Ahoj, rozhodl jsem se udelat poradek v adresari app/, kde byla smes vselijakych testovacich programku pro ruzne desky a nikdo poradne nevedel co je k cemu dobre. Poradek jsem udelal tak, ze jsem uplne smazal aplikace v adresari app/arm/contrib a ostatni aplikace jsem rozstrkal do adresaru odpovidajicich desce ci mach(ine) pro kterou jsou urceny. Aplikace se tedy kompiluji automaticky jen kdyz je potreba a nemusi se kvuli tomu davat podminka do Makefile.omk. Pokud se vam neco na techto zmenach nezda, tak se ozvete. V opacnem pripade je za par dni poslu do repozitare. Michal Sojka (5): Spejbl: Set default linker script to an existing one Move applications to their board/mach subdirectory Remove contrib applications Remove conditional compilation from board/arch specific apps Add app/README describing the intended use of app/ directory app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/dev_cntrl.c | 8 - app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_dev.c | 184 ---------- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_mam.c | 67 ---- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_pll.c | 185 ---------- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_time.c | 522 --------------------------- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_vpb.c | 133 ------- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/test.c | 44 --- app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/config.h | 144 -------- app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/test_pwm.c | 161 -------- app/arm/contrib/can/can.c | 74 ---- app/arm/contrib/first/config.h | 144 -------- app/arm/contrib/first/main.c | 215 ----------- app/arm/contrib/pokusy/pokus.c | 81 ---- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/config.h | 144 -------- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.c | 155 -------- app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.c | 138 ------- app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.h | 21 - app/arm/test_uart/uart.c | 105 ------ app/arm/test_uart/uart.h | 68 ---- {app/arm => arch/arm/generic/app}/usbhiddemo/usb/usb_defs.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/generic/app}/usbhiddemo/usbhid.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/ledflash/ledflash.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/test_at91_timer/test_at91_timer.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test}/ahoy1311/ahoy.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/armtest_leds/config.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/armtest_leds/main.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/canldtg/canld_tg.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/interrupt_t0_test/config.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/interrupt_t0_test/interrupt_t0_test.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_ARMBoard_pwm/config.h | 0 {app/arm/contrib/test_pwm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm}/pwm.c | 0 {app/arm/contrib/test_pwm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm}/pwm.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_ARMBoard_pwm/test_ARMBoard_pwm.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/config.h | 0 {app/arm/contrib/uart_test => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart}/uart.c | 0 {app/arm/contrib/uart_test => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart}/uart.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/uart_test.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/uartx.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/uartx.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test}/ahoy2364/ahoy2364.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/bloader.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/test_upraveny.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/ledblink/ledblink.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/ledblink/ledtimer.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/rs_test/rs_test.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/rs_test/rs_test2.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/usb_loader.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/usb_loader.h | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/usb_test.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/cfsetspeed.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/hiterm.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/rs232_lt.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/tohit.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/tohit_fn.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/tohit_fn.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test}/mbed_blink/main.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/MC1319x.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/MC1319x.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/MC1319xdef.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/main.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/spi.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/spi_LPC.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/spi_avr.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/uart_minibee.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/uart_minibee.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/engine.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/engine.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/main.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/powswitch.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/powswitch.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/servo.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/servo.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/uart.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/uart.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/test}/eb_blink/main.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/rama_dam/rama_dam.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/shodiny/hodiny.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/smotor/motor.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/smotor/pwm.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/smotor/pwm.h | 0 app/Makefile.omk | 2 - app/README | 8 + app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk | 14 - app/arm/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk | 14 - app/arm/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk | 17 - app/arm/canldtg/Makefile.omk | 19 - app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/Makefile.omk | 8 - app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/Makefile.omk | 8 - app/arm/contrib/first/Doxyfile | 275 -------------- app/arm/contrib/first/Makefile.omk | 5 - app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop | 102 ------ app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop.filelist | 4 - app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop.pcs | Bin 22540 -> 0 bytes app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevses | 36 -- app/arm/contrib/first/tags | 60 --- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Doxyfile | 275 -------------- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Makefile.omk | 8 - app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/run | 5 - app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop | 179 --------- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop.filelist | 8 - app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop.pcs | Bin 3790 -> 0 bytes app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevses | 29 -- app/arm/eb_blink/Makefile.omk | 17 - app/arm/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk | 23 -- app/arm/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk | 20 - app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk | 19 - app/arm/minibee/Makefile.omk | 21 - app/arm/shodiny/Makefile.omk | 17 - app/arm/smotor/Makefile.omk | 15 - app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk | 17 - app/arm/test_uart/Makefile.omk | 18 - app/h8300/Makefile.omk | 3 - arch/arm/generic/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm => arch/arm/generic/app}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/generic/app/Makefile.omk | 3 + {app/arm/test_at91_timer => arch/arm/generic/app/usbhiddemo}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/generic/app}/usbhiddemo/Makefile.omk | 0 arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/ahoy1311 => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/Makefile.omk | 3 + {app/arm/ahoy2364 => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/ledflash}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/ledflash/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/usbhiddemo => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/test_at91_timer}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/test_at91_timer/Makefile.omk | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/armtest_leds => arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/Makefile.omk | 3 + {app/arm/canldtg => arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk | 8 + arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/Makefile.omk | 3 + {app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk | 3 + {app/arm/contrib/first => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/Makefile.omk | 9 + {app/arm/contrib/test_pwm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk | 4 + {app/arm/eb_blink => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk | 7 + {app/arm/eb_ebb => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/Makefile.omk | 5 + arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/interrupt_t0_test => arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/Makefile.omk | 3 + {app/arm/ledflash => arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk | 8 + arch/h8300/generic/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/mbed_blink => arch/h8300/generic/bloader}/Makefile | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/Makefile.std | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/bootstrap | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/depend | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/make_vysledek | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/pat.bin | Bin 1024 -> 1024 bytes {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/poznamky | 0 {app/arm/minibee => arch/h8300/generic/test}/Makefile | 0 arch/h8300/generic/test/Makefile.omk | 3 + {app/arm/rama_dam => arch/h8300/generic/test/ledblink}/Makefile | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/ledblink/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/shodiny => arch/h8300/generic/test/rs_test}/Makefile | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/rs_test/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/smotor => arch/h8300/generic/test/usb_test}/Makefile | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/Makefile | 0 arch/h8300/generic/tools/Makefile.omk | 3 + {app/arm/test_uart => arch/h8300/generic/tools/tohit}/Makefile | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/Makefile.std | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/README | 0 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/h8300 => board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/Makefile.omk | 3 + {app/h8300/bloader => board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk | 3 + board/arm/lpceurobot/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/h8300/ledblink => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/lpceurobot/app/Makefile.omk | 3 + {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/Doxyfile | 0 {app/h8300/rs_test => board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Makefile.omk | 10 + {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevelop | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevelop.filelist | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevelop.pcs | Bin 40279 -> 40279 bytes {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevses | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.tag | 0 board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/Abstract.txt | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/Doxyfile | 0 {app/h8300/tohit => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk | 13 + {app/h8300/usb_test => board/arm/lpceurobot/test}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/test}/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink/Makefile.omk | 7 + {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/spejblarm/app/Makefile.omk | 3 + {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app/rama_dam}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/rama_dam/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny/Makefile.omk | 6 + {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/Makefile.omk | 5 + board/arm/spejblarm/config.spejbl | 2 +- 208 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 3841 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/dev_cntrl.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_dev.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_mam.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_pll.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_time.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_vpb.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/test.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/config.h delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/test_pwm.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/can/can.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/first/config.h delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/first/main.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/pokusy/pokus.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/config.h delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.h delete mode 100644 app/arm/test_uart/uart.c delete mode 100644 app/arm/test_uart/uart.h rename {app/arm => arch/arm/generic/app}/usbhiddemo/usb/usb_defs.h (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/generic/app}/usbhiddemo/usbhid.c (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/ledflash/ledflash.c (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/test_at91_timer/test_at91_timer.c (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test}/ahoy1311/ahoy.c (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/armtest_leds/config.h (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/armtest_leds/main.c (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/canldtg/canld_tg.c (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/interrupt_t0_test/config.h (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/interrupt_t0_test/interrupt_t0_test.c (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_ARMBoard_pwm/config.h (100%) rename {app/arm/contrib/test_pwm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm}/pwm.c (100%) rename {app/arm/contrib/test_pwm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm}/pwm.h (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_ARMBoard_pwm/test_ARMBoard_pwm.c (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/config.h (100%) rename {app/arm/contrib/uart_test => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart}/uart.c (100%) rename {app/arm/contrib/uart_test => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart}/uart.h (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/uart_test.c (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/uartx.c (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/uartx.h (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test}/ahoy2364/ahoy2364.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/bloader.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/test_upraveny.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/ledblink/ledblink.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/ledblink/ledtimer.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/rs_test/rs_test.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/rs_test/rs_test2.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/usb_loader.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/usb_loader.h (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/usb_test.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/cfsetspeed.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/hiterm.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/rs232_lt.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/tohit.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/tohit_fn.c (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/tohit_fn.h (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test}/mbed_blink/main.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/MC1319x.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/MC1319x.h (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/MC1319xdef.h (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/main.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/spi.h (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/spi_LPC.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/spi_avr.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/uart_minibee.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/uart_minibee.h (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc.h (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.h (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/engine.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/engine.h (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/main.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/powswitch.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/powswitch.h (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/servo.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/servo.h (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/uart.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/uart.h (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/test}/eb_blink/main.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/rama_dam/rama_dam.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/shodiny/hodiny.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/smotor/motor.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/smotor/pwm.c (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/smotor/pwm.h (100%) create mode 100644 app/README delete mode 100644 app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/canldtg/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/first/Doxyfile delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/first/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop.filelist delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop.pcs delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevses delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/first/tags delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Doxyfile delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Makefile.omk delete mode 100755 app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/run delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop.filelist delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop.pcs delete mode 100644 app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevses delete mode 100644 app/arm/eb_blink/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/minibee/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/shodiny/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/smotor/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/arm/test_uart/Makefile.omk delete mode 100644 app/h8300/Makefile.omk copy {app/arm => arch/arm/generic/app}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/generic/app/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/test_at91_timer => arch/arm/generic/app/usbhiddemo}/Makefile (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/generic/app}/usbhiddemo/Makefile.omk (100%) rename {app/arm/ahoy1311 => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/ahoy2364 => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/ledflash}/Makefile (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/ledflash/Makefile.omk (100%) rename {app/arm/usbhiddemo => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/test_at91_timer}/Makefile (100%) rename {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/test_at91_timer/Makefile.omk (100%) rename {app/arm/armtest_leds => arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/canldtg => arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/contrib/first => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/contrib/test_pwm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/eb_blink => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/eb_ebb => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/interrupt_t0_test => arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/ledflash => arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/mbed_blink => arch/h8300/generic/bloader}/Makefile (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/Makefile.omk (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/Makefile.std (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/bootstrap (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/depend (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/make_vysledek (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/pat.bin (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/poznamky (100%) rename {app/arm/minibee => arch/h8300/generic/test}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/h8300/generic/test/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/rama_dam => arch/h8300/generic/test/ledblink}/Makefile (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/ledblink/Makefile.omk (100%) rename {app/arm/shodiny => arch/h8300/generic/test/rs_test}/Makefile (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/rs_test/Makefile.omk (100%) rename {app/arm/smotor => arch/h8300/generic/test/usb_test}/Makefile (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/Makefile.omk (100%) rename {app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 arch/h8300/generic/tools/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm/test_uart => arch/h8300/generic/tools/tohit}/Makefile (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/Makefile.omk (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/Makefile.std (100%) rename {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/README (100%) rename {app/h8300 => board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/Makefile.omk rename {app/h8300/bloader => board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk rename {app/h8300/ledblink => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 board/arm/lpceurobot/app/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/Doxyfile (100%) rename {app/h8300/rs_test => board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevelop (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevelop.filelist (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevelop.pcs (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevses (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.tag (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/Abstract.txt (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/Doxyfile (100%) rename {app/h8300/tohit => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk rename {app/h8300/usb_test => board/arm/lpceurobot/test}/Makefile (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/test}/Makefile.omk (100%) copy {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink/Makefile.omk copy {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 board/arm/spejblarm/app/Makefile.omk copy {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app/rama_dam}/Makefile (100%) rename {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/rama_dam/Makefile.omk (100%) copy {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny/Makefile.omk rename {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor}/Makefile (100%) create mode 100644 board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/Makefile.omk

