruct);. +void EMAC_ReadPacketBuffer(EMAC_PACKETBUF_Type *pDataStruct);. +void EMAC_StandardIRQHandler(void);. +void EMAC_SetupIntCBS(uint32_t ulIntType, EMAC_IntCBSType *pfnIntCb);. +void EMAC_IntCmd(uint32_t ulIntType, FunctionalState NewState);. +IntStatus EMAC_IntGetStatus(uint32_t ulIntType);. +Bool EMAC_CheckReceiveIndex(void);. +Bool EMAC_CheckTransmitIndex(void);. +FlagStatus EMAC_CheckReceiveDataStatus(uint32_t ulRxStatType);. +uint32_t EMAC_GetReceiveDataSize(void);. +void EMAC_UpdateRxConsumeIndex(void);. +void EMAC_UpdateTxProduceIndex(void);. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +}. +#endif. +. +#endif /* LPC17XX_EMAC_H_ */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..545ec67 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LIBRARIES = gpio + +gpio_SOURCES = lpc17xx_gpio.c +include_HEADERS = lpc17xx_gpio.h + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/lpc17xx_gpio.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/lpc17xx_gpio.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1004a7a --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/lpc17xx_gpio.c @@ -0,0 +1,657 @@ +/**. + * @file : lpc17xx_gpio.c. + * @brief : Contains all functions support for GPIO firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 11. Jun. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **********************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup GPIO. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx_gpio.h". +. +/* If this source file built with example, the LPC17xx FW library configuration. + * file in each example directory ("lpc17xx_libcfg.h") must be included,. + * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead. + */. +#ifdef __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h". +#else. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h". +#endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */. +. +. +#ifdef _GPIO. +. +/* Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup GPIO_Private_Functions. + * @{. + */. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get pointer to GPIO peripheral due to GPIO port. + * @param[in] portNum Port Number value, should be in range from 0 to 4.. + * @return Pointer to GPIO peripheral. + **********************************************************************/. +static LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *GPIO_GetPointer(uint8_t portNum). +{. + LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *pGPIO = NULL;. +. + switch (portNum) {. + case 0:. + pGPIO = LPC_GPIO0;. + break;. + case 1:. + pGPIO = LPC_GPIO1;. + break;. + case 2:. + pGPIO = LPC_GPIO2;. + break;. + case 3:. + pGPIO = LPC_GPIO3;. + break;. + case 4:. + pGPIO = LPC_GPIO4;. + break;. + default:. + break;. + }. +. + return pGPIO;. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get pointer to FIO peripheral in halfword accessible style. + * due to FIO port. + * @param[in] portNum Port Number value, should be in range from 0 to 4.. + * @return Pointer to FIO peripheral. + **********************************************************************/. +static GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *FIO_HalfWordGetPointer(uint8_t portNum). +{. + GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *pFIO = NULL;. +. + switch (portNum) {. + case 0:. + pFIO = GPIO0_HalfWord;. + break;. + case 1:. + pFIO = GPIO1_HalfWord;. + break;. + case 2:. + pFIO = GPIO2_HalfWord;. + break;. + case 3:. + pFIO = GPIO3_HalfWord;. + break;. + case 4:. + pFIO = GPIO4_HalfWord;. + break;. + default:. + break;. + }. +. + return pFIO;. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get pointer to FIO peripheral in byte accessible style. + * due to FIO port. + * @param[in] portNum Port Number value, should be in range from 0 to 4.. + * @return Pointer to FIO peripheral. + **********************************************************************/. +static GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *FIO_ByteGetPointer(uint8_t portNum). +{. + GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *pFIO = NULL;. +. + switch (portNum) {. + case 0:. + pFIO = GPIO0_Byte;. + break;. + case 1:. + pFIO = GPIO1_Byte;. + break;. + case 2:. + pFIO = GPIO2_Byte;. + break;. + case 3:. + pFIO = GPIO3_Byte;. + break;. + case 4:. + pFIO = GPIO4_Byte;. + break;. + default:. + break;. + }. +. + return pFIO;. +}. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup GPIO_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/* GPIO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set Direction for GPIO port.. + * @param[in] portNum Port Number value, should be in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits to set direction,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF.. + * example: value 0x5 to set direction for bit 0 and bit 1.. + * @param[in] dir Direction value, should be:. + * - 0: Input.. + * - 1: Output.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note: All remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + **********************************************************************/. +void GPIO_SetDir(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue, uint8_t dir). +{. + LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *pGPIO = GPIO_GetPointer(portNum);. +. + if (pGPIO != NULL) {. + // Enable Output. + if (dir) {. + pGPIO->FIODIR |= bitValue;. + }. + // Enable Input. + else {. + pGPIO->FIODIR &= ~bitValue;. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set Value for bits that have output direction on GPIO port.. + * @param[in] portNum Port number value, should be in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits on GPIO to set,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF.. + * example: value 0x5 to set bit 0 and bit 1.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note:. + * - For all bits that has been set as input direction, this function will. + * not effect.. + * - For all remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + **********************************************************************/. +void GPIO_SetValue(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue). +{. + LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *pGPIO = GPIO_GetPointer(portNum);. +. + if (pGPIO != NULL) {. + pGPIO->FIOSET = bitValue;. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Clear Value for bits that have output direction on GPIO port.. + * @param[in] portNum Port number value, should be in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits on GPIO to clear,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF.. + * example: value 0x5 to clear bit 0 and bit 1.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note:. + * - For all bits that has been set as input direction, this function will. + * not effect.. + * - For all remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + **********************************************************************/. +void GPIO_ClearValue(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue). +{. + LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *pGPIO = GPIO_GetPointer(portNum);. +. + if (pGPIO != NULL) {. + pGPIO->FIOCLR = bitValue;. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Read Current state on port pin that have input direction of GPIO. + * @param[in] portNum Port number to read value, in range from 0 to 4. + * @return Current value of GPIO port.. + *. + * Note: Return value contain state of each port pin (bit) on that GPIO regardless. + * its direction is input or output.. + **********************************************************************/. +uint32_t GPIO_ReadValue(uint8_t portNum). +{. + LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *pGPIO = GPIO_GetPointer(portNum);. +. + if (pGPIO != NULL) {. + return pGPIO->FIOPIN;. + }. +. + return (0);. +}. +. +/* FIO word accessible ----------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/* Stub function for FIO (word-accessible) style */. +. +/**. + * @brief The same with GPIO_SetDir(). + */. +void FIO_SetDir(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue, uint8_t dir). +{. + GPIO_SetDir(portNum, bitValue, dir);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief The same with GPIO_SetValue(). + */. +void FIO_SetValue(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue). +{. + GPIO_SetValue(portNum, bitValue);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief The same with GPIO_ClearValue(). + */. +void FIO_ClearValue(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue). +{. + GPIO_ClearValue(portNum, bitValue);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief The same with GPIO_ReadValue(). + */. +uint32_t FIO_ReadValue(uint8_t portNum). +{. + return (GPIO_ReadValue(portNum));. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set mask value for bits in FIO port. + * @param[in] portNum Port number, in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits in to set,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF.. + * @param[in] maskValue Mask value contains state value for each bit:. + * - 0: not mask.. + * - 1: mask.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note:. + * - All remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + * - After executing this function, in mask register, value '0' on each bit. + * enables an access to the corresponding physical pin via a read or write access,. + * while value '1' on bit (masked) that corresponding pin will not be changed. + * with write access and if read, will not be reflected in the updated pin.. + **********************************************************************/. +void FIO_SetMask(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue, uint8_t maskValue). +{. + LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *pFIO = GPIO_GetPointer(portNum);. + if(pFIO != NULL) {. + // Mask. + if (maskValue){. + pFIO->FIOMASK |= bitValue;. + }. + // Un-mask. + else {. + pFIO->FIOMASK &= ~bitValue;. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/* FIO halfword accessible ------------------------------------------------------------- */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set direction for FIO port in halfword accessible style. + * @param[in] portNum Port number, in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] halfwordNum HalfWord part number, should be 0 (lower) or 1(upper). + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits in to set direction,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFFFF.. + * @param[in] dir Direction value, should be:. + * - 0: Input.. + * - 1: Output.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note: All remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + **********************************************************************/. +void FIO_HalfWordSetDir(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t halfwordNum, uint16_t bitValue, uint8_t dir). +{. + GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *pFIO = FIO_HalfWordGetPointer(portNum);. + if(pFIO != NULL) {. + // Output direction. + if (dir) {. + // Upper. + if(halfwordNum) {. + pFIO->FIODIRU |= bitValue;. + }. + // lower. + else {. + pFIO->FIODIRL |= bitValue;. + }. + }. + // Input direction. + else {. + // Upper. + if(halfwordNum) {. + pFIO->FIODIRU &= ~bitValue;. + }. + // lower. + else {. + pFIO->FIODIRL &= ~bitValue;. + }. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set mask value for bits in FIO port in halfword accessible style. + * @param[in] portNum Port number, in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] halfwordNum HalfWord part number, should be 0 (lower) or 1(upper). + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits in to set,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFFFF.. + * @param[in] maskValue Mask value contains state value for each bit:. + * - 0: not mask.. + * - 1: mask.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note:. + * - All remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + * - After executing this function, in mask register, value '0' on each bit. + * enables an access to the corresponding physical pin via a read or write access,. + * while value '1' on bit (masked) that corresponding pin will not be changed. + * with write access and if read, will not be reflected in the updated pin.. + **********************************************************************/. +void FIO_HalfWordSetMask(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t halfwordNum, uint16_t bitValue, uint8_t maskValue). +{. + GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *pFIO = FIO_HalfWordGetPointer(portNum);. + if(pFIO != NULL) {. + // Mask. + if (maskValue){. + // Upper. + if(halfwordNum) {. + pFIO->FIOMASKU |= bitValue;. + }. + // lower. + else {. + pFIO->FIOMASKL |= bitValue;. + }. + }. + // Un-mask. + else {. + // Upper. + if(halfwordNum) {. + pFIO->FIOMASKU &= ~bitValue;. + }. + // lower. + else {. + pFIO->FIOMASKL &= ~bitValue;. + }. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set bits for FIO port in halfword accessible style. + * @param[in] portNum Port number, in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] halfwordNum HalfWord part number, should be 0 (lower) or 1(upper). + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits in to set,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFFFF.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note:. + * - For all bits that has been set as input direction, this function will. + * not effect.. + * - For all remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + **********************************************************************/. +void FIO_HalfWordSetValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t halfwordNum, uint16_t bitValue). +{. + GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *pFIO = FIO_HalfWordGetPointer(portNum);. + if(pFIO != NULL) {. + // Upper. + if(halfwordNum) {. + pFIO->FIOSETU = bitValue;. + }. + // lower. + else {. + pFIO->FIOSETL = bitValue;. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Clear bits for FIO port in halfword accessible style. + * @param[in] portNum Port number, in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] halfwordNum HalfWord part number, should be 0 (lower) or 1(upper). + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits in to clear,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFFFF.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note:. + * - For all bits that has been set as input direction, this function will. + * not effect.. + * - For all remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + **********************************************************************/. +void FIO_HalfWordClearValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t halfwordNum, uint16_t bitValue). +{. + GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *pFIO = FIO_HalfWordGetPointer(portNum);. + if(pFIO != NULL) {. + // Upper. + if(halfwordNum) {. + pFIO->FIOCLRU = bitValue;. + }. + // lower. + else {. + pFIO->FIOCLRL = bitValue;. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Read Current state on port pin that have input direction of GPIO. + * in halfword accessible style.. + * @param[in] portNum Port number, in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] halfwordNum HalfWord part number, should be 0 (lower) or 1(upper). + * @return Current value of FIO port pin of specified halfword.. + * Note: Return value contain state of each port pin (bit) on that FIO regardless. + * its direction is input or output.. + **********************************************************************/. +uint16_t FIO_HalfWordReadValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t halfwordNum). +{. + GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *pFIO = FIO_HalfWordGetPointer(portNum);. + if(pFIO != NULL) {. + // Upper. + if(halfwordNum) {. + return (pFIO->FIOPINU);. + }. + // lower. + else {. + return (pFIO->FIOPINL);. + }. + }. + return (0);. +}. +. +. +/* FIO Byte accessible ------------------------------------------------------------ */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set direction for FIO port in byte accessible style. + * @param[in] portNum Port number, in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] byteNum Byte part number, should be in range from 0 to 3. + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits in to set direction,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFF.. + * @param[in] dir Direction value, should be:. + * - 0: Input.. + * - 1: Output.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note: All remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + **********************************************************************/. +void FIO_ByteSetDir(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t byteNum, uint8_t bitValue, uint8_t dir). +{. + GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *pFIO = FIO_ByteGetPointer(portNum);. + if(pFIO != NULL) {. + // Output direction. + if (dir) {. + if ((byteNum >= 0) && (byteNum <= 3)) {. + pFIO->FIODIR[byteNum] |= bitValue;. + }. + }. + // Input direction. + else {. + if ((byteNum >= 0) && (byteNum <= 3)) {. + pFIO->FIODIR[byteNum] &= ~bitValue;. + }. + }. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set mask value for bits in FIO port in byte accessible style. + * @param[in] portNum Port number, in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] byteNum Byte part number, should be in range from 0 to 3. + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits in to set mask,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFF.. + * @param[in] maskValue Mask value contains state value for each bit:. + * - 0: not mask.. + * - 1: mask.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note:. + * - All remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + * - After executing this function, in mask register, value '0' on each bit. + * enables an access to the corresponding physical pin via a read or write access,. + * while value '1' on bit (masked) that corresponding pin will not be changed. + * with write access and if read, will not be reflected in the updated pin.. + **********************************************************************/. +void FIO_ByteSetMask(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t byteNum, uint8_t bitValue, uint8_t maskValue). +{. + GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *pFIO = FIO_ByteGetPointer(portNum);. + if(pFIO != NULL) {. + // Mask. + if (maskValue) {. + if ((byteNum >= 0) && (byteNum <= 3)) {. + pFIO->FIOMASK[byteNum] |= bitValue;. + }. + }. + // Un-mask. + else {. + if ((byteNum >= 0) && (byteNum <= 3)) {. + pFIO->FIOMASK[byteNum] &= ~bitValue;. + }. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set bits for FIO port in byte accessible style. + * @param[in] portNum Port number, in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] byteNum Byte part number, should be in range from 0 to 3. + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits in to set,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFF.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note:. + * - For all bits that has been set as input direction, this function will. + * not effect.. + * - For all remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + **********************************************************************/. +void FIO_ByteSetValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t byteNum, uint8_t bitValue). +{. + GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *pFIO = FIO_ByteGetPointer(portNum);. + if (pFIO != NULL) {. + if ((byteNum >= 0) && (byteNum <= 3)){. + pFIO->FIOSET[byteNum] = bitValue;. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Clear bits for FIO port in byte accessible style. + * @param[in] portNum Port number, in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] byteNum Byte part number, should be in range from 0 to 3. + * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits in to clear,. + * in range from 0 to 0xFF.. + * @return None. + *. + * Note:. + * - For all bits that has been set as input direction, this function will. + * not effect.. + * - For all remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0'). + * will not be effected by this function.. + **********************************************************************/. +void FIO_ByteClearValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t byteNum, uint8_t bitValue). +{. + GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *pFIO = FIO_ByteGetPointer(portNum);. + if (pFIO != NULL) {. + if ((byteNum >= 0) && (byteNum <= 3)){. + pFIO->FIOCLR[byteNum] = bitValue;. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Read Current state on port pin that have input direction of GPIO. + * in byte accessible style.. + * @param[in] portNum Port number, in range from 0 to 4. + * @param[in] byteNum Byte part number, should be in range from 0 to 3. + * @return Current value of FIO port pin of specified byte part.. + * Note: Return value contain state of each port pin (bit) on that FIO regardless. + * its direction is input or output.. + **********************************************************************/. +uint8_t FIO_ByteReadValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t byteNum). +{. + GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *pFIO = FIO_ByteGetPointer(portNum);. + if (pFIO != NULL) {. + if ((byteNum >= 0) && (byteNum <= 3)){. + return (pFIO->FIOPIN[byteNum]);. + }. + }. + return (0);. +}. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +#endif /* _GPIO */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/lpc17xx_gpio.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/lpc17xx_gpio.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c05153 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/gpio/lpc17xx_gpio.h @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc17xx_gpio.h. + * @brief : Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes. + * support for GPIO firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 23. Apr. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup GPIO. + * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef LPC17XX_GPIO_H_. +#define LPC17XX_GPIO_H_. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "LPC17xx.h". +#include "lpc_types.h". +. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +extern "C". +{. +#endif. +. +. +/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup GPIO_Public_Types. + * @{. + */. +. +/**. + * @brief Fast GPIO port byte type definition. + */. +typedef struct {. + __IO uint8_t FIODIR[4]; /**< FIO direction register in byte-align */. + uint32_t RESERVED0[3]; /**< Reserved */. + __IO uint8_t FIOMASK[4]; /**< FIO mask register in byte-align */. + __IO uint8_t FIOPIN[4]; /**< FIO pin register in byte align */. + __IO uint8_t FIOSET[4]; /**< FIO set register in byte-align */. + __O uint8_t FIOCLR[4]; /**< FIO clear register in byte-align */. +} GPIO_Byte_TypeDef;. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Fast GPIO port half-word type definition. + */. +typedef struct {. + __IO uint16_t FIODIRL; /**< FIO direction register lower halfword part */. + __IO uint16_t FIODIRU; /**< FIO direction register upper halfword part */. + uint32_t RESERVED0[3]; /**< Reserved */. + __IO uint16_t FIOMASKL; /**< FIO mask register lower halfword part */. + __IO uint16_t FIOMASKU; /**< FIO mask register upper halfword part */. + __IO uint16_t FIOPINL; /**< FIO pin register lower halfword part */. + __IO uint16_t FIOPINU; /**< FIO pin register upper halfword part */. + __IO uint16_t FIOSETL; /**< FIO set register lower halfword part */. + __IO uint16_t FIOSETU; /**< FIO set register upper halfword part */. + __O uint16_t FIOCLRL; /**< FIO clear register lower halfword part */. + __O uint16_t FIOCLRU; /**< FIO clear register upper halfword part */. +} GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef;. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup GPIO_Public_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +/** Fast GPIO port 0 byte accessible definition */. +#define GPIO0_Byte ((GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *)(LPC_GPIO0_BASE)). +/** Fast GPIO port 1 byte accessible definition */. +#define GPIO1_Byte ((GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *)(LPC_GPIO1_BASE)). +/** Fast GPIO port 2 byte accessible definition */. +#define GPIO2_Byte ((GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *)(LPC_GPIO2_BASE)). +/** Fast GPIO port 3 byte accessible definition */. +#define GPIO3_Byte ((GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *)(LPC_GPIO3_BASE)). +/** Fast GPIO port 4 byte accessible definition */. +#define GPIO4_Byte ((GPIO_Byte_TypeDef *)(LPC_GPIO4_BASE)). +. +. +. +/** Fast GPIO port 0 half-word accessible definition */. +#define GPIO0_HalfWord ((GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *)(LPC_GPIO0_BASE)). +/** Fast GPIO port 1 half-word accessible definition */. +#define GPIO1_HalfWord ((GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *)(LPC_GPIO1_BASE)). +/** Fast GPIO port 2 half-word accessible definition */. +#define GPIO2_HalfWord ((GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *)(LPC_GPIO2_BASE)). +/** Fast GPIO port 3 half-word accessible definition */. +#define GPIO3_HalfWord ((GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *)(LPC_GPIO3_BASE)). +/** Fast GPIO port 4 half-word accessible definition */. +#define GPIO4_HalfWord ((GPIO_HalfWord_TypeDef *)(LPC_GPIO4_BASE)). +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup GPIO_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +/* GPIO style ------------------------------- */. +void GPIO_SetDir(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue, uint8_t dir);. +void GPIO_SetValue(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue);. +void GPIO_ClearValue(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue);. +uint32_t GPIO_ReadValue(uint8_t portNum);. +. +/* FIO (word-accessible) style ------------------------------- */. +void FIO_SetDir(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue, uint8_t dir);. +void FIO_SetValue(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue);. +void FIO_ClearValue(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue);. +uint32_t FIO_ReadValue(uint8_t portNum);. +void FIO_SetMask(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue, uint8_t maskValue);. +. +/* FIO (halfword-accessible) style ------------------------------- */. +void FIO_HalfWordSetDir(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t halfwordNum, uint16_t bitValue, uint8_t dir);. +void FIO_HalfWordSetMask(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t halfwordNum, uint16_t bitValue, uint8_t maskValue);. +void FIO_HalfWordSetValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t halfwordNum, uint16_t bitValue);. +void FIO_HalfWordClearValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t halfwordNum, uint16_t bitValue);. +uint16_t FIO_HalfWordReadValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t halfwordNum);. +. +/* FIO (byte-accessible) style ------------------------------- */. +void FIO_ByteSetDir(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t byteNum, uint8_t bitValue, uint8_t dir);. +void FIO_ByteSetMask(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t byteNum, uint8_t bitValue, uint8_t maskValue);. +void FIO_ByteSetValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t byteNum, uint8_t bitValue);. +void FIO_ByteClearValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t byteNum, uint8_t bitValue);. +uint8_t FIO_ByteReadValue(uint8_t portNum, uint8_t byteNum);. +. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +}. +#endif. +. +#endif /* LPC17XX_GPIO_H_ */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e47cf33 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LDSCRIPTS = $(notdir $(wildcard $(SOURCES_DIR)/*.ld*)) diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/lpc1768.ld-flash b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/lpc1768.ld-flash new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b80cf7c --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/lpc1768.ld-flash @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/* + * LPC1768 internal FLASH (512KB FLASH + 32KB SRAM + 16K USB SRAM + 16K ETH SRAM) + */ + +STARTUP(crt0_17xx.o) +INCLUDE board.ld /* Allow to INPUT board specific files */ + +ENTRY(_start) +STACK_SIZE = 0x400; + +/* memory definitions */ + +MEMORY +{ + FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 512K + RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 32K + + RAM1(rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x2007C000, LENGTH = 16k + RAM2(rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20080000, LENGTH = 16k +} + + + +/* include section definitions */ +INCLUDE lpc17xx-flash.ld diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/lpc17xx-flash.ld b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/lpc17xx-flash.ld new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea49193 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ldscripts/lpc17xx-flash.ld @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +/*** + * LPC17xx internal FLASH loadable by ISP + * uses internal FLASH and whole RAM at runtime + * + * by Marek Peca <mp@duch.cz> 2009/09, 2010/06 + * Updated by Jiri Kubias <jiri.kubias@addat.cz> + ***/ + +/*!* to be included by chip-specific linkerscript, containing memory defs *!*/ + +/* section definitions only */ + +SECTIONS +{ + .ivec : + { + *(.ivec) /* interrupt entry points */ + } > FLASH + + /* first section is .text which is used for code */ + .text : + { + *crt0_17xx.o (.text) /* Startup code */ + *(.text) /* remaining code */ + *(.glue_7) + *(.glue_7t) + . = ALIGN(4); + _etext = .; + } > FLASH + + .rodata : + { + *(.rodata) /* read-only data (constants) */ + *(.rodata*) + . = ALIGN(4); + } > FLASH + + /* .init_array - pointers to functions called before main */ + PROVIDE(__init_array_start = .); + .init_array : + { + *(.init_array) + . = ALIGN(4); + } > FLASH = 0 + PROVIDE (__init_array_end = .); + + /* .data section which is used for initialized data */ + _datainit = LOADADDR(.data); + .data : + { + _data = .; + *(.data) + SORT(CONSTRUCTORS) + . = ALIGN(4); + _edata = .; + } > RAM AT> FLASH + + /* .bss section which is used for uninitialized data */ + .bss (NOLOAD) : + { + __bss_start = .; + __bss_start__ = .; + *(.bss) + *(COMMON) + . = ALIGN(4); + __bss_end__ = .; + } > RAM + + .stack : + { + . += STACK_SIZE; + PROVIDE (_stack = .); + } > RAM + + _end = . ; + PROVIDE (end = .); + + /* This used for USB RAM section */ + .usb_ram (NOLOAD): + { + *.o (USB_RAM) + } > RAM2 + + /* Stabs debugging sections. */ + .stab 0 : { *(.stab) } + .stabstr 0 : { *(.stabstr) } + .stab.excl 0 : { *(.stab.excl) } + .stab.exclstr 0 : { *(.stab.exclstr) } + .stab.index 0 : { *(.stab.index) } + .stab.indexstr 0 : { *(.stab.indexstr) } + .comment 0 : { *(.comment) } + /* DWARF debug sections. + Symbols in the DWARF debugging sections are relative to the beginning + of the section so we begin them at 0. */ + /* DWARF 1 */ + .debug 0 : { *(.debug) } + .line 0 : { *(.line) } + /* GNU DWARF 1 extensions */ + .debug_srcinfo 0 : { *(.debug_srcinfo) } + .debug_sfnames 0 : { *(.debug_sfnames) } + /* DWARF 1.1 and DWARF 2 */ + .debug_aranges 0 : { *(.debug_aranges) } + .debug_pubnames 0 : { *(.debug_pubnames) } + /* DWARF 2 */ + .debug_info 0 : { *(.debug_info .gnu.linkonce.wi.*) } + .debug_abbrev 0 : { *(.debug_abbrev) } + .debug_line 0 : { *(.debug_line) } + .debug_frame 0 : { *(.debug_frame) } + .debug_str 0 : { *(.debug_str) } + .debug_loc 0 : { *(.debug_loc) } + .debug_macinfo 0 : { *(.debug_macinfo) } + /* SGI/MIPS DWARF 2 extensions */ + .debug_weaknames 0 : { *(.debug_weaknames) } + .debug_funcnames 0 : { *(.debug_funcnames) } + .debug_typenames 0 : { *(.debug_typenames) } + .debug_varnames 0 : { *(.debug_varnames) } +} diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f0edb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LIBRARIES = libcfg + +libcfg_SOURCES = lpc17xx_libcfg_default.c +include_HEADERS = lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/lpc17xx_libcfg_default.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/lpc17xx_libcfg_default.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14914e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/lpc17xx_libcfg_default.c @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc17xx_libcfg_default.c. + * @brief : Library configuration source file (default),. + * used to build library without examples.. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 26. Mar. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Library group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup LIBCFG_DEFAULT. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h". +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup LIBCFG_DEFAULT_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__. +. +#ifdef DEBUG. +/*******************************************************************************. +* @brief Reports the name of the source file and the source line number. +* where the CHECK_PARAM error has occurred.. +* @param[in] file Pointer to the source file name. +* @param[in] line assert_param error line source number. +* @return None. +*******************************************************************************/. +void check_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line). +{. + /* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number,. + ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */. +. + /* Infinite loop */. + while(1);. +}. +#endif /* DEBUG */. +. +#endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3430e0a --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/libcfg/lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h. + * @brief : Default Library configuration header file. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 26. Mar. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Library Configuration group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup LIBCFG_DEFAULT. + * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef LPC17XX_LIBCFG_DEFAULT_H_. +#define LPC17XX_LIBCFG_DEFAULT_H_. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc_types.h". +. +. +/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup LIBCFG_DEFAULT_Public_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +/************************** DEBUG MODE DEFINITIONS *********************************/. +/* Un-comment the line below to compile the library in DEBUG mode, this will expanse. + the "CHECK_PARAM" macro in the FW library code */. +. +#define DEBUG 1. +. +. +/******************* PERIPHERAL FW LIBRARY CONFIGURATION DEFINITIONS ***********************/. +. +/* Comment the line below to disable the specific peripheral inclusion */. +. +/* GPIO ------------------------------- */. +#define _GPIO 1. +. +/* UART ------------------------------- */. +#define _UART 1. +#define _UART0 1. +#define _UART1 1. +#define _UART2 1. +#define _UART3 1. +. +/* SPI ------------------------------- */. +#define _SPI 1. +. +/* SSP ------------------------------- */. +#define _SSP 1. +#define _SSP0 1. +#define _SSP1 1. +. +. +/* I2C ------------------------------- */. +#define _I2C 1. +#define _I2C0 1. +#define _I2C1 1. +#define _I2C2 1. +. +/* TIMER ------------------------------- */. +#define _TIM 1. +. +/* WDT ------------------------------- */. +#define _WDT 1. +. +. +/* GPDMA ------------------------------- */. +#define _GPDMA 1. +. +. +/* DAC ------------------------------- */. +#define _DAC 1. +. +/* DAC ------------------------------- */. +#define _ADC 1. +. +. +/* PWM ------------------------------- */. +#define _PWM 1. +#define _PWM1 1. +. +/* RTC ------------------------------- */. +#define _RTC 1. +. +/* I2S ------------------------------- */. +#define _I2S 1. +. +/* USB device ------------------------------- */. +#define _USBDEV 1. +#define _USB_DMA 1. +. +/* QEI ------------------------------- */. +#define _QEI 1. +. +/* MCPWM ------------------------------- */. +#define _MCPWM 1. +. +/* CAN--------------------------------*/. +#define _CAN 1. +. +/* RIT ------------------------------- */. +#define _RIT 1. +. +/* EMAC ------------------------------ */. +#define _EMAC 1. +. +. +/************************** GLOBAL/PUBLIC MACRO DEFINITIONS *********************************/. +. +#ifdef DEBUG. +/*******************************************************************************. +* @brief The CHECK_PARAM macro is used for function's parameters check.. +* It is used only if the library is compiled in DEBUG mode.. +* @param[in] expr - If expr is false, it calls check_failed() function. +* which reports the name of the source file and the source. +* line number of the call that failed.. +* - If expr is true, it returns no value.. +* @return None. +*******************************************************************************/. +#define CHECK_PARAM(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : check_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__)). +#else. +#define CHECK_PARAM(expr). +#endif /* DEBUG */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup LIBCFG_DEFAULT_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifdef DEBUG. +void check_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line);. +#endif. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +#endif /* LPC17XX_LIBCFG_DEFAULT_H_ */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..325d9ad --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LIBRARIES = nvic + +nvic_SOURCES = lpc17xx_nvic.c +include_HEADERS = lpc17xx_nvic.h + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/lpc17xx_nvic.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/lpc17xx_nvic.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98a6878 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/lpc17xx_nvic.c @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +/**. + * @file : lpc17xx_nvic.c. + * @brief : Contains all expansion functions support for. + * NVIC firmware library on LPC17xx. The main. + * NVIC functions are defined in core_cm3.h. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 18. Mar. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **********************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup NVIC. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx_nvic.h". +. +. +/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup NVIC_Private_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Vector table offset bit mask */. +#define NVIC_VTOR_MASK 0x3FFFFF80. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup NVIC_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/*****************************************************************************//**. + * @brief De-initializes the NVIC peripheral registers to their default. + * reset values.. + * @param None. + * @return None. + *. + * These following NVIC peripheral registers will be de-initialized:. + * - Disable Interrupt (32 IRQ interrupt sources that matched with LPC17xx). + * - Clear all Pending Interrupts (32 IRQ interrupt source that matched with LPC17xx). + * - Clear all Interrupt Priorities (32 IRQ interrupt source that matched with LPC17xx). + *******************************************************************************/. +void NVIC_DeInit(void). +{. + uint8_t tmp;. +. + /* Disable all interrupts */. + NVIC->ICER[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;. + NVIC->ICER[1] = 0x00000001;. + /* Clear all pending interrupts */. + NVIC->ICPR[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;. + NVIC->ICPR[1] = 0x00000001;. +. + /* Clear all interrupt priority */. + for (tmp = 0; tmp < 32; tmp++) {. + NVIC->IP[tmp] = 0x00;. + }. +}. +. +/*****************************************************************************//**. + * @brief De-initializes the SCB peripheral registers to their default. + * reset values.. + * @param none. + * @return none. + *. + * These following SCB NVIC peripheral registers will be de-initialized:. + * - Interrupt Control State register. + * - Interrupt Vector Table Offset register. + * - Application Interrupt/Reset Control register. + * - System Control register. + * - Configuration Control register. + * - System Handlers Priority Registers. + * - System Handler Control and State Register. + * - Configurable Fault Status Register. + * - Hard Fault Status Register. + * - Debug Fault Status Register. + *******************************************************************************/. +void NVIC_SCBDeInit(void). +{. + uint8_t tmp;. +. + SCB->ICSR = 0x0A000000;. + SCB->VTOR = 0x00000000;. + SCB->AIRCR = 0x05FA0000;. + SCB->SCR = 0x00000000;. + SCB->CCR = 0x00000000;. +. + for (tmp = 0; tmp < 32; tmp++) {. + SCB->SHP[tmp] = 0x00;. + }. +. + SCB->SHCSR = 0x00000000;. + SCB->CFSR = 0xFFFFFFFF;. + SCB->HFSR = 0xFFFFFFFF;. + SCB->DFSR = 0xFFFFFFFF;. +}. +. +. +/*****************************************************************************//**. + * @brief Set Vector Table Offset value. + * @param offset Offset value. + * @return None. + *******************************************************************************/. +void NVIC_SetVTOR(uint32_t offset). +{. + SCB->VTOR = (offset & NVIC_VTOR_MASK);. +}. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/lpc17xx_nvic.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/lpc17xx_nvic.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..072a654 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/nvic/lpc17xx_nvic.h @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc17xx_nvic.h. + * @brief : Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes. + * support for Nesting Vectored Interrupt firmware library. + * on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 18. Mar. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup NVIC. + * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef LPC17XX_NVIC_H_. +#define LPC17XX_NVIC_H_. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "LPC17xx.h". +#include "lpc_types.h". +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +extern "C". +{. +#endif. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup NVIC_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +void NVIC_DeInit(void);. +void NVIC_SCBDeInit(void);. +void NVIC_SetVTOR(uint32_t offset);. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +}. +#endif. +. +#endif /* LPC17XX_NVIC_H_ */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d95e11 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LIBRARIES = pinsel + +pinsel_SOURCES = lpc17xx_pinsel.c +include_HEADERS = lpc17xx_pinsel.h + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/lpc17xx_pinsel.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/lpc17xx_pinsel.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c459217 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/lpc17xx_pinsel.c @@ -0,0 +1,308 @@ +/**. + * @file : lpc17xx_pinsel.c. + * @brief : Contains all functions support for Pin connect block firmware. + * library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 25. Feb. 2009. + * @author : HoanTran. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **********************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup PINSEL. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx_pinsel.h". +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup PINSEL_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Setup the pin selection function. + * @param[in] portnum PORT number,. + * should be one of the following:. + * - PINSEL_PORT_0 : Port 0. + * - PINSEL_PORT_1 : Port 1. + * - PINSEL_PORT_2 : Port 2. + * - PINSEL_PORT_3 : Port 3. + *. + * @param[in] pinnum Pin number,. + * should be one of the following:. + - PINSEL_PIN_0 : Pin 0. + - PINSEL_PIN_1 : Pin 1. + - PINSEL_PIN_2 : Pin 2. + - PINSEL_PIN_3 : Pin 3. + - PINSEL_PIN_4 : Pin 4. + - PINSEL_PIN_5 : Pin 5. + - PINSEL_PIN_6 : Pin 6. + - PINSEL_PIN_7 : Pin 7. + - PINSEL_PIN_8 : Pin 8. + - PINSEL_PIN_9 : Pin 9. + - PINSEL_PIN_10 : Pin 10. + - PINSEL_PIN_11 : Pin 11. + - PINSEL_PIN_12 : Pin 12. + - PINSEL_PIN_13 : Pin 13. + - PINSEL_PIN_14 : Pin 14. + - PINSEL_PIN_15 : Pin 15. + - PINSEL_PIN_16 : Pin 16. + - PINSEL_PIN_17 : Pin 17. + - PINSEL_PIN_18 : Pin 18. + - PINSEL_PIN_19 : Pin 19. + - PINSEL_PIN_20 : Pin 20. + - PINSEL_PIN_21 : Pin 21. + - PINSEL_PIN_22 : Pin 22. + - PINSEL_PIN_23 : Pin 23. + - PINSEL_PIN_24 : Pin 24. + - PINSEL_PIN_25 : Pin 25. + - PINSEL_PIN_26 : Pin 26. + - PINSEL_PIN_27 : Pin 27. + - PINSEL_PIN_28 : Pin 28. + - PINSEL_PIN_29 : Pin 29. + - PINSEL_PIN_30 : Pin 30. + - PINSEL_PIN_31 : Pin 31. +. + * @param[in] funcnum Function number,. + * should be one of the following:. + * - PINSEL_FUNC_0 : default function. + * - PINSEL_FUNC_1 : first alternate function. + * - PINSEL_FUNC_2 : second alternate function. + * - PINSEL_FUNC_3 : third alternate function. + *. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void PINSEL_SetPinFunc ( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t funcnum). +{. + uint32_t pinnum_t = pinnum;. + uint32_t pinselreg_idx = 2 * portnum;. + uint32_t *pPinCon = (uint32_t *)&LPC_PINCON->PINSEL0;. +. + if (pinnum_t >= 16) {. + pinnum_t -= 16;. + pinselreg_idx++;. + }. + *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + pinselreg_idx) &= ~(0x03UL << (pinnum_t * 2));. + *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + pinselreg_idx) |= ((uint32_t)funcnum) << (pinnum_t * 2);. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Configure trace function. + * @param[in] NewState State of the Trace function configuration,. + * should be one of the following:. + * - ENABLE : Enable Trace Function. + * - DISABLE : Disable Trace Function. + *. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void PINSEL_ConfigTraceFunc(FunctionalState NewState). +{. + if (NewState == ENABLE) {. + LPC_PINCON->PINSEL10 |= (0x01UL << 3);. + } else if (NewState == DISABLE) {. + LPC_PINCON->PINSEL10 &= ~(0x01UL << 3);. + }. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Setup resistor mode for each pin. + * @param[in] portnum PORT number,. + * should be one of the following:. + * - PINSEL_PORT_0 : Port 0. + * - PINSEL_PORT_1 : Port 1. + * - PINSEL_PORT_2 : Port 2. + * - PINSEL_PORT_3 : Port 3. + * @param[in] pinnum Pin number,. + * should be one of the following:. + - PINSEL_PIN_0 : Pin 0. + - PINSEL_PIN_1 : Pin 1. + - PINSEL_PIN_2 : Pin 2. + - PINSEL_PIN_3 : Pin 3. + - PINSEL_PIN_4 : Pin 4. + - PINSEL_PIN_5 : Pin 5. + - PINSEL_PIN_6 : Pin 6. + - PINSEL_PIN_7 : Pin 7. + - PINSEL_PIN_8 : Pin 8. + - PINSEL_PIN_9 : Pin 9. + - PINSEL_PIN_10 : Pin 10. + - PINSEL_PIN_11 : Pin 11. + - PINSEL_PIN_12 : Pin 12. + - PINSEL_PIN_13 : Pin 13. + - PINSEL_PIN_14 : Pin 14. + - PINSEL_PIN_15 : Pin 15. + - PINSEL_PIN_16 : Pin 16. + - PINSEL_PIN_17 : Pin 17. + - PINSEL_PIN_18 : Pin 18. + - PINSEL_PIN_19 : Pin 19. + - PINSEL_PIN_20 : Pin 20. + - PINSEL_PIN_21 : Pin 21. + - PINSEL_PIN_22 : Pin 22. + - PINSEL_PIN_23 : Pin 23. + - PINSEL_PIN_24 : Pin 24. + - PINSEL_PIN_25 : Pin 25. + - PINSEL_PIN_26 : Pin 26. + - PINSEL_PIN_27 : Pin 27. + - PINSEL_PIN_28 : Pin 28. + - PINSEL_PIN_29 : Pin 29. + - PINSEL_PIN_30 : Pin 30. + - PINSEL_PIN_31 : Pin 31. +. + * @param[in] modenum: Mode number,. + * should be one of the following:. + - PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLUP : Internal pull-up resistor. + - PINSEL_PINMODE_TRISTATE : Tri-state. + - PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLDOWN : Internal pull-down resistor. +. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void PINSEL_SetResistorMode ( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t modenum). +{. + uint32_t pinnum_t = pinnum;. + uint32_t pinmodereg_idx = 2 * portnum;. + uint32_t *pPinCon = (uint32_t *)&LPC_PINCON->PINMODE0;. +. + if (pinnum_t >= 16) {. + pinnum_t -= 16;. + pinmodereg_idx++ ;. + }. +. + *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + pinmodereg_idx) &= ~(0x03UL << (pinnum_t * 2));. + *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + pinmodereg_idx) |= ((uint32_t)modenum) << (pinnum_t * 2);. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Setup Open drain mode for each pin. + * @param[in] portnum PORT number,. + * should be one of the following:. + * - PINSEL_PORT_0 : Port 0. + * - PINSEL_PORT_1 : Port 1. + * - PINSEL_PORT_2 : Port 2. + * - PINSEL_PORT_3 : Port 3. + *. + * @param[in] pinnum Pin number,. + * should be one of the following:. + - PINSEL_PIN_0 : Pin 0. + - PINSEL_PIN_1 : Pin 1. + - PINSEL_PIN_2 : Pin 2. + - PINSEL_PIN_3 : Pin 3. + - PINSEL_PIN_4 : Pin 4. + - PINSEL_PIN_5 : Pin 5. + - PINSEL_PIN_6 : Pin 6. + - PINSEL_PIN_7 : Pin 7. + - PINSEL_PIN_8 : Pin 8. + - PINSEL_PIN_9 : Pin 9. + - PINSEL_PIN_10 : Pin 10. + - PINSEL_PIN_11 : Pin 11. + - PINSEL_PIN_12 : Pin 12. + - PINSEL_PIN_13 : Pin 13. + - PINSEL_PIN_14 : Pin 14. + - PINSEL_PIN_15 : Pin 15. + - PINSEL_PIN_16 : Pin 16. + - PINSEL_PIN_17 : Pin 17. + - PINSEL_PIN_18 : Pin 18. + - PINSEL_PIN_19 : Pin 19. + - PINSEL_PIN_20 : Pin 20. + - PINSEL_PIN_21 : Pin 21. + - PINSEL_PIN_22 : Pin 22. + - PINSEL_PIN_23 : Pin 23. + - PINSEL_PIN_24 : Pin 24. + - PINSEL_PIN_25 : Pin 25. + - PINSEL_PIN_26 : Pin 26. + - PINSEL_PIN_27 : Pin 27. + - PINSEL_PIN_28 : Pin 28. + - PINSEL_PIN_29 : Pin 29. + - PINSEL_PIN_30 : Pin 30. + - PINSEL_PIN_31 : Pin 31. +. + * @param[in] modenum Open drain mode number,. + * should be one of the following:. + * - PINSEL_PINMODE_NORMAL : Pin is in the normal (not open drain) mode. + * - PINSEL_PINMODE_OPENDRAIN : Pin is in the open drain mode. + *. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void PINSEL_SetOpenDrainMode( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t modenum). +{. + uint32_t *pPinCon = (uint32_t *)&LPC_PINCON->PINMODE_OD0;. +. + if (modenum == PINSEL_PINMODE_OPENDRAIN){. + *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + portnum) |= (0x01UL << pinnum);. + } else {. + *(uint32_t *)(pPinCon + portnum) &= ~(0x01UL << pinnum);. + }. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Setup I2C0 pins. + * @param[in] i2cPinMode I2C pin mode,. + * should be one of the following:. + * - PINSEL_I2C_Normal_Mode : The standard drive mode. + * - PINSEL_I2C_Fast_Mode : Fast Mode Plus drive mode. + *. + * @param[in] filterSlewRateEnable should be:. + * - ENABLE: Enable filter and slew rate.. + * - DISABLE: Disable filter and slew rate.. + *. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void PINSEL_SetI2C0Pins(uint8_t i2cPinMode, FunctionalState filterSlewRateEnable). +{. + uint32_t regVal;. +. + if (i2cPinMode == PINSEL_I2C_Fast_Mode){. + regVal = PINSEL_I2CPADCFG_SCLDRV0 | PINSEL_I2CPADCFG_SDADRV0;. + }. +. + if (filterSlewRateEnable == DISABLE){. + regVal = PINSEL_I2CPADCFG_SCLI2C0 | PINSEL_I2CPADCFG_SDAI2C0;. + }. + LPC_PINCON->I2CPADCFG = regVal;. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Configure Pin corresponding to specified parameters passed. + * in the PinCfg. + * @param[in] PinCfg Pointer to a PINSEL_CFG_Type structure. + * that contains the configuration information for the. + * specified pin.. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void PINSEL_ConfigPin(PINSEL_CFG_Type *PinCfg). +{. + PINSEL_SetPinFunc(PinCfg->Portnum, PinCfg->Pinnum, PinCfg->Funcnum);. + PINSEL_SetResistorMode(PinCfg->Portnum, PinCfg->Pinnum, PinCfg->Pinmode);. + PINSEL_SetOpenDrainMode(PinCfg->Portnum, PinCfg->Pinnum, PinCfg->OpenDrain);. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/lpc17xx_pinsel.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/lpc17xx_pinsel.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac1ba8a --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/pinsel/lpc17xx_pinsel.h @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc17xx_pinsel.h. + * @brief : Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes. + * support for Pin connect block firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 25. Feb. 2009. + * @author : HoanTran. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup PINSEL. + * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef LPC17XX_PINSEL_H_. +#define LPC17XX_PINSEL_H_. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx.h". +#include "lpc_types.h". +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +extern "C". +{. +#endif. +. +. +/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup PINSEL_Private_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +/** @defgroup PINSEL_REGISTER_BIT_DEFINITIONS. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Pin selection define */. +/* I2C Pin Configuration register bit description */. +#define PINSEL_I2CPADCFG_SDADRV0 _BIT(0) /**< Drive mode control for the SDA0 pin, P0.27 */. +#define PINSEL_I2CPADCFG_SDAI2C0 _BIT(1) /**< I2C mode control for the SDA0 pin, P0.27 */. +#define PINSEL_I2CPADCFG_SCLDRV0 _BIT(2) /**< Drive mode control for the SCL0 pin, P0.28 */. +#define PINSEL_I2CPADCFG_SCLI2C0 _BIT(3) /**< I2C mode control for the SCL0 pin, P0.28 */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup PINSEL_Public_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + *!< Macros define for PORT Selection. + ***********************************************************************/. +#define PINSEL_PORT_0 ((0)) /**< PORT 0*/. +#define PINSEL_PORT_1 ((1)) /**< PORT 1*/. +#define PINSEL_PORT_2 ((2)) /**< PORT 2*/. +#define PINSEL_PORT_3 ((3)) /**< PORT 3*/. +#define PINSEL_PORT_4 ((4)) /**< PORT 4*/. +. +. +/***********************************************************************. + * Macros define for Pin Function selection. + **********************************************************************/. +#define PINSEL_FUNC_0 ((0)) /**< default function*/. +#define PINSEL_FUNC_1 ((1)) /**< first alternate function*/. +#define PINSEL_FUNC_2 ((2)) /**< second alternate function*/. +#define PINSEL_FUNC_3 ((3)) /**< third or reserved alternate function*/. +. +. +. +/***********************************************************************. + * Macros define for Pin Number of Port. + **********************************************************************/. +#define PINSEL_PIN_0 ((0)) /**< Pin 0 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_1 ((1)) /**< Pin 1 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_2 ((2)) /**< Pin 2 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_3 ((3)) /**< Pin 3 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_4 ((4)) /**< Pin 4 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_5 ((5)) /**< Pin 5 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_6 ((6)) /**< Pin 6 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_7 ((7)) /**< Pin 7 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_8 ((8)) /**< Pin 8 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_9 ((9)) /**< Pin 9 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_10 ((10)) /**< Pin 10 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_11 ((11)) /**< Pin 11 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_12 ((12)) /**< Pin 12 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_13 ((13)) /**< Pin 13 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_14 ((14)) /**< Pin 14 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_15 ((15)) /**< Pin 15 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_16 ((16)) /**< Pin 16 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_17 ((17)) /**< Pin 17 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_18 ((18)) /**< Pin 18 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_19 ((19)) /**< Pin 19 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_20 ((20)) /**< Pin 20 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_21 ((21)) /**< Pin 21 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_22 ((22)) /**< Pin 22 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_23 ((23)) /**< Pin 23 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_24 ((24)) /**< Pin 24 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_25 ((25)) /**< Pin 25 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_26 ((26)) /**< Pin 26 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_27 ((27)) /**< Pin 27 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_28 ((28)) /**< Pin 28 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_29 ((29)) /**< Pin 29 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_30 ((30)) /**< Pin 30 */. +#define PINSEL_PIN_31 ((31)) /**< Pin 31 */. +. +. +/***********************************************************************. + * Macros define for Pin mode. + **********************************************************************/. +#define PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLUP ((0)) /**< Internal pull-up resistor*/. +#define PINSEL_PINMODE_TRISTATE ((2)) /**< Tri-state */. +#define PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLDOWN ((3)) /**< Internal pull-down resistor */. +. +. +/***********************************************************************. + * Macros define for Pin mode (normal/open drain). + **********************************************************************/. +#define PINSEL_PINMODE_NORMAL ((0)) /**< Pin is in the normal (not open drain) mode.*/. +#define PINSEL_PINMODE_OPENDRAIN ((1)) /**< Pin is in the open drain mode */. +. +. +/***********************************************************************. + * Macros define for I2C mode. + ***********************************************************************/. +#define PINSEL_I2C_Normal_Mode ((0)) /**< The standard drive mode */. +#define PINSEL_I2C_Fast_Mode ((1)) /**< Fast Mode Plus drive mode */. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup PINSEL_Public_Types. + * @{. + */. +. +/** @brief Pin configuration structure */. +typedef struct. +{. + uint8_t Portnum; /**< Port Number, should be PINSEL_PORT_x,. + where x should be in range from 0 to 4 */. + uint8_t Pinnum; /**< Pin Number, should be PINSEL_PIN_x,. + where x should be in range from 0 to 31 */. + uint8_t Funcnum; /**< Function Number, should be PINSEL_FUNC_x,. + where x should be in range from 0 to 3 */. + uint8_t Pinmode; /**< Pin Mode, should be:. + - PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLUP: Internal pull-up resistor. + - PINSEL_PINMODE_TRISTATE: Tri-state. + - PINSEL_PINMODE_PULLDOWN: Internal pull-down resistor */. + uint8_t OpenDrain; /**< OpenDrain mode, should be:. + - PINSEL_PINMODE_NORMAL: Pin is in the normal (not open drain) mode. + - PINSEL_PINMODE_OPENDRAIN: Pin is in the open drain mode */. +} PINSEL_CFG_Type;. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup PINSEL_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +void PINSEL_SetPinFunc ( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t funcnum);. +void PINSEL_ConfigTraceFunc (FunctionalState NewState);. +void PINSEL_SetResistorMode ( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t modenum);. +void PINSEL_SetOpenDrainMode( uint8_t portnum, uint8_t pinnum, uint8_t modenum);. +void PINSEL_SetI2C0Pins(uint8_t i2cPinMode, FunctionalState filterSlewRateEnable);. +void PINSEL_ConfigPin(PINSEL_CFG_Type *PinCfg);. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +}. +#endif. +. +#endif /* LPC17XX_PINSEL_H_ */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. +. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82f21a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LIBRARIES = ssp + +ssp_SOURCES = lpc17xx_ssp.c +include_HEADERS = lpc17xx_ssp.h + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/lpc17xx_ssp.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/lpc17xx_ssp.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..967a2e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/lpc17xx_ssp.c @@ -0,0 +1,831 @@ +/**. + * @file : lpc17xx_ssp.c. + * @brief : Contains all functions support for SSP firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 9. April. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **********************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup SSP. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx_ssp.h". +#include "lpc17xx_clkpwr.h". +. +. +/* If this source file built with example, the LPC17xx FW library configuration. + * file in each example directory ("lpc17xx_libcfg.h") must be included,. + * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead. + */. +#ifdef __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h". +#else. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h". +#endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */. +. +. +#ifdef _SSP. +. +/* Private Types -------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup SSP_Private_Types. + * @{. + */. +. +/** @brief SSP device configuration structure type */. +typedef struct. +{. + int32_t dataword; /* Current data word: 0 - 8 bit; 1 - 16 bit */. + uint32_t txrx_setup; /* Transmission setup */. + void (*inthandler)(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx); /* Transmission interrupt handler */. +} SSP_CFG_T;. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* Private Variables ---------------------------------------------------------- */. +/* SSP configuration data */. +static SSP_CFG_T sspdat[2];. +. +. +/* Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup SSP_Private_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +/**. + * @brief Convert from SSP peripheral to number. + */. +static int32_t SSP_getNum(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx){. + if (SSPx == LPC_SSP0) {. + return (0);. + } else if (SSPx == LPC_SSP1) {. + return (1);. + }. + return (-1);. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Standard Private SSP Interrupt handler. + * @param SSPx: SSP peripheral definition, should be. + * SSP0 or SSP1.. + * @return None. + ***********************************************************************/. +void SSP_IntHandler(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx). +{. + SSP_DATA_SETUP_Type *xf_setup;. + uint16_t tmp;. + int32_t sspnum;. +. + // Disable interrupt. + SSPx->IMSC = 0;. +. + sspnum = SSP_getNum(SSPx);. + xf_setup = (SSP_DATA_SETUP_Type *)sspdat[sspnum].txrx_setup;. +. + // save status. + tmp = SSPx->RIS;. + xf_setup->status = tmp;. +. + // Check overrun error. + if (tmp & SSP_RIS_ROR){. + // Clear interrupt. + SSPx->ICR = SSP_RIS_ROR;. + // update status. + xf_setup->status |= SSP_STAT_ERROR;. + // Callback. + if (xf_setup->callback != NULL){. + xf_setup->callback();. + }. + return;. + }. +. + if ((xf_setup->tx_cnt != xf_setup->length) || (xf_setup->rx_cnt != xf_setup->length)){. + /* check if RX FIFO contains data */. + while ((SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_RNE) && (xf_setup->rx_cnt != xf_setup->length)){. + // Read data from SSP data. + tmp = SSP_ReceiveData(SSPx);. +. + // Store data to destination. + if (xf_setup->rx_data != NULL). + {. + if (sspdat[sspnum].dataword == 0){. + *(uint8_t *)((uint32_t)xf_setup->rx_data + xf_setup->rx_cnt) = (uint8_t) tmp;. + } else {. + *(uint16_t *)((uint32_t)xf_setup->rx_data + xf_setup->rx_cnt) = (uint16_t) tmp;. + }. + }. + // Increase counter. + if (sspdat[sspnum].dataword == 0){. + xf_setup->rx_cnt++;. + } else {. + xf_setup->rx_cnt += 2;. + }. + }. +. + while ((SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_TNF) && (xf_setup->tx_cnt != xf_setup->length)){. + // Write data to buffer. + if(xf_setup->tx_data == NULL){. + if (sspdat[sspnum].dataword == 0){. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, 0xFF);. + xf_setup->tx_cnt++;. + } else {. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, 0xFFFF);. + xf_setup->tx_cnt += 2;. + }. + } else {. + if (sspdat[sspnum].dataword == 0){. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, (*(uint8_t *)((uint32_t)xf_setup->tx_data + xf_setup->tx_cnt)));. + xf_setup->tx_cnt++;. + } else {. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, (*(uint16_t *)((uint32_t)xf_setup->tx_data + xf_setup->tx_cnt)));. + xf_setup->tx_cnt += 2;. + }. + }. +. + // Check overrun error. + if ((tmp = SSPx->RIS) & SSP_RIS_ROR){. + // update status. + xf_setup->status |= SSP_STAT_ERROR;. + // Callback. + if (xf_setup->callback != NULL){. + xf_setup->callback();. + }. + return;. + }. +. + // Check for any data available in RX FIFO. + while ((SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_RNE) && (xf_setup->rx_cnt != xf_setup->length)){. + // Read data from SSP data. + tmp = SSP_ReceiveData(SSPx);. +. + // Store data to destination. + if (xf_setup->rx_data != NULL). + {. + if (sspdat[sspnum].dataword == 0){. + *(uint8_t *)((uint32_t)xf_setup->rx_data + xf_setup->rx_cnt) = (uint8_t) tmp;. + } else {. + *(uint16_t *)((uint32_t)xf_setup->rx_data + xf_setup->rx_cnt) = (uint16_t) tmp;. + }. + }. + // Increase counter. + if (sspdat[sspnum].dataword == 0){. + xf_setup->rx_cnt++;. + } else {. + xf_setup->rx_cnt += 2;. + }. + }. + }. + }. +. + // If there more data to sent or receive. + if ((xf_setup->rx_cnt != xf_setup->length) || (xf_setup->tx_cnt != xf_setup->length)){. + // Enable all interrupt. + SSPx->IMSC = SSP_IMSC_BITMASK;. + } else {. + // Save status. + xf_setup->status = SSP_STAT_DONE;. + // Callback. + if (xf_setup->callback != NULL){. + xf_setup->callback();. + }. + }. +}. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup SSP_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Setup clock rate for SSP device. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral definition, should be. + * SSP0 or SSP1.. + * @param[in] target_clock : clock of SSP (Hz). + * @return None. + ***********************************************************************/. +void SSP_SetClock (LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t target_clock). +{. + uint32_t prescale, cr0_div, cmp_clk, ssp_clk;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. +. + /* The SSP clock is derived from the (main system oscillator / 2),. + so compute the best divider from that clock */. + if (SSPx == LPC_SSP0){. + ssp_clk = CLKPWR_GetPCLK (CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP0);. + } else if (SSPx == LPC_SSP1) {. + ssp_clk = CLKPWR_GetPCLK (CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_SSP1);. + } else {. + return;. + }. +. + /* Find closest divider to get at or under the target frequency.. + Use smallest prescale possible and rely on the divider to get. + the closest target frequency */. + cr0_div = 0;. + cmp_clk = 0xFFFFFFFF;. + prescale = 2;. + while (cmp_clk > target_clock). + {. + cmp_clk = ssp_clk / ((cr0_div + 1) * prescale);. + if (cmp_clk > target_clock). + {. + cr0_div++;. + if (cr0_div > 0xFF). + {. + cr0_div = 0;. + prescale += 2;. + }. + }. + }. +. + /* Write computed prescaler and divider back to register */. + SSPx->CR0 &= (~SSP_CR0_SCR(0xFF)) & SSP_CR0_BITMASK;. + SSPx->CR0 |= (SSP_CR0_SCR(cr0_div)) & SSP_CR0_BITMASK;. + SSPx->CPSR = prescale & SSP_CPSR_BITMASK;. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief De-initializes the SSPx peripheral registers to their. +* default reset values.. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void SSP_DeInit(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. +. + if (SSPx == LPC_SSP0){. + /* Set up clock and power for SSP0 module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP0, DISABLE);. + } else if (SSPx == LPC_SSP1) {. + /* Set up clock and power for SSP1 module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP1, DISABLE);. + }. +}. +. +. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Initializes the SSPx peripheral according to the specified. +* parameters in the SSP_ConfigStruct.. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @param[in] SSP_ConfigStruct Pointer to a SSP_CFG_Type structure. +* that contains the configuration information for the. +* specified SSP peripheral.. + * @return None. + *********************************************************************/. +void SSP_Init(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, SSP_CFG_Type *SSP_ConfigStruct). +{. + uint32_t tmp;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. +. + if(SSPx == LPC_SSP0) {. + /* Set up clock and power for SSP0 module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP0, ENABLE);. + } else if(SSPx == LPC_SSP1) {. + /* Set up clock and power for SSP1 module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCSSP1, ENABLE);. + } else {. + return;. + }. +. + /* Configure SSP, interrupt is disable, LoopBack mode is disable,. + * SSP is disable, Slave output is disable as default. + */. + tmp = ((SSP_ConfigStruct->CPHA) | (SSP_ConfigStruct->CPOL) \. + | (SSP_ConfigStruct->FrameFormat) | (SSP_ConfigStruct->Databit)). + & SSP_CR0_BITMASK;. + // write back to SSP control register. + SSPx->CR0 = tmp;. + tmp = SSP_getNum(SSPx);. + if (SSP_ConfigStruct->Databit > SSP_DATABIT_8){. + sspdat[tmp].dataword = 1;. + } else {. + sspdat[tmp].dataword = 0;. + }. +. + tmp = SSP_ConfigStruct->Mode & SSP_CR1_BITMASK;. + // Write back to CR1. + SSPx->CR1 = tmp;. +. + // Set clock rate for SSP peripheral. + SSP_SetClock(SSPx, SSP_ConfigStruct->ClockRate);. +}. +. +. +. +/*****************************************************************************//**. +* @brief Fills each SSP_InitStruct member with its default value:. +* - CPHA = SSP_CPHA_FIRST. +* - CPOL = SSP_CPOL_HI. +* - ClockRate = 1000000. +* - Databit = SSP_DATABIT_8. +* - Mode = SSP_MASTER_MODE. +* - FrameFormat = SSP_FRAME_SSP. +* @param[in] SSP_InitStruct Pointer to a SSP_CFG_Type structure. +* which will be initialized.. +* @return None. +*******************************************************************************/. +void SSP_ConfigStructInit(SSP_CFG_Type *SSP_InitStruct). +{. + SSP_InitStruct->CPHA = SSP_CPHA_FIRST;. + SSP_InitStruct->CPOL = SSP_CPOL_HI;. + SSP_InitStruct->ClockRate = 1000000;. + SSP_InitStruct->Databit = SSP_DATABIT_8;. + SSP_InitStruct->Mode = SSP_MASTER_MODE;. + SSP_InitStruct->FrameFormat = SSP_FRAME_SPI;. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable or disable SSP peripheral's operation. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @param[in] NewState New State of SSPx peripheral's operation. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void SSP_Cmd(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + SSPx->CR1 |= SSP_CR1_SSP_EN;. + }. + else. + {. + SSPx->CR1 &= (~SSP_CR1_SSP_EN) & SSP_CR1_BITMASK;. + }. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable or disable Loop Back mode function in SSP peripheral. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @param[in] NewState New State of Loop Back mode, should be:. + * - ENABLE: Enable this function. + * - DISABLE: Disable this function. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void SSP_LoopBackCmd(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + SSPx->CR1 |= SSP_CR1_LBM_EN;. + }. + else. + {. + SSPx->CR1 &= (~SSP_CR1_LBM_EN) & SSP_CR1_BITMASK;. + }. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable or disable Slave Output function in SSP peripheral. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @param[in] NewState New State of Slave Output function, should be:. + * - ENABLE: Slave Output in normal operation. + * - DISABLE: Slave Output is disabled. This blocks. + * SSP controller from driving the transmit data. + * line (MISO). + * Note: This function is available when SSP peripheral in Slave mode. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void SSP_SlaveOutputCmd(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + SSPx->CR1 &= (~SSP_CR1_SO_DISABLE) & SSP_CR1_BITMASK;. + }. + else. + {. + SSPx->CR1 |= SSP_CR1_SO_DISABLE;. + }. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Transmit a single data through SSPx peripheral. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP. + * @param[in] Data Data to transmit (must be 16 or 8-bit long,. + * this depend on SSP data bit number configured). + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void SSP_SendData(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, uint16_t Data). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. +. + SSPx->DR = SSP_DR_BITMASK(Data);. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Receive a single data from SSPx peripheral. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP. + * @return Data received (16-bit long). + **********************************************************************/. +uint16_t SSP_ReceiveData(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. +. + return ((uint16_t) (SSP_DR_BITMASK(SSPx->DR)));. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief SSP Read write data function. + * @param[in] SSPx Pointer to SSP peripheral, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @param[in] dataCfg Pointer to a SSP_DATA_SETUP_Type structure that. + * contains specified information about transmit. + * data configuration.. + * @param[in] xfType Transfer type, should be:. + * - SSP_TRANSFER_POLLING: Polling mode. + * - SSP_TRANSFER_INTERRUPT: Interrupt mode. + * @return Actual Data length has been transferred in polling mode.. + * In interrupt mode, always return (0). + * Return (-1) if error.. + * Note: This function can be used in both master and slave mode.. + ***********************************************************************/. +int32_t SSP_ReadWrite (LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, SSP_DATA_SETUP_Type *dataCfg, \. + SSP_TRANSFER_Type xfType). +{. + uint8_t *rdata8;. + uint8_t *wdata8;. + uint16_t *rdata16;. + uint16_t *wdata16;. + uint32_t stat;. + uint32_t tmp;. + int32_t sspnum;. + int32_t dataword;. +. + dataCfg->rx_cnt = 0;. + dataCfg->tx_cnt = 0;. + dataCfg->status = 0;. +. +. + /* Clear all remaining data in RX FIFO */. + while (SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_RNE){. + tmp = (uint32_t) SSP_ReceiveData(SSPx);. + }. +. + // Clear status. + SSPx->ICR = SSP_ICR_BITMASK;. +. + sspnum = SSP_getNum(SSPx);. + dataword = sspdat[sspnum].dataword;. +. + // Polling mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------. + if (xfType == SSP_TRANSFER_POLLING){. + if (dataword == 0){. + rdata8 = (uint8_t *)dataCfg->rx_data;. + wdata8 = (uint8_t *)dataCfg->tx_data;. + } else {. + rdata16 = (uint16_t *)dataCfg->rx_data;. + wdata16 = (uint16_t *)dataCfg->tx_data;. + }. + while ((dataCfg->tx_cnt != dataCfg->length) || (dataCfg->rx_cnt != dataCfg->length)){. + if ((SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_TNF) && (dataCfg->tx_cnt != dataCfg->length)){. + // Write data to buffer. + if(dataCfg->tx_data == NULL){. + if (dataword == 0){. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, 0xFF);. + dataCfg->tx_cnt++;. + } else {. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, 0xFFFF);. + dataCfg->tx_cnt += 2;. + }. + } else {. + if (dataword == 0){. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, *wdata8);. + wdata8++;. + dataCfg->tx_cnt++;. + } else {. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, *wdata16);. + wdata16++;. + dataCfg->tx_cnt += 2;. + }. + }. + }. +. + // Check overrun error. + if ((stat = SSPx->RIS) & SSP_RIS_ROR){. + // save status and return. + dataCfg->status = stat | SSP_STAT_ERROR;. + return (-1);. + }. +. + // Check for any data available in RX FIFO. + while ((SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_RNE) && (dataCfg->rx_cnt != dataCfg->length)){. + // Read data from SSP data. + tmp = SSP_ReceiveData(SSPx);. +. + // Store data to destination. + if (dataCfg->rx_data != NULL). + {. + if (dataword == 0){. + *(rdata8) = (uint8_t) tmp;. + rdata8++;. + } else {. + *(rdata16) = (uint16_t) tmp;. + rdata16++;. + }. + }. + // Increase counter. + if (dataword == 0){. + dataCfg->rx_cnt++;. + } else {. + dataCfg->rx_cnt += 2;. + }. + }. + }. +. + // save status. + dataCfg->status = SSP_STAT_DONE;. +. + if (dataCfg->tx_data != NULL){. + return dataCfg->tx_cnt;. + } else if (dataCfg->rx_data != NULL){. + return dataCfg->rx_cnt;. + } else {. + return (0);. + }. + }. +. + // Interrupt mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------. + else if (xfType == SSP_TRANSFER_INTERRUPT){. + sspdat[sspnum].inthandler = SSP_IntHandler;. + sspdat[sspnum].txrx_setup = (uint32_t)dataCfg;. +. + while ((SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_TNF) && (dataCfg->tx_cnt != dataCfg->length)){. + // Write data to buffer. + if(dataCfg->tx_data == NULL){. + if (sspdat[sspnum].dataword == 0){. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, 0xFF);. + dataCfg->tx_cnt++;. + } else {. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, 0xFFFF);. + dataCfg->tx_cnt += 2;. + }. + } else {. + if (sspdat[sspnum].dataword == 0){. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, (*(uint8_t *)((uint32_t)dataCfg->tx_data + dataCfg->tx_cnt)));. + dataCfg->tx_cnt++;. + } else {. + SSP_SendData(SSPx, (*(uint16_t *)((uint32_t)dataCfg->tx_data + dataCfg->tx_cnt)));. + dataCfg->tx_cnt += 2;. + }. + }. +. + // Check error. + if ((stat = SSPx->RIS) & SSP_RIS_ROR){. + // save status and return. + dataCfg->status = stat | SSP_STAT_ERROR;. + return (-1);. + }. +. + // Check for any data available in RX FIFO. + while ((SSPx->SR & SSP_SR_RNE) && (dataCfg->rx_cnt != dataCfg->length)){. + // Read data from SSP data. + tmp = SSP_ReceiveData(SSPx);. +. + // Store data to destination. + if (dataCfg->rx_data != NULL). + {. + if (sspdat[sspnum].dataword == 0){. + *(uint8_t *)((uint32_t)dataCfg->rx_data + dataCfg->rx_cnt) = (uint8_t) tmp;. + } else {. + *(uint16_t *)((uint32_t)dataCfg->rx_data + dataCfg->rx_cnt) = (uint16_t) tmp;. + }. + }. + // Increase counter. + if (sspdat[sspnum].dataword == 0){. + dataCfg->rx_cnt++;. + } else {. + dataCfg->rx_cnt += 2;. + }. + }. + }. +. + // If there more data to sent or receive. + if ((dataCfg->rx_cnt != dataCfg->length) || (dataCfg->tx_cnt != dataCfg->length)){. + // Enable all interrupt. + SSPx->IMSC = SSP_IMSC_BITMASK;. + } else {. + // Save status. + dataCfg->status = SSP_STAT_DONE;. + }. + return (0);. + }. +. + return (-1);. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Checks whether the specified SSP status flag is set or not. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @param[in] FlagType Type of flag to check status, should be one. + * of following:. + * - SSP_STAT_TXFIFO_EMPTY: TX FIFO is empty. + * - SSP_STAT_TXFIFO_NOTFULL: TX FIFO is not full. + * - SSP_STAT_RXFIFO_NOTEMPTY: RX FIFO is not empty. + * - SSP_STAT_RXFIFO_FULL: RX FIFO is full. + * - SSP_STAT_BUSY: SSP peripheral is busy. + * @return New State of specified SSP status flag. + **********************************************************************/. +FlagStatus SSP_GetStatus(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, uint32_t FlagType). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSP_STAT(FlagType));. +. + return ((SSPx->SR & FlagType) ? SET : RESET);. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable or disable specified interrupt type in SSP peripheral. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @param[in] IntType Interrupt type in SSP peripheral, should be:. + * - SSP_INTCFG_ROR: Receive Overrun interrupt. + * - SSP_INTCFG_RT: Receive Time out interrupt. + * - SSP_INTCFG_RX: RX FIFO is at least half full interrupt. + * - SSP_INTCFG_TX: TX FIFO is at least half empty interrupt. + * @param[in] NewState New State of specified interrupt type, should be:. + * - ENABLE: Enable this interrupt type. + * - DISABLE: Disable this interrupt type. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void SSP_IntConfig(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t IntType, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSP_INTCFG(IntType));. +. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + SSPx->IMSC |= IntType;. + }. + else. + {. + SSPx->IMSC &= (~IntType) & SSP_IMSC_BITMASK;. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Check whether the specified Raw interrupt status flag is. + * set or not. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @param[in] RawIntType Raw Interrupt Type, should be:. + * - SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_ROR: Receive Overrun interrupt. + * - SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_RT: Receive Time out interrupt. + * - SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_RX: RX FIFO is at least half full interrupt. + * - SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_TX: TX FIFO is at least half empty interrupt. + * @return New State of specified Raw interrupt status flag in SSP peripheral. + * Note: Enabling/Disabling specified interrupt in SSP peripheral does not. + * effect to Raw Interrupt Status flag.. + **********************************************************************/. +IntStatus SSP_GetRawIntStatus(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t RawIntType). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSP_INTSTAT_RAW(RawIntType));. +. + return ((SSPx->RIS & RawIntType) ? SET : RESET);. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Check whether the specified interrupt status flag is. + * set or not. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @param[in] IntType Raw Interrupt Type, should be:. + * - SSP_INTSTAT_ROR: Receive Overrun interrupt. + * - SSP_INTSTAT_RT: Receive Time out interrupt. + * - SSP_INTSTAT_RX: RX FIFO is at least half full interrupt. + * - SSP_INTSTAT_TX: TX FIFO is at least half empty interrupt. + * @return New State of specified interrupt status flag in SSP peripheral. + * Note: Enabling/Disabling specified interrupt in SSP peripheral effects. + * to Interrupt Status flag.. + **********************************************************************/. +IntStatus SSP_GetIntStatus (LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t IntType). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSP_INTSTAT(IntType));. +. + return ((SSPx->MIS & IntType) ? SET :RESET);. +}. +. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Clear specified interrupt pending in SSP peripheral. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @param[in] IntType Interrupt pending to clear, should be:. + * - SSP_INTCLR_ROR: clears the "frame was received when. + * RxFIFO was full" interrupt.. + * - SSP_INTCLR_RT: clears the "Rx FIFO was not empty and. + * has not been read for a timeout period" interrupt.. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void SSP_ClearIntPending(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t IntType). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSP_INTCLR(IntType));. +. + SSPx->ICR = IntType;. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable/Disable DMA function for SSP peripheral. + * @param[in] SSPx SSP peripheral selected, should be SSP0 or SSP1. + * @param[in] DMAMode Type of DMA, should be:. + * - SSP_DMA_TX: DMA for the transmit FIFO. + * - SSP_DMA_RX: DMA for the Receive FIFO. + * @param[in] NewState New State of DMA function on SSP peripheral,. + * should be:. + * - ENALBE: Enable this function. + * - DISABLE: Disable this function. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void SSP_DMACmd(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t DMAMode, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSPx(SSPx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SSP_DMA(DMAMode));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + SSPx->DMACR |= DMAMode;. + }. + else. + {. + SSPx->DMACR &= (~DMAMode) & SSP_DMA_BITMASK;. + }. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Standard SSP0 Interrupt handler. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + */. +void SSP0_StdIntHandler(void). +{. + // Call relevant handler. + sspdat[0].inthandler(LPC_SSP0);. +}. +. +/**. + * @brief Standard SSP1 Interrupt handler. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + */. +void SSP1_StdIntHandler(void). +{. + // Call relevant handler. + sspdat[1].inthandler(LPC_SSP1);. +}. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +#endif /* _SSP */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. +. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/lpc17xx_ssp.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/lpc17xx_ssp.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ec5746 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/ssp/lpc17xx_ssp.h @@ -0,0 +1,457 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc17xx_ssp.h. + * @brief : Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes. + * support for SSP firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 9. April. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup SSP. + * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef LPC17XX_SSP_H_. +#define LPC17XX_SSP_H_. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "LPC17xx.h". +#include "lpc_types.h". +. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +extern "C". +{. +#endif. +. +. +/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup SSP_Private_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CR0 register. + **********************************************************************/. +. +/** @defgroup SSP_REGISTER_BIT_DEFINITION. + * @{. + */. +. +/** SSP data size select, must be 4 bits to 16 bits */. +#define SSP_CR0_DSS(n) ((uint32_t)((n-1)&0xF)). +/** SSP control 0 Motorola SPI mode */. +#define SSP_CR0_FRF_SPI ((uint32_t)(0<<4)). +/** SSP control 0 TI synchronous serial mode */. +#define SSP_CR0_FRF_TI ((uint32_t)(1<<4)). +/** SSP control 0 National Micro-wire mode */. +#define SSP_CR0_FRF_MICROWIRE ((uint32_t)(2<<4)). +/** SPI clock polarity bit (used in SPI mode only), (1) = maintains the. + bus clock high between frames, (0) = low */. +#define SSP_CR0_CPOL_HI ((uint32_t)(1<<6)). +/** SPI clock out phase bit (used in SPI mode only), (1) = captures data. + on the second clock transition of the frame, (0) = first */. +#define SSP_CR0_CPHA_SECOND ((uint32_t)(1<<7)). +/** SSP serial clock rate value load macro, divider rate is. + PERIPH_CLK / (cpsr * (SCR + 1)) */. +#define SSP_CR0_SCR(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0xFF)<<8)). +/** SSP CR0 bit mask */. +#define SSP_CR0_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0xFFFF)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CR1 register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** SSP control 1 loopback mode enable bit */. +#define SSP_CR1_LBM_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<0)). +/** SSP control 1 enable bit */. +#define SSP_CR1_SSP_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** SSP control 1 slave enable */. +#define SSP_CR1_SLAVE_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** SSP control 1 slave out disable bit, disables transmit line in slave. + mode */. +#define SSP_CR1_SO_DISABLE ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** SSP CR1 bit mask */. +#define SSP_CR1_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x0F)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for DR register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** SSP data bit mask */. +#define SSP_DR_BITMASK(n) ((n)&0xFFFF). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for SR register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** SSP status TX FIFO Empty bit */. +#define SSP_SR_TFE ((uint32_t)(1<<0)). +/** SSP status TX FIFO not full bit */. +#define SSP_SR_TNF ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** SSP status RX FIFO not empty bit */. +#define SSP_SR_RNE ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** SSP status RX FIFO full bit */. +#define SSP_SR_RFF ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** SSP status SSP Busy bit */. +#define SSP_SR_BSY ((uint32_t)(1<<4)). +/** SSP SR bit mask */. +#define SSP_SR_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x1F)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for CPSR register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** SSP clock prescaler */. +#define SSP_CPSR_CPDVSR(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0xFF)). +/** SSP CPSR bit mask */. +#define SSP_CPSR_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0xFF)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro define for (IMSC) Interrupt Mask Set/Clear registers. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Receive Overrun */. +#define SSP_IMSC_ROR ((uint32_t)(1<<0)). +/** Receive TimeOut */. +#define SSP_IMSC_RT ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** Rx FIFO is at least half full */. +#define SSP_IMSC_RX ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** Tx FIFO is at least half empty */. +#define SSP_IMSC_TX ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** IMSC bit mask */. +#define SSP_IMSC_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x0F)). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro define for (RIS) Raw Interrupt Status registers. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Receive Overrun */. +#define SSP_RIS_ROR ((uint32_t)(1<<0)). +/** Receive TimeOut */. +#define SSP_RIS_RT ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** Rx FIFO is at least half full */. +#define SSP_RIS_RX ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** Tx FIFO is at least half empty */. +#define SSP_RIS_TX ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** RIS bit mask */. +#define SSP_RIS_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x0F)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro define for (MIS) Masked Interrupt Status registers. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Receive Overrun */. +#define SSP_MIS_ROR ((uint32_t)(1<<0)). +/** Receive TimeOut */. +#define SSP_MIS_RT ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** Rx FIFO is at least half full */. +#define SSP_MIS_RX ((uint32_t)(1<<2)). +/** Tx FIFO is at least half empty */. +#define SSP_MIS_TX ((uint32_t)(1<<3)). +/** MIS bit mask */. +#define SSP_MIS_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x0F)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro define for (ICR) Interrupt Clear registers. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Writing a 1 to this bit clears the "frame was received when. + * RxFIFO was full" interrupt */. +#define SSP_ICR_ROR ((uint32_t)(1<<0)). +/** Writing a 1 to this bit clears the "Rx FIFO was not empty and. + * has not been read for a timeout period" interrupt */. +#define SSP_ICR_RT ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** ICR bit mask */. +#define SSP_ICR_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x03)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * Macro defines for DMACR register. + **********************************************************************/. +/** SSP bit for enabling RX DMA */. +#define SSP_DMA_RXDMA_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<0)). +/** SSP bit for enabling TX DMA */. +#define SSP_DMA_TXDMA_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<1)). +/** DMACR bit mask */. +#define SSP_DMA_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x03)). +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup SSP_Public_Types. + * @{. + */. +. +/** @brief SSP configuration structure */. +typedef struct {. + uint32_t Databit; /** Databit number, should be SSP_DATABIT_x,. + where x is in range from 4 - 16 */. + uint32_t CPHA; /** Clock phase, should be:. + - SSP_CPHA_FIRST: first clock edge. + - SSP_CPHA_SECOND: second clock edge */. + uint32_t CPOL; /** Clock polarity, should be:. + - SSP_CPOL_HI: high level. + - SSP_CPOL_LO: low level */. + uint32_t Mode; /** SSP mode, should be:. + - SSP_MASTER_MODE: Master mode. + - SSP_SLAVE_MODE: Slave mode */. + uint32_t FrameFormat; /** Frame Format:. + - SSP_FRAME_SPI: Motorola SPI frame format. + - SSP_FRAME_TI: TI frame format. + - SSP_FRAME_MICROWIRE: National Microwire frame format */. + uint32_t ClockRate; /** Clock rate,in Hz */. +} SSP_CFG_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief SSP Transfer Type definitions. + */. +typedef enum {. + SSP_TRANSFER_POLLING = 0, /**< Polling transfer */. + SSP_TRANSFER_INTERRUPT /**< Interrupt transfer */. +} SSP_TRANSFER_Type;. +. +/**. + * @brief SPI Data configuration structure definitions. + */. +typedef struct {. + void *tx_data; /**< Pointer to transmit data */. + uint32_t tx_cnt; /**< Transmit counter */. + void *rx_data; /**< Pointer to transmit data */. + uint32_t rx_cnt; /**< Receive counter */. + uint32_t length; /**< Length of transfer data */. + uint32_t status; /**< Current status of SSP activity */. + void (*callback)(void); /**< Pointer to Call back function when transmission complete. + used in interrupt transfer mode */. +} SSP_DATA_SETUP_Type;. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup SSP_Public_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +/** Macro to determine if it is valid SSP port number */. +#define PARAM_SSPx(n) ((((uint32_t *)n)==((uint32_t *)LPC_SSP0)) \. +|| (((uint32_t *)n)==((uint32_t *)LPC_SSP1))). +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * SSP configuration parameter defines. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Clock phase control bit */. +#define SSP_CPHA_FIRST ((uint32_t)(0)). +#define SSP_CPHA_SECOND SSP_CR0_CPHA_SECOND. +#define PARAM_SSP_CPHA(n) ((n==SSP_CPHA_FIRST) || (n==SSP_CPHA_SECOND)). +. +/** Clock polarity control bit */. +/* There's no bug here!!!. + * - If bit[6] in SSPnCR0 is 0: SSP controller maintains the bus clock low between frames.. + * That means the active clock is in HI state.. + * - If bit[6] in SSPnCR0 is 1 (SSP_CR0_CPOL_HI): SSP controller maintains the bus clock. + * high between frames. That means the active clock is in LO state.. + */. +#define SSP_CPOL_HI ((uint32_t)(0)). +#define SSP_CPOL_LO SSP_CR0_CPOL_HI. +#define PARAM_SSP_CPOL(n) ((n==SSP_CPOL_HI) || (n==SSP_CPOL_LO)). +. +/** SSP master mode enable */. +#define SSP_SLAVE_MODE SSP_CR1_SLAVE_EN. +#define SSP_MASTER_MODE ((uint32_t)(0)). +#define PARAM_SSP_MODE(n) ((n==SSP_SLAVE_MODE) || (n==SSP_MASTER_MODE)). +. +/** SSP data bit number defines */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_4 SSP_CR0_DSS(4) /*!< Databit number = 4 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_5 SSP_CR0_DSS(5) /*!< Databit number = 5 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_6 SSP_CR0_DSS(6) /*!< Databit number = 6 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_7 SSP_CR0_DSS(7) /*!< Databit number = 7 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_8 SSP_CR0_DSS(8) /*!< Databit number = 8 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_9 SSP_CR0_DSS(9) /*!< Databit number = 9 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_10 SSP_CR0_DSS(10) /*!< Databit number = 10 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_11 SSP_CR0_DSS(11) /*!< Databit number = 11 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_12 SSP_CR0_DSS(12) /*!< Databit number = 12 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_13 SSP_CR0_DSS(13) /*!< Databit number = 13 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_14 SSP_CR0_DSS(14) /*!< Databit number = 14 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_15 SSP_CR0_DSS(15) /*!< Databit number = 15 */. +#define SSP_DATABIT_16 SSP_CR0_DSS(16) /*!< Databit number = 16 */. +#define PARAM_SSP_DATABIT(n) ((n==SSP_DATABIT_4) || (n==SSP_DATABIT_5) \. +|| (n==SSP_DATABIT_6) || (n==SSP_DATABIT_16) \. +|| (n==SSP_DATABIT_7) || (n==SSP_DATABIT_8) \. +|| (n==SSP_DATABIT_9) || (n==SSP_DATABIT_10) \. +|| (n==SSP_DATABIT_11) || (n==SSP_DATABIT_12) \. +|| (n==SSP_DATABIT_13) || (n==SSP_DATABIT_14) \. +|| (n==SSP_DATABIT_15)). +. +/** SSP Frame Format definition */. +/** Motorola SPI mode */. +#define SSP_FRAME_SPI SSP_CR0_FRF_SPI. +/** TI synchronous serial mode */. +#define SSP_FRAME_TI SSP_CR0_FRF_TI. +/** National Micro-wire mode */. +#define SSP_FRAME_MICROWIRE SSP_CR0_FRF_MICROWIRE. +. +#define PARAM_SSP_FRAME(n) ((n==SSP_FRAME_SPI) || (n==SSP_FRAME_TI)\. +|| (n==SSP_FRAME_MICROWIRE)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * SSP Status defines. + **********************************************************************/. +/** SSP status TX FIFO Empty bit */. +#define SSP_STAT_TXFIFO_EMPTY SSP_SR_TFE. +/** SSP status TX FIFO not full bit */. +#define SSP_STAT_TXFIFO_NOTFULL SSP_SR_TNF. +/** SSP status RX FIFO not empty bit */. +#define SSP_STAT_RXFIFO_NOTEMPTY SSP_SR_RNE. +/** SSP status RX FIFO full bit */. +#define SSP_STAT_RXFIFO_FULL SSP_SR_RFF. +/** SSP status SSP Busy bit */. +#define SSP_STAT_BUSY SSP_SR_BSY. +. +#define PARAM_SSP_STAT(n) ((n==SSP_STAT_TXFIFO_EMPTY) || (n==SSP_STAT_TXFIFO_NOTFULL) \. +|| (n==SSP_STAT_RXFIFO_NOTEMPTY) || (n==SSP_STAT_RXFIFO_FULL) \. +|| (n==SSP_STAT_BUSY)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * SSP Interrupt Configuration defines. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Receive Overrun */. +#define SSP_INTCFG_ROR SSP_IMSC_ROR. +/** Receive TimeOut */. +#define SSP_INTCFG_RT SSP_IMSC_RT. +/** Rx FIFO is at least half full */. +#define SSP_INTCFG_RX SSP_IMSC_RX. +/** Tx FIFO is at least half empty */. +#define SSP_INTCFG_TX SSP_IMSC_TX. +. +#define PARAM_SSP_INTCFG(n) ((n==SSP_INTCFG_ROR) || (n==SSP_INTCFG_RT) \. +|| (n==SSP_INTCFG_RX) || (n==SSP_INTCFG_TX)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * SSP Configured Interrupt Status defines. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Receive Overrun */. +#define SSP_INTSTAT_ROR SSP_MIS_ROR. +/** Receive TimeOut */. +#define SSP_INTSTAT_RT SSP_MIS_RT. +/** Rx FIFO is at least half full */. +#define SSP_INTSTAT_RX SSP_MIS_RX. +/** Tx FIFO is at least half empty */. +#define SSP_INTSTAT_TX SSP_MIS_TX. +. +#define PARAM_SSP_INTSTAT(n) ((n==SSP_INTSTAT_ROR) || (n==SSP_INTSTAT_RT) \. +|| (n==SSP_INTSTAT_RX) || (n==SSP_INTSTAT_TX)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * SSP Raw Interrupt Status defines. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Receive Overrun */. +#define SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_ROR SSP_RIS_ROR. +/** Receive TimeOut */. +#define SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_RT SSP_RIS_RT. +/** Rx FIFO is at least half full */. +#define SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_RX SSP_RIS_RX. +/** Tx FIFO is at least half empty */. +#define SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_TX SSP_RIS_TX. +. +#define PARAM_SSP_INTSTAT_RAW(n) ((n==SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_ROR) || (n==SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_RT) \. +|| (n==SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_RX) || (n==SSP_INTSTAT_RAW_TX)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * SSP Interrupt Clear defines. + **********************************************************************/. +/** Writing a 1 to this bit clears the "frame was received when. + * RxFIFO was full" interrupt */. +#define SSP_INTCLR_ROR SSP_ICR_ROR. +/** Writing a 1 to this bit clears the "Rx FIFO was not empty and. + * has not been read for a timeout period" interrupt */. +#define SSP_INTCLR_RT SSP_ICR_RT. +. +#define PARAM_SSP_INTCLR(n) ((n==SSP_INTCLR_ROR) || (n==SSP_INTCLR_RT)). +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * SSP DMA defines. + **********************************************************************/. +/** SSP bit for enabling RX DMA */. +#define SSP_DMA_TX SSP_DMA_RXDMA_EN. +/** SSP bit for enabling TX DMA */. +#define SSP_DMA_RX SSP_DMA_TXDMA_EN. +. +#define PARAM_SSP_DMA(n) ((n==SSP_DMA_TX) || (n==SSP_DMA_RX)). +. +/* SSP Status Implementation definitions */. +#define SSP_STAT_DONE (1UL<<8) /**< Done */. +#define SSP_STAT_ERROR (1UL<<9) /**< Error */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup SSP_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +void SSP_SetClock (LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t target_clock);. +void SSP_DeInit(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx);. +void SSP_Init(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, SSP_CFG_Type *SSP_ConfigStruct);. +void SSP_ConfigStructInit(SSP_CFG_Type *SSP_InitStruct);. +void SSP_Cmd(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, FunctionalState NewState);. +void SSP_LoopBackCmd(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, FunctionalState NewState);. +void SSP_SlaveOutputCmd(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, FunctionalState NewState);. +void SSP_SendData(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, uint16_t Data);. +uint16_t SSP_ReceiveData(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx);. +int32_t SSP_ReadWrite (LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, SSP_DATA_SETUP_Type *dataCfg, \. + SSP_TRANSFER_Type xfType);. +FlagStatus SSP_GetStatus(LPC_SSP_TypeDef* SSPx, uint32_t FlagType);. +void SSP_IntConfig(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t IntType, FunctionalState NewState);. +IntStatus SSP_GetRawIntStatus(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t RawIntType);. +IntStatus SSP_GetIntStatus (LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t IntType);. +void SSP_ClearIntPending(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t IntType);. +void SSP_DMACmd(LPC_SSP_TypeDef *SSPx, uint32_t DMAMode, FunctionalState NewState);. +void SSP0_StdIntHandler(void);. +void SSP1_StdIntHandler(void);. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +}. +#endif. +. +#endif /* LPC17XX_SSP_H_ */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..401ed33 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LIBRARIES = system + +system_SOURCES = system_LPC17xx.c +include_HEADERS = system_LPC17xx.h + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/system_LPC17xx.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/system_LPC17xx.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fe2b41 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/system_LPC17xx.c @@ -0,0 +1,574 @@ +/**************************************************************************//** + * @file system_LPC17xx.c + * @brief CMSIS Cortex-M3 Device Peripheral Access Layer Source File + * for the NXP LPC17xx Device Series + * @version V1.03 + * @date 07. October 2009 + * + * @note + * Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. + * + * @par + * ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-M + * processor based microcontrollers. This file can be freely distributed + * within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors. + * + * @par + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED + * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. + * ARM SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR + * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. + * + ******************************************************************************/ + + +#include <stdint.h> +#include "LPC17xx.h" + +/* +//-------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ------------------ +*/ + +/*--------------------- Clock Configuration ---------------------------------- +// +// <e> Clock Configuration +// <h> System Controls and Status Register (SCS) +// <o1.4> OSCRANGE: Main Oscillator Range Select +// <0=> 1 MHz to 20 MHz +// <1=> 15 MHz to 24 MHz +// <e1.5> OSCEN: Main Oscillator Enable +// </e> +// </h> +// +// <h> Clock Source Select Register (CLKSRCSEL) +// <o2.0..1> CLKSRC: PLL Clock Source Selection +// <0=> Internal RC oscillator +// <1=> Main oscillator +// <2=> RTC oscillator +// </h> +// + +*/ +#define CLOCK_SETUP 1 +#define SCS_Val 0x00000030 +#define CLKSRCSEL_Val 0x00000001 + + +/* + + + +// <e3> PLL0 Configuration (Main PLL) +// <h> PLL0 Configuration Register (PLL0CFG) +// <i> F_cco0 = (2 * M * F_in) / N +// <i> F_in must be in the range of 32 kHz to 50 MHz +// <i> F_cco0 must be in the range of 275 MHz to 550 MHz +// <o4.0..14> MSEL: PLL Multiplier Selection +// <6-32768><#-1> +// <i> M Value +// <o4.16..23> NSEL: PLL Divider Selection +// <1-256><#-1> +// <i> N Value +// </h> +// </e> +// + + +*/ +#define PLL0_SETUP 1 +#define PLL0CFG_Val 0x0003001B + +/* +// <e5> PLL1 Configuration (USB PLL) +// <h> PLL1 Configuration Register (PLL1CFG) +// <i> F_usb = M * F_osc or F_usb = F_cco1 / (2 * P) +// <i> F_cco1 = F_osc * M * 2 * P +// <i> F_cco1 must be in the range of 156 MHz to 320 MHz +// <o6.0..4> MSEL: PLL Multiplier Selection +// <1-32><#-1> +// <i> M Value (for USB maximum value is 4) +// <o6.5..6> PSEL: PLL Divider Selection +// <0=> 1 +// <1=> 2 +// <2=> 4 +// <3=> 8 +// <i> P Value +// </h> +// </e> +// +// <h> CPU Clock Configuration Register (CCLKCFG) +// <o7.0..7> CCLKSEL: Divide Value for CPU Clock from PLL0 +// <3-256><#-1> +// </h> +// +// <h> USB Clock Configuration Register (USBCLKCFG) +// <o8.0..3> USBSEL: Divide Value for USB Clock from PLL0 +// <0-15> +// <i> Divide is USBSEL + 1 +// </h> +// +// <h> Peripheral Clock Selection Register 0 (PCLKSEL0) +// <o9.0..1> PCLK_WDT: Peripheral Clock Selection for WDT +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o9.2..3> PCLK_TIMER0: Peripheral Clock Selection for TIMER0 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o9.4..5> PCLK_TIMER1: Peripheral Clock Selection for TIMER1 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o9.6..7> PCLK_UART0: Peripheral Clock Selection for UART0 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o9.8..9> PCLK_UART1: Peripheral Clock Selection for UART1 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o9.12..13> PCLK_PWM1: Peripheral Clock Selection for PWM1 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o9.14..15> PCLK_I2C0: Peripheral Clock Selection for I2C0 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o9.16..17> PCLK_SPI: Peripheral Clock Selection for SPI +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o9.20..21> PCLK_SSP1: Peripheral Clock Selection for SSP1 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o9.22..23> PCLK_DAC: Peripheral Clock Selection for DAC +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o9.24..25> PCLK_ADC: Peripheral Clock Selection for ADC +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o9.26..27> PCLK_CAN1: Peripheral Clock Selection for CAN1 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 6 +// <o9.28..29> PCLK_CAN2: Peripheral Clock Selection for CAN2 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 6 +// <o9.30..31> PCLK_ACF: Peripheral Clock Selection for ACF +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 6 +// </h> +// +// <h> Peripheral Clock Selection Register 1 (PCLKSEL1) +// <o10.0..1> PCLK_QEI: Peripheral Clock Selection for the Quadrature Encoder Interface +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.2..3> PCLK_GPIO: Peripheral Clock Selection for GPIOs +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.4..5> PCLK_PCB: Peripheral Clock Selection for the Pin Connect Block +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.6..7> PCLK_I2C1: Peripheral Clock Selection for I2C1 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.10..11> PCLK_SSP0: Peripheral Clock Selection for SSP0 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.12..13> PCLK_TIMER2: Peripheral Clock Selection for TIMER2 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.14..15> PCLK_TIMER3: Peripheral Clock Selection for TIMER3 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.16..17> PCLK_UART2: Peripheral Clock Selection for UART2 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.18..19> PCLK_UART3: Peripheral Clock Selection for UART3 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.20..21> PCLK_I2C2: Peripheral Clock Selection for I2C2 +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.22..23> PCLK_I2S: Peripheral Clock Selection for I2S +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.26..27> PCLK_RIT: Peripheral Clock Selection for the Repetitive Interrupt Timer +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.28..29> PCLK_SYSCON: Peripheral Clock Selection for the System Control Block +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// <o10.30..31> PCLK_MC: Peripheral Clock Selection for the Motor Control PWM +// <0=> Pclk = Cclk / 4 +// <1=> Pclk = Cclk +// <2=> Pclk = Cclk / 2 +// <3=> Pclk = Hclk / 8 +// </h> +// +// <h> Power Control for Peripherals Register (PCONP) +// <o11.1> PCTIM0: Timer/Counter 0 power/clock enable +// <o11.2> PCTIM1: Timer/Counter 1 power/clock enable +// <o11.3> PCUART0: UART 0 power/clock enable +// <o11.4> PCUART1: UART 1 power/clock enable +// <o11.6> PCPWM1: PWM 1 power/clock enable +// <o11.7> PCI2C0: I2C interface 0 power/clock enable +// <o11.8> PCSPI: SPI interface power/clock enable +// <o11.9> PCRTC: RTC power/clock enable +// <o11.10> PCSSP1: SSP interface 1 power/clock enable +// <o11.12> PCAD: A/D converter power/clock enable +// <o11.13> PCCAN1: CAN controller 1 power/clock enable +// <o11.14> PCCAN2: CAN controller 2 power/clock enable +// <o11.15> PCGPIO: GPIOs power/clock enable +// <o11.16> PCRIT: Repetitive interrupt timer power/clock enable +// <o11.17> PCMC: Motor control PWM power/clock enable +// <o11.18> PCQEI: Quadrature encoder interface power/clock enable +// <o11.19> PCI2C1: I2C interface 1 power/clock enable +// <o11.21> PCSSP0: SSP interface 0 power/clock enable +// <o11.22> PCTIM2: Timer 2 power/clock enable +// <o11.23> PCTIM3: Timer 3 power/clock enable +// <o11.24> PCUART2: UART 2 power/clock enable +// <o11.25> PCUART3: UART 3 power/clock enable +// <o11.26> PCI2C2: I2C interface 2 power/clock enable +// <o11.27> PCI2S: I2S interface power/clock enable +// <o11.29> PCGPDMA: GP DMA function power/clock enable +// <o11.30> PCENET: Ethernet block power/clock enable +// <o11.31> PCUSB: USB interface power/clock enable +// </h> +// +// <h> Clock Output Configuration Register (CLKOUTCFG) +// <o12.0..3> CLKOUTSEL: Selects clock source for CLKOUT +// <0=> CPU clock +// <1=> Main oscillator +// <2=> Internal RC oscillator +// <3=> USB clock +// <4=> RTC oscillator +// <o12.4..7> CLKOUTDIV: Selects clock divider for CLKOUT +// <1-16><#-1> +// <o12.8> CLKOUT_EN: CLKOUT enable control +// </h> +// +// </e> +*/ + + +#define PLL1_SETUP 0 +#define PLL1CFG_Val 0x00000023 +#define CCLKCFG_Val 0x00000003 +#define USBCLKCFG_Val 0x00000000 +#define PCLKSEL0_Val 0x00000000 +#define PCLKSEL1_Val 0x00000000 +#define PCONP_Val 0x042887DE +#define CLKOUTCFG_Val 0x00000000 + + +/*--------------------- Flash Accelerator Configuration ---------------------- +// +// <e> Flash Accelerator Configuration +// <o1.0..11> Reserved +// <o1.12..15> FLASHTIM: Flash Access Time +// <0=> 1 CPU clock (for CPU clock up to 20 MHz) +// <1=> 2 CPU clocks (for CPU clock up to 40 MHz) +// <2=> 3 CPU clocks (for CPU clock up to 60 MHz) +// <3=> 4 CPU clocks (for CPU clock up to 80 MHz) +// <4=> 5 CPU clocks (for CPU clock up to 100 MHz) +// <5=> 6 CPU clocks (for any CPU clock) +// </e> +*/ +#define FLASH_SETUP 1 +#define FLASHCFG_Val 0x0000403A + +/* +//-------- <<< end of configuration section >>> ------------------------------ +*/ + +/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Check the register settings + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +#define CHECK_RANGE(val, min, max) ((val < min) || (val > max)) +#define CHECK_RSVD(val, mask) (val & mask) + +/* Clock Configuration -------------------------------------------------------*/ +#if (CHECK_RSVD((SCS_Val), ~0x00000030)) + #error "SCS: Invalid values of reserved bits!" +#endif + +#if (CHECK_RANGE((CLKSRCSEL_Val), 0, 2)) + #error "CLKSRCSEL: Value out of range!" +#endif + +#if (CHECK_RSVD((PLL0CFG_Val), ~0x00FF7FFF)) + #error "PLL0CFG: Invalid values of reserved bits!" +#endif + +#if (CHECK_RSVD((PLL1CFG_Val), ~0x0000007F)) + #error "PLL1CFG: Invalid values of reserved bits!" +#endif + +#if ((CCLKCFG_Val != 0) && (((CCLKCFG_Val - 1) % 2))) + #error "CCLKCFG: CCLKSEL field does not contain only odd values or 0!" +#endif + +#if (CHECK_RSVD((USBCLKCFG_Val), ~0x0000000F)) + #error "USBCLKCFG: Invalid values of reserved bits!" +#endif + +#if (CHECK_RSVD((PCLKSEL0_Val), 0x000C0C00)) + #error "PCLKSEL0: Invalid values of reserved bits!" +#endif + +#if (CHECK_RSVD((PCLKSEL1_Val), 0x03000300)) + #error "PCLKSEL1: Invalid values of reserved bits!" +#endif + +#if (CHECK_RSVD((PCONP_Val), 0x10100821)) + #error "PCONP: Invalid values of reserved bits!" +#endif + +#if (CHECK_RSVD((CLKOUTCFG_Val), ~0x000001FF)) + #error "CLKOUTCFG: Invalid values of reserved bits!" +#endif + +/* Flash Accelerator Configuration -------------------------------------------*/ +#if (CHECK_RSVD((FLASHCFG_Val), ~0x0000F07F)) + #error "FLASHCFG: Invalid values of reserved bits!" +#endif + + +/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + DEFINES + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Define clocks + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +#define XTAL (12000000UL) /* Oscillator frequency */ +#define OSC_CLK ( XTAL) /* Main oscillator frequency */ +#define RTC_CLK ( 32000UL) /* RTC oscillator frequency */ +#define IRC_OSC ( 4000000UL) /* Internal RC oscillator frequency */ + + +/* F_cco0 = (2 * M * F_in) / N */ +#define __M (((PLL0CFG_Val ) & 0x7FFF) + 1) +#define __N (((PLL0CFG_Val >> 16) & 0x00FF) + 1) +#define __FCCO(__F_IN) ((2 * __M * __F_IN) / __N) +#define __CCLK_DIV (((CCLKCFG_Val ) & 0x00FF) + 1) + +/* Determine core clock frequency according to settings */ + #if (PLL0_SETUP) + #if ((CLKSRCSEL_Val & 0x03) == 1) + #define __CORE_CLK (__FCCO(OSC_CLK) / __CCLK_DIV) + #elif ((CLKSRCSEL_Val & 0x03) == 2) + #define __CORE_CLK (__FCCO(RTC_CLK) / __CCLK_DIV) + #else + #define __CORE_CLK (__FCCO(IRC_OSC) / __CCLK_DIV) + #endif + #else + #if ((CLKSRCSEL_Val & 0x03) == 1) + #define __CORE_CLK (OSC_CLK / __CCLK_DIV) + #elif ((CLKSRCSEL_Val & 0x03) == 2) + #define __CORE_CLK (RTC_CLK / __CCLK_DIV) + #else + #define __CORE_CLK (IRC_OSC / __CCLK_DIV) + #endif + #endif + + +/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Clock Variable definitions + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +uint32_t SystemCoreClock = __CORE_CLK;/*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock)*/ + + +/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Clock functions + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void) /* Get Core Clock Frequency */ +{ + /* Determine clock frequency according to clock register values */ + if (((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT >> 24) & 3) == 3) { /* If PLL0 enabled and connected */ + switch (LPC_SC->CLKSRCSEL & 0x03) { + case 0: /* Int. RC oscillator => PLL0 */ + case 3: /* Reserved, default to Int. RC */ + SystemCoreClock = (IRC_OSC * + ((2 * ((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & 0x7FFF) + 1))) / + (((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT >> 16) & 0xFF) + 1) / + ((LPC_SC->CCLKCFG & 0xFF)+ 1)); + break; + case 1: /* Main oscillator => PLL0 */ + SystemCoreClock = (OSC_CLK * + ((2 * ((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & 0x7FFF) + 1))) / + (((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT >> 16) & 0xFF) + 1) / + ((LPC_SC->CCLKCFG & 0xFF)+ 1)); + break; + case 2: /* RTC oscillator => PLL0 */ + SystemCoreClock = (RTC_CLK * + ((2 * ((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & 0x7FFF) + 1))) / + (((LPC_SC->PLL0STAT >> 16) & 0xFF) + 1) / + ((LPC_SC->CCLKCFG & 0xFF)+ 1)); + break; + } + } else { + switch (LPC_SC->CLKSRCSEL & 0x03) { + case 0: /* Int. RC oscillator => PLL0 */ + case 3: /* Reserved, default to Int. RC */ + SystemCoreClock = IRC_OSC / ((LPC_SC->CCLKCFG & 0xFF)+ 1); + break; + case 1: /* Main oscillator => PLL0 */ + SystemCoreClock = OSC_CLK / ((LPC_SC->CCLKCFG & 0xFF)+ 1); + break; + case 2: /* RTC oscillator => PLL0 */ + SystemCoreClock = RTC_CLK / ((LPC_SC->CCLKCFG & 0xFF)+ 1); + break; + } + } + +} +/* Exported types --------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ +//extern unsigned long _sidata; /* start address for the initialization values of the .data section. defined in linker script */ +//extern unsigned long _sdata; /* start address for the .data section. defined in linker script */ +//extern unsigned long _edata; /* end address for the .data section. defined in linker script */ +// +//extern unsigned long _sbss; /* start address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */ +//extern unsigned long _ebss; /* end address for the .bss section. defined in linker script */ + +//void _init(void) +//{ +// unsigned long *pulSrc, *pulDest; +// +// // +// // Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM in ROM mode +// // +//#if (__RAM_MODE__==0) +// pulSrc = &_sidata; +// for(pulDest = &_sdata; pulDest < &_edata; ) +// { +// *(pulDest++) = *(pulSrc++); +// } +//#endif +// +// +// // +// // Zero fill the bss segment. +// // +// for(pulDest = &_sbss; pulDest < &_ebss; ) +// { +// *(pulDest++) = 0; +// } +//} + +/** + * Initialize the system + * + * @param none + * @return none + * + * @brief Setup the microcontroller system. + * Initialize the System. + */ +void SystemInit (void) +{ + +#if (CLOCK_SETUP) /* Clock Setup */ + LPC_SC->SCS = SCS_Val; + if (SCS_Val & (1 << 5)) { /* If Main Oscillator is enabled */ + while ((LPC_SC->SCS & (1<<6)) == 0);/* Wait for Oscillator to be ready */ + } + + LPC_SC->CCLKCFG = CCLKCFG_Val; /* Setup Clock Divider */ + LPC_SC->PCLKSEL0 = PCLKSEL0_Val; /* Peripheral Clock Selection */ + LPC_SC->PCLKSEL1 = PCLKSEL1_Val; + +#if (PLL0_SETUP) + LPC_SC->CLKSRCSEL = CLKSRCSEL_Val; /* Select Clock Source for PLL0 */ + + LPC_SC->PLL0CFG = PLL0CFG_Val; /* configure PLL0 */ + LPC_SC->PLL0FEED = 0xAA; + LPC_SC->PLL0FEED = 0x55; + + LPC_SC->PLL0CON = 0x01; /* PLL0 Enable */ + LPC_SC->PLL0FEED = 0xAA; + LPC_SC->PLL0FEED = 0x55; + while (!(LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & (1<<26)));/* Wait for PLOCK0 */ + + LPC_SC->PLL0CON = 0x03; /* PLL0 Enable & Connect */ + LPC_SC->PLL0FEED = 0xAA; + LPC_SC->PLL0FEED = 0x55; + while (!(LPC_SC->PLL0STAT & ((1<<25) | (1<<24))));/* Wait for PLLC0_STAT & PLLE0_STAT */ +#endif + +#if (PLL1_SETUP) + LPC_SC->PLL1CFG = PLL1CFG_Val; + LPC_SC->PLL1FEED = 0xAA; + LPC_SC->PLL1FEED = 0x55; + + LPC_SC->PLL1CON = 0x01; /* PLL1 Enable */ + LPC_SC->PLL1FEED = 0xAA; + LPC_SC->PLL1FEED = 0x55; + while (!(LPC_SC->PLL1STAT & (1<<10)));/* Wait for PLOCK1 */ + + LPC_SC->PLL1CON = 0x03; /* PLL1 Enable & Connect */ + LPC_SC->PLL1FEED = 0xAA; + LPC_SC->PLL1FEED = 0x55; + while (!(LPC_SC->PLL1STAT & ((1<< 9) | (1<< 8))));/* Wait for PLLC1_STAT & PLLE1_STAT */ +#else + LPC_SC->USBCLKCFG = USBCLKCFG_Val; /* Setup USB Clock Divider */ +#endif + LPC_SC->PCONP = PCONP_Val; /* Power Control for Peripherals */ + + LPC_SC->CLKOUTCFG = CLKOUTCFG_Val; /* Clock Output Configuration */ +#endif + +#if (FLASH_SETUP == 1) /* Flash Accelerator Setup */ + LPC_SC->FLASHCFG = FLASHCFG_Val; +#endif +} diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/system_LPC17xx.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/system_LPC17xx.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a78d33 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/system/system_LPC17xx.h @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/**************************************************************************//** + * @file system_LPC17xx.h + * @brief CMSIS Cortex-M3 Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File + * for the NXP LPC17xx Device Series + * @version V1.02 + * @date 08. September 2009 + * + * @note + * Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. + * + * @par + * ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-M + * processor based microcontrollers. This file can be freely distributed + * within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors. + * + * @par + * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED + * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF + * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. + * ARM SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR + * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. + * + ******************************************************************************/ + + +#ifndef __SYSTEM_LPC17xx_H +#define __SYSTEM_LPC17xx_H + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#include <stdint.h> + +extern uint32_t SystemCoreClock; /*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */ + + +/** + * Initialize the system + * + * @param none + * @return none + * + * @brief Setup the microcontroller system. + * Initialize the System and update the SystemCoreClock variable. + */ +extern void SystemInit (void); + +/** + * Update SystemCoreClock variable + * + * @param none + * @return none + * + * @brief Updates the SystemCoreClock with current core Clock + * retrieved from cpu registers. + */ +extern void SystemCoreClockUpdate (void); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* __SYSTEM_LPC17xx_H */ diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9a2b22 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +lib_LIBRARIES = uart + +uart_SOURCES = lpc17xx_uart.c +#uart_LIBS = clkpwr +LOADLIBES = clkpwr + + +include_HEADERS = lpc17xx_uart.h + + diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/lpc17xx_uart.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/lpc17xx_uart.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35f0e94 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/lpc17xx_uart.c @@ -0,0 +1,1538 @@ +/**. + * @file : lpc17xx_uart.c. + * @brief : Contains all functions support for UART firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 18. Mar. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **********************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup UART. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "lpc17xx_uart.h". +#include "lpc17xx_clkpwr.h". +. +/* If this source file built with example, the LPC17xx FW library configuration. + * file in each example directory ("lpc17xx_libcfg.h") must be included,. + * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead. + */. +#ifdef __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h". +#else. +#include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h". +#endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */. +. +. +#ifdef _UART. +. +/* Private Types -------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup UART_Private_Types. + * @{. + */. +. +/**. + * @brief UART call-back function type definitions. + */. +typedef struct {. + fnTxCbs_Type *pfnTxCbs; // Transmit callback. + fnRxCbs_Type *pfnRxCbs; // Receive callback. + fnABCbs_Type *pfnABCbs; // Auto-Baudrate callback. + fnErrCbs_Type *pfnErrCbs; // Error callback. +} UART_CBS_Type;. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Private Variables ---------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup UART_Private_Variables. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/** Call-back function pointer data */. +UART_CBS_Type uartCbsDat[4] = {. + {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL},. + {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL},. + {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL},. + {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL},. +};. +. +/** UART1 modem status interrupt callback pointer data */. +fnModemCbs_Type *pfnModemCbs = NULL;. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup UART_Private_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +/**. + * @brief Get UART number due to UART peripheral pointer. + * @param[in] UARTx UART pointer. + * @return UART number. + */. +uint8_t getUartNum(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx) {. + if (UARTx == LPC_UART0) return (0);. + else if (UARTx == (LPC_UART_TypeDef *)LPC_UART1) return (1);. + else if (UARTx == LPC_UART2) return (2);. + else return (3);. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Determines best dividers to get a target clock rate. + * @param[in] UARTx Pointer to selected UART peripheral, should be. + * UART0, UART1, UART2 or UART3.. + * @param[in] baudrate Desired UART baud rate.. + * @return Error status.. + **********************************************************************/. +. +Status uart_set_divisors(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint32_t baudrate). +{. + Status errorStatus = ERROR;. +. + uint32_t uClk;. + uint32_t calcBaudrate = 0;. + uint32_t temp = 0;. +. + uint32_t mulFracDiv, dividerAddFracDiv;. + uint32_t diviser = 0 ;. + uint32_t mulFracDivOptimal = 1;. + uint32_t dividerAddOptimal = 0;. + uint32_t diviserOptimal = 0;. +. + uint32_t relativeError = 0;. + uint32_t relativeOptimalError = 100000;. +. + /* get UART block clock */. + if (UARTx == LPC_UART0). + {. + uClk = CLKPWR_GetPCLK (CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART0);. + }. + else if (UARTx == (LPC_UART_TypeDef *)LPC_UART1). + {. + uClk = CLKPWR_GetPCLK (CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART1);. + }. + else if (UARTx == LPC_UART2). + {. + uClk = CLKPWR_GetPCLK (CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART2);. + }. + else if (UARTx == LPC_UART3). + {. + uClk = CLKPWR_GetPCLK (CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_UART3);. + }. +. +. + uClk = uClk >> 4; /* div by 16 */. + /* In the Uart IP block, baud rate is calculated using FDR and DLL-DLM registers. + * The formula is :. + * BaudRate= uClk * (mulFracDiv/(mulFracDiv+dividerAddFracDiv) / (16 * (DLL). + * It involves floating point calculations. That's the reason the formulae are adjusted with. + * Multiply and divide method.*/. + /* The value of mulFracDiv and dividerAddFracDiv should comply to the following expressions:. + * 0 < mulFracDiv <= 15, 0 <= dividerAddFracDiv <= 15 */. + for (mulFracDiv = 1 ; mulFracDiv <= 15 ;mulFracDiv++). + {. + for (dividerAddFracDiv = 0 ; dividerAddFracDiv <= 15 ;dividerAddFracDiv++). + {. + temp = (mulFracDiv * uClk) / ((mulFracDiv + dividerAddFracDiv));. +. + diviser = temp / baudrate;. + if ((temp % baudrate) > (baudrate / 2)). + diviser++;. +. + if (diviser > 2 && diviser < 65536). + {. + calcBaudrate = temp / diviser;. +. + if (calcBaudrate <= baudrate). + relativeError = baudrate - calcBaudrate;. + else. + relativeError = calcBaudrate - baudrate;. +. + if ((relativeError < relativeOptimalError)). + {. + mulFracDivOptimal = mulFracDiv ;. + dividerAddOptimal = dividerAddFracDiv;. + diviserOptimal = diviser;. + relativeOptimalError = relativeError;. + if (relativeError == 0). + break;. + }. + } /* End of if */. + } /* end of inner for loop */. + if (relativeError == 0). + break;. + } /* end of outer for loop */. +. + if (relativeOptimalError < ((baudrate * UART_ACCEPTED_BAUDRATE_ERROR)/100)). + {. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->/*DLIER.*/DLM = UART_LOAD_DLM(diviserOptimal);. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->/*RBTHDLR.*/DLL = UART_LOAD_DLL(diviserOptimal);. + /* Then reset DLAB bit */. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->LCR &= (~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->FDR = (UART_FDR_MULVAL(mulFracDivOptimal) \. + | UART_FDR_DIVADDVAL(dividerAddOptimal)) & UART_FDR_BITMASK;. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;. + UARTx->/*DLIER.*/DLM = UART_LOAD_DLM(diviserOptimal);. + UARTx->/*RBTHDLR.*/DLL = UART_LOAD_DLL(diviserOptimal);. + /* Then reset DLAB bit */. + UARTx->LCR &= (~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;. + UARTx->FDR = (UART_FDR_MULVAL(mulFracDivOptimal) \. + | UART_FDR_DIVADDVAL(dividerAddOptimal)) & UART_FDR_BITMASK;. + }. + errorStatus = SUCCESS;. + }. +. + return errorStatus;. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief General UART interrupt handler and router. + * @param[in] UARTx Selected UART peripheral, should be UART0..3. + * @return None. + *. + * Note:. + * - Handles transmit, receive, and status interrupts for the UART.. + * Based on the interrupt status, routes the interrupt to the. + * respective call-back to be handled by the user application using. + * this driver.. + * - If callback is not installed, corresponding interrupt will be disabled. + * - All these interrupt source below will be checked:. + * - Transmit Holding Register Empty.. + * - Received Data Available and Character Time Out.. + * - Receive Line Status (not implemented). + * - End of auto-baud interrupt (not implemented). + * - Auto-Baudrate Time-Out interrupt (not implemented). + * - Modem Status interrupt (UART0 Modem functionality). + * - CTS signal transition interrupt (UART0 Modem functionality). + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_GenIntHandler(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx). +{. + uint8_t pUart, modemsts;. + uint32_t intsrc, tmp, tmp1;. +. + pUart = getUartNum(UARTx);. +. + /* Determine the interrupt source */. + intsrc = UARTx->IIR;. + tmp = intsrc & UART_IIR_INTID_MASK;. +. + /*. + * In case of using UART1 with full modem,. + * interrupt ID = 0 that means modem status interrupt has been detected. + */. + if (pUart == 1) {. + if (tmp == 0){. + // Check Modem status. + modemsts = LPC_UART1->MSR & UART1_MSR_BITMASK;. + // Call modem status call-back. + if (pfnModemCbs != NULL){. + pfnModemCbs(modemsts);. + }. + // disable modem status interrupt and CTS status change interrupt. + // if its callback is not installed. + else {. + LPC_UART1->IER &= ~(UART1_IER_MSINT_EN | UART1_IER_CTSINT_EN);. + }. + }. + }. +. + // Receive Line Status. + if (tmp == UART_IIR_INTID_RLS){. + // Check line status. + tmp1 = UARTx->LSR;. + // Mask out the Receive Ready and Transmit Holding empty status. + tmp1 &= (UART_LSR_OE | UART_LSR_PE | UART_LSR_FE \. + | UART_LSR_BI | UART_LSR_RXFE);. + // If any error exist. + if (tmp1) {. + // Call Call-back function with error input value. + if (uartCbsDat[pUart].pfnErrCbs != NULL) {. + uartCbsDat[pUart].pfnErrCbs(tmp1);. + }. + // Disable interrupt if its call-back is not install. + else {. + UARTx->IER &= ~(UART_IER_RLSINT_EN);. + }. + }. + }. +. + // Receive Data Available or Character time-out. + if ((tmp == UART_IIR_INTID_RDA) || (tmp == UART_IIR_INTID_CTI)){. + // Call Rx call back function. + if (uartCbsDat[pUart].pfnRxCbs != NULL) {. + uartCbsDat[pUart].pfnRxCbs();. + }. + // Disable interrupt if its call-back is not install. + else {. + UARTx->IER &= ~(UART_IER_RBRINT_EN);. + }. + }. +. + // Transmit Holding Empty. + if (tmp == UART_IIR_INTID_THRE){. + // Call Tx call back function. + if (uartCbsDat[pUart].pfnTxCbs != NULL) {. + uartCbsDat[pUart].pfnTxCbs();. + }. + // Disable interrupt if its call-back is not install. + else {. + UARTx->IER &= ~(UART_IER_THREINT_EN);. + }. + }. +. + intsrc &= (UART_IIR_ABEO_INT | UART_IIR_ABTO_INT);. + // Check if End of auto-baudrate interrupt or Auto baudrate time out. + if (intsrc){. + // Clear interrupt pending. + UARTx->ACR |= ((intsrc & UART_IIR_ABEO_INT) ? UART_ACR_ABEOINT_CLR : 0) \. + | ((intsrc & UART_IIR_ABTO_INT) ? UART_ACR_ABTOINT_CLR : 0);. + if (uartCbsDat[pUart].pfnABCbs != NULL) {. + uartCbsDat[pUart].pfnABCbs(intsrc);. + } else {. + // Disable End of AB interrupt. + UARTx->IER &= ~(UART_IER_ABEOINT_EN | UART_IER_ABTOINT_EN);. + }. + }. +}. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @addtogroup UART_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief De-initializes the UARTx peripheral registers to their. +* default reset values.. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART0, UART1,. + * UART2 or UART3.. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_DeInit(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx). +{. + // For debug mode. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UARTx(UARTx));. +. + UART_TxCmd(UARTx, DISABLE);. +. +#ifdef _UART0. + if (UARTx == LPC_UART0). + {. + /* Set up clock and power for UART module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART0, DISABLE);. + }. +#endif. +. +#ifdef _UART1. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + /* Set up clock and power for UART module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART1, DISABLE);. + }. +#endif. +. +#ifdef _UART2. + if (UARTx == LPC_UART2). + {. + /* Set up clock and power for UART module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART2, DISABLE);. + }. +#endif. +. +#ifdef _UART3. + if (UARTx == LPC_UART3). + {. + /* Set up clock and power for UART module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART3, DISABLE);. + }. +#endif. +}. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Initializes the UARTx peripheral according to the specified. +* parameters in the UART_ConfigStruct.. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART0, UART1,. + * UART2 or UART3.. + * @param[in] UART_ConfigStruct Pointer to a UART_CFG_Type structure. +* that contains the configuration information for the. +* specified UART peripheral.. + * @return None. + *********************************************************************/. +void UART_Init(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_CFG_Type *UART_ConfigStruct). +{. + uint32_t tmp;. +. + // For debug mode. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UARTx(UARTx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART_DATABIT(UART_ConfigStruct->Databits));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART_STOPBIT(UART_ConfigStruct->Stopbits));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART_PARITY(UART_ConfigStruct->Parity));. +. +#ifdef _UART0. + if(UARTx == LPC_UART0). + {. + /* Set up clock and power for UART module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART0, ENABLE);. + }. +#endif. +. +#ifdef _UART1. + if(((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + /* Set up clock and power for UART module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART1, ENABLE);. + }. +#endif. +. +#ifdef _UART2. + if(UARTx == LPC_UART2). + {. + /* Set up clock and power for UART module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART2, ENABLE);. + }. +#endif. +. +#ifdef _UART3. + if(UARTx == LPC_UART3). + {. + /* Set up clock and power for UART module */. + CLKPWR_ConfigPPWR (CLKPWR_PCONP_PCUART3, ENABLE);. + }. +#endif. +. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + /* FIFOs are empty */. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->/*IIFCR.*/FCR = ( UART_FCR_FIFO_EN \. + | UART_FCR_RX_RS | UART_FCR_TX_RS);. + // Disable FIFO. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->/*IIFCR.*/FCR = 0;. +. + // Dummy reading. + while (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->LSR & UART_LSR_RDR). + {. + tmp = ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR;. + }. +. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->TER = UART_TER_TXEN;. + // Wait for current transmit complete. + while (!(((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->LSR & UART_LSR_THRE));. + // Disable Tx. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->TER = 0;. +. + // Disable interrupt. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->/*DLIER.*/IER = 0;. + // Set LCR to default state. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->LCR = 0;. + // Set ACR to default state. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->ACR = 0;. + // Set Modem Control to default state. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->MCR = 0;. + // Set RS485 control to default state. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->RS485CTRL = 0;. + // Set RS485 delay timer to default state. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->RS485DLY = 0;. + // Set RS485 addr match to default state. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->ADRMATCH = 0;. + //Dummy Reading to Clear Status. + tmp = ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->MSR;. + tmp = ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->LSR;. + }. + else. + {. + /* FIFOs are empty */. + UARTx->/*IIFCR.*/FCR = ( UART_FCR_FIFO_EN | UART_FCR_RX_RS | UART_FCR_TX_RS);. + // Disable FIFO. + UARTx->/*IIFCR.*/FCR = 0;. +. + // Dummy reading. + while (UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_RDR). + {. + tmp = UARTx->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR;. + }. +. + UARTx->TER = UART_TER_TXEN;. + // Wait for current transmit complete. + while (!(UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_THRE));. + // Disable Tx. + UARTx->TER = 0;. +. + // Disable interrupt. + UARTx->/*DLIER.*/IER = 0;. + // Set LCR to default state. + UARTx->LCR = 0;. + // Set ACR to default state. + UARTx->ACR = 0;. + // Dummy reading. + tmp = UARTx->LSR;. + }. +. + if (UARTx == LPC_UART3). + {. + // Set IrDA to default state. + UARTx->ICR = 0;. + }. +. + // Set Line Control register ----------------------------. +. + uart_set_divisors(UARTx, (UART_ConfigStruct->Baud_rate));. +. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + tmp = (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->LCR & (UART_LCR_DLAB_EN | UART_LCR_BREAK_EN)) \. + & UART_LCR_BITMASK;. + }. + else. + {. + tmp = (UARTx->LCR & (UART_LCR_DLAB_EN | UART_LCR_BREAK_EN)) & UART_LCR_BITMASK;. + }. +. + switch (UART_ConfigStruct->Databits){. + case UART_DATABIT_5:. + tmp |= UART_LCR_WLEN5;. + break;. + case UART_DATABIT_6:. + tmp |= UART_LCR_WLEN6;. + break;. + case UART_DATABIT_7:. + tmp |= UART_LCR_WLEN7;. + break;. + case UART_DATABIT_8:. + default:. + tmp |= UART_LCR_WLEN8;. + break;. + }. +. + if (UART_ConfigStruct->Parity == UART_PARITY_NONE). + {. + // Do nothing.... + }. + else. + {. + tmp |= UART_LCR_PARITY_EN;. + switch (UART_ConfigStruct->Parity). + {. + case UART_PARITY_ODD:. + tmp |= UART_LCR_PARITY_ODD;. + break;. +. + case UART_PARITY_EVEN:. + tmp |= UART_LCR_PARITY_EVEN;. + break;. +. + case UART_PARITY_SP_1:. + tmp |= UART_LCR_PARITY_F_1;. + break;. +. + case UART_PARITY_SP_0:. + tmp |= UART_LCR_PARITY_F_0;. + break;. + default:. + break;. + }. + }. +. + switch (UART_ConfigStruct->Stopbits){. + case UART_STOPBIT_2:. + tmp |= UART_LCR_STOPBIT_SEL;. + break;. + case UART_STOPBIT_1:. + default:. + // Do no thing. + break;. + }. +. +. + // Write back to LCR, configure FIFO and Disable Tx. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->LCR = (uint8_t)(tmp & UART_LCR_BITMASK);. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->LCR = (uint8_t)(tmp & UART_LCR_BITMASK);. + }. +}. +. +. +/*****************************************************************************//**. +* @brief Fills each UART_InitStruct member with its default value:. +* 9600 bps. +* 8-bit data. +* 1 Stopbit. +* None Parity. +* @param[in] UART_InitStruct Pointer to a UART_CFG_Type structure. +* which will be initialized.. +* @return None. +*******************************************************************************/. +void UART_ConfigStructInit(UART_CFG_Type *UART_InitStruct). +{. + UART_InitStruct->Baud_rate = 9600;. + UART_InitStruct->Databits = UART_DATABIT_8;. + UART_InitStruct->Parity = UART_PARITY_NONE;. + UART_InitStruct->Stopbits = UART_STOPBIT_1;. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Transmit a single data through UART peripheral. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART0, UART1,. + * UART2 or UART3.. + * @param[in] Data Data to transmit (must be 8-bit long). + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_SendData(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint8_t Data). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UARTx(UARTx));. +. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->/*RBTHDLR.*/THR = Data & UART_THR_MASKBIT;. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->/*RBTHDLR.*/THR = Data & UART_THR_MASKBIT;. + }. +. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Receive a single data from UART peripheral. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART0, UART1,. + * UART2 or UART3.. + * @return Data received. + **********************************************************************/. +uint8_t UART_ReceiveData(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UARTx(UARTx));. +. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + return (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR & UART_RBR_MASKBIT);. + }. + else. + {. + return (UARTx->/*RBTHDLR.*/RBR & UART_RBR_MASKBIT);. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Force BREAK character on UART line, output pin UARTx TXD is. + forced to logic 0.. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART0, UART1,. + * UART2 or UART3.. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_ForceBreak(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UARTx(UARTx));. +. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->LCR |= UART_LCR_BREAK_EN;. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->LCR |= UART_LCR_BREAK_EN;. + }. +}. +. +. +#ifdef _UART3. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable or disable inverting serial input function of IrDA. + * on UART peripheral.. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART3 (only). + * @param[in] NewState New state of inverting serial input, should be:. + * - ENABLE: Enable this function.. + * - DISABLE: Disable this function.. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_IrDAInvtInputCmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART_IrDA(UARTx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + UARTx->ICR |= UART_ICR_IRDAINV;. + }. + else if (NewState == DISABLE). + {. + UARTx->ICR &= (~UART_ICR_IRDAINV) & UART_ICR_BITMASK;. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable or disable IrDA function on UART peripheral.. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART3 (only). + * @param[in] NewState New state of IrDA function, should be:. + * - ENABLE: Enable this function.. + * - DISABLE: Disable this function.. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_IrDACmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART_IrDA(UARTx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + UARTx->ICR |= UART_ICR_IRDAEN;. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->ICR &= (~UART_ICR_IRDAEN) & UART_ICR_BITMASK;. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Configure Pulse divider for IrDA function on UART peripheral.. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART3 (only). + * @param[in] PulseDiv Pulse Divider value from Peripheral clock,. + * should be one of the following:. + - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV2 : Pulse width = 2 * Tpclk. + - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV4 : Pulse width = 4 * Tpclk. + - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV8 : Pulse width = 8 * Tpclk. + - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV16 : Pulse width = 16 * Tpclk. + - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV32 : Pulse width = 32 * Tpclk. + - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV64 : Pulse width = 64 * Tpclk. + - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV128 : Pulse width = 128 * Tpclk. + - UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV256 : Pulse width = 256 * Tpclk. +. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_IrDAPulseDivConfig(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_IrDA_PULSE_Type PulseDiv). +{. + uint32_t tmp, tmp1;. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART_IrDA(UARTx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV(PulseDiv));. +. + tmp1 = UART_ICR_PULSEDIV(PulseDiv);. + tmp = UARTx->ICR & (~UART_ICR_PULSEDIV(7));. + tmp |= tmp1 | UART_ICR_FIXPULSE_EN;. + UARTx->ICR = tmp & UART_ICR_BITMASK;. +}. +. +#endif. +. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable or disable specified UART interrupt.. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART0, UART1,. + * UART2 or UART3.. + * @param[in] UARTIntCfg Specifies the interrupt flag,. + * should be one of the following:. + - UART_INTCFG_RBR : RBR Interrupt enable. + - UART_INTCFG_THRE : THR Interrupt enable. + - UART_INTCFG_RLS : RX line status interrupt enable. + - UART1_INTCFG_MS : Modem status interrupt enable (UART1 only). + - UART1_INTCFG_CTS : CTS1 signal transition interrupt enable (UART1 only). + - UART_INTCFG_ABEO : Enables the end of auto-baud interrupt. + - UART_INTCFG_ABTO : Enables the auto-baud time-out interrupt. + * @param[in] NewState New state of specified UART interrupt type,. + * should be:. + * - ENALBE: Enable this UART interrupt type.. +* - DISALBE: Disable this UART interrupt type.. + * @return None. + *********************************************************************/. +void UART_IntConfig(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_INT_Type UARTIntCfg, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + uint32_t tmp;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UARTx(UARTx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + switch(UARTIntCfg){. + case UART_INTCFG_RBR:. + tmp = UART_IER_RBRINT_EN;. + break;. + case UART_INTCFG_THRE:. + tmp = UART_IER_THREINT_EN;. + break;. + case UART_INTCFG_RLS:. + tmp = UART_IER_RLSINT_EN;. + break;. + case UART1_INTCFG_MS:. + tmp = UART1_IER_MSINT_EN;. + break;. + case UART1_INTCFG_CTS:. + tmp = UART1_IER_CTSINT_EN;. + break;. + case UART_INTCFG_ABEO:. + tmp = UART_IER_ABEOINT_EN;. + break;. + case UART_INTCFG_ABTO:. + tmp = UART_IER_ABTOINT_EN;. + break;. + }. +. + if ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *) UARTx == LPC_UART1). + {. + CHECK_PARAM((PARAM_UART_INTCFG(UARTIntCfg)) || (PARAM_UART1_INTCFG(UARTIntCfg)));. + }. + else. + {. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART_INTCFG(UARTIntCfg));. + }. +. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + if ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *) UARTx == LPC_UART1). + {. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->/*DLIER.*/IER |= tmp;. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->/*DLIER.*/IER |= tmp;. + }. + }. + else. + {. + if ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *) UARTx == LPC_UART1). + {. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->/*DLIER.*/IER &= (~tmp) & UART1_IER_BITMASK;. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->/*DLIER.*/IER &= (~tmp) & UART_IER_BITMASK;. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get current value of Line Status register in UART peripheral.. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART0, UART1,. + * UART2 or UART3.. + * @return Current value of Line Status register in UART peripheral.. + * Note: The return value of this function must be ANDed with each member in. + * UART_LS_Type enumeration to determine current flag status. + * corresponding to each Line status type. Because some flags in. + * Line Status register will be cleared after reading, the next reading. + * Line Status register could not be correct. So this function used to. + * read Line status register in one time only, then the return value. + * used to check all flags.. + *********************************************************************/. +uint8_t UART_GetLineStatus(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UARTx(UARTx));. +. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + return ((((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)LPC_UART1)->LSR) & UART_LSR_BITMASK);. + }. + else. + {. + return ((UARTx->LSR) & UART_LSR_BITMASK);. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Check whether if UART is busy or not. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART0, UART1,. + * UART2 or UART3.. + * @return RESET if UART is not busy, otherwise return SET.. + **********************************************************************/. +FlagStatus UART_CheckBusy(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx). +{. + if (UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_TEMT){. + return RESET;. + } else {. + return SET;. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Configure FIFO function on selected UART peripheral. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART0, UART1,. + * UART2 or UART3.. + * @param[in] FIFOCfg Pointer to a UART_FIFO_CFG_Type Structure that. + * contains specified information about FIFO configuration. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_FIFOConfig(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_FIFO_CFG_Type *FIFOCfg). +{. + uint8_t tmp = 0;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UARTx(UARTx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART_FIFO_LEVEL(FIFOCfg->FIFO_Level));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(FIFOCfg->FIFO_DMAMode));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(FIFOCfg->FIFO_ResetRxBuf));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(FIFOCfg->FIFO_ResetTxBuf));. +. + tmp |= UART_FCR_FIFO_EN;. + switch (FIFOCfg->FIFO_Level){. + case UART_FIFO_TRGLEV0:. + tmp |= UART_FCR_TRG_LEV0;. + break;. + case UART_FIFO_TRGLEV1:. + tmp |= UART_FCR_TRG_LEV1;. + break;. + case UART_FIFO_TRGLEV2:. + tmp |= UART_FCR_TRG_LEV2;. + break;. + case UART_FIFO_TRGLEV3:. + default:. + tmp |= UART_FCR_TRG_LEV3;. + break;. + }. +. + if (FIFOCfg->FIFO_ResetTxBuf == ENABLE). + {. + tmp |= UART_FCR_TX_RS;. + }. + if (FIFOCfg->FIFO_ResetRxBuf == ENABLE). + {. + tmp |= UART_FCR_RX_RS;. + }. + if (FIFOCfg->FIFO_DMAMode == ENABLE). + {. + tmp |= UART_FCR_DMAMODE_SEL;. + }. +. +. + //write to FIFO control register. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->/*IIFCR.*/FCR = tmp & UART_FCR_BITMASK;. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->/*IIFCR.*/FCR = tmp & UART_FCR_BITMASK;. + }. +. +}. +. +. +/*****************************************************************************//**. +* @brief Fills each UART_FIFOInitStruct member with its default value:. +* - FIFO_DMAMode = DISABLE. +* - FIFO_Level = UART_FIFO_TRGLEV0. +* - FIFO_ResetRxBuf = ENABLE. +* - FIFO_ResetTxBuf = ENABLE. +* - FIFO_State = ENABLE. +. +* @param[in] UART_FIFOInitStruct Pointer to a UART_FIFO_CFG_Type structure. +* which will be initialized.. +* @return None. +*******************************************************************************/. +void UART_FIFOConfigStructInit(UART_FIFO_CFG_Type *UART_FIFOInitStruct). +{. + UART_FIFOInitStruct->FIFO_DMAMode = DISABLE;. + UART_FIFOInitStruct->FIFO_Level = UART_FIFO_TRGLEV0;. + UART_FIFOInitStruct->FIFO_ResetRxBuf = ENABLE;. + UART_FIFOInitStruct->FIFO_ResetTxBuf = ENABLE;. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Start/Stop Auto Baudrate activity. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART0, UART1,. + * UART2 or UART3.. + * @param[in] ABConfigStruct A pointer to UART_AB_CFG_Type structure that. + * contains specified information about UART. + * auto baudrate configuration. + * @param[in] NewState New State of Auto baudrate activity, should be:. + * - ENABLE: Start this activity. + * - DISABLE: Stop this activity. + * Note: Auto-baudrate mode enable bit will be cleared once this mode. + * completed.. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_ABCmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_AB_CFG_Type *ABConfigStruct, \. + FunctionalState NewState). +{. + uint32_t tmp;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UARTx(UARTx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + tmp = 0;. + if (NewState == ENABLE) {. + if (ABConfigStruct->ABMode == UART_AUTOBAUD_MODE1){. + tmp |= UART_ACR_MODE;. + }. + if (ABConfigStruct->AutoRestart == ENABLE){. + tmp |= UART_ACR_AUTO_RESTART;. + }. + }. +. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + // Clear DLL and DLM value. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->DLL = 0;. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->DLM = 0;. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->LCR &= ~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;. + // FDR value must be reset to default value. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->FDR = 0x10;. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->ACR = UART_ACR_START | tmp;. + }. + else. + {. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->ACR = 0;. + }. + }. + else. + {. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + // Clear DLL and DLM value. + UARTx->LCR |= UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;. + UARTx->DLL = 0;. + UARTx->DLM = 0;. + UARTx->LCR &= ~UART_LCR_DLAB_EN;. + // FDR value must be reset to default value. + UARTx->FDR = 0x10;. + UARTx->ACR = UART_ACR_START | tmp;. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->ACR = 0;. + }. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Enable/Disable transmission on UART TxD pin. + * @param[in] UARTx UART peripheral selected, should be UART0, UART1,. + * UART2 or UART3.. + * @param[in] NewState New State of Tx transmission function, should be:. + * - ENABLE: Enable this function. + - DISABLE: Disable this function. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_TxCmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UARTx(UARTx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->TER |= UART_TER_TXEN;. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->TER |= UART_TER_TXEN;. + }. + }. + else. + {. + if (((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx) == LPC_UART1). + {. + ((LPC_UART1_TypeDef *)UARTx)->TER &= (~UART_TER_TXEN) & UART_TER_BITMASK;. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->TER &= (~UART_TER_TXEN) & UART_TER_BITMASK;. + }. + }. +}. +. +#ifdef _UART1. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Force pin DTR/RTS corresponding to given state (Full modem mode). + * @param[in] UARTx UART1 (only). + * @param[in] Pin Pin that NewState will be applied to, should be:. + * - UART1_MODEM_PIN_DTR: DTR pin.. + * - UART1_MODEM_PIN_RTS: RTS pin.. + * @param[in] NewState New State of DTR/RTS pin, should be:. + * - INACTIVE: Force the pin to inactive signal.. + - ACTIVE: Force the pin to active signal.. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_FullModemForcePinState(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_MODEM_PIN_Type Pin, \. + UART1_SignalState NewState). +{. + uint8_t tmp = 0;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART1_MODEM(UARTx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART1_MODEM_PIN(Pin));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART1_SIGNALSTATE(NewState));. +. + switch (Pin){. + case UART1_MODEM_PIN_DTR:. + tmp = UART1_MCR_DTR_CTRL;. + break;. + case UART1_MODEM_PIN_RTS:. + tmp = UART1_MCR_RTS_CTRL;. + break;. + default:. + break;. + }. +. + if (NewState == ACTIVE){. + UARTx->MCR |= tmp;. + } else {. + UARTx->MCR &= (~tmp) & UART1_MCR_BITMASK;. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Configure Full Modem mode for UART peripheral. + * @param[in] UARTx UART1 (only). + * @param[in] Mode Full Modem mode, should be:. + * - UART1_MODEM_MODE_LOOPBACK: Loop back mode.. + * - UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_RTS: Auto-RTS mode.. + * - UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_CTS: Auto-CTS mode.. + * @param[in] NewState New State of this mode, should be:. + * - ENABLE: Enable this mode.. + - DISABLE: Disable this mode.. + * @return none. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_FullModemConfigMode(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_MODEM_MODE_Type Mode, \. + FunctionalState NewState). +{. + uint8_t tmp;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART1_MODEM(UARTx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART1_MODEM_MODE(Mode));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(NewState));. +. + switch(Mode){. + case UART1_MODEM_MODE_LOOPBACK:. + tmp = UART1_MCR_LOOPB_EN;. + break;. + case UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_RTS:. + tmp = UART1_MCR_AUTO_RTS_EN;. + break;. + case UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_CTS:. + tmp = UART1_MCR_AUTO_CTS_EN;. + break;. + default:. + break;. + }. +. + if (NewState == ENABLE). + {. + UARTx->MCR |= tmp;. + }. + else. + {. + UARTx->MCR &= (~tmp) & UART1_MCR_BITMASK;. + }. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Get current status of modem status register. + * @param[in] UARTx UART1 (only). + * @return Current value of modem status register. + * Note: The return value of this function must be ANDed with each member. + * UART_MODEM_STAT_type enumeration to determine current flag status. + * corresponding to each modem flag status. Because some flags in. + * modem status register will be cleared after reading, the next reading. + * modem register could not be correct. So this function used to. + * read modem status register in one time only, then the return value. + * used to check all flags.. + **********************************************************************/. +uint8_t UART_FullModemGetStatus(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx). +{. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART1_MODEM(UARTx));. + return ((UARTx->MSR) & UART1_MSR_BITMASK);. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Configure UART peripheral in RS485 mode according to the specified. +* parameters in the RS485ConfigStruct.. + * @param[in] UARTx UART1 (only). + * @param[in] RS485ConfigStruct Pointer to a UART1_RS485_CTRLCFG_Type structure. +* that contains the configuration information for specified UART. +* in RS485 mode.. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_RS485Config(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, UART1_RS485_CTRLCFG_Type *RS485ConfigStruct). +{. + uint32_t tmp;. +. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART1_MODEM(UARTx));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(RS485ConfigStruct->AutoAddrDetect_State));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(RS485ConfigStruct->AutoDirCtrl_State));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART1_RS485_CFG_DELAYVALUE(RS485ConfigStruct->DelayValue));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_SETSTATE(RS485ConfigStruct->DirCtrlPol_Level));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART_RS485_DIRCTRL_PIN(RS485ConfigStruct->DirCtrlPin));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_UART1_RS485_CFG_MATCHADDRVALUE(RS485ConfigStruct->MatchAddrValue));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(RS485ConfigStruct->NormalMultiDropMode_State));. + CHECK_PARAM(PARAM_FUNCTIONALSTATE(RS485ConfigStruct->Rx_State));. +. + tmp = 0;. + // If Auto Direction Control is enabled - This function is used in Master mode. + if (RS485ConfigStruct->AutoDirCtrl_State == ENABLE). + {. + tmp |= UART1_RS485CTRL_DCTRL_EN;. +. + // Set polar. + if (RS485ConfigStruct->DirCtrlPol_Level == SET). + {. + tmp |= UART1_RS485CTRL_OINV_1;. + }. +. + // Set pin according to. + if (RS485ConfigStruct->DirCtrlPin == UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_DTR). + {. + tmp |= UART1_RS485CTRL_SEL_DTR;. + }. +. + // Fill delay time. + UARTx->RS485DLY = RS485ConfigStruct->DelayValue & UART1_RS485DLY_BITMASK;. + }. +. + // MultiDrop mode is enable. + if (RS485ConfigStruct->NormalMultiDropMode_State == ENABLE). + {. + tmp |= UART1_RS485CTRL_NMM_EN;. + }. +. + // Auto Address Detect function. + if (RS485ConfigStruct->AutoAddrDetect_State == ENABLE). + {. + tmp |= UART1_RS485CTRL_AADEN;. + // Fill Match Address. + UARTx->ADRMATCH = RS485ConfigStruct->MatchAddrValue & UART1_RS485ADRMATCH_BITMASK;. + }. +. +. + // Receiver is disable. + if (RS485ConfigStruct->Rx_State == DISABLE). + {. + tmp |= UART1_RS485CTRL_RX_DIS;. + }. +. + // write back to RS485 control register. + UARTx->RS485CTRL = tmp & UART1_RS485CTRL_BITMASK;. +. + // Enable Parity function and leave parity in stick '0' parity as default. + UARTx->LCR |= (UART_LCR_PARITY_F_0 | UART_LCR_PARITY_EN);. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Enable/Disable receiver in RS485 module in UART1. + * @param[in] UARTx UART1 only.. + * @param[in] NewState New State of command, should be:. + * - ENABLE: Enable this function.. + * - DISABLE: Disable this function.. + * @return None. + */. +void UART_RS485ReceiverCmd(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, FunctionalState NewState). +{. + if (NewState == ENABLE){. + UARTx->RS485CTRL &= ~UART1_RS485CTRL_RX_DIS;. + } else {. + UARTx->RS485CTRL |= UART1_RS485CTRL_RX_DIS;. + }. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Send data on RS485 bus with specified parity stick value (9-bit mode).. + * @param[in] UARTx UART1 (only).. + * @param[in] pDatFrm Pointer to data frame.. + * @param[in] size Size of data.. + * @param[in] ParityStick Parity Stick value, should be 0 or 1.. + * @return None.. + */. +uint32_t UART_RS485Send(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t *pDatFrm, \. + uint32_t size, uint8_t ParityStick). +{. + uint8_t tmp, save;. + uint32_t cnt;. +. + if (ParityStick){. + save = tmp = UARTx->LCR & UART_LCR_BITMASK;. + tmp &= ~(UART_LCR_PARITY_EVEN);. + UARTx->LCR = tmp;. + cnt = UART_Send((LPC_UART_TypeDef *)UARTx, pDatFrm, size, BLOCKING);. + while (!(UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_TEMT));. + UARTx->LCR = save;. + } else {. + cnt = UART_Send((LPC_UART_TypeDef *)UARTx, pDatFrm, size, BLOCKING);. + while (!(UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_TEMT));. + }. + return cnt;. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Send Slave address frames on RS485 bus.. + * @param[in] UARTx UART1 (only).. + * @param[in] SlvAddr Slave Address.. + * @return None.. + */. +void UART_RS485SendSlvAddr(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t SlvAddr). +{. + UART_RS485Send(UARTx, &SlvAddr, 1, 1);. +}. +. +. +/**. + * @brief Send Data frames on RS485 bus.. + * @param[in] UARTx UART1 (only).. + * @param[in] pData Pointer to data to be sent.. + * @param[in] size Size of data frame to be sent.. + * @return None.. + */. +uint32_t UART_RS485SendData(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t size). +{. + return (UART_RS485Send(UARTx, pData, size, 0));. +}. +. +#endif /* _UART1 */. +. +. +/* Additional driver APIs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Send a block of data via UART peripheral. + * @param[in] UARTx Selected UART peripheral used to send data,. + * should be UART0, UART1, UART2 or UART3.. + * @param[in] txbuf Pointer to Transmit buffer. + * @param[in] buflen Length of Transmit buffer. + * @param[in] flag Flag used in UART transfer, should be. + * NONE_BLOCKING or BLOCKING. + * @return Number of bytes sent.. + *. + * Note: when using UART in BLOCKING mode, a time-out condition is used. + * via defined symbol UART_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT.. + **********************************************************************/. +uint32_t UART_Send(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t *txbuf,. + uint32_t buflen, TRANSFER_BLOCK_Type flag). +{. + uint32_t bToSend, bSent, timeOut, fifo_cnt;. + uint8_t *pChar = txbuf;. +. + bToSend = buflen;. +. + // blocking mode. + if (flag == BLOCKING) {. + bSent = 0;. + while (bToSend){. + timeOut = UART_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT;. + // Wait for THR empty with timeout. + while (!(UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_THRE)) {. + if (timeOut == 0) break;. + timeOut--;. + }. + // Time out!. + if(timeOut == 0) break;. + fifo_cnt = UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE;. + while (fifo_cnt && bToSend){. + UART_SendData(UARTx, (*pChar++));. + fifo_cnt--;. + bToSend--;. + bSent++;. + }. + }. + }. + // None blocking mode. + else {. + bSent = 0;. + while (bToSend) {. + if (!(UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_THRE)){. + break;. + }. + fifo_cnt = UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE;. + while (fifo_cnt && bToSend) {. + UART_SendData(UARTx, (*pChar++));. + bToSend--;. + fifo_cnt--;. + bSent++;. + }. + }. + }. + return bSent;. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Receive a block of data via UART peripheral. + * @param[in] UARTx Selected UART peripheral used to send data,. + * should be UART0, UART1, UART2 or UART3.. + * @param[out] rxbuf Pointer to Received buffer. + * @param[in] buflen Length of Received buffer. + * @param[in] flag Flag mode, should be NONE_BLOCKING or BLOCKING. +. + * @return Number of bytes received. + *. + * Note: when using UART in BLOCKING mode, a time-out condition is used. + * via defined symbol UART_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT.. + **********************************************************************/. +uint32_t UART_Receive(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t *rxbuf, \. + uint32_t buflen, TRANSFER_BLOCK_Type flag). +{. + uint32_t bToRecv, bRecv, timeOut;. + uint8_t *pChar = rxbuf;. +. + bToRecv = buflen;. +. + // Blocking mode. + if (flag == BLOCKING) {. + bRecv = 0;. + while (bToRecv){. + timeOut = UART_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT;. + while (!(UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_RDR)){. + if (timeOut == 0) break;. + timeOut--;. + }. + // Time out!. + if(timeOut == 0) break;. + // Get data from the buffer. + (*pChar++) = UART_ReceiveData(UARTx);. + bToRecv--;. + bRecv++;. + }. + }. + // None blocking mode. + else {. + bRecv = 0;. + while (bToRecv) {. + if (!(UARTx->LSR & UART_LSR_RDR)) {. + break;. + } else {. + (*pChar++) = UART_ReceiveData(UARTx);. + bRecv++;. + bToRecv--;. + }. + }. + }. + return bRecv;. +}. +. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Setup call-back function for UART interrupt handler for each. + * UART peripheral. + * @param[in] UARTx Selected UART peripheral, should be UART0..3. + * @param[in] CbType Call-back type, should be:. + * 0 - Receive Call-back. + * 1 - Transmit Call-back. + * 2 - Auto Baudrate Callback. + * 3 - Error Call-back. + * 4 - Modem Status Call-back (UART1 only). + * @param[in] pfnCbs Pointer to Call-back function. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART_SetupCbs(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t CbType, void *pfnCbs). +{. + uint8_t pUartNum;. +. + pUartNum = getUartNum(UARTx);. + switch(CbType){. + case 0:. + uartCbsDat[pUartNum].pfnRxCbs = (fnTxCbs_Type *)pfnCbs;. + break;. + case 1:. + uartCbsDat[pUartNum].pfnTxCbs = (fnRxCbs_Type *)pfnCbs;. + break;. + case 2:. + uartCbsDat[pUartNum].pfnABCbs = (fnABCbs_Type *)pfnCbs;. + break;. + case 3:. + uartCbsDat[pUartNum].pfnErrCbs = (fnErrCbs_Type *)pfnCbs;. + break;. + case 4:. + pfnModemCbs = (fnModemCbs_Type *)pfnCbs;. + break;. + default:. + break;. + }. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Standard UART0 interrupt handler. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART0_StdIntHandler(void). +{. + UART_GenIntHandler(LPC_UART0);. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Standard UART1 interrupt handler. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART1_StdIntHandler(void). +{. + UART_GenIntHandler((LPC_UART_TypeDef *)LPC_UART1);. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Standard UART2 interrupt handler. + * @param[in] None. + * @return None. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART2_StdIntHandler(void). +{. + UART_GenIntHandler(LPC_UART2);. +}. +. +/*********************************************************************//**. + * @brief Standard UART3 interrupt handler. + * @param[in] None. + * @return. + **********************************************************************/. +void UART3_StdIntHandler(void). +{. + UART_GenIntHandler(LPC_UART3);. +}. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +#endif /* _UART */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. +. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/lpc17xx_uart.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/lpc17xx_uart.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84128e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/libs/uart/lpc17xx_uart.h @@ -0,0 +1,633 @@ +/***********************************************************************//**. + * @file : lpc17xx_uart.h. + * @brief : Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes. + * support for UART firmware library on LPC17xx. + * @version : 1.0. + * @date : 18. Mar. 2009. + * @author : HieuNguyen. + **************************************************************************. + * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only. + * which provides customers with programming information regarding the. + * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.. + * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the. + * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,. + * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors. + * reserves the right to make changes in the software without. + * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or. + * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified. + * use without further testing or modification.. + **************************************************************************/. +. +/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup UART. + * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers. + * @{. + */. +. +#ifndef __LPC17XX_UART_H. +#define __LPC17XX_UART_H. +. +/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */. +#include "LPC17xx.h". +#include "lpc_types.h". +. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +extern "C". +{. +#endif. +. +. +/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup UART_Private_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/** @defgroup UART_REGISTER_BIT_DEFINITIONS. + * @{. + */. +. +/* Accepted Error baud rate value (in percent unit) */. +#define UART_ACCEPTED_BAUDRATE_ERROR (3) /*!< Acceptable UART baudrate error */. +. +/* Macro defines for UARTn Receiver Buffer Register */. +#define UART_RBR_MASKBIT ((uint8_t)0xFF) /*!< UART Received Buffer mask bit (8 bits) */. +. +/* Macro defines for UARTn Transmit Holding Register */. +#define UART_THR_MASKBIT ((uint8_t)0xFF) /*!< UART Transmit Holding mask bit (8 bits) */. +. +/* Macro defines for UARTn Divisor Latch LSB register */. +#define UART_LOAD_DLL(div) ((div) & 0xFF) /**< Macro for loading least significant halfs of divisors */. +#define UART_DLL_MASKBIT ((uint8_t)0xFF) /*!< Divisor latch LSB bit mask */. +. +/* Macro defines for UARTn Divisor Latch MSB register */. +#define UART_DLM_MASKBIT ((uint8_t)0xFF) /*!< Divisor latch MSB bit mask */. +#define UART_LOAD_DLM(div) (((div) >> 8) & 0xFF) /**< Macro for loading most significant halfs of divisors */. +. +. +/* Macro defines for UART interrupt enable register */. +#define UART_IER_RBRINT_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<0)) /*!< RBR Interrupt enable*/. +#define UART_IER_THREINT_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<1)) /*!< THR Interrupt enable*/. +#define UART_IER_RLSINT_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<2)) /*!< RX line status interrupt enable*/. +#define UART1_IER_MSINT_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<3)) /*!< Modem status interrupt enable */. +#define UART1_IER_CTSINT_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<7)) /*!< CTS1 signal transition interrupt enable */. +#define UART_IER_ABEOINT_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<8)) /*!< Enables the end of auto-baud interrupt */. +#define UART_IER_ABTOINT_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<9)) /*!< Enables the auto-baud time-out interrupt */. +#define UART_IER_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x307)) /*!< UART interrupt enable register bit mask */. +#define UART1_IER_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x38F)) /*!< UART1 interrupt enable register bit mask */. +. +. +/* UART interrupt identification register defines */. +#define UART_IIR_INTSTAT_PEND ((uint32_t)(1<<0)) /*!<Interrupt Status - Active low */. +#define UART_IIR_INTID_RLS ((uint32_t)(3<<1)) /*!<Interrupt identification: Receive line status*/. +#define UART_IIR_INTID_RDA ((uint32_t)(2<<1)) /*!<Interrupt identification: Receive data available*/. +#define UART_IIR_INTID_CTI ((uint32_t)(6<<1)) /*!<Interrupt identification: Character time-out indicator*/. +#define UART_IIR_INTID_THRE ((uint32_t)(1<<1)) /*!<Interrupt identification: THRE interrupt*/. +#define UART1_IIR_INTID_MODEM ((uint32_t)(0<<1)) /*!<Interrupt identification: Modem interrupt*/. +#define UART_IIR_INTID_MASK ((uint32_t)(7<<1)) /*!<Interrupt identification: Interrupt ID mask */. +#define UART_IIR_FIFO_EN ((uint32_t)(3<<6)) /*!<These bits are equivalent to UnFCR[0] */. +#define UART_IIR_ABEO_INT ((uint32_t)(1<<8)) /*!< End of auto-baud interrupt */. +#define UART_IIR_ABTO_INT ((uint32_t)(1<<9)) /*!< Auto-baud time-out interrupt */. +#define UART_IIR_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x3CF)) /*!< UART interrupt identification register bit mask */. +. +. +/* Macro defines for UART FIFO control register */. +#define UART_FCR_FIFO_EN ((uint8_t)(1<<0)) /*!< UART FIFO enable */. +#define UART_FCR_RX_RS ((uint8_t)(1<<1)) /*!< UART FIFO RX reset */. +#define UART_FCR_TX_RS ((uint8_t)(1<<2)) /*!< UART FIFO TX reset */. +#define UART_FCR_DMAMODE_SEL ((uint8_t)(1<<3)) /*!< UART DMA mode selection */. +#define UART_FCR_TRG_LEV0 ((uint8_t)(0)) /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 0: 1 character */. +#define UART_FCR_TRG_LEV1 ((uint8_t)(1<<6)) /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 1: 4 character */. +#define UART_FCR_TRG_LEV2 ((uint8_t)(2<<6)) /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 2: 8 character */. +#define UART_FCR_TRG_LEV3 ((uint8_t)(3<<6)) /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 3: 14 character */. +#define UART_FCR_BITMASK ((uint8_t)(0xCF)) /*!< UART FIFO control bit mask */. +#define UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE (16). +. +/* Macro defines for UART line control register */. +#define UART_LCR_WLEN5 ((uint8_t)(0)) /*!< UART 5 bit data mode */. +#define UART_LCR_WLEN6 ((uint8_t)(1<<0)) /*!< UART 6 bit data mode */. +#define UART_LCR_WLEN7 ((uint8_t)(2<<0)) /*!< UART 7 bit data mode */. +#define UART_LCR_WLEN8 ((uint8_t)(3<<0)) /*!< UART 8 bit data mode */. +#define UART_LCR_STOPBIT_SEL ((uint8_t)(1<<2)) /*!< UART Two Stop Bits Select */. +#define UART_LCR_PARITY_EN ((uint8_t)(1<<3)) /*!< UART Parity Enable */. +#define UART_LCR_PARITY_ODD ((uint8_t)(0)) /*!< UART Odd Parity Select */. +#define UART_LCR_PARITY_EVEN ((uint8_t)(1<<4)) /*!< UART Even Parity Select */. +#define UART_LCR_PARITY_F_1 ((uint8_t)(2<<4)) /*!< UART force 1 stick parity */. +#define UART_LCR_PARITY_F_0 ((uint8_t)(3<<4)) /*!< UART force 0 stick parity */. +#define UART_LCR_BREAK_EN ((uint8_t)(1<<6)) /*!< UART Transmission Break enable */. +#define UART_LCR_DLAB_EN ((uint8_t)(1<<7)) /*!< UART Divisor Latches Access bit enable */. +#define UART_LCR_BITMASK ((uint8_t)(0xFF)) /*!< UART line control bit mask */. +. +. +/* Macro defines for UART1 Modem Control Register */. +#define UART1_MCR_DTR_CTRL ((uint8_t)(1<<0)) /*!< Source for modem output pin DTR */. +#define UART1_MCR_RTS_CTRL ((uint8_t)(1<<1)) /*!< Source for modem output pin RTS */. +#define UART1_MCR_LOOPB_EN ((uint8_t)(1<<4)) /*!< Loop back mode select */. +#define UART1_MCR_AUTO_RTS_EN ((uint8_t)(1<<6)) /*!< Enable Auto RTS flow-control */. +#define UART1_MCR_AUTO_CTS_EN ((uint8_t)(1<<7)) /*!< Enable Auto CTS flow-control */. +#define UART1_MCR_BITMASK ((uint8_t)(0x0F3)) /*!< UART1 bit mask value */. +. +. +/* Macro defines for UART line status register */. +#define UART_LSR_RDR ((uint8_t)(1<<0)) /*!<Line status register: Receive data ready*/. +#define UART_LSR_OE ((uint8_t)(1<<1)) /*!<Line status register: Overrun error*/. +#define UART_LSR_PE ((uint8_t)(1<<2)) /*!<Line status register: Parity error*/. +#define UART_LSR_FE ((uint8_t)(1<<3)) /*!<Line status register: Framing error*/. +#define UART_LSR_BI ((uint8_t)(1<<4)) /*!<Line status register: Break interrupt*/. +#define UART_LSR_THRE ((uint8_t)(1<<5)) /*!<Line status register: Transmit holding register empty*/. +#define UART_LSR_TEMT ((uint8_t)(1<<6)) /*!<Line status register: Transmitter empty*/. +#define UART_LSR_RXFE ((uint8_t)(1<<7)) /*!<Error in RX FIFO*/. +#define UART_LSR_BITMASK ((uint8_t)(0xFF)) /*!<UART Line status bit mask */. +. +. +/* Macro defines for UART Modem (UART1 only) status register */. +#define UART1_MSR_DELTA_CTS ((uint8_t)(1<<0)) /*!< Set upon state change of input CTS */. +#define UART1_MSR_DELTA_DSR ((uint8_t)(1<<1)) /*!< Set upon state change of input DSR */. +#define UART1_MSR_LO2HI_RI ((uint8_t)(1<<2)) /*!< Set upon low to high transition of input RI */. +#define UART1_MSR_DELTA_DCD ((uint8_t)(1<<3)) /*!< Set upon state change of input DCD */. +#define UART1_MSR_CTS ((uint8_t)(1<<4)) /*!< Clear To Send State */. +#define UART1_MSR_DSR ((uint8_t)(1<<5)) /*!< Data Set Ready State */. +#define UART1_MSR_RI ((uint8_t)(1<<6)) /*!< Ring Indicator State */. +#define UART1_MSR_DCD ((uint8_t)(1<<7)) /*!< Data Carrier Detect State */. +#define UART1_MSR_BITMASK ((uint8_t)(0xFF)) /*!< MSR register bit-mask value */. +. +. +/* Macro defines for UART Scratch Pad Register */. +#define UART_SCR_BIMASK ((uint8_t)(0xFF)) /*!< UART Scratch Pad bit mask */. +. +/* Macro defines for UART Auto baudrate control register */. +#define UART_ACR_START ((uint32_t)(1<<0)) /**< UART Auto-baud start */. +#define UART_ACR_MODE ((uint32_t)(1<<1)) /**< UART Auto baudrate Mode 1 */. +#define UART_ACR_AUTO_RESTART ((uint32_t)(1<<2)) /**< UART Auto baudrate restart */. +#define UART_ACR_ABEOINT_CLR ((uint32_t)(1<<8)) /**< UART End of auto-baud interrupt clear */. +#define UART_ACR_ABTOINT_CLR ((uint32_t)(1<<9)) /**< UART Auto-baud time-out interrupt clear */. +#define UART_ACR_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x307)) /**< UART Auto Baudrate register bit mask */. +. +/* UART IrDA control register defines */. +#define UART_ICR_IRDAEN ((uint32_t)(1<<0)) /**< IrDA mode enable */. +#define UART_ICR_IRDAINV ((uint32_t)(1<<1)) /**< IrDA serial input inverted */. +#define UART_ICR_FIXPULSE_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<2)) /**< IrDA fixed pulse width mode */. +#define UART_ICR_PULSEDIV(n) ((uint32_t)((n&0x07)<<3)) /**< PulseDiv - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */. +#define UART_ICR_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x3F)) /*!