--- board/arm/spejblarm/config.spejbl | 2 +- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) diff --git a/board/arm/spejblarm/config.spejbl b/board/arm/spejblarm/config.spejbl index 640e200..43382cb 100644 --- a/board/arm/spejblarm/config.spejbl +++ b/board/arm/spejblarm/config.spejbl @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ LOAD_CMD-mpram = $(TOLPC) -v -q 7372 -L -f # This selects linker script LD_SCRIPT=lpc2119 -DEFAULT_LD_SCRIPT_VARIANT=ramisp +DEFAULT_LD_SCRIPT_VARIANT=mpram #OUTPUT_FORMATS = bin hex srec --

The app/ directory was mess. This is an attempt to make the situation better. --- {app/arm => arch/arm/generic/app}/usbhiddemo/usb/usb_defs.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/generic/app}/usbhiddemo/usbhid.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/ledflash/ledflash.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/test_at91_timer/test_at91_timer.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test}/ahoy1311/ahoy.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/armtest_leds/config.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/armtest_leds/main.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/canldtg/canld_tg.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/interrupt_t0_test/config.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/interrupt_t0_test/interrupt_t0_test.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_ARMBoard_pwm/config.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_ARMBoard_pwm/test_ARMBoard_pwm.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/config.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/uart.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/uart.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/uart_test.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/uartx.c | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/uartx.h | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test}/ahoy2364/ahoy2364.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/bloader.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/test_upraveny.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/ledblink/ledblink.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/ledblink/ledtimer.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/rs_test/rs_test.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/rs_test/rs_test2.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/usb_loader.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/usb_loader.h | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/usb_test.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/cfsetspeed.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/hiterm.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/rs232_lt.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/tohit.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/tohit_fn.c | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/tohit_fn.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test}/mbed_blink/main.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/MC1319x.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/MC1319x.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/MC1319xdef.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/main.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/spi.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/spi_LPC.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/spi_avr.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/uart_minibee.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/uart_minibee.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/engine.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/engine.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/main.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/powswitch.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/powswitch.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/servo.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/servo.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/uart.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/uart.h | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/test}/eb_blink/main.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/rama_dam/rama_dam.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/shodiny/hodiny.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/smotor/motor.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/smotor/pwm.c | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/smotor/pwm.h | 0 app/Makefile.omk | 2 -- arch/arm/generic/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/ahoy1311 => arch/arm/generic/app}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/generic/app/Makefile.omk | 3 +++ {app/arm/test_at91_timer => arch/arm/generic/app/usbhiddemo}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/generic/app}/usbhiddemo/Makefile.omk | 0 arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/ahoy2364 => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/Makefile.omk | 3 +++ {app/arm/armtest_leds => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/ledflash}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/ledflash/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/usbhiddemo => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/test_at91_timer}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test}/test_at91_timer/Makefile.omk | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/canldtg => arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/Makefile.omk | 3 +++ {app/arm/eb_blink => arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test}/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/eb_ebb => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/Makefile.omk | 3 +++ {app/arm/interrupt_t0_test => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/ledflash => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/canldtg/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/mbed_blink => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/minibee => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/rama_dam => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test}/test_uart/Makefile.omk | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/shodiny => arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test}/Makefile | 0 arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/Makefile.omk | 3 +++ {app/arm/smotor => arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test}/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk | 0 arch/h8300/generic/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm => arch/h8300/generic/bloader}/Makefile | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/Makefile.std | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/bootstrap | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/depend | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/make_vysledek | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/pat.bin | Bin 1024 -> 1024 bytes {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic}/bloader/poznamky | 0 {app/arm/test_uart => arch/h8300/generic/test}/Makefile | 0 arch/h8300/generic/test/Makefile.omk | 3 +++ {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test/ledblink}/Makefile | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/ledblink/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/h8300/bloader => arch/h8300/generic/test/rs_test}/Makefile | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/rs_test/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/h8300/ledblink => arch/h8300/generic/test/usb_test}/Makefile | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/test}/usb_test/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/h8300/rs_test => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/Makefile | 0 arch/h8300/generic/tools/Makefile.omk | 3 +++ {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/Makefile | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/Makefile.std | 0 {app/h8300 => arch/h8300/generic/tools}/tohit/README | 0 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/h8300/usb_test => board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/Makefile.omk | 3 +++ {app/arm/ahoy1311 => board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test}/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk | 0 board/arm/lpceurobot/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm/ahoy1311 => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/lpceurobot/app/Makefile.omk | 3 +++ {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/Doxyfile | 0 {app/arm/ahoy1311 => board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevelop | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevelop.filelist | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevelop.pcs | Bin 40279 -> 40279 bytes {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.kdevses | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/app}/minibee/minibee.tag | 0 board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/Makefile.omk | 2 +- {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/Abstract.txt | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/Doxyfile | 0 {app/arm/ahoy1311 => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/libs}/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/ahoy1311 => board/arm/lpceurobot/test}/Makefile | 0 {app/h8300 => board/arm/lpceurobot/test}/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/ahoy1311 => board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/lpceurobot/test}/eb_blink/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/ahoy1311 => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/Makefile | 0 board/arm/spejblarm/app/Makefile.omk | 3 +++ {app/arm/ahoy1311 => board/arm/spejblarm/app/rama_dam}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/rama_dam/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/ahoy1311 => board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/shodiny/Makefile.omk | 0 {app/arm/ahoy1311 => board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor}/Makefile | 0 {app/arm => board/arm/spejblarm/app}/smotor/Makefile.omk | 0 157 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/arm/usbhiddemo/usb/usb_defs.h b/arch/arm/generic/app/usbhiddemo/usb/usb_defs.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/usbhiddemo/usb/usb_defs.h rename to arch/arm/generic/app/usbhiddemo/usb/usb_defs.h diff --git a/app/arm/usbhiddemo/usbhid.c b/arch/arm/generic/app/usbhiddemo/usbhid.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/usbhiddemo/usbhid.c rename to arch/arm/generic/app/usbhiddemo/usbhid.c diff --git a/app/arm/ledflash/ledflash.c b/arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/ledflash/ledflash.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/ledflash/ledflash.c rename to arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/ledflash/ledflash.c diff --git a/app/arm/test_at91_timer/test_at91_timer.c b/arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/test_at91_timer/test_at91_timer.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_at91_timer/test_at91_timer.c rename to arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/test_at91_timer/test_at91_timer.c diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/ahoy.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/ahoy.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/ahoy1311/ahoy.c rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/ahoy.c diff --git a/app/arm/armtest_leds/config.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/config.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/armtest_leds/config.h rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/config.h diff --git a/app/arm/armtest_leds/main.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/main.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/armtest_leds/main.c rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/main.c diff --git a/app/arm/canldtg/canld_tg.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/canld_tg.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/canldtg/canld_tg.c rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/canld_tg.c diff --git a/app/arm/interrupt_t0_test/config.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/config.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/interrupt_t0_test/config.h rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/config.h diff --git a/app/arm/interrupt_t0_test/interrupt_t0_test.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/interrupt_t0_test.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/interrupt_t0_test/interrupt_t0_test.c rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/interrupt_t0_test.c diff --git a/app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/config.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/config.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/config.h rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/config.h diff --git a/app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.c rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.c diff --git a/app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/pwm.h rename to 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b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/uart_test.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_uart/uart_test.c rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/uart_test.c diff --git a/app/arm/test_uart/uartx.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/uartx.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_uart/uartx.c rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/uartx.c diff --git a/app/arm/test_uart/uartx.h b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/uartx.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_uart/uartx.h rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/uartx.h diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy2364/ahoy2364.c b/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/ahoy2364.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/ahoy2364/ahoy2364.c rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/ahoy2364.c diff --git a/app/h8300/bloader/bloader.c b/arch/h8300/generic/bloader/bloader.c similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/bloader/bloader.c rename to arch/h8300/generic/bloader/bloader.c diff --git a/app/h8300/bloader/test_upraveny.c b/arch/h8300/generic/bloader/test_upraveny.c similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/bloader/test_upraveny.c rename to arch/h8300/generic/bloader/test_upraveny.c diff --git a/app/h8300/ledblink/ledblink.c b/arch/h8300/generic/test/ledblink/ledblink.c similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/ledblink/ledblink.c rename to arch/h8300/generic/test/ledblink/ledblink.c diff --git a/app/h8300/ledblink/ledtimer.c b/arch/h8300/generic/test/ledblink/ledtimer.c similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/ledblink/ledtimer.c rename to arch/h8300/generic/test/ledblink/ledtimer.c diff --git a/app/h8300/rs_test/rs_test.c b/arch/h8300/generic/test/rs_test/rs_test.c similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/rs_test/rs_test.c rename to arch/h8300/generic/test/rs_test/rs_test.c diff --git a/app/h8300/rs_test/rs_test2.c b/arch/h8300/generic/test/rs_test/rs_test2.c similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/rs_test/rs_test2.c rename to 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rename to board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/main.c diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/MC1319x.c b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/MC1319x.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/MC1319x.c rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/MC1319x.c diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/MC1319x.h b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/MC1319x.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/MC1319x.h rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/MC1319x.h diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/MC1319xdef.h b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/MC1319xdef.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/MC1319xdef.h rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/MC1319xdef.h diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/main.c b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/main.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/main.c rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/main.c diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/spi.h b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/spi.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/spi.h rename to 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rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/adc.c diff --git a/app/arm/eb_ebb/adc.h b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/adc.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/eb_ebb/adc.h rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/adc.h diff --git a/app/arm/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.c b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.c rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.c diff --git a/app/arm/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.h b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.h rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/adc_filtr.h diff --git a/app/arm/eb_ebb/engine.c b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/engine.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/eb_ebb/engine.c rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/engine.c diff --git a/app/arm/eb_ebb/engine.h b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/engine.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/eb_ebb/engine.h rename to 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--git a/app/arm/smotor/motor.c b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/motor.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/smotor/motor.c rename to board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/motor.c diff --git a/app/arm/smotor/pwm.c b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/pwm.c similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/smotor/pwm.c rename to board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/pwm.c diff --git a/app/arm/smotor/pwm.h b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/pwm.h similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/smotor/pwm.h rename to board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/pwm.h diff --git a/app/Makefile.omk b/app/Makefile.omk index f4f9a5d..8b10679 100644 --- a/app/Makefile.omk +++ b/app/Makefile.omk @@ -1,3 +1 @@ # -*- makefile -*- - -SUBDIRS := $(ARCH) diff --git a/arch/arm/generic/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/generic/Makefile.omk index dba8475..da412ce 100644 --- a/arch/arm/generic/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/arm/generic/Makefile.omk @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # -*- makefile -*- -SUBDIRS = defines libs +SUBDIRS = defines libs app diff --git 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b/arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/Makefile.omk @@ -1 +1 @@ -SUBDIRS = defines libs +SUBDIRS = defines libs test diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy2364/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/ahoy2364/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/Makefile diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66b4548 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +SUBDIRS := ledflash test_at91_timer diff --git a/app/arm/armtest_leds/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/ledflash/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/armtest_leds/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/ledflash/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/ledflash/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/ledflash/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/ledflash/Makefile.omk rename to arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/ledflash/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/usbhiddemo/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/test_at91_timer/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/usbhiddemo/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/test_at91_timer/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/test_at91_timer/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/test_at91_timer/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_at91_timer/Makefile.omk rename to arch/arm/mach-at91sam7/test/test_at91_timer/Makefile.omk diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/Makefile.omk index 2ebd5c8..419c052 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/Makefile.omk @@ -1 +1 @@ -SUBDIRS = defines libs +SUBDIRS = defines libs test diff --git a/app/arm/canldtg/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/canldtg/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/Makefile diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83dc531 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +SUBDIRS := ahoy1311 diff --git a/app/arm/eb_blink/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/eb_blink/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/Makefile.omk index f28e3d9..dfd30cc 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/Makefile.omk @@ -1 +1 @@ -SUBDIRS = defines tools libs +SUBDIRS = defines tools libs test diff --git a/app/arm/eb_ebb/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/eb_ebb/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/Makefile diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3bebad --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +SUBDIRS := armtest_leds canldtg interrupt_t0_test test_ARMBoard_pwm test_uart diff --git a/app/arm/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/ledflash/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/ledflash/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/canldtg/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/canldtg/Makefile.omk rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/rama_dam/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/rama_dam/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/test_uart/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_uart/Makefile.omk rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/Makefile.omk diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/Makefile.omk index 3534d2e..0fba955 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/Makefile.omk @@ -1 +1 @@ -SUBDIRS = defines libs tools +SUBDIRS = defines libs tools test diff --git a/app/arm/shodiny/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/shodiny/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/Makefile diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa13208 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +SUBDIRS := ahoy2364 diff --git a/app/arm/smotor/Makefile b/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/smotor/Makefile rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk rename to arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk diff --git a/arch/h8300/generic/Makefile.omk b/arch/h8300/generic/Makefile.omk index 81bac75..f495108 100644 --- a/arch/h8300/generic/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/h8300/generic/Makefile.omk @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # -*- makefile -*- -SUBDIRS = defines libs drivers +SUBDIRS = defines libs drivers bloader tools test diff --git a/app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile b/arch/h8300/generic/bloader/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile rename to arch/h8300/generic/bloader/Makefile diff --git a/app/h8300/bloader/Makefile.omk b/arch/h8300/generic/bloader/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/bloader/Makefile.omk rename to arch/h8300/generic/bloader/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/h8300/bloader/Makefile.std b/arch/h8300/generic/bloader/Makefile.std similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/bloader/Makefile.std rename to arch/h8300/generic/bloader/Makefile.std diff --git a/app/h8300/bloader/bootstrap b/arch/h8300/generic/bloader/bootstrap similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/bloader/bootstrap rename to arch/h8300/generic/bloader/bootstrap diff --git a/app/h8300/bloader/depend b/arch/h8300/generic/bloader/depend similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/bloader/depend rename to arch/h8300/generic/bloader/depend diff --git a/app/h8300/bloader/make_vysledek b/arch/h8300/generic/bloader/make_vysledek similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/bloader/make_vysledek rename to arch/h8300/generic/bloader/make_vysledek diff --git a/app/h8300/bloader/poznamky b/arch/h8300/generic/bloader/poznamky similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/bloader/poznamky rename to arch/h8300/generic/bloader/poznamky diff --git a/app/arm/test_uart/Makefile b/arch/h8300/generic/test/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/test_uart/Makefile rename to arch/h8300/generic/test/Makefile diff --git a/arch/h8300/generic/test/Makefile.omk b/arch/h8300/generic/test/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..210d3ff --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/h8300/generic/test/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +SUBDIRS := ledblink rs_test usb_test diff --git a/app/h8300/Makefile b/arch/h8300/generic/test/ledblink/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/Makefile rename to arch/h8300/generic/test/ledblink/Makefile diff --git a/app/h8300/ledblink/Makefile.omk b/arch/h8300/generic/test/ledblink/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/ledblink/Makefile.omk rename to arch/h8300/generic/test/ledblink/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/h8300/bloader/Makefile b/arch/h8300/generic/test/rs_test/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/bloader/Makefile rename to arch/h8300/generic/test/rs_test/Makefile diff --git a/app/h8300/rs_test/Makefile.omk b/arch/h8300/generic/test/rs_test/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/rs_test/Makefile.omk rename to arch/h8300/generic/test/rs_test/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/h8300/ledblink/Makefile b/arch/h8300/generic/test/usb_test/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/ledblink/Makefile rename to arch/h8300/generic/test/usb_test/Makefile diff --git a/app/h8300/usb_test/Makefile.omk b/arch/h8300/generic/test/usb_test/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/usb_test/Makefile.omk rename to arch/h8300/generic/test/usb_test/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/h8300/rs_test/Makefile b/arch/h8300/generic/tools/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/rs_test/Makefile rename to arch/h8300/generic/tools/Makefile diff --git a/arch/h8300/generic/tools/Makefile.omk b/arch/h8300/generic/tools/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1739569 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch/h8300/generic/tools/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +SUBDIRS := tohit diff --git a/app/h8300/tohit/Makefile b/arch/h8300/generic/tools/tohit/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/tohit/Makefile rename to arch/h8300/generic/tools/tohit/Makefile diff --git a/app/h8300/tohit/Makefile.omk b/arch/h8300/generic/tools/tohit/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/tohit/Makefile.omk rename to arch/h8300/generic/tools/tohit/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/h8300/tohit/Makefile.std b/arch/h8300/generic/tools/tohit/Makefile.std similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/tohit/Makefile.std rename to arch/h8300/generic/tools/tohit/Makefile.std diff --git a/app/h8300/tohit/README b/arch/h8300/generic/tools/tohit/README similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/tohit/README rename to arch/h8300/generic/tools/tohit/README diff --git a/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile.omk index 99dc2a5..1866520 100644 --- a/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile.omk +++ b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/Makefile.omk @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # -*- makefile -*- -SUBDIRS = +SUBDIRS = test lib_LDSCRIPTS = board.ld include_HEADERS = system_def.h diff --git a/app/h8300/usb_test/Makefile b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/usb_test/Makefile rename to board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/Makefile diff --git a/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3eb5d0c --- /dev/null +++ b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +SUBDIRS := mbed_blink diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/Makefile similarity index 100% copy from app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile copy to board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk rename to board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk diff --git a/board/arm/lpceurobot/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpceurobot/Makefile.omk index dba8475..bdd7d21 100644 --- a/board/arm/lpceurobot/Makefile.omk +++ b/board/arm/lpceurobot/Makefile.omk @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # -*- makefile -*- -SUBDIRS = defines libs +SUBDIRS = defines libs test app diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/Makefile similarity index 100% copy from app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile copy to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/Makefile diff --git a/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e7493c --- /dev/null +++ b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +SUBDIRS := minibee diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/Doxyfile b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Doxyfile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/Doxyfile rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Doxyfile diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Makefile similarity index 100% copy from app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile copy to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/Makefile.omk rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/minibee.kdevelop b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/minibee.kdevelop similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/minibee.kdevelop rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/minibee.kdevelop diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/minibee.kdevelop.filelist b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/minibee.kdevelop.filelist similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/minibee.kdevelop.filelist rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/minibee.kdevelop.filelist diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/minibee.kdevses b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/minibee.kdevses similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/minibee.kdevses rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/minibee.kdevses diff --git a/app/arm/minibee/minibee.tag b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/minibee.tag similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/minibee/minibee.tag rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/minibee.tag diff --git a/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/Makefile.omk index 63c5be3..c123ce6 100644 --- a/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/Makefile.omk +++ b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/Makefile.omk @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ include_HEADERS = deb_led_board.h -SUBDIRS = hwinit +SUBDIRS = hwinit eb_ebb diff --git a/app/arm/eb_ebb/Abstract.txt b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Abstract.txt similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/eb_ebb/Abstract.txt rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Abstract.txt diff --git a/app/arm/eb_ebb/Doxyfile b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Doxyfile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/eb_ebb/Doxyfile rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Doxyfile diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Makefile similarity index 100% copy from app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile copy to board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile b/board/arm/lpceurobot/test/Makefile similarity index 100% copy from app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile copy to board/arm/lpceurobot/test/Makefile diff --git a/app/h8300/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpceurobot/test/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/h8300/Makefile.omk rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/test/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile b/board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink/Makefile similarity index 100% copy from app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile copy to board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/eb_blink/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/eb_blink/Makefile.omk rename to board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/Makefile similarity index 100% copy from app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile copy to board/arm/spejblarm/app/Makefile diff --git a/board/arm/spejblarm/app/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/Makefile.omk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdeffa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/Makefile.omk @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# -*- makefile -*- + +SUBDIRS := rama_dam shodiny smotor diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/rama_dam/Makefile similarity index 100% copy from app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile copy to board/arm/spejblarm/app/rama_dam/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/rama_dam/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/rama_dam/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/rama_dam/Makefile.omk rename to board/arm/spejblarm/app/rama_dam/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny/Makefile similarity index 100% copy from app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile copy to board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/shodiny/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/shodiny/Makefile.omk rename to board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny/Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/Makefile similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/ahoy1311/Makefile rename to board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/Makefile diff --git a/app/arm/smotor/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/Makefile.omk similarity index 100% rename from app/arm/smotor/Makefile.omk rename to board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/Makefile.omk --

These applications were mostly written by some students and won't be probably used anymore so why to keep them here? --- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/dev_cntrl.c | 8 - app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_dev.c | 184 --------------------- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_mam.c | 67 -------- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_pll.c | 185 --------------------- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_time.c | 522 ----------------------------------------------------------- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_vpb.c | 133 --------------- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/test.c | 44 ----- app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/config.h | 144 ---------------- app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/test_pwm.c | 161 ------------------ app/arm/contrib/can/can.c | 74 --------- app/arm/contrib/first/config.h | 144 ---------------- app/arm/contrib/first/main.c | 215 ------------------------ app/arm/contrib/pokusy/pokus.c | 81 --------- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/config.h | 144 ---------------- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/pwm.c | 138 ---------------- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/pwm.h | 21 --- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.c | 155 ------------------ app/arm/contrib/uart_test/uart.c | 105 ------------ app/arm/contrib/uart_test/uart.h | 68 -------- app/arm/Makefile | 14 -- app/arm/Makefile.omk | 3 - app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/Makefile | 14 -- app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/Makefile.omk | 8 - app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/Makefile | 14 -- app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/Makefile.omk | 8 - app/arm/contrib/first/Doxyfile | 275 ------------------------------- app/arm/contrib/first/Makefile | 14 -- app/arm/contrib/first/Makefile.omk | 5 - app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop | 102 ------------ app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop.filelist | 4 - app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop.pcs | Bin 22540 -> 0 bytes app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevses | 36 ---- app/arm/contrib/first/tags | 60 ------- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Doxyfile | 275 ------------------------------- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Makefile | 14 -- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Makefile.omk | 8 - app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/run | 5 - app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop | 179 -------------------- app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop.filelist | 8 - app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop.pcs | Bin 3790 -> 0 bytes app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevses | 29 ---- 41 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 3668 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/dev_cntrl.c b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/dev_cntrl.c deleted file mode 100644 index 1329644..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/dev_cntrl.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -#include <reent.h> -#include "dev_cntrl.h" - -#define DEVICE(x) ((x) & 0xFF) - /*lint -emacro(702,SUB_FILE) right shift of signed qty */ -#define SUB_FILE(x) ((x) >> 8) - - diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_dev.c b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_dev.c deleted file mode 100644 index e168508..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_dev.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,184 +0,0 @@ -/**************************** sys_dev.c *********************************/ -/* Copyright 2003/12/27 Aeolus Development */ -/* All rights reserved. */ -/* */ -/* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ -/* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions */ -/* are met: */ -/* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright */ -/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ -/* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ -/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the*/ -/* documentation and/or other materials provided with the */ -/* distribution. */ -/* 3. The name of the Aeolus Development or its contributors may not be */ -/* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software */ -/* without specific prior written permission. */ -/* */ -/* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AEOULUS DEVELOPMENT "AS IS" AND ANY */ -/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE */ -/* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR */ -/* PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AEOLUS DEVELOPMENT BE */ -/* LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR */ -/* CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF */ -/* SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR */ -/* BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,*/ -/* WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE */ -/* OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, */ -/* EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ -/* */ -/* System device. Right now mostly a place holder. */ -/* Provides hooks needed to work as a device driver. */ -/* Note: All the actual routines are private to this module. The only */ -/* element publically visible is the device table entry structure. */ -/************************************************************************/ -/* -* TLIB revision history: -* 1 sys_dev.c 30-Dec-2003,10:34:12,`RADSETT' First archival version. -* TLIB revision history ends. -*/ -#include <errno.h> -#include <limits.h> -//#include "lpc210x.h" -#include "dev_cntrl.h" -#include <stdio.h> - - /**** Local Prototypes ****/ -static _ssize_t sys_read ( struct _reent *r, int file, void *ptr, size_t len); -static _ssize_t sys_write ( struct _reent *r, int file, const void *ptr, size_t len); -static int sys_open( struct _reent *r, const char *name, int o_flags, int o_mode); -static int sys_close( struct _reent *r, int file); - -/************************** sys_read ************************************/ -/* Reads from 'sys'. */ -/* struct _reent *r -- re-entrancy structure, used by newlib to */ -/* support multiple threads of operation. */ -/* int file -- number referring to the open file. Generally */ -/* obtained from a corresponding call to open. */ -/* Only one file number (0) is supported. */ -/* void *ptr -- memory area to place read bytes into. */ -/* size_t len -- maximum number of bytes to read. */ -/* Note: will only return a single byte on every call. That byte is */ -/* just a dummy. */ -/* Returns number of bytes read. (_ssize_t)-1 on error. */ -/*lint -e{715} multiple arguments not referenced since this is */ -/* basically a placeholder. */ -static _ssize_t sys_read ( - struct _reent *r, /* Re-entrancy structure, used to make */ - /* thread safe. */ - int file, /* File handle. Used to distinguish */ - /* multiple instances. */ - void *ptr, /* Where to place data. */ - size_t len) /* Max data to read. */ -{ -unsigned char *p; - - if( file != 0) { /* Only one device. */ - r->_errno = EBADF; /* Bad file number. */ - return (_ssize_t)-1; - } - - p = ptr; - *p = (unsigned char)'a'; /* Dummy operation for now. */ - return (_ssize_t)1; -} - -/************************** sys_write ***********************************/ -/* Writes to 'sys'. */ -/* struct _reent *r -- re-entrancy structure, used by newlib to */ -/* support multiple threads of operation. */ -/* int file -- number referring to the open file. Generally */ -/* obtained from a corresponding call to open. */ -/* Only one file number (0) is supported. */ -/* const void *ptr -- memory area to place read bytes from. */ -/* size_t len -- maximum number of bytes to write. */ -/* Returns number of bytes written. (_ssize_t)-1 on error. */ -/* Note: simply returns indicating it wrote everything requested. IE */ -/*lint -e{715} multiple arguments not referenced since this is */ -/* basically a placeholder. */ -static _ssize_t sys_write ( - struct _reent *r, /* Re-entrancy structure, used to make */ - /* thread safe. */ - int file, /* File handle. Used to distinguish */ - /* multiple instances. */ - const void *ptr, /* Pointer to data to write. */ - size_t len) /* Amount of data to write. */ - { - - if( file != 0) { /* Only one device. */ - r->_errno = EBADF; /* Bad file number. */ - return (_ssize_t)-1; - } - - return (_ssize_t)len; -} - -/************************** sys_open ************************************/ -/* Opens 'sys' */ -/* struct _reent *r -- re-entrancy structure, used by newlib to */ -/* support multiple threads of operation. */ -/* const char *name -- name of file/device to open. Since sys */ -/* supports no sub devices this should be an empty */ -/* string. */ -/* int flags -- Flags to control open. Not used at the */ -/* moment. */ -/* int mode -- Mode to open in. Not used at the moment. */ -/* Returns file number >= 0 if successful. Otherwise the error code */ -/* may be found in errno. */ -/*lint -e{715} multiple arguments not referenced since this is */ -/* basically a placeholder. */ -static int sys_open( - struct _reent *r, /* Re-entrancy structure, used to make */ - /* thread safe. */ - const char *name, /* Name to open. */ - int o_flags, /* Flags to control open. */ - /* Read, write binary etc... */ - /* See flags.c for values generated by */ - /* newlib. */ - int o_mode) /* Mode to open in. This is a */ - /* security or permissions value. */ - /* Newlib uses the classic 0666 for all */ - /* fopens. See fopen.c */ -{ - - /* Check against null pointer. Also no sub-devices available */ - /* so make sure we aren't asked to open one. */ - if( (name == 0) || (*name != '\0')) { - r->_errno = ENOENT; /* No such file or directory. */ - return( -1); - } - return( 0); /* Always sub-handle 0. Note we never */ - /* fail on this open. */ -} - -/************************** sys_close ***********************************/ -/* Close sys. */ -/* struct _reent *r -- re-entrancy structure, used by newlib to */ -/* support multiple threads of operation. */ -/* int file -- number referring to the open file. Generally */ -/* obtained from a corresponding call to open. */ -/* Only one file number (0) is supported. */ -/* Returns 0 if successful. Otherwise the error code may be found in */ -/* errno. */ -static int sys_close( - struct _reent *r, /* Re-entrancy structure, used to make */ - /* thread safe. */ - int file) /* File/device sub handle. */ -{ - - if( file != 0) { /* Only one device. */ - r->_errno = EBADF; /* Bad file number. */ - return -1; - } - return( 0); /* Always succeeds. */ -} - -/************************** sys *****************************************/ -/* Device table entry used to add this device. */ -const struct device_table_entry sys = { - "sys", /* Device name. */ - sys_open, /* Open method. */ - sys_close, /* Close method. */ - sys_read, /* Read method. */ - sys_write, /* Write method. */ - 0 }; /* ioctl not supported. */ diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_mam.c b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_mam.c deleted file mode 100644 index bd87ec4..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_mam.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -/**************************** sys_mam.c *********************************/ -/* Copyright 2003/12/27 Aeolus Development */ -/* All rights reserved. */ -/* */ -/* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ -/* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions */ -/* are met: */ -/* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright */ -/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ -/* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ -/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the*/ -/* documentation and/or other materials provided with the */ -/* distribution. */ -/* 3. The name of the Aeolus Development or its contributors may not be */ -/* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software */ -/* without specific prior written permission. */ -/* */ -/* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AEOULUS DEVELOPMENT "AS IS" AND ANY */ -/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE */ -/* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR */ -/* PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AEOLUS DEVELOPMENT BE */ -/* LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR */ -/* CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF */ -/* SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR */ -/* BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,*/ -/* WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE */ -/* OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, */ -/* EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ -/* */ -/* A shallow wrapper around the MAM device. A little bit of error */ -/* checking. */ -/************************************************************************/ -/* -* TLIB revision history: -* 1 sys_mam.c 30-Dec-2003,10:34:12,`RADSETT' First archival version. -* TLIB revision history ends. -*/ -#include <errno.h> -#include "lpc210x.h" -#include "lpc_sys.h" - -/********************* SetMAM *******************************************/ -/* SetMAM -- Set up the MAM. Minimal error checking, not much more */ -/* than a wrapper around the register. Returns 0 if successful, */ -/* something else. Sets errno in case of an error. */ -/* struct _reent *r -- re-entrancy structure, used by newlib to */ -/* support multiple threads of operation. */ -/* unsigned int cycle_time -- number of cycles to access the flash. */ -/* MAM_CONTROL ctrl -- Mode to place MAM in. One of: */ -/* MAM_disabled, MAM_part_enable, or */ -/* MAM_full_enable. */ -/* Returns 0 if successful. Additional error/sanity checks are possible*/ -int SetMAM( - struct _reent *r, - unsigned int cycle_time, - MAM_CONTROL ctrl) -{ - if( cycle_time > 7) { /* Cycle time is limited, */ - r->_errno = EINVAL; /* complain if set too high. */ - return -1; - } - - MAMCR = (unsigned char)ctrl; /*lint !e930 cast from enum */ - MAMTIM = (unsigned char)cycle_time; - - return 0; -} diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_pll.c b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_pll.c deleted file mode 100644 index 4bb1da7..