< UART IRDA bit mask */. +. +/* Macro defines for UART Fractional divider register */. +#define UART_FDR_DIVADDVAL(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x0F)) /**< Baud-rate generation pre-scaler divisor */. +#define UART_FDR_MULVAL(n) ((uint32_t)((n<<4)&0xF0)) /**< Baud-rate pre-scaler multiplier value */. +#define UART_FDR_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0xFF)) /**< UART Fractional Divider register bit mask */. +. +/* Macro defines for UART Tx Enable register */. +#define UART_TER_TXEN ((uint8_t)(1<<7)) /*!< Transmit enable bit */. +#define UART_TER_BITMASK ((uint8_t)(0x80)) /**< UART Transmit Enable Register bit mask */. +. +. +/* Macro defines for UART1 RS485 Control register */. +#define UART1_RS485CTRL_NMM_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<0)) /*!< RS-485/EIA-485 Normal Multi-drop Mode (NMM). + is disabled */. +#define UART1_RS485CTRL_RX_DIS ((uint32_t)(1<<1)) /*!< The receiver is disabled */. +#define UART1_RS485CTRL_AADEN ((uint32_t)(1<<2)) /*!< Auto Address Detect (AAD) is enabled */. +#define UART1_RS485CTRL_SEL_DTR ((uint32_t)(1<<3)) /*!< If direction control is enabled. + (bit DCTRL = 1), pin DTR is used for direction control */. +#define UART1_RS485CTRL_DCTRL_EN ((uint32_t)(1<<4)) /*!< Enable Auto Direction Control */. +#define UART1_RS485CTRL_OINV_1 ((uint32_t)(1<<5)) /*!< This bit reverses the polarity of the direction. + control signal on the RTS (or DTR) pin. The direction control pin. + will be driven to logic "1" when the transmitter has data to be sent */. +#define UART1_RS485CTRL_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x3F)) /**< RS485 control bit-mask value */. +. +. +/* Macro defines for UART1 RS-485 Address Match register */. +#define UART1_RS485ADRMATCH_BITMASK ((uint8_t)(0xFF)) /**< Bit mask value */. +. +/* Macro defines for UART1 RS-485 Delay value register */. +#define UART1_RS485DLY_BITMASK ((uint8_t)(0xFF)) /** Bit mask value */. +. +. +/* Macro defines for UART FIFO Level register */. +#define UART_FIFOLVL_RXFIFOLVL(n) ((uint32_t)(n&0x0F)) /**< Reflects the current level of the UART receiver FIFO */. +#define UART_FIFOLVL_TXFIFOLVL(n) ((uint32_t)((n>>8)&0x0F)) /**< Reflects the current level of the UART transmitter FIFO */. +#define UART_FIFOLVL_BITMASK ((uint32_t)(0x0F0F)) /**< UART FIFO Level Register bit mask */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup UART_Public_Types. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/**. + * @brief UART Databit type definitions. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART_DATABIT_5 = 0, /*!< UART 5 bit data mode */. + UART_DATABIT_6, /*!< UART 6 bit data mode */. + UART_DATABIT_7, /*!< UART 7 bit data mode */. + UART_DATABIT_8 /*!< UART 8 bit data mode */. +} UART_DATABIT_Type;. +. +/** Macro to check the input UART_DATABIT parameters */. +#define PARAM_UART_DATABIT(databit) ((databit==UART_DATABIT_5) || (databit==UART_DATABIT_6)\. +|| (databit==UART_DATABIT_7) || (databit==UART_DATABIT_8)). +. +/**. + * @brief UART Stop bit type definitions. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART_STOPBIT_1 = (0), /*!< UART 1 Stop Bits Select */. + UART_STOPBIT_2, /*!< UART Two Stop Bits Select */. +} UART_STOPBIT_Type;. +. +/** Macro to check the input UART_STOPBIT parameters */. +#define PARAM_UART_STOPBIT(stopbit) ((stopbit==UART_STOPBIT_1) || (stopbit==UART_STOPBIT_2)). +. +/**. + * @brief UART Parity type definitions. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART_PARITY_NONE = 0, /*!< No parity */. + UART_PARITY_ODD, /*!< Odd parity */. + UART_PARITY_EVEN, /*!< Even parity */. + UART_PARITY_SP_1, /*!< Forced "1" stick parity */. + UART_PARITY_SP_0 /*!< Forced "0" stick parity */. +} UART_PARITY_Type;. +. +/** Macro to check the input UART_PARITY parameters */. +#define PARAM_UART_PARITY(parity) ((parity==UART_PARITY_NONE) || (parity==UART_PARITY_ODD) \. +|| (parity==UART_PARITY_EVEN) || (parity==UART_PARITY_SP_1) \. +|| (parity==UART_PARITY_SP_0)). +. +/**. + * @brief FIFO Level type definitions. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART_FIFO_TRGLEV0 = 0, /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 0: 1 character */. + UART_FIFO_TRGLEV1, /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 1: 4 character */. + UART_FIFO_TRGLEV2, /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 2: 8 character */. + UART_FIFO_TRGLEV3 /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 3: 14 character */. +} UART_FITO_LEVEL_Type;. +. +/** Macro to check the input UART_FIFO parameters */. +#define PARAM_UART_FIFO_LEVEL(fifo) ((fifo==UART_FIFO_TRGLEV0) \. +|| (fifo==UART_FIFO_TRGLEV1) || (fifo==UART_FIFO_TRGLEV2) \. +|| (fifo==UART_FIFO_TRGLEV3)). +. +/********************************************************************//**. +* @brief UART Interrupt Type definitions. +**********************************************************************/. +typedef enum {. + UART_INTCFG_RBR = 0, /*!< RBR Interrupt enable*/. + UART_INTCFG_THRE, /*!< THR Interrupt enable*/. + UART_INTCFG_RLS, /*!< RX line status interrupt enable*/. + UART1_INTCFG_MS, /*!< Modem status interrupt enable (UART1 only) */. + UART1_INTCFG_CTS, /*!< CTS1 signal transition interrupt enable (UART1 only) */. + UART_INTCFG_ABEO, /*!< Enables the end of auto-baud interrupt */. + UART_INTCFG_ABTO /*!< Enables the auto-baud time-out interrupt */. +} UART_INT_Type;. +. +/** Macro to check the input UART_INTCFG parameters */. +#define PARAM_UART_INTCFG(IntCfg) ((IntCfg==UART_INTCFG_RBR) || (IntCfg==UART_INTCFG_THRE) \. +|| (IntCfg==UART_INTCFG_RLS) || (IntCfg==UART_INTCFG_ABEO) \. +|| (IntCfg==UART_INTCFG_ABTO)). +. +/** Macro to check the input UART1_INTCFG parameters - expansion input parameter for UART1 */. +#define PARAM_UART1_INTCFG(IntCfg) ((IntCfg==UART1_INTCFG_MS) || (IntCfg==UART1_INTCFG_CTS)). +. +. +/**. + * @brief UART Line Status Type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART_LINESTAT_RDR = UART_LSR_RDR, /*!<Line status register: Receive data ready*/. + UART_LINESTAT_OE = UART_LSR_OE, /*!<Line status register: Overrun error*/. + UART_LINESTAT_PE = UART_LSR_PE, /*!<Line status register: Parity error*/. + UART_LINESTAT_FE = UART_LSR_FE, /*!<Line status register: Framing error*/. + UART_LINESTAT_BI = UART_LSR_BI, /*!<Line status register: Break interrupt*/. + UART_LINESTAT_THRE = UART_LSR_THRE, /*!<Line status register: Transmit holding register empty*/. + UART_LINESTAT_TEMT = UART_LSR_TEMT, /*!<Line status register: Transmitter empty*/. + UART_LINESTAT_RXFE = UART_LSR_RXFE /*!<Error in RX FIFO*/. +} UART_LS_Type;. +. +. +/**. + * @brief UART Auto-baudrate mode type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART_AUTOBAUD_MODE0 = 0, /**< UART Auto baudrate Mode 0 */. + UART_AUTOBAUD_MODE1, /**< UART Auto baudrate Mode 1 */. +} UART_AB_MODE_Type;. +. +/** Macro to check the input UART_AUTOBAUD_MODE parameters */. +#define PARAM_UART_AUTOBAUD_MODE(ABmode) ((ABmode==UART_AUTOBAUD_MODE0) || (ABmode==UART_AUTOBAUD_MODE1)). +. +/**. + * @brief Auto Baudrate mode configuration type definition. + */. +typedef struct {. + UART_AB_MODE_Type ABMode; /**< Autobaudrate mode */. + FunctionalState AutoRestart; /**< Auto Restart state */. +} UART_AB_CFG_Type;. +. +. +/**. + * @brief UART End of Auto-baudrate type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT_ABEO = UART_IIR_ABEO_INT, /**< UART End of auto-baud interrupt */. + UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT_ABTO = UART_IIR_ABTO_INT /**< UART Auto-baud time-out interrupt */. +}UART_ABEO_Type;. +. +/** Macro to check the input UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT parameters */. +#define PARAM_UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT(ABIntStat) ((ABIntStat==UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT_ABEO) || (ABIntStat==UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT_ABTO)). +. +/**. + * UART IrDA Control type Definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV2 = 0, /**< Pulse width = 2 * Tpclk. + - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */. + UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV4, /**< Pulse width = 4 * Tpclk. + - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */. + UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV8, /**< Pulse width = 8 * Tpclk. + - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */. + UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV16, /**< Pulse width = 16 * Tpclk. + - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */. + UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV32, /**< Pulse width = 32 * Tpclk. + - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */. + UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV64, /**< Pulse width = 64 * Tpclk. + - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */. + UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV128, /**< Pulse width = 128 * Tpclk. + - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */. + UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV256 /**< Pulse width = 256 * Tpclk. + - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */. +} UART_IrDA_PULSE_Type;. +. +. +/** Macro to check the input UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV parameters */. +#define PARAM_UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV(PulseDiv) ((PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV2) || (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV4) \. +|| (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV8) || (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV16) \. +|| (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV32) || (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV64) \. +|| (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV128) || (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV256)). +. +/********************************************************************//**. +* @brief UART1 Full modem - Signal states definition. +**********************************************************************/. +typedef enum {. + INACTIVE = 0, /* In-active state */. + ACTIVE = !INACTIVE /* Active state */. +}UART1_SignalState;. +. +/* Macro to check the input UART1_SignalState parameters */. +#define PARAM_UART1_SIGNALSTATE(x) ((x==INACTIVE) || (x==ACTIVE)). +. +/**. + * @brief UART modem status type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART1_MODEM_STAT_DELTA_CTS = UART1_MSR_DELTA_CTS, /*!< Set upon state change of input CTS */. + UART1_MODEM_STAT_DELTA_DSR = UART1_MSR_DELTA_DSR, /*!< Set upon state change of input DSR */. + UART1_MODEM_STAT_LO2HI_RI = UART1_MSR_LO2HI_RI, /*!< Set upon low to high transition of input RI */. + UART1_MODEM_STAT_DELTA_DCD = UART1_MSR_DELTA_DCD, /*!< Set upon state change of input DCD */. + UART1_MODEM_STAT_CTS = UART1_MSR_CTS, /*!< Clear To Send State */. + UART1_MODEM_STAT_DSR = UART1_MSR_DSR, /*!< Data Set Ready State */. + UART1_MODEM_STAT_RI = UART1_MSR_RI, /*!< Ring Indicator State */. + UART1_MODEM_STAT_DCD = UART1_MSR_DCD /*!< Data Carrier Detect State */. +} UART_MODEM_STAT_type;. +. +/**. + * @brief Modem output pin type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART1_MODEM_PIN_DTR = 0, /*!< Source for modem output pin DTR */. + UART1_MODEM_PIN_RTS /*!< Source for modem output pin RTS */. +} UART_MODEM_PIN_Type;. +. +/** Macro to check the input PARAM_UART1_MODEM_PIN parameters */. +#define PARAM_UART1_MODEM_PIN(x) ((x==UART1_MODEM_PIN_DTR) || (x==UART1_MODEM_PIN_RTS)). +. +. +/**. + * @brief UART Modem mode type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART1_MODEM_MODE_LOOPBACK = 0, /*!< Loop back mode select */. + UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_RTS, /*!< Enable Auto RTS flow-control */. + UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_CTS /*!< Enable Auto CTS flow-control */. +} UART_MODEM_MODE_Type;. +. +/** Macro to check the input PARAM_UART1_MODEM_MODE parameters */. +#define PARAM_UART1_MODEM_MODE(x) ((x==UART1_MODEM_MODE_LOOPBACK) || (x==UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_RTS) \. +|| (x==UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_CTS)). +. +. +/**. + * @brief UART Direction Control Pin type definition. + */. +typedef enum {. + UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_RTS = 0, /**< Pin RTS is used for direction control */. + UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_DTR /**< Pin DTR is used for direction control */. +} UART_RS485_DIRCTRL_PIN_Type;. +. +/** Macro to check the direction control pin type */. +#define PARAM_UART_RS485_DIRCTRL_PIN(x) ((x==UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_RTS) || (x==UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_DTR)). +. +. +/********************************************************************//**. +* @brief UART Configuration Structure definition. +**********************************************************************/. +typedef struct {. + uint32_t Baud_rate; /**< UART baud rate */. + UART_PARITY_Type Parity; /**< Parity selection, should be:. + - UART_PARITY_NONE: No parity. + - UART_PARITY_ODD: Odd parity. + - UART_PARITY_EVEN: Even parity. + - UART_PARITY_SP_1: Forced "1" stick parity. + - UART_PARITY_SP_0: Forced "0" stick parity. + */. + UART_DATABIT_Type Databits; /**< Number of data bits, should be:. + - UART_DATABIT_5: UART 5 bit data mode. + - UART_DATABIT_6: UART 6 bit data mode. + - UART_DATABIT_7: UART 7 bit data mode. + - UART_DATABIT_8: UART 8 bit data mode. + */. + UART_STOPBIT_Type Stopbits; /**< Number of stop bits, should be:. + - UART_STOPBIT_1: UART 1 Stop Bits Select. + - UART_STOPBIT_2: UART 2 Stop Bits Select. + */. +} UART_CFG_Type;. +. +/********************************************************************//**. +* @brief UART FIFO Configuration Structure definition. +**********************************************************************/. +. +typedef struct {. + FunctionalState FIFO_ResetRxBuf; /**< Reset Rx FIFO command state , should be:. + - ENABLE: Reset Rx FIFO in UART. + - DISABLE: Do not reset Rx FIFO in UART. + */. + FunctionalState FIFO_ResetTxBuf; /**< Reset Tx FIFO command state , should be:. + - ENABLE: Reset Tx FIFO in UART. + - DISABLE: Do not reset Tx FIFO in UART. + */. + FunctionalState FIFO_DMAMode; /**< DMA mode, should be:. + - ENABLE: Enable DMA mode in UART. + - DISABLE: Disable DMA mode in UART. + */. + UART_FITO_LEVEL_Type FIFO_Level; /**< Rx FIFO trigger level, should be:. + - UART_FIFO_TRGLEV0: UART FIFO trigger level 0: 1 character. + - UART_FIFO_TRGLEV1: UART FIFO trigger level 1: 4 character. + - UART_FIFO_TRGLEV2: UART FIFO trigger level 2: 8 character. + - UART_FIFO_TRGLEV3: UART FIFO trigger level 3: 14 character. + */. +} UART_FIFO_CFG_Type;. +. +. +/********************************************************************//**. +* @brief UART1 Full modem - RS485 Control configuration type. +**********************************************************************/. +typedef struct {. + FunctionalState NormalMultiDropMode_State; /*!< Normal MultiDrop mode State:. + - ENABLE: Enable this function.. + - DISABLE: Disable this function. */. + FunctionalState Rx_State; /*!< Receiver State:. + - ENABLE: Enable Receiver.. + - DISABLE: Disable Receiver. */. + FunctionalState AutoAddrDetect_State; /*!< Auto Address Detect mode state:. + - ENABLE: ENABLE this function.. + - DISABLE: Disable this function. */. + FunctionalState AutoDirCtrl_State; /*!< Auto Direction Control State:. + - ENABLE: Enable this function.. + - DISABLE: Disable this function. */. + UART_RS485_DIRCTRL_PIN_Type DirCtrlPin; /*!< If direction control is enabled, state:. + - UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_RTS:. + pin RTS is used for direction control.. + - UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_DTR:. + pin DTR is used for direction control. */. + SetState DirCtrlPol_Level; /*!< Polarity of the direction control signal on. + the RTS (or DTR) pin:. + - RESET: The direction control pin will be driven. + to logic "0" when the transmitter has data to be sent.. + - SET: The direction control pin will be driven. + to logic "1" when the transmitter has data to be sent. */. + uint8_t MatchAddrValue; /*!< address match value for RS-485/EIA-485 mode, 8-bit long */. + uint8_t DelayValue; /*!< delay time is in periods of the baud clock, 8-bit long */. +} UART1_RS485_CTRLCFG_Type;. +. +. +/* UART call-back function type definitions */. +/** UART Receive Call-back function type */. +typedef void (fnRxCbs_Type)(void);. +/** UART Transmit Call-back function type */. +typedef void (fnTxCbs_Type)(void);. +/** UART Auto-Baudrate Call-back function type */. +typedef void (fnABCbs_Type)(uint32_t bABIntType);. +/** UART Error Call-back function type */. +typedef void (fnErrCbs_Type)(uint8_t bError);. +/** UART1 modem status interrupt callback type */. +typedef void (fnModemCbs_Type)(uint8_t ModemStatus);. +. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup UART_Public_Macros. + * @{. + */. +. +. +/* Macro to determine if it is valid UART port number */. +#define PARAM_UARTx(x) ((((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART0)) \. +|| (((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART1)) \. +|| (((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART2)) \. +|| (((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART3))). +#define PARAM_UART_IrDA(x) (((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART3)). +#define PARAM_UART1_MODEM(x) (((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART1)). +. +. +/** Macro to check the input value for UART1_RS485_CFG_MATCHADDRVALUE parameter */. +#define PARAM_UART1_RS485_CFG_MATCHADDRVALUE(x) ((x<0xFF)). +. +/** Macro to check the input value for UART1_RS485_CFG_DELAYVALUE parameter */. +#define PARAM_UART1_RS485_CFG_DELAYVALUE(x) ((x<0xFF)). +. +. +/** UART time-out definitions in case of using Read() and Write function. + * with Blocking Flag mode. + */. +. +#define UART_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT (0xFFFFFFFFUL). +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */. +/** @defgroup UART_Public_Functions. + * @{. + */. +. +void UART_DeInit(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx);. +void UART_Init(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_CFG_Type *UART_ConfigStruct);. +void UART_ConfigStructInit(UART_CFG_Type *UART_InitStruct);. +void UART_SendData(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint8_t Data);. +uint8_t UART_ReceiveData(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx);. +void UART_ForceBreak(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx);. +void UART_IrDAInvtInputCmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx, FunctionalState NewState);. +void UART_IrDACmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx, FunctionalState NewState);. +void UART_IrDAPulseDivConfig(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_IrDA_PULSE_Type PulseDiv);. +void UART_IntConfig(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_INT_Type UARTIntCfg, \. + FunctionalState NewState);. +uint8_t UART_GetLineStatus(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx);. +FlagStatus UART_CheckBusy(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx);. +void UART_FIFOConfig(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_FIFO_CFG_Type *FIFOCfg);. +void UART_FIFOConfigStructInit(UART_FIFO_CFG_Type *UART_FIFOInitStruct);. +void UART_ABCmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_AB_CFG_Type *ABConfigStruct, \. + FunctionalState NewState);. +void UART_TxCmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, FunctionalState NewState);. +void UART_FullModemForcePinState(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_MODEM_PIN_Type Pin, \. + UART1_SignalState NewState);. +void UART_FullModemConfigMode(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_MODEM_MODE_Type Mode, \. + FunctionalState NewState);. +uint8_t UART_FullModemGetStatus(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx);. +void UART_RS485Config(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, \. + UART1_RS485_CTRLCFG_Type *RS485ConfigStruct);. +void UART_RS485ReceiverCmd(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, FunctionalState NewState);. +void UART_RS485SendSlvAddr(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t SlvAddr);. +uint32_t UART_RS485SendData(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t size);. +uint32_t UART_Send(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t *txbuf,. + uint32_t buflen, TRANSFER_BLOCK_Type flag);. +uint32_t UART_Receive(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t *rxbuf, \. + uint32_t buflen, TRANSFER_BLOCK_Type flag);. +void UART_SetupCbs(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t CbType, void *pfnCbs);. +void UART0_StdIntHandler(void);. +void UART1_StdIntHandler(void);. +void UART2_StdIntHandler(void);. +void UART3_StdIntHandler(void);. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +. +#ifdef __cplusplus. +}. +#endif. +. +. +#endif /* __LPC17XX_UART_H */. +. +/**. + * @}. + */. +. +/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */. diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/tools/lpcchksum/lpcchksum.sh b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/tools/lpcchksum/lpcchksum.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..353af27 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc17cmsis/tools/lpcchksum/lpcchksum.sh @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +cksum=$[($(hexdump -v -n $[7*4] -e '1/4 "0x%08x+"' $1) - 1)^0xffffffff] +( head -c $[7*4] $1; \ + echo -en $(printf '%08x' $cksum | sed 's/.*\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)$/\\x\4\\x\3\\x\2\\x\1/'); \ + tail -c +$[8*4] $1 ) diff --git a/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76b56fd --- /dev/null +++ b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework + +ifndef MAKERULES_DIR +MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) +all : default +.DEFAULT:: + @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" +else +include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules +endif + diff --git a/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99dc2a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +SUBDIRS = + +lib_LDSCRIPTS = board.ld +include_HEADERS = system_def.h diff --git a/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/board.ld b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/board.ld new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20ce73e --- /dev/null +++ b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/board.ld @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/* Board specific objects linked with applications */ diff --git a/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/config.lpc17xx-mbed b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/config.lpc17xx-mbed new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0e0d72 --- /dev/null +++ b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/config.lpc17xx-mbed @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +ARCH=arm +MACH=lpc17cmsis +BOARD=lpc17cmsis-mbed + +CROSS_COMPILE = arm-elf- +TARGET_ARCH = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 + +# set ARCH_... & MACH_... C defines +CFLAGS += -DARCH_$(shell echo $(ARCH) | tr a-z A-Z) +CFLAGS += -DMACH_$(shell echo $(MACH) | tr a-z A-Z) +CFLAGS += -D__BIT_TYPES_DEFINED__ + +# Set default C flags. If theese are set elsewhere (e.g. on a command +# line), these default flags are not used. +DEBUG ?= -g +OPTIMIZE ?= -O2 + + +# loading function is not done yet + +#LPCISP=~/projects/cf/lpc21isp_v179/lpc21isp +#TOLPC13XX=../../../arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/tools/tolpc/tolpc -m ../../../arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/tools/tolpc/lpc13xx.so +#LPC_BAUD = 115200 +#LPC_TTY = /dev/ttyUSB0 +#CPU_SYS_KHZ = 12000 + +#TOLPC = $(TOLPC13XX) --baud $(LPC_BAUD) --sdev $(LPC_TTY) -q $(CPU_SYS_KHZ) -L -f +#LOAD_CMD-ram = $(TOLPC) +#LOAD_CMD-flash = load() { $(TOLPC) -bin $$1 $(LPC_TTY) $(LPC_BAUD) $(CPU_SYS_KHZ); }; load + +# This selects linker script +LD_SCRIPT=lpc1768 +DEFAULT_LD_SCRIPT_VARIANT=flash + +OUTPUT_FORMATS = bin + +### +#CONFIG_USB_BASE=y +#CONFIG_USB_MORE=y +CONFIG_USB_PDIUSB=n +#CONFIG_USB_LPCUSB=y +CONFIG_CMDPROC_TEST=n + +LN_HEADERS=y diff --git a/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/system_def.h b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/system_def.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9022aab --- /dev/null +++ b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/system_def.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/* rien de rien */ -- 1.7.1