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_pll.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ -/**************************** sys_pll.c *********************************/ -/* Copyright 2003/12/27 Aeolus Development */ -/* All rights reserved. */ -/* */ -/* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ -/* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions */ -/* are met: */ -/* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright */ -/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ -/* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ -/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the*/ -/* documentation and/or other materials provided with the */ -/* distribution. */ -/* 3. The name of the Aeolus Development or its contributors may not be */ -/* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software */ -/* without specific prior written permission. */ -/* */ -/* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AEOULUS DEVELOPMENT "AS IS" AND ANY */ -/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE */ -/* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR */ -/* PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AEOLUS DEVELOPMENT BE */ -/* LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR */ -/* CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF */ -/* SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR */ -/* BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,*/ -/* WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE */ -/* OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, */ -/* EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ -/* */ -/* A wrapper around the PLL device. Adds little bit of error checking */ -/* and does the arithmetic needed to determione the register values for */ -/* a particular clock frequency. Also provides hooks so other parts */ -/* of the application can determine the operating frequency. */ -/************************************************************************/ -/* -* TLIB revision history: -* 1 sys_pll.c 30-Dec-2003,10:34:12,`RADSETT' First archival version. -* TLIB revision history ends. -*/ -#include "lpc210x.h" -#include "lpc_sys.h" -#include "errno_lpc.h" - - /**** Local Macros ****/ -#define PLL_ENABLE ((unsigned char)1u) /* enable pll */ -#define PLL_CONNECT ((unsigned char)3u) /* connect pll */ -#define PLL_FEED_SEQ1 ((unsigned char)0xAAu) /* First feed */ - /* value. */ -#define PLL_FEED_SEQ2 ((unsigned char)0x55u) /* Second feed */ - /* value. */ -#define PLL_LOCK_MASK ((unsigned short)0x400u)/* Masks PLL */ - /* lock bit. */ -#define MIN_OSCILLATOR_IN (10000uL) -#define MAX_OSCILLATOR_IN (25000uL) -#define MAX_OPERATING_SPEED (60000uL) - - /**** Local Variables ****/ -static unsigned long native_speed = 10000uL; /* Default to 10MHz */ - -/********************* SetNativeSpeed ***********************************/ -/* SetNativeSpeed -- Set the oscillator frequency for the external */ -/* oscillator. This is used to inform the routines that deal with cpu */ -/* frequencies what the starting point is. Any error here will be */ -/* multiplied later. */ -/* struct _reent *r -- re-entrancy structure, used by newlib to */ -/* support multiple threads of operation. */ -/* unsigned long speed -- external oscillator/crystal frequency in kHz.*/ -/* Note: There is no way to determine or verify this value so we have */ -/* to trust the caller to get it right. */ -/* Returns 0 if successful. */ -int SetNativeSpeed( - struct _reent *r, - unsigned long speed) -{ - - if( (speed < MIN_OSCILLATOR_IN) || (speed > MAX_OSCILLATOR_IN)) { - r->_errno = ELPC_OOR; - return -1; - } - native_speed = speed; - return 0; -} - -/********************* SetDesiredSpeed **********************************/ -/* SetDesiredSpeed -- Set the cpu to desired frequency. Relies on */ -/* earlier call to set native oscillator speed correctly. Returns 0 */ -/* if successful. desired_speed is set to actual speed obtained on */ -/* return. */ -/* struct _reent *r -- re-entrancy structure, used by newlib to */ -/* support multiple threads of operation. */ -/* unsigned long desired_speed -- CPU operating frequency in kHz. */ -/* Returns 0 if successful. errno will be set on error. */ -int SetDesiredSpeed( - struct _reent *r, - unsigned long desired_speed) -{ - unsigned long multiplier, remainder, pll_speed, i; - - /* First check that the requested speed is within allowable */ - /* limits. */ - if( (desired_speed < native_speed) || (desired_speed > MAX_OPERATING_SPEED)) { - r->_errno =ELPC_OOR; - return -1; - } - - /* Find the nearest multiple between the native speed and the */ - /* desired speed. */ - multiplier = desired_speed/native_speed; - remainder = desired_speed%native_speed; - if( remainder > (native_speed/2)) { - multiplier++; - - /* If nearest speed is higher than maximum reduce to next */ - /* closest. */ - if( (native_speed * multiplier) > MAX_OPERATING_SPEED) { - multiplier--; - } - } - - /* Finally limit multiplier range. Note: we are unlikely to */ - /* exceed the maximum. */ - if( multiplier < 1uL) { - multiplier = 1uL; - } - if( multiplier > 32uL) { - multiplier = 32uL; - } - - /* Now we need a PLL divider that will keep the PLL frequency */ - /* within the allowable range. Simply ramp up through dividers */ - /* until we find one that works. */ - pll_speed = native_speed * multiplier; - for( i = 0uL; i < 4uL; i++) { - if( (pll_speed * 2 * (1 << i)) > 156000uL) { - if((pll_speed * 2 * (1 << i)) > 320000uL) { - r->_errno = ELPC_CANT; - return -1; - } - break; /*lint !e960 non switch break. */ - } - } - if( i >= 4) { /* Check to make sure we found a */ - r->_errno = ELPC_CANT; /* divisor that works. */ - return -1; - } - - /* Set PLL divisor, multiplier */ - PLLCFG = (unsigned char)((multiplier -1) | (i << 5)); - PLLCON = PLL_ENABLE; /* Enables PLL */ - PLLFEED = PLL_FEED_SEQ1; /* Change to setting above. These two */ - PLLFEED = PLL_FEED_SEQ2; /* updates MUST occur in sequence on */ - /* the VPB bus. */ - - /* wait for lock */ - while( (PLLSTAT & PLL_LOCK_MASK) == 0) { - } - - - PLLCON = PLL_CONNECT; /* Enables and connects PLL */ - PLLFEED = PLL_FEED_SEQ1; /* Change to setting above. These two */ - PLLFEED = PLL_FEED_SEQ2; /* updates MUST occur in sequence on */ - /* the VPB bus. */ - return 0; -} - -/********************* ActualSpeed **************************************/ -/* ActualSpeed -- Returns the operating speed of the CPU. Relies on */ -/* earlier call to set native oscillator speed correctly. */ -unsigned long ActualSpeed( void) -{ - - /* Use PLL multiplier if connected. */ - if( (PLLCON & PLL_CONNECT) == PLL_CONNECT) { - return( native_speed * ((PLLCFG & 0x1F) + 1)); - } - return native_speed; /* No multiplier, just return native speed. */ -} - - - - -void endless_loop() -{ - while(1); -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_time.c b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_time.c deleted file mode 100644 index 67276a3..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_time.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,522 +0,0 @@ -/**************************** sys_time.c ********************************/ -/* Copyright 2003/12/28 Aeolus Development */ -/* All rights reserved. */ -/* */ -/* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ -/* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions */ -/* are met: */ -/* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright */ -/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ -/* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ -/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the*/ -/* documentation and/or other materials provided with the */ -/* distribution. */ -/* 3. The name of the Aeolus Development or its contributors may not be */ -/* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software */ -/* without specific prior written permission. */ -/* */ -/* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AEOULUS DEVELOPMENT "AS IS" AND ANY */ -/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE */ -/* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR */ -/* PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AEOLUS DEVELOPMENT BE */ -/* LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR */ -/* CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF */ -/* SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR */ -/* BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,*/ -/* WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE */ -/* OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, */ -/* EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ -/* */ -/* Time routines. Polled implementations of routines to provide timed */ -/* waits and elapsed time. */ -/* Could be refined yet. */ -/************************************************************************/ -/* -* TLIB revision history: -* 1 sys_time.c 30-Dec-2003,10:34:12,`RADSETT' First archival version. -* 2 sys_time.c 17-Jan-2004,16:07:18,`RADSETT' Move max_microsecond storage and -* init out of timing function -* into initialization. -* 3 sys_time.c 29-Jan-2004,10:29:08,`RADSETT' Update StartClock minimum count -* measurement to use a better comparison -* Add section to StartClock to measure the overhead of a WaitUs call. -* Change WaitUs to avoid attempting measurements with counts below -* min_count. -* Change WaitUs to reduce the requested wait time to compensate for call -* overhead. -* Change UsToCounts to replace /CLOCK_SPEED operation with shift and add -* operations so that it takes constant time. Add ifdef so it can be -* switched -* back to divide if CLOCK_SPEED is changed. -* TLIB revision history ends. -*/ -#include <stdio.h> -#include <limits.h> -#include "lpc210x.h" -#include "lpc_sys.h" -#include "errno_lpc.h" - - /**** Local Macros ****/ - - /* If TIME_TO_COUNTS_USE_DIV is defined then the routines will */ - /* use a normal divide operation. Otherwise the division will */ - /* be replaced with shift and add operations. This is */ - /* marginally faster. More important it does the operation in */ - /* the same time no matter what the value used. */ - /* Note: If CLOCK_SPEED is changed then either */ - /* TIME_TO_COUNTS_USE_DIV must be defined OR UsToCounts and */ - /* divx must be changed to reflect the new value. */ -/* #define TIME_TO_COUNTS_USE_DIV */ -#define CLOCK_SPEED (10000000) /* Nominal speed for internal */ - /* clock in Hz. */ - - /* Used for converting between counts and uS for time function.*/ - /* An unsigned long long so overflows are not possible during */ - /* the conversion. Note relationship to CLOCK_SPEED. */ -#define COUNTS_PER_US (10uLL) - -#define COUNTER_RESET ((unsigned char)2) /* Hold counter in reset. */ -#define COUNTER_ENABLE ((unsigned char)1) /* Let counter run. */ - - /* Used to control and detect matches. Use R3 since it has no */ - /* matching external output on T0. */ -#define MATCH_T0_R3_NOTHING (~0xE00u)/* Do nothing when match */ - /* register 3 matches T0. */ -#define EXTERN_MATCH_T0_R3 (~0xC08u)/* Set External output low (if */ - /* connected), do nothing on */ - /* match. */ -#define EXTERN_MATCH_T0_R3_SET (0x800) /* Set external output high */ - /* (if connected) on match. */ - - /*** Local Variables ***/ - - /* Scales between desired nominal clock frequency and what we */ - /* were actually able to achieve. This ends up being the */ - /* actual clock rate in Hz. */ -static unsigned long timing_scale_factor; - - /* Provides high order timing bits so internal timer can */ - /* record a running time longer than ~.12 Hrs. In fact this */ - /* allows a representation of > 50,000 years clearly (I hope) */ - /* unreasonably long. */ -static unsigned long high_counts = 0uL; - - /* Maximum number of microseconds that a single timing */ - /* operation can handle. Larger values have to be split into */ - /* multiple operations. */ -static unsigned int max_microsec = 0; - - /* Minimum number of counts a core timing operation takes. */ -static unsigned int min_count = 0; - - /* Minimum number of counts a WaitUs call takes. */ -static unsigned int count_overhead = 0; - - /**** Internal Prototypes ****/ - -/********************* counts_to_us *************************************/ -/* counts_to_us -- converts from internal units in counts to uS. */ -static unsigned int counts_to_us( unsigned int counts); - -/********************* divx *********************************************/ -/* Divide by 78125. Constant time operation. */ -static unsigned long long divx(unsigned long long x); - -/********************* accumulate_time **********************************/ -/* accumulate_time -- Check for rollover of HW timer and increments */ -/* the high order count if it is detected. Must be called at at least */ -/* twice the rollover frequency of the HW timer to ensure proper */ -/* detection of rollover. That works out to about once every 3.5 */ -/* minutes at nominal clock rate. */ -static void accumulate_time( void); - -/********************* get_full_counts **********************************/ -/* get_full_counts -- Concatenate the stored high counts and the HW */ -/* timer low counts to get a large number containing the full count. */ -static unsigned long long get_full_counts( void); - - /**** Implementation ****/ - -/********************* StartClock ***************************************/ -/* StartClock -- Starts up the clock used for internal timing. */ -/* Attempts to match the desired clock speed (CLOCK_SPEED) and */ -/* initializes timing_scale_factor to a compensating scale. Returns 0 */ -/* if successful, otherwise error code will be retained in errno. */ -/* struct _reent *r -- re-entrancy structure, used by newlib to */ -/* support multiple threads of operation. */ -/* Note: Should be called only after all clocks have been set up. */ -/* Otherwise time scale will not be correct. */ -/* Returns 0 if successful. */ -int StartClock( - struct _reent *r) /* Reentrancy structure. */ -{ - unsigned long rate, divider; - unsigned long lclmax_microsec = 0uL; - unsigned int start_count, end_count; - unsigned int test_us; - - rate = VPBRate(); /* Get the clock rate of the */ - /* peripheral bus. */ - if( rate == 0) { /* Internal error, complain and exit. */ - r->_errno = ELPC_INTERNAL; - return -1; - } - - /* Set clock to reset. This will keep it at zero. */ - T0TCR = COUNTER_RESET; - - /* Calculate a divider that will cause the internal clock to */ - /* approximate the target clock speed. This should give a */ - /* clock counting rate between the desired rate and twice the */ - /* desired rate. */ - divider = rate/ CLOCK_SPEED; - if( divider == 0) { /* Sanity check on the divider. If we have a */ - divider = 1uL; /* pclk slower than our desired rate we won't */ - } /* be able to reach the desired rate so just */ - /* run as fast as we can. */ - T0PR = divider - 1; /* Set prescaler to give us our target rate. */ - - /* Since the actual clock rate we have and our target rate may */ - /* not be the same, calculate a corrective factor for routines */ - /* that make use of it. This value will be divided by */ - /* CLOCK_SPEED when dealing with time and so should produce a */ - /* result precise to 1 part in CLOCK_SPEED. */ - timing_scale_factor = rate / divider; - - /* Set to do nothing on match, and set output to 0. */ - T0MCR = (unsigned short)(T0MCR & MATCH_T0_R3_NOTHING); - T0EMR = (unsigned short)(T0EMR & EXTERN_MATCH_T0_R3); - - T0TCR = COUNTER_ENABLE; /* Enable clocks. */ - - if( max_microsec == 0) { /* Find saturation point. */ - lclmax_microsec = counts_to_us( UINT_MAX); - max_microsec = lclmax_microsec; - } - - /* Find the minimum number of counts it takes to set up and */ - /* detect a time period. This simulates the normal timer */ - /* operation. The purpose is to avoid any possible missed time */ - /* periods by shortcutting the time wait process if the time */ - /* would have passed by the time we had performed the operation */ - /* anyway. */ - /* We deliberately set out to slightly overestimate the time */ - /* involved to avoid the danger of underestimating. This */ - /* overestimation occurs in three ways: */ - /* 1 - Operations that would normally occur after a match */ - /* would be detected are included in the count. */ - /* 2 - One count is added so that any fractional counts will */ - /* be compensated for. */ - /* 3 - The operations that do the counting are invariably */ - /* included. */ - /* Note that we are at the tender mercies of the compiler not */ - /* to generate significantly different code for this and the */ - /* code used for actual timing. */ - start_count = T0TC; /* Starting time. */ - - /* This main loop is copied from WaitUs and modified in a */ - /* fashion to try and preserve all the operations in a fashion */ - /* that the compiler will not optimize this passage differently */ - /* than the 'real' version. Comments from the original version */ - /* are kept with notes added to indicate what operations are */ - /* performed. */ - - /* First perform a comparison of a local variable against */ - /* global variable. Note: this comparison assumes that */ - /* high_counts is still zero. If StartClock is run more than */ - /* once between resets this code may fail to operate correctly. */ - if( lclmax_microsec > high_counts) { - - /* Add a local variable to current time counter and store in */ - /* match register. */ - T0MR3 = T0TC + start_count; /* Set match to current time + delay */ - /* time. */ - - /* Exact match for 'real' operation. */ - /* Set operation on match to set to 1. */ - T0EMR = (unsigned short)(T0EMR | EXTERN_MATCH_T0_R3_SET); - - /* Compare external register to local. This does not match */ - /* the original operation which masks the external register and */ - /* compares it to zero. The hope is that the operations will */ - /* be close enough together that any differences (particularly */ - /* short counts) will be masked by the over-estimation */ - /* precautions. Since the difference between the two is only */ - /* an instruction or two this appears to be a reasonable */ - /* assumption. */ - while( T0TC == start_count) { /* Wait for match to set output*/ - } /* to 1. */ - - /* Exact match for 'real' operation. */ - /* Set external match 0 output to 0 and operation on */ - /* match to do nothing. */ - /* Set external match 0 output to 0 and operation on */ - /* match to do nothing so we don't trigger next wait */ - /* early by accident. */ - T0EMR = (unsigned short)(T0EMR & EXTERN_MATCH_T0_R3); - } - /* End of the copied main loop. */ - - end_count = T0TC; /* Ending time. */ - - /* Calculate the counts needed to perform a timing operation. */ - /* Add a count for safety. */ - min_count = (end_count - start_count) + 1; - - /* Now find overhead for a wait call. This will be used to */ - /* compensate for that overhead to increase the accuracy at */ - /* short waits. We do this by waiting for a short period and */ - /* measuring how long it actually takes. */ - - /* First figure out how long to wait. Want as short as */ - /* possible so we wait for the minimum useable period which */ - /* will be the minimum detectable plus 1 microsecond */ - test_us = counts_to_us(min_count) + 1u; - - start_count = T0TC; /* Starting time. */ - WaitUs( test_us); - end_count = T0TC; /* Ending time. */ - - /* Total time spent. Add 1/2 of a microsecond for rounding. */ - count_overhead = (end_count - start_count) - UsToCounts( test_us); - - return 0; -} - -/********************* counts_to_us *************************************/ -/* counts_to_us -- converts from internal units in counts to uS. */ -/* unsigned int counts -- # of counts to be converted. */ -/* Returns number of microseconds corresponding to counts. Truncates */ -/* result to microsecond resolution. */ -static unsigned int counts_to_us( unsigned int counts) -{ - unsigned int us; - - /* Convert the counts to microseconds taking the actual clock */ - /* rate into account. Note that as long as */ - /* CLOCK_SPEED/(timing_scale_factor * COUNTS_PER_US) is less */ - /* than 1 this cannot overflow a long. With nominal CLOCK_SPEED*/ - /* at 10000000 this will be true as long as the actual clock */ - /* speed is > 1000000. */ - us = (unsigned int)((counts * (unsigned long long)CLOCK_SPEED)/ - (timing_scale_factor * COUNTS_PER_US)); - - return us; -} - -#ifdef TIME_TO_COUNTS_USE_DIV - -/********************* UsToCounts ***************************************/ -/* UsToCounts -- converts to internal units in counts from uS. Other */ -/* Modules use this counter for a timebase so this needs to be */ -/* available to them. */ -/* unsigned int us -- microseconds to convert to counts. */ -/* Returns number of counts corresponding to us. Saturates on */ -/* overflow so for large time periods it is possible to get a result */ -/* lower than requested. */ -unsigned int UsToCounts( unsigned int us) -{ - unsigned long long counts; - - /* Convert the nanoseconds to counts taking the actual clock */ - /* rate into account. Note: NS_PER_COUNT * CLOCK_SPEED should */ - /* always be 1,000,000,000. The expanded form just shows the */ - /* intent more clearly. */ - counts = (COUNTS_PER_US * us * timing_scale_factor)/(CLOCK_SPEED); - - if( counts > ULONG_MAX) { - return ULONG_MAX; - } - return (unsigned int)counts; -} - -#else - -/********************* divx *********************************************/ -/* Divide by 78125. Constant time operation. */ -static unsigned long long divx(unsigned long long x) -{ - unsigned long long res; - - /* None of these operations overflow only since before this */ - /* routine is called the calling routine uses a shift operation */ - /* to perform a divide by 128 to provide enough headroom to */ - /* allow this to succeed w/o overflow. */ - res = (84*x)>> 7; - res = (73*x - res)>> 7; - res = (94*x + res) >> 8; - res = (121*x + res) >> 7; - res = (106*x + res) >> 9; - res = (101*x + res) >> 7; - res = (95*x + res) >> 8; - res = (107*x + res) >> 23; - return res; -} - -/********************* UsToCounts ***************************************/ -/* UsToCounts -- converts to internal units in counts from uS. Other */ -/* Modules use this counter for a timebase so this needs to be */ -/* available to them. Replaces division operation with an equivalent */ -/* series of multiplies, shifts and adds. */ -/* unsigned int us -- microseconds to convert to counts. */ -/* Returns number of counts corresponding to us. Saturates on */ -/* overflow so for large time periods it is possible to get a result */ -/* lower than requested. */ -unsigned int UsToCounts( unsigned int us) -{ - unsigned long long tmp; - - tmp = COUNTS_PER_US * us * timing_scale_factor; - tmp >>= 7; /* First divide by 128. Doing this first */ - /* ensures 7 bits of overhead for later divide */ - /* by 5 operations. */ - - tmp = divx(tmp); - - if( tmp > ULONG_MAX) { - return ULONG_MAX; - } - return (unsigned int)tmp; -} - -#endif /* TIME_TO_COUNTS_USE_DIV */ - -/********************* accumulate_time **********************************/ -/* accumulate_time -- Check for rollover of HW timer and increments */ -/* the high order count if it is detected. Must be called at at least */ -/* twice the rollover frequency of the HW timer to ensure proper */ -/* detection of rollover. That works out to about once every 3.5 */ -/* minutes at nominal clock rate. */ -static void accumulate_time( void) -{ - static unsigned int last_time = 0; - unsigned long current_time; - - /* A simple polled rollover check. This should work as long as*/ - /* this routine is called at least once every time the counter */ - /* has incremented 1/2 of its maximum count. */ - current_time = T0TC; /* Get the current count */ - if(current_time < last_time) { /* If we have rolled over, */ - high_counts++; /* increment the high order */ - } /* accumulator. */ - last_time = current_time; /* Record last read value for */ - /* the next check. */ -} - -/********************* get_full_counts **********************************/ -/* get_full_counts -- Concatenate the stored high counts and the HW */ -/* timer low counts to get a large number containing the full count. */ -/* Returns number of counts since start. */ -static unsigned long long get_full_counts( void) -{ - unsigned long low; - unsigned long long full_count; - - - /* Read in the clock counts. It is necessary to perform a */ - /* rollover check so we don't end up with the low order value */ - /* that of after the rollover and the high order count from */ - /* before the rollover. If that were to happen our time would */ - /* not increase in a monotonic fashion. */ - do { - accumulate_time(); /* Check for rollover of HW clock. */ - low = T0TC; /* Read current count. */ - - /* Form low order and high order counts into a single value. */ - full_count = ((unsigned long long)high_counts << 32) | low; - - } while( low > T0TC); /* Check for rollover and redo if one */ - /* has happened. */ - return full_count; /* All done. */ -} - -/********************* WaitUs *******************************************/ -/* WaitUs -- Wait for 'wait_time' us */ -/* unsigned long wait_time -- microseconds to convert to counts. */ -/* Will break wait into multiple waits if needed to avoid saturation. */ -void WaitUs( unsigned int wait_time) -{ - unsigned int counts; - - accumulate_time(); /* Check for rollover of HW clock. */ - - /* Convert from requested wait in uS to counts used by the HW */ - /* counter. If necessary break into multiple waits. */ - while( wait_time > 0) { - if( wait_time > max_microsec) { - counts = UsToCounts( max_microsec); - wait_time -= max_microsec; - } - - /* Note that we always execute the else portion of this test */ - /* once for every call to WaitUs. */ - else { - counts = UsToCounts( wait_time); - - /* Compensate for overhead. Subtract out overhead for */ - /* waits that are long enough. For shorter periods */ - /* simply minimize the wait. */ - if( counts > count_overhead) { - counts -= count_overhead; - } - else { - counts = 0; - } - wait_time = 0; - } - - /* If counts is lower than min_count zero then the wait */ - /* interval is too small and we should just return. The */ - /* smallest count we can deal with is the count that occurs */ - /* between reading the HW clock and setting the match register. */ - /* The value of this minimum will depend on the timer rate and */ - /* the CPU execution speed. */ - if( counts > min_count) { - - T0MR3 = T0TC + counts; /* Set match to current time + delay */ - /* time. */ - - /* Set operation on match to set to 1. */ - T0EMR = (unsigned short)(T0EMR | EXTERN_MATCH_T0_R3_SET); - - while( (T0EMR & 0x8) == 0) { /* Wait for match to set output*/ - } /* to 1. */ - - /* Set external match 0 output to 0 and operation on */ - /* match to do nothing. */ - /* Set external match 0 output to 0 and operation on */ - /* match to do nothing so we don't trigger next wait */ - /* early by accident. */ - T0EMR = (unsigned short)(T0EMR & EXTERN_MATCH_T0_R3); - } - - accumulate_time(); /* Check for rollover of HW clock. */ - } -} - -/********************* GetUs ********************************************/ -/* GetUs -- Get the current time in uS. */ -unsigned long long GetUs( void) -{ - unsigned long long counts, us; - - counts = get_full_counts(); /* Get the total passed time sice */ - /* counter start. */ - /* Convert low order of timer to nS. */ - us = counts_to_us( (unsigned int)(counts & UINT_MAX)); - - counts >>= 32; /* Now get the high order count. */ - - /* Given a 64 bit number uS resolution provides a range */ - /* exceeding 500,000 years. I think we'll skip overflow */ - /* detection. */ - us += counts_to_us(UINT_MAX) * counts; - return us; -} - -/********************* MinimumAchievableWait ****************************/ -/* MinimumAchievableWait -- Get the shortest wait we can do. */ -unsigned int MinimumAchievableWait(void) -{ - return counts_to_us( count_overhead + min_count + (UsToCounts( 1u)/2)); -} diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_vpb.c b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_vpb.c deleted file mode 100644 index 13719a4..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/sys_vpb.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ -/**************************** sys_vpb.c *********************************/ -/* Copyright 2003/12/28 Aeolus Development */ -/* All rights reserved. */ -/* */ -/* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ -/* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions */ -/* are met: */ -/* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright */ -/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ -/* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ -/* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the*/ -/* documentation and/or other materials provided with the */ -/* distribution. */ -/* 3. The name of the Aeolus Development or its contributors may not be */ -/* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software */ -/* without specific prior written permission. */ -/* */ -/* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AEOULUS DEVELOPMENT "AS IS" AND ANY */ -/* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE */ -/* IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR */ -/* PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AEOLUS DEVELOPMENT BE */ -/* LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR */ -/* CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF */ -/* SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR */ -/* BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,*/ -/* WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE */ -/* OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, */ -/* EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ -/* */ -/* Wrapper around VPB clock rate. */ -/************************************************************************/ -/* -* TLIB revision history: -* 1 sys_vpb.c 30-Dec-2003,10:34:12,`RADSETT' First archival version. -* 2 sys_vpb.c 30-Jan-2004,14:13:14,`RADSETT' Add note on double read of VPBDiv. -* TLIB revision history ends. -*/ -#include <stdio.h> -#include "lpc210x.h" -#include "lpc_sys.h" -#include "errno.h" - - /**** Local Macros ****/ -#define VPB_DIV_QUARTER ((unsigned char)0) /* Sets VPB clock to */ - /* 1/4 cclk. */ -#define VPB_DIV_HALF ((unsigned char)2) /* Sets VPB clock to */ - /* 1/2 cclk. */ -#define VPB_DIV_ONE ((unsigned char)1) /* Sets VPB clock to */ - /* cclk. */ - - /**** Local Prototypes ****/ -static VPB_param VPBQuery( void); - -/********************* VPBQuery *****************************************/ -/* VPBQuery -- Finds and returns the divider of the clock from the CPU */ -/* to the peripheral bus. */ -static VPB_param VPBQuery( void) -{ - - (void)VPBDIV; /* Dummy read, single doesn't always work? */ - /* Apparently a real chip problem but no publically */ - /* available documentation yet. */ - /* See http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lpc2100/ A search */ - /* for VPB should reveal the discussion. */ - - /* Read divisor and convert to internal representation. */ - switch( VPBDIV & 0x3) { - default: - case VPB_DIV_ONE: - return( VPB_DIV1); - - case VPB_DIV_HALF: - return( VPB_DIV2); - - case VPB_DIV_QUARTER: - return( VPB_DIV4); - } -} - -/********************* VPBControl ***************************************/ -/* VPBControl -- Control the clock divider on the peripheral bus. */ -/* Returns the actual divider in ptr (requested is also passed in ptr. */ -/* struct _reent *r -- re-entrancy structure, used by newlib to */ -/* support multiple threads of operation. */ -/* VPB_parm p -- requested VPB to CPU freq rate. */ -/* Returns 0 if successful. */ -int VPBControl( struct _reent *r, VPB_param p) -{ - - switch( p) { - case VPB_DIV1: - VPBDIV = VPB_DIV_ONE; - break; - - case VPB_DIV2: - VPBDIV = VPB_DIV_HALF; - break; - - case VPB_DIV4: - VPBDIV = VPB_DIV_QUARTER; - break; - - default: - r->_errno = EINVAL; - return -1; - } - return 0; -} - - -/********************* VPBRate ******************************************/ -/* VPBRate -- Finds and returns the rate of the clock on the */ -/* peripheral bus (in Hz). */ -unsigned long VPBRate( void) -{ - VPB_param vpb; - - vpb = VPBQuery(); /* Find current divisor. */ - - /* Use divisor to convert from CPU speed in kHz to VPB speed */ - /* in Hz. */ - switch( vpb) { - case VPB_DIV1: - return( ActualSpeed()*1000uL); - - case VPB_DIV2: - return( ActualSpeed()*500uL); - - case VPB_DIV4: - return( ActualSpeed()*250uL); - } -return 0; -} diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/test.c b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/test.c deleted file mode 100644 index 9477df3..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/test.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ - -/* - * This is a little test application to test your eclipse IDE with the - * GNUARM-Toolchain and newlib-lpc_rel_2 provided by aeolus - */ - -#include <stdio.h> -#include <errno.h> - -#include <lpc210x.h> -#include <dev_cntrl.h> -#include <lpc_ioctl.h> -#include <lpc_sys.h> - - - - - -int main(void) -{ -unsigned long actual_freq; - - /* - * set oscillator frequency (round it up ;) - * 7373kHz (7,373MHz) - */ - SetNativeSpeed(_impure_ptr, 7373uL); - - /* - * set up memory access, CPU and bus speeds, this may be very oversized, - * just copied and pasted from the newlib examples... - */ - - SetMAM(_impure_ptr, 3u, MAM_full_enable); - VPBControl(_impure_ptr, VPB_DIV1); - SetDesiredSpeed(_impure_ptr, 60000uL); - - - StartClock(_impure_ptr); - - actual_freq = ActualSpeed(); - - return(0); -} diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/config.h b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/config.h deleted file mode 100644 index ad12469..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/config.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************** - * - * $RCSfile: $ - * $Revision: $ - * - * This module provides information about the project configuration - * Copyright 2004, R O SoftWare - * No guarantees, warrantees, or promises, implied or otherwise. - * May be used for hobby or commercial purposes provided copyright - * notice remains intact. - * - *****************************************************************************/ -#ifndef INC_CONFIG_H -#define INC_CONFIG_H - -#include "types.h" -#include "LPC210x.h" - -// some handy DEFINES -#ifndef FALSE -#define FALSE 0 -#ifndef TRUE -#define TRUE !FALSE -#endif -#endif - -#ifndef BIT -#define BIT(n) (1 << (n)) -#endif - -// declare functions and values from crt0.S & the linker control file -extern void reset(void); -// extern void exit(void); -extern void abort(void); -// maybe add interrupt vector addresses - -#define HOST_BAUD (115200) - -#define WDOG() - -// PLL setup values are computed within the LPC include file -// It relies upon the following defines -#define FOSC (14745000) // Master Oscillator Freq. -#define PLL_MUL (4) // PLL Multiplier -#define CCLK (FOSC * PLL_MUL) // CPU Clock Freq. - -// Pheripheral Bus Speed Divider -#define PBSD 2 // MUST BE 1, 2, or 4 -#define PCLK (CCLK / PBSD) // Pheripheal Bus Clock Freq. - -// Do some value range testing -#if ((FOSC < 10000000) || (FOSC > 25000000)) -#error Fosc out of range (10MHz-25MHz) -#error correct and recompile -#endif - -#if ((CCLK < 10000000) || (CCLK > 60000000)) -#error cclk out of range (10MHz-60MHz) -#error correct PLL_MUL and recompile -#endif - -#if ((FCCO < 150000000) || (FCCO > 320000000)) -#error Fcco out of range (156MHz-320MHz) -#error internal algorithm error -#endif - -#if ((PBSD != 1) && (PBSD != 2) && (PBSD != 4)) -#error Pheripheal Bus Speed Divider (PBSD) illegal value (1, 2, or 4) -#endif - -// The following are for the Olimex LPC-P2106 TESTER Board -// Port Bit Definitions & Macros: Description - initial conditions -#define TXD0_BIT BIT(0) // used by UART0 -#define RXD0_BIT BIT(1) // used by UART0 -#define P02_UNUSED_BIT BIT(2) // P0.02 unused - low output -#define P03_UNUSED_BIT BIT(3) // P0.03 unused - low output -#define P04_UNUSED_BIT BIT(4) // P0.04 unused - low output -#define P05_UNUSED_BIT BIT(5) // P0.05 unused - low output -#define P06_UNUSED_BIT BIT(6) // P0.06 unused - low output -#define LED1_BIT BIT(7) // LED 1 - active low output -#define P08_UNUSED_BIT BIT(8) // P0.08 unused - low output -#define P09_UNUSED_BIT BIT(9) // P0.09 unused - low output -#define P10_UNUSED_BIT BIT(10) // P0.10 unused - low output -#define P11_UNUSED_BIT BIT(11) // P0.11 unused - low output -#define P12_UNUSED_BIT BIT(12) // P0.12 unused - low output -#define P13_UNUSED_BIT BIT(13) // P0.13 unused - low output -#define P14_UNUSED_BIT BIT(14) // P0.14 unused - low output -#define P15_UNUSED_BIT BIT(15) // P0.15 unused - low output -#define P16_UNUSED_BIT BIT(16) // P0.16 unused - low output -#define P17_UNUSED_BIT BIT(17) // used by JTAG -#define P18_UNUSED_BIT BIT(18) // used by JTAG -#define P19_UNUSED_BIT BIT(19) // used by JTAG -#define P20_UNUSED_BIT BIT(20) // used by JTAG -#define P21_UNUSED_BIT BIT(21) // used by JTAG -#define P22_UNUSED_BIT BIT(22) // P0.22 unused - low output -#define P23_UNUSED_BIT BIT(23) // P0.23 unused - low output -#define P24_UNUSED_BIT BIT(24) // P0.24 unused - low output -#define P25_UNUSED_BIT BIT(25) // P0.25 unused - low output -#define P26_UNUSED_BIT BIT(26) // P0.26 unused - low output -#define P27_UNUSED_BIT BIT(27) // P0.27 unused - low output -#define P28_UNUSED_BIT BIT(28) // P0.28 unused - low output -#define P29_UNUSED_BIT BIT(29) // P0.29 unused - low output -#define P30_UNUSED_BIT BIT(30) // P0.30 unused - low output -#define SW1_BIT BIT(31) // Switch 1 - active low input - -#define PIO_INPUT_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - SW1_BIT | \ - 0 ) - -#define PIO_ZERO_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - P02_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P03_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P04_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P05_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P06_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P08_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P09_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P10_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P11_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P12_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P13_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P14_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P15_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P16_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P22_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P23_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P24_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P25_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P26_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P27_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P28_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P29_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P30_UNUSED_BIT | \ - 0 ) - -#define PIO_ONE_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - LED1_BIT | \ - 0 ) - -#define PIO_OUTPUT_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - PIO_ZERO_BITS | \ - PIO_ONE_BITS ) - -#endif diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/test_pwm.c b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/test_pwm.c deleted file mode 100644 index 2c1ef86..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/test_pwm.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ - /******************************************************************************/ - /* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools */ - /* Copyright KEIL ELEKTRONIK GmbH 2002-2004 */ - /******************************************************************************/ - /* */ - /* PWM.C: LED Flasher */ - /* */ - /******************************************************************************/ - - - -#include <types.h> -#include <LPC210x.h> -#include "config.h" -#include "armVIC.h" - - - - /** - * * Function Name: lowInit() - * - * Description: - * This function starts up the PLL then sets up the GPIO pins before - * waiting for the PLL to lock. It finally engages the PLL and - * returns - * - * Calling Sequence: - * void - * - * Returns: - * void - * - * - */ - static void lowInit(void) -{ - // set PLL multiplier & divisor. - // values computed from config.h - PLLCFG = PLLCFG_MSEL | PLLCFG_PSEL; - - // enable PLL - PLLCON = PLLCON_PLLE; - PLLFEED = 0xAA; // Make it happen. These two updates - PLLFEED = 0x55; // MUST occur in sequence. - - // setup the parallel port pin - IOCLR = PIO_ZERO_BITS; // clear the ZEROs output - IOSET = PIO_ONE_BITS; // set the ONEs output - IODIR = PIO_OUTPUT_BITS; // set the output bit direction - - // wait for PLL lock - while (!(PLLSTAT & PLLSTAT_LOCK)) - continue; - - // enable & connect PLL - PLLCON = PLLCON_PLLE | PLLCON_PLLC; - PLLFEED = 0xAA; // Make it happen. These two updates - PLLFEED = 0x55; // MUST occur in sequence. - - // setup & enable the MAM - MAMTIM = MAMTIM_CYCLES; - MAMCR = MAMCR_FULL; - - // set the peripheral bus speed - // value computed from config.h - VPBDIV = VPBDIV_VALUE; // set the peripheral bus clock speed -} - - - /** - * Function Name: sysInit() - * - * Description: - * This function is responsible for initializing the program - * specific hardware - * - * Calling Sequence: - * void - * - * Returns: - * void - * - */ - - - static void sysInit(void) -{ - lowInit(); // setup clocks and processor port pins - - // set the interrupt controller defaults -#define RAM_RUN -#if defined(RAM_RUN) - MEMMAP = MEMMAP_SRAM; // map interrupt vectors space into SRAM -#elif defined(ROM_RUN) - MEMMAP = MEMMAP_FLASH; // map interrupt vectors space into FLASH -#else -#error RUN_MODE not defined! -#endif - VICIntEnClear = 0xFFFFFFFF; // clear all interrupts - VICIntSelect = 0x00000000; // clear all FIQ selections - VICDefVectAddr = (uint32_t)reset; // point unvectored IRQs to reset() - - // wdtInit(); // initialize the watchdog timer - // initSysTime(); // initialize the system timer - // uart0Init(UART_BAUD(HOST_BAUD), UART_8N1, UART_FIFO_8); // setup the UART -} - - void PWM0_isr(void) __attribute__ ((interrupt ("IRQ"))); - void PWM0_isr(void) -{ - PWMIR |= 0x00000001; // Clear match0 interrupt - VICVectAddr = 0x00000000; -} - - - - /** - * *********************************** void init_PWM (void)*********************************************** - * This function initialise PWM registers in order to: - * -use PWM 2,4,6 channels - * -set the corresponding output pins enable - * -be able to modify the duty cycle while running - * - */ - void init_PWM (void) { - VICVectAddr8 = (unsigned)PWM0_isr; /* Set the PWM ISR vector address */ - VICVectCntl8 = 0x00000028; /* Set channel */ - VICIntEnable = 0x00000100; /* Enable the interrupt */ - - PINSEL0 |= 0x000A8000; /* Enable P0.7, 8 and P0.9 as alternate PWM outputs functions*/ - PINSEL0 &= 0xFFFABFFF; - - PWMPR = 0x00000000; /* Load prescaler */ - - PWMPCR = 0x00005400; /* PWM channel 2 & 3 double edge control, output enabled */ - PWMMCR = 0x00000002; /* On match with timer reset the counter */ - PWMMR0 = 0x400; /* set cycle rate */ - - PWMMR2 = 0x100; /* set falling edge of PWM2 */ - PWMMR2 = 0x200; /* set falling edge of PWM2 */ - PWMMR6 = 0x300; /* set falling edge of PWM3 */ - PWMLER = 0x55; /* enable shadow latch for match 1 - 6 */ - //PWMEMR = 0x00210A8E; /* Match 1 and Match 2 outputs set high */ - PWMTCR = 0x00000002; /* Reset counter and prescaler */ - PWMTCR = 0x00000009; /* enable counter and PWM, release counter from reset */ - - } - - - void main() { - // unsigned int n; - // int rx_char; - sysInit(); - - init_PWM(); - - while (1) { /* Loop forever */ - - - } - } diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/can/can.c b/app/arm/contrib/can/can.c deleted file mode 100644 index b3a1693..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/can/can.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -#include "can.h" - -volatile int can_msg_received = 0; -volatile can_msg_t can_rx_msg; - -/* private global variables */ -uint32_t *can_rx_msg_data = (uint32_t*)can_rx_msg.data; -can_rx_callback can_rx_cb; - -void can_init(uint32_t btr, unsigned rx_isr_vect, can_rx_callback rx_cb) { - /* enable CAN1 Rx pin */ - PINSEL1 |= 0x00040000; - PINSEL1 &= 0xfff7ffff; - /* receive all messages, no filtering */ - AFMR = 0x2; - /* reset mode */ - C1MOD = 0x1; - /* -- addition from lpc2000 maillist msg #3052: */ - C1CMR = 0x0e; //Clear receive buffer, data overrun, abort tx - /* -- end of addition */ - C1IER = 0x0; - C1GSR = 0x0; - /* set baudrate & timing */ - C1BTR = btr; - /* register Rx handler */ - can_rx_cb = rx_cb; - /* set interrupt vector */ - ((uint32_t*)&VICVectAddr0)[rx_isr_vect] = (uint32_t)can_rx_isr; - ((uint32_t*)&VICVectCntl0)[rx_isr_vect] = 0x20 | 26; - /* enable Rx int */ - VICIntEnable = 0x04000000; - C1IER = 0x1; - /* normal (operating) mode */ - C1MOD = 0x0; -#if 0 - /* LPC2119 CAN.5 erratum workaround */ - C1TFI1 = 0x00000000; - C1TID1 = 0x0; - C1CMR = 0x23; -#endif -} - -void can_rx_isr() { - can_rx_msg.flags = C1RFS; - can_rx_msg.dlc = (can_rx_msg.flags>>16) & 0xf; - can_rx_msg.id = C1RID; - can_rx_msg_data[0] = C1RDA; - can_rx_msg_data[1] = C1RDB; - can_msg_received = 1; - if (can_rx_cb != NULL) - can_rx_cb((can_msg_t*)&can_rx_msg); - /* release Rx buffer */ - C1CMR = 0x4; - /* int acknowledge */ - VICVectAddr = 0; -} - -int can_tx_msg(can_msg_t *tx_msg) { - uint32_t *data = (uint32_t*)tx_msg->data; - - /* check, if buffer is ready (previous Tx completed) */ - if ((C1SR & 0x4) == 0) - return -1; /* busy */ - C1TFI1 = (tx_msg->flags & 0xc0000000) | - ((tx_msg->dlc<<16) & 0x000f0000); - C1TID1 = tx_msg->id; - C1TDA1 = data[0]; - C1TDB1 = data[1]; - /* start transmission */ - C1CMR = 0x21; - return 0; /* OK */ -} - -/*EOF*/ diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/first/config.h b/app/arm/contrib/first/config.h deleted file mode 100644 index ad12469..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/first/config.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************** - * - * $RCSfile: $ - * $Revision: $ - * - * This module provides information about the project configuration - * Copyright 2004, R O SoftWare - * No guarantees, warrantees, or promises, implied or otherwise. - * May be used for hobby or commercial purposes provided copyright - * notice remains intact. - * - *****************************************************************************/ -#ifndef INC_CONFIG_H -#define INC_CONFIG_H - -#include "types.h" -#include "LPC210x.h" - -// some handy DEFINES -#ifndef FALSE -#define FALSE 0 -#ifndef TRUE -#define TRUE !FALSE -#endif -#endif - -#ifndef BIT -#define BIT(n) (1 << (n)) -#endif - -// declare functions and values from crt0.S & the linker control file -extern void reset(void); -// extern void exit(void); -extern void abort(void); -// maybe add interrupt vector addresses - -#define HOST_BAUD (115200) - -#define WDOG() - -// PLL setup values are computed within the LPC include file -// It relies upon the following defines -#define FOSC (14745000) // Master Oscillator Freq. -#define PLL_MUL (4) // PLL Multiplier -#define CCLK (FOSC * PLL_MUL) // CPU Clock Freq. - -// Pheripheral Bus Speed Divider -#define PBSD 2 // MUST BE 1, 2, or 4 -#define PCLK (CCLK / PBSD) // Pheripheal Bus Clock Freq. - -// Do some value range testing -#if ((FOSC < 10000000) || (FOSC > 25000000)) -#error Fosc out of range (10MHz-25MHz) -#error correct and recompile -#endif - -#if ((CCLK < 10000000) || (CCLK > 60000000)) -#error cclk out of range (10MHz-60MHz) -#error correct PLL_MUL and recompile -#endif - -#if ((FCCO < 150000000) || (FCCO > 320000000)) -#error Fcco out of range (156MHz-320MHz) -#error internal algorithm error -#endif - -#if ((PBSD != 1) && (PBSD != 2) && (PBSD != 4)) -#error Pheripheal Bus Speed Divider (PBSD) illegal value (1, 2, or 4) -#endif - -// The following are for the Olimex LPC-P2106 TESTER Board -// Port Bit Definitions & Macros: Description - initial conditions -#define TXD0_BIT BIT(0) // used by UART0 -#define RXD0_BIT BIT(1) // used by UART0 -#define P02_UNUSED_BIT BIT(2) // P0.02 unused - low output -#define P03_UNUSED_BIT BIT(3) // P0.03 unused - low output -#define P04_UNUSED_BIT BIT(4) // P0.04 unused - low output -#define P05_UNUSED_BIT BIT(5) // P0.05 unused - low output -#define P06_UNUSED_BIT BIT(6) // P0.06 unused - low output -#define LED1_BIT BIT(7) // LED 1 - active low output -#define P08_UNUSED_BIT BIT(8) // P0.08 unused - low output -#define P09_UNUSED_BIT BIT(9) // P0.09 unused - low output -#define P10_UNUSED_BIT BIT(10) // P0.10 unused - low output -#define P11_UNUSED_BIT BIT(11) // P0.11 unused - low output -#define P12_UNUSED_BIT BIT(12) // P0.12 unused - low output -#define P13_UNUSED_BIT BIT(13) // P0.13 unused - low output -#define P14_UNUSED_BIT BIT(14) // P0.14 unused - low output -#define P15_UNUSED_BIT BIT(15) // P0.15 unused - low output -#define P16_UNUSED_BIT BIT(16) // P0.16 unused - low output -#define P17_UNUSED_BIT BIT(17) // used by JTAG -#define P18_UNUSED_BIT BIT(18) // used by JTAG -#define P19_UNUSED_BIT BIT(19) // used by JTAG -#define P20_UNUSED_BIT BIT(20) // used by JTAG -#define P21_UNUSED_BIT BIT(21) // used by JTAG -#define P22_UNUSED_BIT BIT(22) // P0.22 unused - low output -#define P23_UNUSED_BIT BIT(23) // P0.23 unused - low output -#define P24_UNUSED_BIT BIT(24) // P0.24 unused - low output -#define P25_UNUSED_BIT BIT(25) // P0.25 unused - low output -#define P26_UNUSED_BIT BIT(26) // P0.26 unused - low output -#define P27_UNUSED_BIT BIT(27) // P0.27 unused - low output -#define P28_UNUSED_BIT BIT(28) // P0.28 unused - low output -#define P29_UNUSED_BIT BIT(29) // P0.29 unused - low output -#define P30_UNUSED_BIT BIT(30) // P0.30 unused - low output -#define SW1_BIT BIT(31) // Switch 1 - active low input - -#define PIO_INPUT_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - SW1_BIT | \ - 0 ) - -#define PIO_ZERO_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - P02_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P03_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P04_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P05_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P06_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P08_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P09_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P10_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P11_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P12_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P13_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P14_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P15_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P16_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P22_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P23_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P24_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P25_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P26_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P27_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P28_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P29_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P30_UNUSED_BIT | \ - 0 ) - -#define PIO_ONE_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - LED1_BIT | \ - 0 ) - -#define PIO_OUTPUT_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - PIO_ZERO_BITS | \ - PIO_ONE_BITS ) - -#endif diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/first/main.c b/app/arm/contrib/first/main.c deleted file mode 100644 index b61e7b7..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/first/main.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,215 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************** - * - * A simple program which sends a greeting to UART0, then echos - * characters on UART0 and blinks an LED every 1/2 second. - * from: Bill Knight, R O SoftWare <BillK@rosw.com> - * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - * - * - Adapted to the Olimex LPC-P2106 demo-board (Philips LPC2106). - * - Sends message if button/switch on demo-board is hit. - * - Slightly modified and extended as WinARM demo-application. - * by Martin THOMAS <eversmith@heizung-thomas.de> - * - * $RCSfile: $ - * $Revision: $ - * - *****************************************************************************/ -#include <types.h> -#include <LPC210x.h> -#include "config.h" -#include "armVIC.h" -//#include "sysTime.h" -//#include "uart.h" - -/****************************************************************************** - * - * Function Name: lowInit() - * - * Description: - * This function starts up the PLL then sets up the GPIO pins before - * waiting for the PLL to lock. It finally engages the PLL and - * returns - * - * Calling Sequence: - * void - * - * Returns: - * void - * - *****************************************************************************/ -static void lowInit(void) -{ - // set PLL multiplier & divisor. - // values computed from config.h - PLLCFG = PLLCFG_MSEL | PLLCFG_PSEL; - - // enable PLL - PLLCON = PLLCON_PLLE; - PLLFEED = 0xAA; // Make it happen. These two updates - PLLFEED = 0x55; // MUST occur in sequence. - - // setup the parallel port pin - IOCLR = PIO_ZERO_BITS; // clear the ZEROs output - IOSET = PIO_ONE_BITS; // set the ONEs output - IODIR = PIO_OUTPUT_BITS; // set the output bit direction - - // wait for PLL lock - while (!(PLLSTAT & PLLSTAT_LOCK)) - continue; - - // enable & connect PLL - PLLCON = PLLCON_PLLE | PLLCON_PLLC; - PLLFEED = 0xAA; // Make it happen. These two updates - PLLFEED = 0x55; // MUST occur in sequence. - - // setup & enable the MAM - MAMTIM = MAMTIM_CYCLES; - MAMCR = MAMCR_FULL; - - // set the peripheral bus speed - // value computed from config.h - VPBDIV = VPBDIV_VALUE; // set the peripheral bus clock speed -} - -/****************************************************************************** - * - * Function Name: sysInit() - * - * Description: - * This function is responsible for initializing the program - * specific hardware - * - * Calling Sequence: - * void - * - * Returns: - * void - * - *****************************************************************************/ -static void sysInit(void) -{ - lowInit(); // setup clocks and processor port pins - - // set the interrupt controller defaults - #define RAM_RUN -#if defined(RAM_RUN) - MEMMAP = MEMMAP_SRAM; // map interrupt vectors space into SRAM -#elif defined(ROM_RUN) - MEMMAP = MEMMAP_FLASH; // map interrupt vectors space into FLASH -#else -#error RUN_MODE not defined! -#endif - VICIntEnClear = 0xFFFFFFFF; // clear all interrupts - VICIntSelect = 0x00000000; // clear all FIQ selections - VICDefVectAddr = (uint32_t)reset; // point unvectored IRQs to reset() - -// wdtInit(); // initialize the watchdog timer -// initSysTime(); // initialize the system timer -// uart0Init(UART_BAUD(HOST_BAUD), UART_8N1, UART_FIFO_8); // setup the UART -} - -/****************************************************************************** - * - * Function Name: button_state() - * - * Description: - * This function checks if a key has been pressed. Assumes - * key to be "active low" (PIN-Bit==0 -> pressed). Does - * debouncing for given debounce time-difference - * - * Calling Sequence: - * GPIO-Initialisation for Inputs - * - * Returns: - * -1 : key changed or bouncing - * 0 : key released - * 1 : key pressed - * - *****************************************************************************/ -#define KEY_DEBOUNCE FIFTY_MS -#if 0 -static int button_state(void) -{ - static uint32_t lastchangetime; - static boolean laststate=FALSE; - boolean actstate; - - actstate = (IOPIN & SW1_BIT) ? FALSE : TRUE; // TRUE if pressed (active low) - - if (laststate != actstate) { - lastchangetime = getSysTICs(); - laststate = actstate; - } - else { - if (getElapsedSysTICs(lastchangetime) > KEY_DEBOUNCE) { - if (actstate) return 1; - else return 0; - } - } - return -1; // changed or bouncing -} -#endif -/****************************************************************************** - * - * Function Name: main() - * - * Description: - * This function is the program entry point. After initializing the - * system, it sends a greeting out UART0 then enters an endless loop - * echoing chracters on the UART and blinking an LED every half - * second. - * - * Calling Sequence: - * void - * - * Returns: - * void - * - *****************************************************************************/ -int main(void) -{ - uint32_t startTime; - boolean lock=FALSE; - - sysInit(); -#if defined(UART0_TX_INT_MODE) || defined(UART0_RX_INT_MODE) - //enableIRQ(); -#endif - -#if 0 - startTime = getSysTICs(); - - uart0Puts("\r\nHello World!\r\n"); - uart0Puts("(a WinARM Demo-Application based on code from R O Software)\r\n\r\n"); - - for (;;) - { - do - { - int ch; - - if ((ch = uart0Getch()) >= 0) { - uart0Puts("the <"); - uart0Putch(ch); - uart0Puts("> key has been pressed\r\n"); - } - - // send button-pressed string only once if hit - if (button_state()==0) lock=FALSE; // release lock if button is released - if ((button_state()==1) && !lock) - { - uart0Puts("\r\nButton Pressed!\r\n"); - lock=TRUE; - } - } - while (getElapsedSysTICs(startTime) < HALF_SEC); - - if (IOPIN & LED1_BIT) IOCLR = LED1_BIT; - else IOSET = LED1_BIT; - - startTime += HALF_SEC; - } -#endif - return 0; - -} diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/pokusy/pokus.c b/app/arm/contrib/pokusy/pokus.c deleted file mode 100644 index 0ffc424..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/pokusy/pokus.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -#include <lpc21xx.h> -#include <types.h> - - -void delay() { - unsigned u; - - for (u = 0; u < 1000000; u++); -} - -/*** PWM ***/ - -int PWM_PINSEL[] = { - /*nothing*/ 1, /*PWM1*/ 1, 15, 3, 17, /*PWM5*/ 11, /*PWM6*/ 19 -}; - -uint32_t *PWM_MR[] = { - (uint32_t*)&(PWMMR0), - (uint32_t*)&(PWMMR1), - (uint32_t*)&(PWMMR2), - (uint32_t*)&(PWMMR3), - (uint32_t*)&(PWMMR4), - (uint32_t*)&(PWMMR5), - (uint32_t*)&(PWMMR6) -}; - -void pwm_channel(int n, int double_edge) { - uint32_t bit; - - PWMPCR |= (0x100 | (double_edge && n)) << n; - if (n == 5) { - PINSEL1 |= 0x00000400; - PINSEL1 &= 0xfffff7ff; - } - else { - bit = 1 << PWM_PINSEL[n]; - PINSEL0 |= bit; - bit = ~(bit >> 1); - PINSEL0 &= bit; - } -} - -void pwm_set(int n, uint32_t when) { - *PWM_MR[n] = when; - PWMLER |= 1 << n; -} - -void pwm_set_double(int n, uint32_t from, uint32_t to) { - *PWM_MR[n-1] = from; - *PWM_MR[n] = to; - PWMLER |= 0x3 << (n-1); -} - -void pwm_init(uint32_t prescale, uint32_t period) { - PWMPR = prescale; - PWMMR0 = period; - PWMLER |= 0x1; - PWMMCR |= 0x00000002; - PWMTCR &= ~0x2; - PWMTCR |= 0x9; -} - -/***********/ - -void motor_drive(float u) { - uint32_t d = (float)PWMMR0*(0.5*(1.0+u)); - - pwm_set_double(2, 0, d); - pwm_set_double(4, d, 0); -} - - -int main() { - pwm_channel(2, 1); - pwm_channel(4, 1); - pwm_init(0, 50); - - motor_drive(0); - - for (;;); -} diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/config.h b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/config.h deleted file mode 100644 index 871c18b..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/config.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************** - * - * $RCSfile: $ - * $Revision: $ - * - * This module provides information about the project configuration - * Copyright 2004, R O SoftWare - * No guarantees, warrantees, or promises, implied or otherwise. - * May be used for hobby or commercial purposes provided copyright - * notice remains intact. - * - *****************************************************************************/ -#ifndef INC_CONFIG_H -#define INC_CONFIG_H - -#include "types.h" -#include "LPC210x.h" - -// some handy DEFINES -#ifndef FALSE -#define FALSE 0 -#ifndef TRUE -#define TRUE !FALSE -#endif -#endif - -#ifndef BIT -#define BIT(n) (1 << (n)) -#endif - -// declare functions and values from crt0.S & the linker control file -extern void reset(void); -// extern void exit(void); -extern void abort(void); -// maybe add interrupt vector addresses - -#define HOST_BAUD (115200) - -#define WDOG() - -// PLL setup values are computed within the LPC include file -// It relies upon the following defines -#define FOSC (7372800) // Master Oscillator Freq. -#define PLL_MUL (4) // PLL Multiplier -#define CCLK (FOSC * PLL_MUL) // CPU Clock Freq. - -// Pheripheral Bus Speed Divider -#define PBSD 2 // MUST BE 1, 2, or 4 -#define PCLK (CCLK / PBSD) // Pheripheal Bus Clock Freq. - -// Do some value range testing -#if ((FOSC < 10000000) || (FOSC > 25000000)) -#error Fosc out of range (10MHz-25MHz) -#error correct and recompile -#endif - -#if ((CCLK < 10000000) || (CCLK > 60000000)) -#error cclk out of range (10MHz-60MHz) -#error correct PLL_MUL and recompile -#endif - -#if ((FCCO < 150000000) || (FCCO > 320000000)) -#error Fcco out of range (156MHz-320MHz) -#error internal algorithm error -#endif - -#if ((PBSD != 1) && (PBSD != 2) && (PBSD != 4)) -#error Pheripheal Bus Speed Divider (PBSD) illegal value (1, 2, or 4) -#endif - -// The following are for the Olimex LPC-P2106 TESTER Board -// Port Bit Definitions & Macros: Description - initial conditions -#define TXD0_BIT BIT(0) // used by UART0 -#define RXD0_BIT BIT(1) // used by UART0 -#define P02_UNUSED_BIT BIT(2) // P0.02 unused - low output -#define P03_UNUSED_BIT BIT(3) // P0.03 unused - low output -#define P04_UNUSED_BIT BIT(4) // P0.04 unused - low output -#define P05_UNUSED_BIT BIT(5) // P0.05 unused - low output -#define P06_UNUSED_BIT BIT(6) // P0.06 unused - low output -#define LED1_BIT BIT(7) // LED 1 - active low output -#define P08_UNUSED_BIT BIT(8) // P0.08 unused - low output -#define P09_UNUSED_BIT BIT(9) // P0.09 unused - low output -#define P10_UNUSED_BIT BIT(10) // P0.10 unused - low output -#define P11_UNUSED_BIT BIT(11) // P0.11 unused - low output -#define P12_UNUSED_BIT BIT(12) // P0.12 unused - low output -#define P13_UNUSED_BIT BIT(13) // P0.13 unused - low output -#define P14_UNUSED_BIT BIT(14) // P0.14 unused - low output -#define P15_UNUSED_BIT BIT(15) // P0.15 unused - low output -#define P16_UNUSED_BIT BIT(16) // P0.16 unused - low output -#define P17_UNUSED_BIT BIT(17) // used by JTAG -#define P18_UNUSED_BIT BIT(18) // used by JTAG -#define P19_UNUSED_BIT BIT(19) // used by JTAG -#define P20_UNUSED_BIT BIT(20) // used by JTAG -#define P21_UNUSED_BIT BIT(21) // used by JTAG -#define P22_UNUSED_BIT BIT(22) // P0.22 unused - low output -#define P23_UNUSED_BIT BIT(23) // P0.23 unused - low output -#define P24_UNUSED_BIT BIT(24) // P0.24 unused - low output -#define P25_UNUSED_BIT BIT(25) // P0.25 unused - low output -#define P26_UNUSED_BIT BIT(26) // P0.26 unused - low output -#define P27_UNUSED_BIT BIT(27) // P0.27 unused - low output -#define P28_UNUSED_BIT BIT(28) // P0.28 unused - low output -#define P29_UNUSED_BIT BIT(29) // P0.29 unused - low output -#define P30_UNUSED_BIT BIT(30) // P0.30 unused - low output -#define SW1_BIT BIT(31) // Switch 1 - active low input - -#define PIO_INPUT_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - SW1_BIT | \ - 0 ) - -#define PIO_ZERO_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - P02_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P03_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P04_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P05_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P06_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P08_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P09_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P10_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P11_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P12_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P13_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P14_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P15_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P16_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P22_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P23_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P24_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P25_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P26_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P27_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P28_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P29_UNUSED_BIT | \ - P30_UNUSED_BIT | \ - 0 ) - -#define PIO_ONE_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - LED1_BIT | \ - 0 ) - -#define PIO_OUTPUT_BITS (uint32_t) ( \ - PIO_ZERO_BITS | \ - PIO_ONE_BITS ) - -#endif diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/pwm.c b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/pwm.c deleted file mode 100644 index e6460c6..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/pwm.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ -/* -* C Implementation: pwm -* -* Description: configuration of PWM unit -* -* -* Author: LAGARRIGUE <glagarri@etud.insa-toulouse.fr>, (C) 2005 -* -* Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution -* -*/ - - -#include <LPC210x.h> -#include "config.h" -#include "pwm.h" - -#define MINFREQ (PCLK/(0xFFFFFFFF)) - -/** - * Initializes PWM frequency with match0 register - * @param freq frequency in Hz - */ -void Init_PWM(int freq) -{ - if ((freq <= PCLK) | (freq >= MINFREQ)) - { - PWMPR = 0x00000000; //no prescaler - PWMMCR = 0x00000002; // on match with MATCH0 Register, reset the counter - PWMMR0 = (int)(PCLK/(freq)); - } - - -} - -/** - * Initilizes and sets the duty cycle of the desired pwm channel - * @param channel = channel number (1,2,3,4,5,6) - * @param duty_cycle = float between 0 and 1 - */ -void Set_PWM (int channel, float duty_cycle) -{ - int Pwmmatch; - Pwmmatch = (int) (duty_cycle * PWMMR0); - - - - //PINSEL0 |= ...; /* Enable P0.7, 8 and P0.9 as alternate PWM outputs functions*/ - //PINSEL0 &= ...; - - //PWMPCR = ...; /* single edge control only*/ - - //PWMMRX = 0x500; /* set falling edge of PWM channel X */ - - //PWMLER = 0x..; /* enable shadow latch for match 1 - 6 */ - - - switch (channel) - { - - - case 1 : - PWMMR1 =Pwmmatch; - PWMPCR |= 0x0200; - PWMLER |= 0x02; - PINSEL0 |= 0x00000002; - PINSEL0 &= 0xFFFFFFFE; - break; - - case 2 : - PWMMR2 =Pwmmatch; - PWMPCR |= 0x0400; - PWMLER |= 0x04; - PINSEL0 |= 0x00008000; - PINSEL0 &= 0xFFFFBFFF; - break; - - case 3 : - PWMMR3 =Pwmmatch; - PWMPCR |= 0x0800; - PWMLER |= 0x08; - PINSEL0 |= 0x00000008; - PINSEL0 &= 0xFFFFFFFB; - break; - case 4 : - PWMMR4 =Pwmmatch; - PWMPCR |= 0x1000; - PWMLER |= 0x10; - PINSEL0 |= 0x00020000; - PINSEL0 &= 0xFFFEFFFF; - break; - - case 5 : - PWMMR5 =Pwmmatch; - PWMPCR |= 0x2000; - PWMLER |= 0x20; - PINSEL1 |= 0x00000400; - PINSEL1 &= 0xFFFFF7FF; - break; - - case 6 : - PWMMR6 =Pwmmatch; - PWMPCR |= 0x4000; - PWMLER |= 0x40; - PINSEL0 |= 0x00080000; - PINSEL0 &= 0xFFFBFFFF; - break; - - - } - -} - - -/** - * Resets the counter and runs the PWM unit - * @param - */ -void Run_PWM (void) -{ - PWMTCR = 0x2; /* Reset counter and prescaler */ - PWMTCR = 0x9; /* enable counter and PWM, release counter from reset */ -} - - -/** - * Stops PWM unit and resets the timer - * @param - */ -void Stop_PWM (void) -{ - int i; - for (i=1 ; i < 7 ; i++) - { - Set_PWM (i, 0); - } - PWMTCR = 0x2; -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/pwm.h b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/pwm.h deleted file mode 100644 index 9ef85ce..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/pwm.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -// -// pwm.h -// -// Description: PWM unit configuration -// -// -// Author: LAGARRIGUE <glagarri@etud.insa-toulouse.fr>, (C) 2005 -// -// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution -// -// -#include <LPC210x.h> -#include "config.h" - - -#define MINFREQ (PCLK/(0xFFFFFFFF)) - -void Init_PWM(int freq); -void Set_PWM (int channel, float duty_cycle); -void Run_PWM (void); -void Stop_PWM (void); diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.c b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.c deleted file mode 100644 index 13b43db..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,155 +0,0 @@ - /******************************************************************************/ - /* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools */ - /* Copyright KEIL ELEKTRONIK GmbH 2002-2004 */ - /******************************************************************************/ - /* */ - /* PWM.C: LED Flasher */ - /* */ - /******************************************************************************/ - - - -#include <types.h> -#include <LPC210x.h> -#include "config.h" -#include "pwm.h" - - - - /** - * * Function Name: lowInit() - * - * Description: - * This function starts up the PLL then sets up the GPIO pins before - * waiting for the PLL to lock. It finally engages the PLL and - * returns - * - * Calling Sequence: - * void - * - * Returns: - * void - * - * - */ - static void lowInit(void) -{ - // set PLL multiplier & divisor. - // values computed from config.h - PLLCFG = PLLCFG_MSEL | PLLCFG_PSEL; - - // enable PLL - PLLCON = PLLCON_PLLE; - PLLFEED = 0xAA; // Make it happen. These two updates - PLLFEED = 0x55; // MUST occur in sequence. - - // setup the parallel port pin - IOCLR = PIO_ZERO_BITS; // clear the ZEROs output - IOSET = PIO_ONE_BITS; // set the ONEs output - IODIR = PIO_OUTPUT_BITS; // set the output bit direction - - // wait for PLL lock - while (!(PLLSTAT & PLLSTAT_LOCK)) - continue; - - // enable & connect PLL - PLLCON = PLLCON_PLLE | PLLCON_PLLC; - PLLFEED = 0xAA; // Make it happen. These two updates - PLLFEED = 0x55; // MUST occur in sequence. - - // setup & enable the MAM - MAMTIM = MAMTIM_CYCLES; - MAMCR = MAMCR_FULL; - - // set the peripheral bus speed - // value computed from config.h - VPBDIV = VPBDIV_VALUE; // set the peripheral bus clock speed -} - - - /** - * Function Name: sysInit() - * - * Description: - * This function is responsible for initializing the program - * specific hardware - * - * Calling Sequence: - * void - * - * Returns: - * void - * - */ - - - static void sysInit(void) -{ - lowInit(); // setup clocks and processor port pins - - // set the interrupt controller defaults -#define RAM_RUN -#if defined(RAM_RUN) - MEMMAP = MEMMAP_SRAM; // map interrupt vectors space into SRAM -#elif defined(ROM_RUN) - MEMMAP = MEMMAP_FLASH; // map interrupt vectors space into FLASH -#else -#error RUN_MODE not defined! -#endif - VICIntEnClear = 0xFFFFFFFF; // clear all interrupts - VICIntSelect = 0x00000000; // clear all FIQ selections - VICDefVectAddr = (uint32_t)reset; // point unvectored IRQs to reset() - - -} - - /** - * Creates a delay - * @param d duration (unit not defined yet) - */ -void - delay(int d) -{ - volatile int x; - int i; - for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) - for(x = d; x; --x) - ; -} - - - - /** - * this function has been created to test PWM unit - * It has been tested with the DC motor of M.Sojka ;-) - * One accelerated phase with upward rotation then one constant speed phase with backward rotation - * DC motor pin 2 = PWM4 - * DC motor pin 3 = PWM6 - * DC motor pin 25 = GND - * @return - */ - int main() { - - int j; - - - sysInit(); - - Init_PWM(20000); - - Run_PWM(); - Set_PWM (6,0); - for (j = 0 ; j < 10 ; j++) - { - Set_PWM (4, j*0.1); - delay (500000); - } - - - - while (1) - { /* Loop forever */ - - } - return 0; - } diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/uart_test/uart.c b/app/arm/contrib/uart_test/uart.c deleted file mode 100644 index da76a99..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/uart_test/uart.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************** - * - * $RCSfile: $ - * $Revision: $ - * - * This module provides interface routines to the LPC ARM UARTs. - * Copyright 2004, R O SoftWare - * No guarantees, warrantees, or promises, implied or otherwise. - * May be used for hobby or commercial purposes provided copyright - * notice remains intact. - * - * reduced to see what has to be done for minimum UART-support by mthomas - *****************************************************************************/ - -// #warning "this is a reduced version of the R O Software code" - -#include "uart.h" - -/* on LPC210x: UART0 TX-Pin=P0.2, RX-Pin=P0.1 - PINSEL0 has to be set to "UART-Function" = Function "01" - for Pin 0.0 and 0.1 */ - -#define PINSEL_BITPIN0 0 -#define PINSEL_BITPIN1 2 -// #define PINSEL_BITPIN2 4 -#define PINSEL_FIRST_ALT_FUNC 1 -// #define PINSEL_SECOND_ALT_FUNC 2 - -// Values of Bits 0-3 in PINSEL to activate UART0 -#define UART0_PINSEL ((PINSEL_FIRST_ALT_FUNC<<PINSEL_BITPIN0)|(PINSEL_FIRST_ALT_FUNC<<PINSEL_BITPIN1)) -// Mask of Bits 0-4 -#define UART0_PINMASK (0x0000000F) /* PINSEL0 Mask for UART0 */ - -// U0_LCR devisor latch bit -#define UART0_LCR_DLAB 7 - -/* baudrate divisor - use UART_BAUD macro - * mode - see typical modes (uart.h) - * fmode - see typical fmodes (uart.h) - * NOTE: uart0Init(UART_BAUD(9600), UART_8N1, UART_FIFO_8); - */ -void uart0Init(uint16_t baud, uint8_t mode, uint8_t fmode) -{ - // setup Pin Function Select Register (Pin Connect Block) - // make sure old values of Bits 0-4 are masked out and - // set them according to UART0-Pin-Selection -/* PCB_PINSEL0 = (PCB_PINSEL0 & ~UART0_PINMASK) | UART0_PINSEL; */ - - U0IER = 0x00; // disable all interrupts - U0IIR = 0x00; // clear interrupt ID register - U0LSR = 0x00; // clear line status register - - // set the baudrate - DLAB must be set to access DLL/DLM - U0LCR = (1<<UART0_LCR_DLAB); // set divisor latches (DLAB) - U0DLL = (uint8_t)baud; // set for baud low byte - U0DLM = (uint8_t)(baud >> 8); // set for baud high byte - - // set the number of characters and other - // user specified operating parameters - // Databits, Parity, Stopbits - Settings in Line Control Register - U0LCR = (mode & ~(1<<UART0_LCR_DLAB)); // clear DLAB "on-the-fly" - // setup FIFO Control Register (fifo-enabled + xx trig) - U0FCR = fmode; -} - -int uart0Putch(int ch) -{ - while (!(U0LSR & ULSR_THRE)) // wait for TX buffer to empty - continue; // also either WDOG() or swap() - - U0THR = (uint8_t)ch; // put char to Transmit Holding Register - return (uint8_t)ch; // return char ("stdio-compatible"?) -} - -const char *uart0Puts(const char *string) -{ - char ch; - - while ((ch = *string)) { - if (uart0Putch(ch)<0) break; - string++; - } - - return string; -} - -int uart0TxEmpty(void) -{ - return (U0LSR & (ULSR_THRE | ULSR_TEMT)) == (ULSR_THRE | ULSR_TEMT); -} - -void uart0TxFlush(void) -{ - U0FCR |= UFCR_TX_FIFO_RESET; // clear the TX fifo -} - - -/* Returns: character on success, -1 if no character is available */ -int uart0Getch(void) -{ - if (U0LSR & ULSR_RDR) // check if character is available - return U0RBR; // return character - - return -1; -} diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/uart_test/uart.h b/app/arm/contrib/uart_test/uart.h deleted file mode 100644 index 51b2826..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/uart_test/uart.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -/****************************************************************************** - * based on software from: - * Copyright 2004, R O SoftWare - * No guarantees, warrantees, or promises, implied or otherwise. - * May be used for hobby or commercial purposes provided copyright - * notice remains intact. - * - * reduced to learn what has to be done to enable and use UART0 - *****************************************************************************/ -#ifndef INC_UART_H -#define INC_UART_H - -#include <types.h> -#include <LPC210x.h> - -#include "lpcUART.h" -#include "config.h" - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// use the following macros to determine the 'baud' parameter values -// for uart0Init() and uart1Init() -// CAUTION - 'baud' SHOULD ALWAYS BE A CONSTANT or -// a lot of code will be generated. -// Baud-Rate is calculated based on pclk (VPB-clock) -// the devisor must be 16 times the desired baudrate -#define UART_BAUD(baud) (uint16_t)(((FOSC*PLL_MUL/PBSD) / ((baud) * 16.0)) + 0.5) - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Definitions for typical UART 'baud' settings -#define B1200 UART_BAUD(1200) -#define B9600 UART_BAUD(9600) -#define B19200 UART_BAUD(19200) -#define B38400 UART_BAUD(38400) -#define B57600 UART_BAUD(57600) -#define B115200 UART_BAUD(115200) - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Definitions for typical UART 'mode' settings -#define UART_8N1 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_8 + ULCR_PAR_NO + ULCR_STOP_1) -#define UART_7N1 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_7 + ULCR_PAR_NO + ULCR_STOP_1) -#define UART_8N2 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_8 + ULCR_PAR_NO + ULCR_STOP_2) -#define UART_7N2 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_7 + ULCR_PAR_NO + ULCR_STOP_2) -#define UART_8E1 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_8 + ULCR_PAR_EVEN + ULCR_STOP_1) -#define UART_7E1 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_7 + ULCR_PAR_EVEN + ULCR_STOP_1) -#define UART_8E2 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_8 + ULCR_PAR_EVEN + ULCR_STOP_2) -#define UART_7E2 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_7 + ULCR_PAR_EVEN + ULCR_STOP_2) -#define UART_8O1 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_8 + ULCR_PAR_ODD + ULCR_STOP_1) -#define UART_7O1 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_7 + ULCR_PAR_ODD + ULCR_STOP_1) -#define UART_8O2 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_8 + ULCR_PAR_ODD + ULCR_STOP_2) -#define UART_7O2 (uint8_t)(ULCR_CHAR_7 + ULCR_PAR_ODD + ULCR_STOP_2) - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Definitions for typical UART 'fmode' settings -#define UART_FIFO_OFF (0x00) -#define UART_FIFO_1 (uint8_t)(UFCR_FIFO_ENABLE + UFCR_FIFO_TRIG1) -#define UART_FIFO_4 (uint8_t)(UFCR_FIFO_ENABLE + UFCR_FIFO_TRIG4) -#define UART_FIFO_8 (uint8_t)(UFCR_FIFO_ENABLE + UFCR_FIFO_TRIG8) -#define UART_FIFO_14 (uint8_t)(UFCR_FIFO_ENABLE + UFCR_FIFO_TRIG14) - -void uart0Init(uint16_t baud, uint8_t mode, uint8_t fmode); -int uart0Putch(int ch); -uint16_t uart0Space(void); -const char *uart0Puts(const char *string); -int uart0TxEmpty(void); -void uart0TxFlush(void); -int uart0Getch(void); - -#endif diff --git a/app/arm/Makefile b/app/arm/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 76b56fd..0000000 --- a/app/arm/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework - -ifndef MAKERULES_DIR -MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) -endif - -ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) -all : default -.DEFAULT:: - @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" -else -include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules -endif - diff --git a/app/arm/Makefile.omk b/app/arm/Makefile.omk deleted file mode 100644 index 63b20af..0000000 --- a/app/arm/Makefile.omk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -# -*- makefile -*- - -SUBDIRS := $(ALL_OMK_SUBDIRS) diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/Makefile b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 76b56fd..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework - -ifndef MAKERULES_DIR -MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) -endif - -ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) -all : default -.DEFAULT:: - @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" -else -include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules -endif - diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/Makefile.omk b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/Makefile.omk deleted file mode 100644 index 689faf3..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_clk/Makefile.omk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -# -*- makefile -*- - -bin_PROGRAMS = test - -test_SOURCES = test.c sys_pll.c sys_dev.c sys_vpb.c sys_mam.c sys_time.c -#test_LIBS = boot_fn - -#link_VARIANTS = boot ram bload flash diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/Makefile b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 76b56fd..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework - -ifndef MAKERULES_DIR -MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) -endif - -ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) -all : default -.DEFAULT:: - @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" -else -include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules -endif - diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/Makefile.omk b/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/Makefile.omk deleted file mode 100644 index 66f7c2a..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/armtest_pwm/Makefile.omk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -# -*- makefile -*- - -bin_PROGRAMS = armtest_pwm - -test_SOURCES = armtest_pwm.c -#test_LIBS = boot_fn - -#link_VARIANTS = boot ram bload flash diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/first/Doxyfile b/app/arm/contrib/first/Doxyfile deleted file mode 100644 index e95be08..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/first/Doxyfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ -# Doxyfile 1.4.1-KDevelop - -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Project related configuration options -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -PROJECT_NAME = first.kdevelop -PROJECT_NUMBER = $VERSION$ -OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = -CREATE_SUBDIRS = NO -OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English -USE_WINDOWS_ENCODING = NO -BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC = YES -REPEAT_BRIEF = YES -ABBREVIATE_BRIEF = "The $name class" \ - "The $name widget" \ - "The $name file" \ - is \ - provides \ - specifies \ - contains \ - represents \ - a \ - an \ - the -ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC = NO -INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB = NO -FULL_PATH_NAMES = YES -STRIP_FROM_PATH = /home/cabrit/ -STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH = -SHORT_NAMES = NO -JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF = NO -MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF = NO -DETAILS_AT_TOP = NO -INHERIT_DOCS = YES -DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC = NO -TAB_SIZE = 8 -ALIASES = -OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C = NO -OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA = NO -SUBGROUPING = YES -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Build related configuration options -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -EXTRACT_ALL = NO -EXTRACT_PRIVATE = NO -EXTRACT_STATIC = NO -EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES = YES -EXTRACT_LOCAL_METHODS = NO -HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS = NO -HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES = NO -HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS = NO -HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS = NO -INTERNAL_DOCS = NO -CASE_SENSE_NAMES = YES -HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES = NO -SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES = YES -INLINE_INFO = YES -SORT_MEMBER_DOCS = YES -SORT_BRIEF_DOCS = NO -SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME = NO -GENERATE_TODOLIST = YES -GENERATE_TESTLIST = YES -GENERATE_BUGLIST = YES -GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST= YES -ENABLED_SECTIONS = -MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES = 30 -SHOW_USED_FILES = YES -SHOW_DIRECTORIES = YES -FILE_VERSION_FILTER = -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to warning and progress messages -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -QUIET = NO -WARNINGS = YES -WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED = YES -WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR = YES -WARN_NO_PARAMDOC = NO -WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text" -WARN_LOGFILE = -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the input files -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INPUT = /home/cabrit/arm/h8300-boot/app/arm/first -FILE_PATTERNS = *.c \ - *.cc \ - *.cxx \ - *.cpp \ - *.c++ \ - *.java \ - *.ii \ - *.ixx \ - *.ipp \ - *.i++ \ - *.inl \ - *.h \ - *.hh \ - *.hxx \ - *.hpp \ - *.h++ \ - *.idl \ - *.odl \ - *.cs \ - *.php \ - *.php3 \ - *.inc \ - *.m \ - *.mm \ - *.dox \ - *.C \ - *.CC \ - *.C++ \ - *.II \ - *.I++ \ - *.H \ - *.HH \ - *.H++ \ - *.CS \ - *.PHP \ - *.PHP3 \ - *.M \ - *.MM \ - *.C \ - *.H \ - *.tlh \ - *.diff \ - *.patch \ - *.moc \ - *.xpm \ - *.dox -RECURSIVE = yes -EXCLUDE = -EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS = NO -EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = -EXAMPLE_PATH = -EXAMPLE_PATTERNS = * -EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE = NO -IMAGE_PATH = -INPUT_FILTER = -FILTER_PATTERNS = -FILTER_SOURCE_FILES = NO -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to source browsing -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -SOURCE_BROWSER = NO -INLINE_SOURCES = NO -STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS = YES -REFERENCED_BY_RELATION = YES -REFERENCES_RELATION = YES -VERBATIM_HEADERS = YES -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ALPHABETICAL_INDEX = NO -COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX = 5 -IGNORE_PREFIX = -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the HTML output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_HTML = YES -HTML_OUTPUT = html -HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = .html -HTML_HEADER = -HTML_FOOTER = -HTML_STYLESHEET = -HTML_ALIGN_MEMBERS = YES -GENERATE_HTMLHELP = NO -CHM_FILE = -HHC_LOCATION = -GENERATE_CHI = NO -BINARY_TOC = NO -TOC_EXPAND = NO -DISABLE_INDEX = NO -ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE = 4 -GENERATE_TREEVIEW = NO -TREEVIEW_WIDTH = 250 -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the LaTeX output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_LATEX = YES -LATEX_OUTPUT = latex -LATEX_CMD_NAME = latex -MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME = makeindex -COMPACT_LATEX = NO -PAPER_TYPE = a4wide -EXTRA_PACKAGES = -LATEX_HEADER = -PDF_HYPERLINKS = NO -USE_PDFLATEX = NO -LATEX_BATCHMODE = NO -LATEX_HIDE_INDICES = NO -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the RTF output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_RTF = NO -RTF_OUTPUT = rtf -COMPACT_RTF = NO -RTF_HYPERLINKS = NO -RTF_STYLESHEET_FILE = -RTF_EXTENSIONS_FILE = -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the man page output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_MAN = NO -MAN_OUTPUT = man -MAN_EXTENSION = .3 -MAN_LINKS = NO -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the XML output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_XML = yes -XML_OUTPUT = xml -XML_SCHEMA = -XML_DTD = -XML_PROGRAMLISTING = YES -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF = NO -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the Perl module output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_PERLMOD = NO -PERLMOD_LATEX = NO -PERLMOD_PRETTY = YES -PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX = -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration options related to the preprocessor -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ENABLE_PREPROCESSING = YES -MACRO_EXPANSION = NO -EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF = NO -SEARCH_INCLUDES = YES -INCLUDE_PATH = -INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS = -PREDEFINED = -EXPAND_AS_DEFINED = -SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS = YES -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration::additions related to external references -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -TAGFILES = -GENERATE_TAGFILE = first.tag -ALLEXTERNALS = NO -EXTERNAL_GROUPS = YES -PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration options related to the dot tool -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -CLASS_DIAGRAMS = YES -HIDE_UNDOC_RELATIONS = YES -HAVE_DOT = NO -CLASS_GRAPH = YES -COLLABORATION_GRAPH = YES -GROUP_GRAPHS = YES -UML_LOOK = NO -TEMPLATE_RELATIONS = NO -INCLUDE_GRAPH = YES -INCLUDED_BY_GRAPH = YES -CALL_GRAPH = NO -GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY = YES -DIRECTORY_GRAPH = YES -DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT = png -DOT_PATH = -DOTFILE_DIRS = -MAX_DOT_GRAPH_WIDTH = 1024 -MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT = 1024 -MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH = 1000 -DOT_TRANSPARENT = NO -DOT_MULTI_TARGETS = NO -GENERATE_LEGEND = YES -DOT_CLEANUP = YES -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration::additions related to the search engine -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -SEARCHENGINE = NO diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/first/Makefile b/app/arm/contrib/first/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 76b56fd..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/first/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework - -ifndef MAKERULES_DIR -MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) -endif - -ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) -all : default -.DEFAULT:: - @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" -else -include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules -endif - diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/first/Makefile.omk b/app/arm/contrib/first/Makefile.omk deleted file mode 100644 index c6f31ba..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/first/Makefile.omk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -# -*- makefile -*- - -bin_PROGRAMS = first - -first_SOURCES = main.c diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop b/app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop deleted file mode 100644 index 40843c8..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop +++ /dev/null @@ -1,102 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version = '1.0'?> -<kdevelop> - <general> - <author>LAGARRIGUE</author> - <email>glagarri@etud.insa-toulouse.fr</email> - <version>$VERSION$</version> - <projectmanagement>KDevCustomProject</projectmanagement> - <primarylanguage>C</primarylanguage> - <ignoreparts/> - </general> - <kdevcustomproject> - <run> - <mainprogram>first</mainprogram> - <directoryradio>executable</directoryradio> - </run> - </kdevcustomproject> - <kdevdebugger> - <general> - <dbgshell/> - </general> - </kdevdebugger> - <kdevdoctreeview> - <ignoretocs> - <toc>ada</toc> - <toc>ada_bugs_gcc</toc> - <toc>bash</toc> - <toc>bash_bugs</toc> - <toc>clanlib</toc> - <toc>fortran_bugs_gcc</toc> - <toc>gnome1</toc> - <toc>gnustep</toc> - <toc>gtk</toc> - <toc>gtk_bugs</toc> - <toc>haskell</toc> - <toc>haskell_bugs_ghc</toc> - <toc>java_bugs_gcc</toc> - <toc>java_bugs_sun</toc> - <toc>kde2book</toc> - <toc>libstdc++</toc> - <toc>opengl</toc> - <toc>pascal_bugs_fp</toc> - <toc>php</toc> - <toc>php_bugs</toc> - <toc>perl</toc> - <toc>perl_bugs</toc> - <toc>python</toc> - <toc>python_bugs</toc> - <toc>qt-kdev3</toc> - <toc>ruby</toc> - <toc>ruby_bugs</toc> - <toc>sdl</toc> - <toc>stl</toc> - <toc>sw</toc> - <toc>w3c-dom-level2-html</toc> - <toc>w3c-svg</toc> - <toc>w3c-uaag10</toc> - <toc>wxwidgets_bugs</toc> - </ignoretocs> - <ignoreqt_xml> - <toc>Guide to the Qt Translation Tools</toc> - <toc>Qt Assistant Manual</toc> - <toc>Qt Designer Manual</toc> - <toc>Qt Reference Documentation</toc> - <toc>qmake User Guide</toc> - </ignoreqt_xml> - <ignoredoxygen> - <toc>KDE Libraries (Doxygen)</toc> - </ignoredoxygen> - </kdevdoctreeview> - <kdevfilecreate> - <filetypes/> - <useglobaltypes> - <type ext="c" /> - <type ext="h" /> - </useglobaltypes> - </kdevfilecreate> - <kdevcppsupport> - <references/> - <codecompletion> - <includeGlobalFunctions>true</includeGlobalFunctions> - <includeTypes>true</includeTypes> - <includeEnums>true</includeEnums> - <includeTypedefs>false</includeTypedefs> - <automaticCodeCompletion>true</automaticCodeCompletion> - <automaticArgumentsHint>true</automaticArgumentsHint> - <automaticHeaderCompletion>true</automaticHeaderCompletion> - <codeCompletionDelay>250</codeCompletionDelay> - <argumentsHintDelay>400</argumentsHintDelay> - <headerCompletionDelay>250</headerCompletionDelay> - </codecompletion> - </kdevcppsupport> - <kdevfileview> - <groups> - <hidenonprojectfiles>false</hidenonprojectfiles> - <hidenonlocation>false</hidenonlocation> - </groups> - <tree> - <hidepatterns>*.o,*.lo,CVS</hidepatterns> - <hidenonprojectfiles>false</hidenonprojectfiles> - </tree> - </kdevfileview> -</kdevelop> diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop.filelist b/app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop.filelist deleted file mode 100644 index b5c0732..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop.filelist +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -# KDevelop Custom Project File List -main.c -Makefile -Makefile.omk diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop.pcs b/app/arm/contrib/first/first.kdevelop.pcs deleted file mode 100644 index 7be285b6a2a27435696449335155807341720cc7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 22540 zcmeI4&u=70701gn_RuztahAnci?x_llth6|b~msA@pIR4e!zOyvR5n-KL-C8uMHmC z8qaPv5hytz6b@Xt@E;&fNZ|%Z9CC}4h!Y%hMhGE9k^=(Se7;rHGu`d!nXz|gQj1)p z?&|3uRj<D9)vH&pUbiu(WaiC`Sv1BBu?@0)-#lT~&9<qU3P&qu$t;_i*)VnfEpb$} z*FSHbH0Su8<?1#+cXh|?B<@<{shZif*Qz|bVYbZUX65pKs=qL%pt@eRWgV@q8nmq^ zYEun5bJlD^#frIL&O_ft?%1T}W#~|AYEW|yDi-%iH2N*5_(@-=s9T&iEgek?H~7CJ zR2)5}pF+=S7xYvunj7YlSuk_lKWpyL{wif{!Z)?GMtx<<s&ICj|10dbjCgXB`qo{2 zH`b|dfUW0TclA+Iei9u;wg`%ywDf^4>ie}P=`ZA>Ax=6T65UGi$wVHR+hDq3R{iyo z<w>18)Cz55aAVuNXr2do^`QQ==Mm~rdX~+$C%R*^!?vf<KFaz3;ma7k<0ZEK^5k1$ z2x*heGJ~G0bT>S)1tfMV>jT%Q33|Fe6y*VF;kJa2b5*_J1RUH&t8VbSV4g$I-U+1@ zh}8qo@-d%3!Ld@rX622%5RW*zkV>b_Ewt4xt-48GVFa0`mFsBan%8q}?w}-L^BHUk zjYF~*7RhBlEOBNYZKx6WGIgx+)0JKB4}$lA^I>Qi_4y3PN=ekF&>9-AXF=vRZPFOK z#b{MwU(XpOrg>(OmX~?zs`)1W7R)t{=IsCL<}v?VR@<HdLzP~)wQO?#wja%}P_sA_ 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-HOST_BAUD config.h /^#define HOST_BAUD /;" d -INC_CONFIG_H config.h /^#define INC_CONFIG_H$/;" d -KEY_DEBOUNCE main.c /^#define KEY_DEBOUNCE /;" d file: -LED1_BIT config.h /^#define LED1_BIT /;" d -P02_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P02_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P03_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P03_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P04_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P04_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P05_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P05_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P06_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P06_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P08_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P08_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P09_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P09_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P10_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P10_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P11_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P11_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P12_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P12_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P13_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P13_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P14_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P14_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P15_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P15_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P16_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P16_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P17_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P17_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P18_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P18_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P19_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P19_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P20_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P20_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P21_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P21_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P22_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P22_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P23_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P23_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P24_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P24_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P25_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P25_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P26_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P26_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P27_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P27_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P28_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P28_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P29_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P29_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -P30_UNUSED_BIT config.h /^#define P30_UNUSED_BIT /;" d -PBSD config.h /^#define PBSD /;" d -PCLK config.h /^#define PCLK /;" d -PIO_INPUT_BITS config.h /^#define PIO_INPUT_BITS /;" d -PIO_ONE_BITS config.h /^#define PIO_ONE_BITS /;" d -PIO_OUTPUT_BITS config.h /^#define PIO_OUTPUT_BITS /;" d -PIO_ZERO_BITS config.h /^#define PIO_ZERO_BITS /;" d -PLL_MUL config.h /^#define PLL_MUL /;" d -RAM_RUN main.c /^ #define RAM_RUN$/;" d file: -RXD0_BIT config.h /^#define RXD0_BIT /;" d -SW1_BIT config.h /^#define SW1_BIT /;" d -TRUE config.h /^#define TRUE /;" d -TXD0_BIT config.h /^#define TXD0_BIT /;" d -WDOG config.h /^#define WDOG(/;" d -abort config.h /^extern void abort(void);$/;" p -lowInit main.c /^static void lowInit(void)$/;" f file: -main main.c /^int main(void)$/;" f -reset config.h /^extern void reset(void);$/;" p -sysInit main.c /^static void sysInit(void)$/;" f file: diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Doxyfile b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Doxyfile deleted file mode 100644 index 621a53f..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Doxyfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,275 +0,0 @@ -# Doxyfile 1.4.1-KDevelop - -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Project related configuration options -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -PROJECT_NAME = test_pwm.kdevelop -PROJECT_NUMBER = $VERSION$ -OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = -CREATE_SUBDIRS = NO -OUTPUT_LANGUAGE = English -USE_WINDOWS_ENCODING = NO -BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC = YES -REPEAT_BRIEF = YES -ABBREVIATE_BRIEF = "The $name class" \ - "The $name widget" \ - "The $name file" \ - is \ - provides \ - specifies \ - contains \ - represents \ - a \ - an \ - the -ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC = NO -INLINE_INHERITED_MEMB = NO -FULL_PATH_NAMES = YES -STRIP_FROM_PATH = /home/cabrit/arm/lpc21xx-boot/app/arm/armtest_pwm/ -STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH = -SHORT_NAMES = NO -JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF = NO -MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF = NO -DETAILS_AT_TOP = NO -INHERIT_DOCS = YES -DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC = NO -TAB_SIZE = 8 -ALIASES = -OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C = NO -OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA = NO -SUBGROUPING = YES -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Build related configuration options -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -EXTRACT_ALL = NO -EXTRACT_PRIVATE = NO -EXTRACT_STATIC = NO -EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES = YES -EXTRACT_LOCAL_METHODS = NO -HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS = NO -HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES = NO -HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS = NO -HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS = NO -INTERNAL_DOCS = NO -CASE_SENSE_NAMES = YES -HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES = NO -SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES = YES -INLINE_INFO = YES -SORT_MEMBER_DOCS = YES -SORT_BRIEF_DOCS = NO -SORT_BY_SCOPE_NAME = NO -GENERATE_TODOLIST = YES -GENERATE_TESTLIST = YES -GENERATE_BUGLIST = YES -GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST= YES -ENABLED_SECTIONS = -MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES = 30 -SHOW_USED_FILES = YES -SHOW_DIRECTORIES = YES -FILE_VERSION_FILTER = -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to warning and progress messages -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -QUIET = NO -WARNINGS = YES -WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED = YES -WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR = YES -WARN_NO_PARAMDOC = NO -WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text" -WARN_LOGFILE = -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the input files -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -INPUT = /home/cabrit/arm/lpc21xx-boot/app/arm/test_pwm -FILE_PATTERNS = *.c \ - *.cc \ - *.cxx \ - *.cpp \ - *.c++ \ - *.java \ - *.ii \ - *.ixx \ - *.ipp \ - *.i++ \ - *.inl \ - *.h \ - *.hh \ - *.hxx \ - *.hpp \ - *.h++ \ - *.idl \ - *.odl \ - *.cs \ - *.php \ - *.php3 \ - *.inc \ - *.m \ - *.mm \ - *.dox \ - *.C \ - *.CC \ - *.C++ \ - *.II \ - *.I++ \ - *.H \ - *.HH \ - *.H++ \ - *.CS \ - *.PHP \ - *.PHP3 \ - *.M \ - *.MM \ - *.C \ - *.H \ - *.tlh \ - *.diff \ - *.patch \ - *.moc \ - *.xpm \ - *.dox -RECURSIVE = yes -EXCLUDE = -EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS = NO -EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = -EXAMPLE_PATH = -EXAMPLE_PATTERNS = * -EXAMPLE_RECURSIVE = NO -IMAGE_PATH = -INPUT_FILTER = -FILTER_PATTERNS = -FILTER_SOURCE_FILES = NO -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to source browsing -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -SOURCE_BROWSER = NO -INLINE_SOURCES = NO -STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS = YES -REFERENCED_BY_RELATION = YES -REFERENCES_RELATION = YES -VERBATIM_HEADERS = YES -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the alphabetical class index -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ALPHABETICAL_INDEX = NO -COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX = 5 -IGNORE_PREFIX = -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the HTML output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_HTML = YES -HTML_OUTPUT = html -HTML_FILE_EXTENSION = .html -HTML_HEADER = -HTML_FOOTER = -HTML_STYLESHEET = -HTML_ALIGN_MEMBERS = YES -GENERATE_HTMLHELP = NO -CHM_FILE = -HHC_LOCATION = -GENERATE_CHI = NO -BINARY_TOC = NO -TOC_EXPAND = NO -DISABLE_INDEX = NO -ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE = 4 -GENERATE_TREEVIEW = NO -TREEVIEW_WIDTH = 250 -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the LaTeX output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_LATEX = YES -LATEX_OUTPUT = latex -LATEX_CMD_NAME = latex -MAKEINDEX_CMD_NAME = makeindex -COMPACT_LATEX = NO -PAPER_TYPE = a4wide -EXTRA_PACKAGES = -LATEX_HEADER = -PDF_HYPERLINKS = NO -USE_PDFLATEX = NO -LATEX_BATCHMODE = NO -LATEX_HIDE_INDICES = NO -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the RTF output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_RTF = NO -RTF_OUTPUT = rtf -COMPACT_RTF = NO -RTF_HYPERLINKS = NO -RTF_STYLESHEET_FILE = -RTF_EXTENSIONS_FILE = -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the man page output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_MAN = NO -MAN_OUTPUT = man -MAN_EXTENSION = .3 -MAN_LINKS = NO -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the XML output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_XML = yes -XML_OUTPUT = xml -XML_SCHEMA = -XML_DTD = -XML_PROGRAMLISTING = YES -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_AUTOGEN_DEF = NO -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# configuration options related to the Perl module output -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -GENERATE_PERLMOD = NO -PERLMOD_LATEX = NO -PERLMOD_PRETTY = YES -PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX = -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration options related to the preprocessor -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ENABLE_PREPROCESSING = YES -MACRO_EXPANSION = NO -EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF = NO -SEARCH_INCLUDES = YES -INCLUDE_PATH = -INCLUDE_FILE_PATTERNS = -PREDEFINED = -EXPAND_AS_DEFINED = -SKIP_FUNCTION_MACROS = YES -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration::additions related to external references -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -TAGFILES = -GENERATE_TAGFILE = test_pwm.tag -ALLEXTERNALS = NO -EXTERNAL_GROUPS = YES -PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration options related to the dot tool -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -CLASS_DIAGRAMS = YES -HIDE_UNDOC_RELATIONS = YES -HAVE_DOT = NO -CLASS_GRAPH = YES -COLLABORATION_GRAPH = YES -GROUP_GRAPHS = YES -UML_LOOK = NO -TEMPLATE_RELATIONS = NO -INCLUDE_GRAPH = YES -INCLUDED_BY_GRAPH = YES -CALL_GRAPH = NO -GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY = YES -DIRECTORY_GRAPH = YES -DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT = png -DOT_PATH = -DOTFILE_DIRS = -MAX_DOT_GRAPH_WIDTH = 1024 -MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT = 1024 -MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH = 1000 -DOT_TRANSPARENT = NO -DOT_MULTI_TARGETS = NO -GENERATE_LEGEND = YES -DOT_CLEANUP = YES -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -# Configuration::additions related to the search engine -#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -SEARCHENGINE = NO diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Makefile b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 76b56fd..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -# Generic directory or leaf node makefile for OCERA make framework - -ifndef MAKERULES_DIR -MAKERULES_DIR := $(shell ( old_pwd="" ; while [ ! -e Makefile.rules ] ; do if [ "$$old_pwd" = `pwd` ] ; then exit 1 ; else old_pwd=`pwd` ; cd -L .. 2>/dev/null ; fi ; done ; pwd ) ) -endif - -ifeq ($(MAKERULES_DIR),) -all : default -.DEFAULT:: - @echo -e "\nThe Makefile.rules has not been found in this or parent directory\n" -else -include $(MAKERULES_DIR)/Makefile.rules -endif - diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Makefile.omk b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Makefile.omk deleted file mode 100644 index 388dc9d..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/Makefile.omk +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -# -*- makefile -*- - -bin_PROGRAMS = test_pwm - -test_pwm_SOURCES = test_pwm.c pwm.c -#test_LIBS = boot_fn - -#link_VARIANTS = boot ram bload flash diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/run b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/run deleted file mode 100755 index 1ff47e1..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/run +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh - -cd `pwd|sed -e 's/lpc21xx-boot/h8300-boot/'` - -make load diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop deleted file mode 100644 index 58b1021..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop +++ /dev/null @@ -1,179 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version = '1.0'?> -<kdevelop> - <general> - <author>LAGARRIGUE</author> - <email>glagarri@etud.insa-toulouse.fr</email> - <version>$VERSION$</version> - <projectmanagement>KDevCustomProject</projectmanagement> - <primarylanguage>C</primarylanguage> - <ignoreparts> - <part>kdevpartexplorer</part> - <part>kdevrbdebugger</part> - <part>kdevvisualboyadvance</part> - </ignoreparts> - <projectdirectory>.</projectdirectory> - <absoluteprojectpath>false</absoluteprojectpath> - <description/> - <versioncontrol/> - </general> - <kdevcustomproject> - <run> - <mainprogram>run</mainprogram> - 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<customArguments/> - <customTagfilePath/> - </ctagspart> -</kdevelop> diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop.filelist b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop.filelist deleted file mode 100644 index 8958f38..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop.filelist +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -# KDevelop Custom Project File List -test_pwm.c - - - -/home/cabrit/arm/lpc21xx-boot/app/arm/armtest_pwm/test_pwm.c -pwm.c -pwm.h diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop.pcs b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevelop.pcs deleted file mode 100644 index 70cf4bdc8c9c55f5a8ca07a386eb9f604c6fb69d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 3790 zcmeH}%We}v5JhhSjw~y(0z_gBt1Lngd;(dqKte=_rDZ0DiR2gYI1hF~d`G^CKZ0}T z(Xq!Gu}R#3sL^$IPt{D<ttwZKq%FPGp^hZAz&()aIhbgq0kcGXeblK=l(FhF8!-+w zMe|ZGbiwruiwRd@F-3P{nemnxnjUx0^Jk0kK*{0uRae@$SmT~)v1jWCd!FLuUGl6m z4~#o|?7p!^*2zzV{eCC+F>nR!=(Waq#(Px92fg9m+Ny%R9s|o0;5aEc7<usARod1k zvNzC|23}kEK2}z0+d88*Pjt+aX4lm_&C$o<c7_L*uV96nJ+|Z)%RhldsSj(+3RXu% z#Q(Dx8FNKjCSZ}(CTnM`OSeer9%HV7h7BB-^XBJv$=V!Nm+(sXP3Sy>hNnAJ#Sjnr zjhWw}&t+IlBSq;7MwahjF-o4d%*tYenuJ`J`mnCqdFgkp>%W>d_`B%VpU_iM9C`p; zQ6BUDlKvY##oQj1+&mgu<mMb%e7`24j!J!4V;8rlnAJnzjCtG#6|4U}rTT($ly*VU zDT{d(rQ7T&4!++P;ftxEa_vzi_RQ7V=IgSbpZrlg#e;9a{q7n#C+cN050>(5V^(#< z4rd!@AwFMnH$rULHUF$)oCC+P@;I*^mYX_m$iVVhz1lf^5}$|f$XNWI!ol%=1y=Z( nnFU>40-sVJ))@XxwN`ZT85K5*o{RUy&bjyuZYvkO>PCJ65wVEv diff --git a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevses b/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevses deleted file mode 100644 index e905753..0000000 --- a/app/arm/contrib/test_pwm/test_pwm.kdevses +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?> -<!DOCTYPE KDevPrjSession> -<KDevPrjSession> - <DocsAndViews NumberOfDocuments="3" > - <Doc0 NumberOfViews="1" URL="file:/home/cabrit/arm/lpc21xx-boot/app/arm/test_pwm/test_pwm.c" > - <View0 Type="Source" /> - </Doc0> - <Doc1 NumberOfViews="1" URL="file:/home/cabrit/arm/lpc21xx-boot/app/arm/test_pwm/pwm.c" > - <View0 line="126" Type="Source" /> - </Doc1> - <Doc2 NumberOfViews="1" URL="file:/home/cabrit/arm/lpc21xx-boot/app/arm/test_pwm/pwm.h" > - <View0 line="3" Type="Source" /> - </Doc2> - </DocsAndViews> - <pluginList> - <kdevdebugger> - <breakpointList/> - </kdevdebugger> - <kdevbookmarks> - <bookmarks/> - </kdevbookmarks> - <kdevvalgrind> - <executable path="" params="" /> - <valgrind path="" params="" /> - <calltree path="" params="" /> - <kcachegrind path="" /> - </kdevvalgrind> - </pluginList> -</KDevPrjSession> --

The applications were moved to board/arch subdirectory, so these extra checks in Makfile.omk are redundant now. --- arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk | 6 ------ arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk | 14 -------------- arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/Makefile.omk | 10 ---------- arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk | 16 ---------------- arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk | 10 ---------- arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/Makefile.omk | 13 ------------- arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk | 6 ------ board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk | 16 ---------------- board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Makefile.omk | 11 ----------- board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk | 24 +++++++----------------- board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink/Makefile.omk | 10 ---------- board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny/Makefile.omk | 11 ----------- board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/Makefile.omk | 10 ---------- 13 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-) diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk index bcb90da..c82d980 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc13xx/test/ahoy1311/Makefile.omk @@ -1,14 +1,8 @@ # -*- makefile -*- -ifeq ($(MACH),lpc13xx) bin_PROGRAMS = ahoy1311 ahoy1311_SOURCES = ahoy.c ahoy1311_LIBS = uart_zen link_VARIANTS = ram flash -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) - $(error This works only with LPC13xx machnies!) -endif -endif diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk index 32d892e..546c779 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/armtest_leds/Makefile.omk @@ -1,17 +1,3 @@ # -*- makefile -*- - -MY_MACH = lpc21xx -ifeq ($(MACH), $(MY_MACH)) - - -#za bin_programs se dava nazev programu bin_PROGRAMS = armtest_leds - -# za nazev_programu_SOURCES = se davaji vsechny c zdrojaky, ktere se maji prelozit, oddelovac je mezernik armtest_leds_SOURCES = main.c - -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) -$(error Not my mach - $(MY_MACH). Not going to compile!) -endif -endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/Makefile.omk index d4ba6ac..ea355ab 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/canldtg/Makefile.omk @@ -1,8 +1,4 @@ # -*- makefile -*- - -MY_MACH = lpc21xx -ifeq ($(MACH), $(MY_MACH)) - ifdef ID CFLAGS += -DCANLOAD_ID=$(ID) endif @@ -11,9 +7,3 @@ link_VARIANTS = canld bin_PROGRAMS = canldtg canldtg_LIBS = can canldtg_SOURCES = canld_tg.c - -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) -$(error Not my mach - $(MY_MACH). Not going to compile!) -endif -endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk index 04b587b..e19eb4b 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/interrupt_t0_test/Makefile.omk @@ -1,20 +1,4 @@ # -*- makefile -*- - -MY_MACH = lpc21xx -ifeq ($(MACH), $(MY_MACH)) - - - bin_PROGRAMS = interrupt_t0_test interrupt_t0_test_SOURCES = interrupt_t0_test.c - -# Switch off compiler optimization and debug info. -#OPTIMIZE= -#DEBUG= - -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) -$(error Not my mach - $(MY_MACH). Not going to compile!) -endif -endif diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk index 6e886ab..0de68ae 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_ARMBoard_pwm/Makefile.omk @@ -1,17 +1,7 @@ # -*- makefile -*- - -MY_MACH = lpc21xx -ifeq ($(MACH), $(MY_MACH)) - bin_PROGRAMS = test_ARMBoard_pwm test_ARMBoard_pwm_SOURCES = test_ARMBoard_pwm.c pwm.c #test_LIBS = boot_fn #link_VARIANTS = boot ram bload flash - -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) -$(error Not my mach - $(MY_MACH). Not going to compile!) -endif -endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/Makefile.omk index e52e6f1..93b040a 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc21xx/test/test_uart/Makefile.omk @@ -1,18 +1,5 @@ # -*- makefile -*- -MY_MACH = lpc21xx -ifeq ($(MACH), $(MY_MACH)) - bin_PROGRAMS = test_uart test_uart_SOURCES = uart_test.c uartx.c - -# Switch off compiler optimization and debug info. -#OPTIMIZE= -#DEBUG= - -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) -$(error Not my mach - $(MY_MACH). Not going to compile!) -endif -endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk b/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk index 69a82ef..95c2b69 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk +++ b/arch/arm/mach-lpc23xx/test/ahoy2364/Makefile.omk @@ -1,14 +1,8 @@ # -*- makefile -*- -ifeq ($(MACH),lpc23xx) bin_PROGRAMS = ahoy2364 ahoy2364_SOURCES = ahoy2364.c ahoy2364_LIBS = pwm pll uart_zen link_VARIANTS = ram -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) - $(error This works only with LPC23xx machnies!) -endif -endif diff --git a/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk index bfd461b..83e3181 100644 --- a/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk +++ b/board/arm/lpc17cmsis-mbed/test/mbed_blink/Makefile.omk @@ -1,19 +1,3 @@ # -*- makefile -*- -MY_BOARD = lpc17cmsis-mbed -ifeq ($(BOARD), $(MY_BOARD)) - - -# eb_blink je nazev programu, pod timto navzem bude systemem prekladan bin_PROGRAMS = mbed_blink - - -# za nazev_programu_SOURCES se davaji vsechny C zdrojaky, ktere se budou kompilovat mbed_blink_SOURCES = main.c - - - -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) -$(error Not my board - $(MY_BOARD). Not going to compile!) -endif -endif diff --git a/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Makefile.omk index cfab0d6..90b9fdd 100644 --- a/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Makefile.omk +++ b/board/arm/lpceurobot/app/minibee/Makefile.omk @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ # -*- makefile -*- - -MY_BOARD = lpceurobot -ifeq ($(BOARD), $(MY_BOARD)) - - # eb_blink je nazev programu, pod timto navzem bude systemem prekladan bin_PROGRAMS = minibee @@ -13,9 +8,3 @@ minibee_SOURCES = main.c spi_LPC.c MC1319x.c uart_minibee.c minibee_LIBS = ebb - -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) -$(error Not my board - $(MY_BOARD). Not going to compile!) -endif -endif diff --git a/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk index 305582e..f4eaf58 100644 --- a/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk +++ b/board/arm/lpceurobot/libs/eb_ebb/Makefile.omk @@ -1,23 +1,13 @@ # -*- makefile -*- +bin_PROGRAMS = eb_ebb -MY_BOARD = lpceurobot -ifeq ($(BOARD), $(MY_BOARD)) +eb_ebb_SOURCES = main.c +eb_ebb_LIBS = can ebb - bin_PROGRAMS = eb_ebb - eb_ebb_SOURCES = main.c - eb_ebb_LIBS = can ebb +lib_LIBRARIES = ebb +ebb_SOURCES = powswitch.c uart.c servo.c engine.c adc.c adc_filtr.c +include_HEADERS = engine.h powswitch.h servo.h uart.h adc.h adc_filtr.h - lib_LIBRARIES = ebb - ebb_SOURCES = powswitch.c uart.c servo.c engine.c adc.c adc_filtr.c - - include_HEADERS = engine.h powswitch.h servo.h uart.h adc.h adc_filtr.h - - link_VARIANTS = flash - -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) -$(error Not my board - $(MY_BOARD). Not going to compile!) -endif -endif +link_VARIANTS = flash diff --git a/board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink/Makefile.omk index 8d99935..e395bd3 100644 --- a/board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink/Makefile.omk +++ b/board/arm/lpceurobot/test/eb_blink/Makefile.omk @@ -1,17 +1,7 @@ # -*- makefile -*- -MY_BOARD = lpceurobot -ifeq ($(BOARD), $(MY_BOARD)) - - # eb_blink je nazev programu, pod timto navzem bude systemem prekladan bin_PROGRAMS = eb_blink # za nazev_programu_SOURCES se davaji vsechny C zdrojaky, ktere se budou kompilovat eb_blink_SOURCES = main.c - -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) -$(error Not my board - $(MY_BOARD). Not going to compile!) -endif -endif diff --git a/board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny/Makefile.omk index 2b21934..a6c4911 100644 --- a/board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny/Makefile.omk +++ b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/shodiny/Makefile.omk @@ -1,17 +1,6 @@ # -*- makefile -*- -MY_BOARD = spejblarm -ifeq ($(BOARD), $(MY_BOARD)) - - - bin_PROGRAMS = shodiny shodiny_SOURCES = hodiny.c shodiny_LIBS = can link_VARIANTS = mpram - -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) -$(error Not my board - $(MY_BOARD). Not going to compile!) -endif -endif \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/Makefile.omk b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/Makefile.omk index 94cb2f1..d1224bc 100644 --- a/board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/Makefile.omk +++ b/board/arm/spejblarm/app/smotor/Makefile.omk @@ -1,15 +1,5 @@ # -*- makefile -*- -MY_BOARD = spejblarm -ifeq ($(BOARD), $(MY_BOARD)) - - bin_PROGRAMS = smotor smotor_SOURCES = motor.c pwm.c smotor_LIBS = can link_VARIANTS = mpram - -else -ifeq ($(RELATIVE_DIR),$(INVOCATION_DIR)) -$(error Not my board - $(MY_BOARD). Not going to compile!) -endif -endif --

--- app/README | 8 ++++++++ 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) diff --git a/app/README b/app/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1717f42 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/README @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +Put your application to this directory. + +It is expected that you will keep the sysless together with your +application in a separate repository. Updating the sysless framework +will happen through merges from sysless repository. Fixes and +contributions to sysless framework should be sent as patches to +sysless mailing list. These patches should not contain anything under +app/. --
participants (1)
Michal Sojka